${dataset.dbkey in $site_dbkeys} ${site_link}${site_organism}/Location/View?r=${position};contigviewbottom=url:${gff_file.qp}=normal $site_organisms[ $site_dbkeys.index( $gff_file.dbkey ) ] #set chrom, start, end = $gff_file.datatype.get_estimated_display_viewport( $gff_file ) #if $chrom is not None: ##The difference between chr1 and 1 is handled by Ensembl, except for the viewport, we need to provide e.g. '1' instead of 'chr1' here ##This is rather naive, it would be more ideal to have actual mappings #if $chrom == 'chrM': #set $chrom = 'MT' #end if #if $chrom.startswith( 'chr' ): #set $chrom = $chrom[3:] #end if ${chrom}:${start}-${end} #else: ##default view is of '1' 1 #end if ${dataset.dbkey in $site_dbkeys} ${site_link}${site_organism}/contigview?data_URL=${gff_file.qp}${position} $site_organisms[ $site_dbkeys.index( $gff_file.dbkey ) ] #set chrom, start, end = $gff_file.datatype.get_estimated_display_viewport( $gff_file ) #if $chrom is not None: ##The difference between chr1 and 1 is handled by Ensembl, except for the viewport, we need to provide e.g. '1' instead of 'chr1' here ##This is rather naive, it would be more ideal to have actual mappings #if $chrom == 'chrM': #set $chrom = 'MT' #end if #if $chrom.startswith( 'chr' ): #set $chrom = $chrom[3:] #end if &chr=${chrom}&start=${start}&end=${end} #end if