; ; Galaxy egg version configuration ; ; This file is version controlled and should not be edited by hand! ; For more information, see: ; http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Config/Eggs ; [general] repository = http://eggs.g2.bx.psu.edu/new ; these eggs must be scrambled for your local environment no_auto = pbs_python DRMAA_python [eggs:platform] bx_python = 0.5.0 Cheetah = 2.2.2 DRMAA_python = 0.2 MySQL_python = 1.2.3c1 numpy = 1.3.0 pbs_python = 4.1.0 psycopg2 = 2.0.13 pycrypto = 2.0.1 pysam = 0.1.1 pysqlite = 2.5.6 python_lzo = 1.08_2.03_static simplejson = 2.1.1 threadframe = 0.2 guppy = 0.1.8 [eggs:noplatform] amqplib = 0.6.1 Beaker = 1.4 decorator = 3.1.2 docutils = 0.4 drmaa = 0.4b3 elementtree = 1.2.6_20050316 GeneTrack = 2.0.0_beta_1 lrucache = 0.2 Mako = 0.2.5 nose = 0.11.1 NoseHTML = 0.3.1 Paste = 1.6 PasteDeploy = 1.3.3 PasteScript = 1.7.3 pexpect = 2.4 Routes = 1.12.3 SQLAlchemy = 0.5.6 sqlalchemy_migrate = 0.5.4 SVGFig = 1.1.6 Tempita = 0.1 twill = 0.9 WebError = 0.8a WebHelpers = 0.2 WebOb = 0.8.5 wsgiref = 0.1.2 Babel = 0.9.4 wchartype = 0.1 Whoosh = 0.3.18 ; extra version information [tags] psycopg2 = _8.4.2_static pysqlite = _3.6.17_static MySQL_python = _5.1.41_static bx_python = _dev_f74aec067563 GeneTrack = _dev_48da9e998f0caf01c5be731e926f4b0481f658f0 SQLAlchemy = _dev_r6498 pysam = _kanwei_90e03180969d ; dependency source urls, necessary for scrambling. for an explanation, see ; the wiki page above [source] MySQL_python = mysql-5.1.41 psycopg2 = postgresql-8.4.2 pysqlite = sqlite-amalgamation-3_6_17 [dependencies] bx_python = numpy