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[3]1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
4# All rights reserved.
6# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
7# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
8# are also available at
10# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
11# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
12# history and logs, available at
14"""Locale dependent formatting and parsing of numeric data.
16The default locale for the functions in this module is determined by the
17following environment variables, in that order:
19 * ``LC_NUMERIC``,
20 * ``LC_ALL``, and
21 * ``LANG``
23# TODO:
24#  Padding and rounding increments in pattern:
25#  - (Appendix G.6)
26import math
27import re
29    from decimal import Decimal
30    have_decimal = True
31except ImportError:
32    have_decimal = False
34from babel.core import default_locale, Locale
36__all__ = ['format_number', 'format_decimal', 'format_currency',
37           'format_percent', 'format_scientific', 'parse_number',
38           'parse_decimal', 'NumberFormatError']
39__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
41LC_NUMERIC = default_locale('LC_NUMERIC')
43def get_currency_name(currency, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
44    """Return the name used by the locale for the specified currency.
46    >>> get_currency_name('USD', 'en_US')
47    u'US Dollar'
49    :param currency: the currency code
50    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
51    :return: the currency symbol
52    :rtype: `unicode`
53    :since: version 0.9.4
54    """
55    return Locale.parse(locale).currencies.get(currency, currency)
57def get_currency_symbol(currency, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
58    """Return the symbol used by the locale for the specified currency.
60    >>> get_currency_symbol('USD', 'en_US')
61    u'$'
63    :param currency: the currency code
64    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
65    :return: the currency symbol
66    :rtype: `unicode`
67    """
68    return Locale.parse(locale).currency_symbols.get(currency, currency)
70def get_decimal_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
71    """Return the symbol used by the locale to separate decimal fractions.
73    >>> get_decimal_symbol('en_US')
74    u'.'
76    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
77    :return: the decimal symbol
78    :rtype: `unicode`
79    """
80    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('decimal', u'.')
82def get_plus_sign_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
83    """Return the plus sign symbol used by the current locale.
85    >>> get_plus_sign_symbol('en_US')
86    u'+'
88    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
89    :return: the plus sign symbol
90    :rtype: `unicode`
91    """
92    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('plusSign', u'+')
94def get_minus_sign_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
95    """Return the plus sign symbol used by the current locale.
97    >>> get_minus_sign_symbol('en_US')
98    u'-'
100    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
101    :return: the plus sign symbol
102    :rtype: `unicode`
103    """
104    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('minusSign', u'-')
106def get_exponential_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
107    """Return the symbol used by the locale to separate mantissa and exponent.
109    >>> get_exponential_symbol('en_US')
110    u'E'
112    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
113    :return: the exponential symbol
114    :rtype: `unicode`
115    """
116    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('exponential', u'E')
118def get_group_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
119    """Return the symbol used by the locale to separate groups of thousands.
121    >>> get_group_symbol('en_US')
122    u','
124    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
125    :return: the group symbol
126    :rtype: `unicode`
127    """
128    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('group', u',')
130def format_number(number, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
131    """Return the given number formatted for a specific locale.
133    >>> format_number(1099, locale='en_US')
134    u'1,099'
136    :param number: the number to format
137    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
138    :return: the formatted number
139    :rtype: `unicode`
140    """
141    # Do we really need this one?
142    return format_decimal(number, locale=locale)
144def format_decimal(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
145    """Return the given decimal number formatted for a specific locale.
147    >>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='en_US')
148    u'1.234'
149    >>> format_decimal(1.2346, locale='en_US')
150    u'1.235'
151    >>> format_decimal(-1.2346, locale='en_US')
152    u'-1.235'
153    >>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='sv_SE')
154    u'1,234'
155    >>> format_decimal(12345, locale='de')
156    u'12.345'
158    The appropriate thousands grouping and the decimal separator are used for
159    each locale:
161    >>> format_decimal(12345.5, locale='en_US')
162    u'12,345.5'
164    :param number: the number to format
165    :param format:
166    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
167    :return: the formatted decimal number
168    :rtype: `unicode`
169    """
170    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
171    if not format:
172        format = locale.decimal_formats.get(format)
173    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
174    return pattern.apply(number, locale)
176def format_currency(number, currency, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
177    u"""Return formatted currency value.
179    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'USD', locale='en_US')
180    u'$1,099.98'
181    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'USD', locale='es_CO')
182    u'US$\\xa01.099,98'
183    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'EUR', locale='de_DE')
184    u'1.099,98\\xa0\\u20ac'
186    The pattern can also be specified explicitly:
188    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'EUR', u'\xa4\xa4 #,##0.00', locale='en_US')
189    u'EUR 1,099.98'
191    :param number: the number to format
192    :param currency: the currency code
193    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
194    :return: the formatted currency value
195    :rtype: `unicode`
196    """
197    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
198    if not format:
199        format = locale.currency_formats.get(format)
200    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
201    return pattern.apply(number, locale, currency=currency)
203def format_percent(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
204    """Return formatted percent value for a specific locale.
206    >>> format_percent(0.34, locale='en_US')
207    u'34%'
208    >>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='en_US')
209    u'2,512%'
210    >>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='sv_SE')
211    u'2\\xa0512\\xa0%'
213    The format pattern can also be specified explicitly:
215    >>> format_percent(25.1234, u'#,##0\u2030', locale='en_US')
216    u'25,123\u2030'
218    :param number: the percent number to format
219    :param format:
220    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
221    :return: the formatted percent number
222    :rtype: `unicode`
223    """
224    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
225    if not format:
226        format = locale.percent_formats.get(format)
227    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
228    return pattern.apply(number, locale)
230def format_scientific(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
231    """Return value formatted in scientific notation for a specific locale.
233    >>> format_scientific(10000, locale='en_US')
234    u'1E4'
236    The format pattern can also be specified explicitly:
238    >>> format_scientific(1234567, u'##0E00', locale='en_US')
239    u'1.23E06'
241    :param number: the number to format
242    :param format:
243    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
244    :return: value formatted in scientific notation.
245    :rtype: `unicode`
246    """
247    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
248    if not format:
249        format = locale.scientific_formats.get(format)
250    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
251    return pattern.apply(number, locale)
254class NumberFormatError(ValueError):
255    """Exception raised when a string cannot be parsed into a number."""
258def parse_number(string, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
259    """Parse localized number string into a long integer.
261    >>> parse_number('1,099', locale='en_US')
262    1099L
263    >>> parse_number('1.099', locale='de_DE')
264    1099L
266    When the given string cannot be parsed, an exception is raised:
268    >>> parse_number('1.099,98', locale='de')
269    Traceback (most recent call last):
270        ...
271    NumberFormatError: '1.099,98' is not a valid number
273    :param string: the string to parse
274    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
275    :return: the parsed number
276    :rtype: `long`
277    :raise `NumberFormatError`: if the string can not be converted to a number
278    """
279    try:
280        return long(string.replace(get_group_symbol(locale), ''))
281    except ValueError:
282        raise NumberFormatError('%r is not a valid number' % string)
284def parse_decimal(string, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
285    """Parse localized decimal string into a float.
287    >>> parse_decimal('1,099.98', locale='en_US')
288    1099.98
289    >>> parse_decimal('1.099,98', locale='de')
290    1099.98
292    When the given string cannot be parsed, an exception is raised:
294    >>> parse_decimal('2,109,998', locale='de')
295    Traceback (most recent call last):
296        ...
297    NumberFormatError: '2,109,998' is not a valid decimal number
299    :param string: the string to parse
300    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
301    :return: the parsed decimal number
302    :rtype: `float`
303    :raise `NumberFormatError`: if the string can not be converted to a
304                                decimal number
305    """
306    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
307    try:
308        return float(string.replace(get_group_symbol(locale), '')
309                           .replace(get_decimal_symbol(locale), '.'))
310    except ValueError:
311        raise NumberFormatError('%r is not a valid decimal number' % string)
314PREFIX_END = r'[^0-9@#.,]'
315NUMBER_TOKEN = r'[0-9@#.\-,E+]'
317PREFIX_PATTERN = r"(?P<prefix>(?:'[^']*'|%s)*)" % PREFIX_END
318NUMBER_PATTERN = r"(?P<number>%s+)" % NUMBER_TOKEN
319SUFFIX_PATTERN = r"(?P<suffix>.*)"
321number_re = re.compile(r"%s%s%s" % (PREFIX_PATTERN, NUMBER_PATTERN,
322                                    SUFFIX_PATTERN))
324def split_number(value):
325    """Convert a number into a (intasstring, fractionasstring) tuple"""
326    if have_decimal and isinstance(value, Decimal):
327        text = str(value)
328    else:
329        text = ('%.9f' % value).rstrip('0')
330    if '.' in text:
331        a, b = text.split('.', 1)
332        if b == '0':
333            b = ''
334    else:
335        a, b = text, ''
336    return a, b
338def bankersround(value, ndigits=0):
339    """Round a number to a given precision.
341    Works like round() except that the round-half-even (banker's rounding)
342    algorithm is used instead of round-half-up.
344    >>> bankersround(5.5, 0)
345    6.0
346    >>> bankersround(6.5, 0)
347    6.0
348    >>> bankersround(-6.5, 0)
349    -6.0
350    >>> bankersround(1234.0, -2)
351    1200.0
352    """
353    sign = int(value < 0) and -1 or 1
354    value = abs(value)
355    a, b = split_number(value)
356    digits = a + b
357    add = 0
358    i = len(a) + ndigits
359    if i < 0 or i >= len(digits):
360        pass
361    elif digits[i] > '5':
362        add = 1
363    elif digits[i] == '5' and digits[i-1] in '13579':
364        add = 1
365    scale = 10**ndigits
366    if have_decimal and isinstance(value, Decimal):
367        return Decimal(int(value * scale + add)) / scale * sign
368    else:
369        return float(int(value * scale + add)) / scale * sign
371def parse_pattern(pattern):
372    """Parse number format patterns"""
373    if isinstance(pattern, NumberPattern):
374        return pattern
376    # Do we have a negative subpattern?
377    if ';' in pattern:
378        pattern, neg_pattern = pattern.split(';', 1)
379        pos_prefix, number, pos_suffix =
380        neg_prefix, _, neg_suffix =
381    else:
382        pos_prefix, number, pos_suffix =
383        neg_prefix = '-' + pos_prefix
384        neg_suffix = pos_suffix
385    if 'E' in number:
386        number, exp = number.split('E', 1)
387    else:
388        exp = None
389    if '@' in number:
390        if '.' in number and '0' in number:
391            raise ValueError('Significant digit patterns can not contain '
392                             '"@" or "0"')
393    if '.' in number:
394        integer, fraction = number.rsplit('.', 1)
395    else:
396        integer = number
397        fraction = ''
398    min_frac = max_frac = 0
400    def parse_precision(p):
401        """Calculate the min and max allowed digits"""
402        min = max = 0
403        for c in p:
404            if c in '@0':
405                min += 1
406                max += 1
407            elif c == '#':
408                max += 1
409            elif c == ',':
410                continue
411            else:
412                break
413        return min, max
415    def parse_grouping(p):
416        """Parse primary and secondary digit grouping
418        >>> parse_grouping('##')
419        0, 0
420        >>> parse_grouping('#,###')
421        3, 3
422        >>> parse_grouping('#,####,###')
423        3, 4
424        """
425        width = len(p)
426        g1 = p.rfind(',')
427        if g1 == -1:
428            return 1000, 1000
429        g1 = width - g1 - 1
430        g2 = p[:-g1 - 1].rfind(',')
431        if g2 == -1:
432            return g1, g1
433        g2 = width - g1 - g2 - 2
434        return g1, g2
436    int_prec = parse_precision(integer)
437    frac_prec = parse_precision(fraction)
438    if exp:
439        frac_prec = parse_precision(integer+fraction)
440        exp_plus = exp.startswith('+')
441        exp = exp.lstrip('+')
442        exp_prec = parse_precision(exp)
443    else:
444        exp_plus = None
445        exp_prec = None
446    grouping = parse_grouping(integer)
447    return NumberPattern(pattern, (pos_prefix, neg_prefix),
448                         (pos_suffix, neg_suffix), grouping,
449                         int_prec, frac_prec,
450                         exp_prec, exp_plus)
453class NumberPattern(object):
455    def __init__(self, pattern, prefix, suffix, grouping,
456                 int_prec, frac_prec, exp_prec, exp_plus):
457        self.pattern = pattern
458        self.prefix = prefix
459        self.suffix = suffix
460        self.grouping = grouping
461        self.int_prec = int_prec
462        self.frac_prec = frac_prec
463        self.exp_prec = exp_prec
464        self.exp_plus = exp_plus
465        if '%' in ''.join(self.prefix + self.suffix):
466            self.scale = 100
467        elif u'窶ー' in ''.join(self.prefix + self.suffix):
468            self.scale = 1000
469        else:
470            self.scale = 1
472    def __repr__(self):
473        return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.pattern)
475    def apply(self, value, locale, currency=None):
476        value *= self.scale
477        is_negative = int(value < 0)
478        if self.exp_prec: # Scientific notation
479            value = abs(value)
480            if value:
481                exp = int(math.floor(math.log(value, 10)))
482            else:
483                exp = 0
484            # Minimum number of integer digits
485            if self.int_prec[0] == self.int_prec[1]:
486                exp -= self.int_prec[0] - 1
487            # Exponent grouping
488            elif self.int_prec[1]:
489                exp = int(exp) / self.int_prec[1] * self.int_prec[1]
490            if not have_decimal or not isinstance(value, Decimal):
491                value = float(value)
492            if exp < 0:
493                value = value * 10**(-exp)
494            else:
495                value = value / 10**exp
496            exp_sign = ''
497            if exp < 0:
498                exp_sign = get_minus_sign_symbol(locale)
499            elif self.exp_plus:
500                exp_sign = get_plus_sign_symbol(locale)
501            exp = abs(exp)
502            number = u'%s%s%s%s' % \
503                 (self._format_sigdig(value, self.frac_prec[0],
504                                     self.frac_prec[1]),
505                  get_exponential_symbol(locale),  exp_sign,
506                  self._format_int(str(exp), self.exp_prec[0],
507                                   self.exp_prec[1], locale))
508        elif '@' in self.pattern: # Is it a siginificant digits pattern?
509            text = self._format_sigdig(abs(value),
510                                      self.int_prec[0],
511                                      self.int_prec[1])
512            if '.' in text:
513                a, b = text.split('.')
514                a = self._format_int(a, 0, 1000, locale)
515                if b:
516                    b = get_decimal_symbol(locale) + b
517                number = a + b
518            else:
519                number = self._format_int(text, 0, 1000, locale)
520        else: # A normal number pattern
521            a, b = split_number(bankersround(abs(value),
522                                             self.frac_prec[1]))
523            b = b or '0'
524            a = self._format_int(a, self.int_prec[0],
525                                 self.int_prec[1], locale)
526            b = self._format_frac(b, locale)
527            number = a + b
528        retval = u'%s%s%s' % (self.prefix[is_negative], number,
529                                self.suffix[is_negative])
530        if u'ツ、' in retval:
531            retval = retval.replace(u'ツ、ツ、', currency.upper())
532            retval = retval.replace(u'ツ、', get_currency_symbol(currency, locale))
533        return retval
535    def _format_sigdig(self, value, min, max):
536        """Convert value to a string.
538        The resulting string will contain between (min, max) number of
539        significant digits.
540        """
541        a, b = split_number(value)
542        ndecimals = len(a)
543        if a == '0' and b != '':
544            ndecimals = 0
545            while b.startswith('0'):
546                b = b[1:]
547                ndecimals -= 1
548        a, b = split_number(bankersround(value, max - ndecimals))
549        digits = len((a + b).lstrip('0'))
550        if not digits:
551            digits = 1
552        # Figure out if we need to add any trailing '0':s
553        if len(a) >= max and a != '0':
554            return a
555        if digits < min:
556            b += ('0' * (min - digits))
557        if b:
558            return '%s.%s' % (a, b)
559        return a
561    def _format_int(self, value, min, max, locale):
562        width = len(value)
563        if width < min:
564            value = '0' * (min - width) + value
565        gsize = self.grouping[0]
566        ret = ''
567        symbol = get_group_symbol(locale)
568        while len(value) > gsize:
569            ret = symbol + value[-gsize:] + ret
570            value = value[:-gsize]
571            gsize = self.grouping[1]
572        return value + ret
574    def _format_frac(self, value, locale):
575        min, max = self.frac_prec
576        if len(value) < min:
577            value += ('0' * (min - len(value)))
578        if max == 0 or (min == 0 and int(value) == 0):
579            return ''
580        width = len(value)
581        while len(value) > min and value[-1] == '0':
582            value = value[:-1]
583        return get_decimal_symbol(locale) + value
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。