# lookup.py # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Michael Bayer mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com # # This module is part of Mako and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php import os, stat, posixpath, re from mako import exceptions, util from mako.template import Template try: import threading except: import dummy_threading as threading class TemplateCollection(object): def has_template(self, uri): try: self.get_template(uri) return True except exceptions.TemplateLookupException, e: return False def get_template(self, uri, relativeto=None): raise NotImplementedError() def filename_to_uri(self, uri, filename): """convert the given filename to a uri relative to this TemplateCollection.""" return uri def adjust_uri(self, uri, filename): """adjust the given uri based on the calling filename. when this method is called from the runtime, the 'filename' parameter is taken directly to the 'filename' attribute of the calling template. Therefore a custom TemplateCollection subclass can place any string identifier desired in the "filename" parameter of the Template objects it constructs and have them come back here.""" return uri class TemplateLookup(TemplateCollection): def __init__(self, directories=None, module_directory=None, filesystem_checks=True, collection_size=-1, format_exceptions=False, error_handler=None, disable_unicode=False, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', cache_type=None, cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, cache_enabled=True, modulename_callable=None, default_filters=None, buffer_filters=[], imports=None, input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None): if isinstance(directories, basestring): directories = [directories] self.directories = [posixpath.normpath(d) for d in directories or []] self.module_directory = module_directory self.modulename_callable = modulename_callable self.filesystem_checks = filesystem_checks self.collection_size = collection_size self.template_args = { 'format_exceptions':format_exceptions, 'error_handler':error_handler, 'disable_unicode':disable_unicode, 'output_encoding':output_encoding, 'encoding_errors':encoding_errors, 'input_encoding':input_encoding, 'module_directory':module_directory, 'cache_type':cache_type, 'cache_dir':cache_dir or module_directory, 'cache_url':cache_url, 'cache_enabled':cache_enabled, 'default_filters':default_filters, 'buffer_filters':buffer_filters, 'imports':imports, 'preprocessor':preprocessor} if collection_size == -1: self.__collection = {} self._uri_cache = {} else: self.__collection = util.LRUCache(collection_size) self._uri_cache = util.LRUCache(collection_size) self._mutex = threading.Lock() def get_template(self, uri): try: if self.filesystem_checks: return self.__check(uri, self.__collection[uri]) else: return self.__collection[uri] except KeyError: u = re.sub(r'^\/+', '', uri) for dir in self.directories: srcfile = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(dir, u)) if os.path.exists(srcfile): return self.__load(srcfile, uri) else: raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException("Cant locate template for uri '%s'" % uri) def adjust_uri(self, uri, relativeto): """adjust the given uri based on the calling filename.""" if uri[0] != '/': if relativeto is not None: return posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(relativeto), uri) else: return '/' + uri else: return uri def filename_to_uri(self, filename): try: return self._uri_cache[filename] except KeyError: value = self.__relativeize(filename) self._uri_cache[filename] = value return value def __relativeize(self, filename): """return the portion of a filename that is 'relative' to the directories in this lookup.""" filename = posixpath.normpath(filename) for dir in self.directories: if filename[0:len(dir)] == dir: return filename[len(dir):] else: return None def __load(self, filename, uri): self._mutex.acquire() try: try: # try returning from collection one more time in case concurrent thread already loaded return self.__collection[uri] except KeyError: pass try: self.__collection[uri] = Template(uri=uri, filename=posixpath.normpath(filename), lookup=self, module_filename=(self.modulename_callable is not None and self.modulename_callable(filename, uri) or None), **self.template_args) return self.__collection[uri] except: self.__collection.pop(uri, None) raise finally: self._mutex.release() def __check(self, uri, template): if template.filename is None: return template if not os.path.exists(template.filename): self.__collection.pop(uri, None) raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException("Cant locate template for uri '%s'" % uri) elif template.module._modified_time < os.stat(template.filename)[stat.ST_MTIME]: self.__collection.pop(uri, None) return self.__load(template.filename, uri) else: return template def put_string(self, uri, text): self.__collection[uri] = Template(text, lookup=self, uri=uri, **self.template_args) def put_template(self, uri, template): self.__collection[uri] = template