root/galaxy-central/eggs/GeneTrack-2.0.0_beta_1_dev_48da9e998f0caf01c5be731e926f4b0481f658f0-py2.6.egg/genetrack/ @ 3

リビジョン 3, 10.4 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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2Utilities for the hierarchical data format (HDF).
5from tables import openFile
6from tables import IsDescription, IntCol, FloatCol
7from genetrack import logger, util, conf
8from itertools import *
9import os, bisect, gc, csv
11# missing file
12missing = lambda f: not os.path.isfile(f)
14# prints messages after processing chunk  number of lines
15CHUNK = 10**5
17class PositionalSchema( IsDescription ):
18    """
19    Stores a triplet of float values for each index.
20    """
21    # the position arguments must be present
22    idx = IntCol  ( pos=1 )  # index
23    fwd = FloatCol( pos=2 )  # values on the forward strand
24    rev = FloatCol( pos=3 )  # value on the reverse strand
25    val = FloatCol( pos=4 )  # weighted value on the combined strands
27class PositionalData(object):
28    """
29    An HFD representation of coordinates with one or more values associated with
30    each of these coordinates. The class can store such data for various labels (chromosomes).
31    The default parser built into the class can process files in the following
32    format::
34        chrom   index   forward reverse value
35        chr1    146     0.0     1.0     1.0
36        chr1    254     0.0     3.0     3.0
37        chr1    319     0.0     1.0     1.0
38        chr1    328     0.0     1.0     1.0
39        chr1    330     0.0     1.0     1.0
40        chr1    339     0.0     1.0     1.0
41        chr1    341     1.0     0.0     1.0
42        ...
44    The default representation is to store a value for the forward and reverse strands,
45    and to produce a composite value (stored as `value` column). In the most common
46    case the composite value is simply the sum of the values on the forward
47    and reverse strands. The input file must be sorted by both coordinates
48    and chromosome (increasing order). Processing is performed in the
49    following manner:
51    >>> from genetrack import conf
52    >>>
53    >>> fname = conf.testdata('test-hdflib-input.txt')
54    >>> index = PositionalData(fname=fname, workdir=conf.TEMP_DATA_DIR, update=True)   
56    Upon the first instantiation the index will be created if it did
57    not exist or if the `update=True` parameter was set.
59    The `workdir` parameter is optional and if present must point
60    to the directory into which the resulting index file will be placed.
61    The contents of the Positional data object may be accessed as a list
62    but note that only the accessed slice is loaded into memory (lazy access).
64    >>> index.labels
65    ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3']
66    >>>
67    >>> # this will return the HDF table as implmenented in pytables
68    >>> table = index.table('chr1')
69    >>>
70    >>> list (table.cols.idx[:10])
71    [146, 254, 319, 328, 330, 339, 341, 342, 345, 362]
72    >>>
73    >>> list( table.cols.fwd[:10])
74    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
75    >>>
76    >>> list( table.cols.rev[:10])
77    [1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
79    We may also find the indices for real coordinates. For example the genomic
80    coordinates 400 and 600 map to internal data indices of 20 to 31
81    (it works as a binary search that returns the left index)
83    >>>
84    >>> start, end = index.indices('chr1', 400, 600)
85    >>> (start, end)
86    (20, 31)
88    We may also query for slices of data that span over an interval
90    >>> results = index.query( 'chr1', 400, 600)
91    >>>
92    >>> # the attributes are numeric arrays, here are cast to list
93    >>>
94    >>> list(results.idx)
95    [402, 403, 411, 419, 427, 432, 434, 443, 587, 593, 596]
96    >>>
97    >>> list(results.fwd)
98    [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
99    >>>
100    >>> list(results.rev)
101    [3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
102    >>>
103    >>> list(results.val)
104    [3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
105    >>> index.close()
106    >>>
108    In order to provide the fastes parsing the internal parser
109    is not overridable. There are transformers that can
110    change bed and gff files to this input format. See the
111    `genetrack.scripts' module.
112    """
114    def __init__(self, fname, workdir=None, update=False, nobuild=False, index=None ):
115        """
116        Create the PositionalData
117        """
118        self.fname = fname
119        self.db = None
121        # split the incoming name to find the real name, and base directory
122        basedir, basename = os.path.split(self.fname)
124        # the index may be stored in the workdir if it was specified
125        basedir = workdir or basedir
127        # this is the HDF index name that the file operates on
128        self.index = index or conf.path_join(basedir, '%s.hdf' % basename)
130        # debug messages
131        logger.debug('file path %s' % self.fname)
132        logger.debug('index path %s' % self.index)
134        # no building permitted
135        if nobuild and missing(self.index):
136            raise Exception('No autobuild allowed and no index found at %s' % self.index)
138        # creating indices if these are missing or an update is forced
139        if update or missing(self.index):
142        # operates on the HDF file
143        self.db=openFile(self.index, mode='r')
144        self.root = self.db.root
146        # shows the internal labels
147        logger.debug('index labels -> %s' % self.labels)
149    def build(self):
150        "May be overriden to use different parsers and schemas"
152 "file='%s'" % self.fname )
153 "index='%s'" % self.index)
155        # check file for existance
156        if missing(self.fname):
157            raise IOError('missing data %s' % self.fname)
159        # provides timing information
160        timer = util.Timer()
162        # iterate over the file
163        reader = csv.reader( file(self.fname, 'rt'), delimiter='\t' )
165        # unwind the reader until it hits the header
166        for row in reader:
167            if row[0] == 'chrom':
168                break
170        # helper function that flushes a table
171        def flush( table, collect, name ):
172            # commit the changes
173            if collect:
174                table.append(collect)
175                table.flush()
176                # nicer information
177                size = util.commify( len(table) )
178      'table=%s, contains %s rows' % (name, size) )
180        # print messages at every CHUNK line
181        last_chrom = table = None
182        db = openFile( self.index, mode='w', title='HDF index database')
184        # continue on with reading, optimized for throughput
185        # with minimal function calls
186        collect = []
187        for linec, row in izip(count(1), reader):
189            # prints progress on processing, also flushes to periodically
190            if (linec % CHUNK) == 0:
191     "... processed %s lines" % util.commify(linec))   
192               flush( table=table, collect=collect, name=last_chrom )
193               collect = []
195            # get the values from each row
196            chrom, index, fwd, rev, value = row
197            fwd, rev, value = float(fwd), float(rev), float(value)
199            # flush when switching chromosomes
200            if chrom != last_chrom:
201                # table==None at the beginning
202                if table is not None:
203                    #logger.debug("... flushing at line %s" % row)   
204                    flush( table=table, collect=collect, name=last_chrom )
205                    collect = []
207                # creates the new HDF table here
208                table = db.createTable(  "/", chrom, PositionalSchema, 'label %s' % chrom )
209      "creating table:%s" % chrom)
210                last_chrom = chrom
212            collect.append( (index, fwd, rev, value) )
214        # flush for last chromosome, report some timing information
215        flush(table, collect, chrom)
216        lineno = util.commify(linec)
217        elapsed =
218"finished inserting %s lines in %s" % (lineno, elapsed) )
220        # close database
221        db.close()
223    @property
224    def labels(self):
225        "Labels in the file"
226        labs = [ for x in self.root._f_listNodes() ]
227        util.nice_sort( labs )
228        return labs
230    def indices( self, label, start, end, colattr='idx'):
231        """
232        Returns the array indices that correspond the start, end values of index column
234        Note that for this to work the values for the column attribute 'colattr'
235        in the table must be sorted in increasing order
236        """
237        table  = self.table( label )
238        column = getattr(table.cols, colattr)
239        istart = bisect.bisect_left( column, start )
240        iend   = bisect.bisect_left( column, end  )
241        return istart, iend
243    def query(self, label, start, end, pad=0, aslist=False ):
244        """
245        Returns data that spans star to end as a class
246        with attributes for idx, fwd, rev and val
247        """
249        step  = 1
250        table = self.table( label )
251        istart, iend = self.indices(label=label, start=start-pad, end=end+pad)
253        idx = table.cols.idx[istart:iend:step]
254        fwd = table.cols.fwd[istart:iend:step]
255        rev = table.cols.rev[istart:iend:step]
256        val = table.cols.val[istart:iend:step]
258        # sometimes we need all return values to belists
259        if aslist:
260            idx, fwd, rev, val = map(list, (idx, fwd, rev, val))
262        params = util.Params( idx=idx, fwd=fwd, rev=rev, val=val )
263        return params
265    def chunks(self, label, size=10**6, step=1 ):
266        """
267        Returns the data as chunks of size. All columns are
268        simultaneously iterated over.
269        """
270        table = self.table( label )
271        for start in xrange(0, 10**9, size):
272            end = start + size
273            idx = table.cols.idx[start:end:step].tolist()
274            if not idx:
275                break
276            fwd = table.cols.fwd[start:end:step].tolist()
277            rev = table.cols.rev[start:end:step].tolist()
278            val = table.cols.val[start:end:step].tolist()       
279            yield idx, fwd, rev, val
281    def table(self, label):
282        return getattr( self.root, label )
284    def chromosome(self, label):
285        """
286        Attempts to get a chromosome when specified by either
287        the label or chr1, chr01, chrom01, chrI
288        """
289        return getattr( self.root, label )
292    def close(self):
293        if self.db is not None:
294            self.db.close()
296    def __del__(self):
297        self.close()
299def test( verbose=0 ):
300    """
301    Test runner
302    """
303    import doctest
304    doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)
306if __name__ == "__main__":
307    test()
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。