""" Functional tests via twill """ import os, unittest, random import testlib from genetrack import logger, conf import twill from twill import commands as tc from StringIO import StringIO from django.conf import settings # django specific handlers from django.test import TestCase, utils from django.core.servers.basehttp import AdminMediaHandler from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler def twill_setup(): app = AdminMediaHandler(WSGIHandler()) twill.add_wsgi_intercept("", 8080, lambda: app) def twill_teardown(): twill.remove_wsgi_intercept('', 8080) def twill_quiet(): # suppress normal output of twill.. You don't want to # call this if you want an interactive session if testlib.TWILL_QUIET: twill.set_output(StringIO()) class TwillTest( TestCase ): """ Base class for twill tests """ fixtures = [ 'test-fixture.json' ] def setUp(self): twill_setup() twill_quiet() def tearDown(self): twill_teardown() class BaseTest( TwillTest ): """ Basic functionality of the site. Also does link checking """ def test_main(self): #testing main page tc.go( testlib.BASE_URL ) tc.code(200) tc.find("GeneTrack") tc.find("You are not logged in") def test_404(self): # testing 404 errors tc.go( testlib.BASE_URL ) tc.go( "./nosuchurl" ) tc.code(404) tc.go( testlib.BASE_URL ) tc.follow('Log in now') tc.find("Please log in") tc.code(200) # logs in on every test tc.fv("1", "email", 'admin') tc.fv("1", "password", '1') tc.submit('0') #print tc.show() tc.code(200) tc.find("Logged in as") class ServerTest( TwillTest ): """ Full server test. """ fixtures = [ 'test-fixture.json' ] def setUp(self): TwillTest.setUp(self) self.login() def tearDown(self): self.logout() TwillTest.tearDown(self) def login(self, name='admin', passwd='1'): "Performs a login" tc.go( testlib.BASE_URL ) tc.follow('Log in now') tc.find("Please log in") tc.code(200) # logs in on every test tc.fv("1", "email", name) tc.fv("1", "password", passwd) tc.submit('0') tc.code(200) tc.find("Logged in as") def logout(self): "Performs a logout" tc.go( testlib.PROJECT_LIST_URL ) tc.code(200) tc.go("/logout/") tc.code(200) tc.find("You are not logged in") def create_project(self, name, info='no info'): """ Creates a new project """ tc.go( testlib.PROJECT_LIST_URL ) tc.find("Logged in as") tc.follow('New Project') tc.code(200) tc.find("Create New Project") tc.fv("1", "name", name ) tc.fv("1", "info", info) tc.submit() tc.code(200) tc.find(name) def delete_project(self, name): """ Deletes a project """ tc.follow("Delete") tc.find("You are removing") tc.fv("1", "delete", True) tc.submit() tc.code(200) tc.find("Project deletion complete") tc.notfind(name) def test_project_actions(self): # main page tc.go( testlib.PROJECT_LIST_URL ) tc.find("Logged in as") # default project list tc.find("Fly data 19") tc.find("Human HELA 16") tc.find("Mouse project HBB 1") # create a new project name = "Rainbow Connection - New Project" self.create_project(name=name) # visit this new project tc.follow(name) tc.code(200) tc.find("Project: %s" % name) # edit and rename project newname = "Iguana Garden - New Project" tc.follow("Edit") tc.find("Edit Project") tc.fv("1", "name", newname ) tc.fv("1", "info", "Some other *markup* goes here") tc.submit() tc.code(200) tc.notfind(name) tc.find(newname) self.delete_project(name=newname) def test_project_member_sharing(self): # tests sharing as a member tc.go( testlib.PROJECT_LIST_URL ) tc.find("Logged in as") # a project list with member access tc.find("Fly data 19") tc.follow("Fly data 19") tc.follow("Sharing") tc.find("Current members") # members may not add access tc.notfind("Add access") tc.follow("<< return to project") tc.find("Project: Fly data 19") def test_project_manager_sharing(self): # test sharing as a manager # main page tc.go( testlib.PROJECT_LIST_URL ) tc.find("Logged in as") # default project list tc.find("Yeast mutant RAV 17") tc.follow("Yeast mutant RAV 17") tc.follow("Sharing") tc.find("Current members") tc.find("Add access") # search for then add Demo User to this project tc.fv("1", "text", "demo" ) tc.submit() tc.code(200) tc.find("Demo User") tc.follow("add as member") tc.find("Demo User") # back to the project view tc.follow("<< return to project") tc.find("Yeast mutant RAV 17") def test_project_stress(self): names = [ 'STRESS-NAME-%010d' % step for step in range(11) ] for name in names: self.create_project(name) for name in names: tc.go( testlib.PROJECT_LIST_URL ) tc.follow(name) self.delete_project(name) def test_project_access(self): # verifies project access # may view this project tc.go("/project/view/19/") tc.code(200) # may not edit it tc.go("/project/edit/19/") tc.code(500) # may not delete it tc.go("/project/delete/19/") tc.code(500) # project does not exist (will return no access) tc.go("/project/view/190/") tc.code(500) def test_data_uploads(self): # data upload test name = 'Upload-test-name' self.create_project(name) tc.follow(name) # find the project id url = tc.follow('Edit') pid = url.split("/")[-2] tc.go("/data/upload/simple/%s/" % pid) # search for then add Demo User to this project tc.formfile("1", "File1", conf.testdata('short-data.bed') ) tc.formfile("1", "File2", conf.testdata('short-good-input.gtrack') ) tc.formfile("1", "File3", conf.testdata('readcounts.png') ) tc.submit() # verify uploads tc.find("short-data.bed") tc.find("short-good-input.gtrack") tc.find("readcounts.png") # visit the dataset tc.follow("short-good-input.gtrack") tc.find("waiting") # edit the dataset tc.follow("Edit") tc.fv("1", "name", "short-good-input.gtrack" ) tc.fv("1", "info","extra-info" ) tc.submit() tc.find("extra-info") # upload two results for it tc.follow("Add results") tc.formfile("1", "content", conf.testdata('short-data.bed') ) tc.formfile("1", "image", conf.testdata('readcounts.png') ) tc.submit() tc.follow("short-data.bed") tc.back() # upload one image tc.follow("Add results") tc.formfile("1", "image", conf.testdata('shift.png') ) tc.submit() tc.follow("shift.png") tc.back() # back to project view tc.follow("Project view") self.delete_project(name) def get_suite(): "Returns the testsuite" return testlib.make_suite( [] ) def local_suite(): "Returns the testsuite" tests = [ BaseTest, ServerTest, ] return testlib.make_suite( tests ) def test_runner( suite, verbosity=0 ): "Runs the functional tests on a test database" from django.db import connection old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME utils.setup_test_environment() connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=verbosity, autoclobber=True) result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) connection.creation.destroy_test_db(old_name, verbosity) utils.teardown_test_environment() if __name__ == '__main__': logger.info("executing functional tests") suite = local_suite() test_runner( suite, verbosity=0)