root/galaxy-central/eggs/Mako-0.2.5-py2.6.egg/mako/ @ 3

リビジョン 3, 6.2 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

Install Unix tools

2# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Michael Bayer
4# This module is part of Mako and is released under
5# the MIT License:
7import os, stat, posixpath, re
8from mako import exceptions, util
9from mako.template import Template
12    import threading
14    import dummy_threading as threading
16class TemplateCollection(object):
17    def has_template(self, uri):
18        try:
19            self.get_template(uri)
20            return True
21        except exceptions.TemplateLookupException, e:
22            return False
23    def get_template(self, uri, relativeto=None):
24        raise NotImplementedError()
25    def filename_to_uri(self, uri, filename):
26        """convert the given filename to a uri relative to this TemplateCollection."""
27        return uri
29    def adjust_uri(self, uri, filename):
30        """adjust the given uri based on the calling filename.
32        when this method is called from the runtime, the 'filename' parameter
33        is taken directly to the 'filename' attribute of the calling
34        template.  Therefore a custom TemplateCollection subclass can place any string
35        identifier desired in the "filename" parameter of the Template objects it constructs
36        and have them come back here."""
37        return uri
39class TemplateLookup(TemplateCollection):
40    def __init__(self, directories=None, module_directory=None, filesystem_checks=True, collection_size=-1, format_exceptions=False,
41    error_handler=None, disable_unicode=False, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', cache_type=None, cache_dir=None, cache_url=None,
42    cache_enabled=True, modulename_callable=None, default_filters=None, buffer_filters=[], imports=None, input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None):
43        if isinstance(directories, basestring):
44            directories = [directories]       
45        self.directories = [posixpath.normpath(d) for d in directories or []]
46        self.module_directory = module_directory
47        self.modulename_callable = modulename_callable
48        self.filesystem_checks = filesystem_checks
49        self.collection_size = collection_size
50        self.template_args = {
51            'format_exceptions':format_exceptions,
52            'error_handler':error_handler,
53            'disable_unicode':disable_unicode,
54            'output_encoding':output_encoding,
55            'encoding_errors':encoding_errors,
56            'input_encoding':input_encoding,
57            'module_directory':module_directory,
58            'cache_type':cache_type,
59            'cache_dir':cache_dir or module_directory,
60            'cache_url':cache_url,
61            'cache_enabled':cache_enabled,
62            'default_filters':default_filters,
63            'buffer_filters':buffer_filters, 
64            'imports':imports,
65            'preprocessor':preprocessor}
66        if collection_size == -1:
67            self.__collection = {}
68            self._uri_cache = {}
69        else:
70            self.__collection = util.LRUCache(collection_size)
71            self._uri_cache = util.LRUCache(collection_size)
72        self._mutex = threading.Lock()
74    def get_template(self, uri):
75        try:
76            if self.filesystem_checks:
77                return self.__check(uri, self.__collection[uri])
78            else:
79                return self.__collection[uri]
80        except KeyError:
81            u = re.sub(r'^\/+', '', uri)
82            for dir in self.directories:
83                srcfile = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(dir, u))
84                if os.path.exists(srcfile):
85                    return self.__load(srcfile, uri)
86            else:
87                raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException("Cant locate template for uri '%s'" % uri)
89    def adjust_uri(self, uri, relativeto):
90        """adjust the given uri based on the calling filename."""
92        if uri[0] != '/':
93            if relativeto is not None:
94                return posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(relativeto), uri)
95            else:
96                return '/' + uri
97        else:
98            return uri
101    def filename_to_uri(self, filename):
102        try:
103            return self._uri_cache[filename]
104        except KeyError:
105            value = self.__relativeize(filename)
106            self._uri_cache[filename] = value
107            return value
109    def __relativeize(self, filename):
110        """return the portion of a filename that is 'relative' to the directories in this lookup."""
111        filename = posixpath.normpath(filename)
112        for dir in self.directories:
113            if filename[0:len(dir)] == dir:
114                return filename[len(dir):]
115        else:
116            return None
118    def __load(self, filename, uri):
119        self._mutex.acquire()
120        try:
121            try:
122                # try returning from collection one more time in case concurrent thread already loaded
123                return self.__collection[uri]
124            except KeyError:
125                pass
126            try:
127                self.__collection[uri] = Template(uri=uri, filename=posixpath.normpath(filename), lookup=self, module_filename=(self.modulename_callable is not None and self.modulename_callable(filename, uri) or None), **self.template_args)
128                return self.__collection[uri]
129            except:
130                self.__collection.pop(uri, None)
131                raise
132        finally:
133            self._mutex.release()
135    def __check(self, uri, template):
136        if template.filename is None:
137            return template
138        if not os.path.exists(template.filename):
139            self.__collection.pop(uri, None)
140            raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException("Cant locate template for uri '%s'" % uri)
141        elif template.module._modified_time < os.stat(template.filename)[stat.ST_MTIME]:
142            self.__collection.pop(uri, None)
143            return self.__load(template.filename, uri)
144        else:
145            return template
147    def put_string(self, uri, text):
148        self.__collection[uri] = Template(text, lookup=self, uri=uri, **self.template_args)
149    def put_template(self, uri, template):
150        self.__collection[uri] = template
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。