1 | /*** |
2 | |
3 | MochiKit.MochiKit 1.3.1 : PACKED VERSION |
4 | |
5 | THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. If creating patches, please |
6 | diff against the source tree, not this file. |
7 | |
8 | See <http://mochikit.com/> for documentation, downloads, license, etc. |
9 | |
10 | (c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights Reserved. |
11 | |
12 | ***/ |
13 | |
14 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
15 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Base"); |
16 | } |
17 | if(typeof (MochiKit)=="undefined"){ |
18 | MochiKit={}; |
19 | } |
20 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ |
21 | MochiKit.Base={}; |
22 | } |
23 | MochiKit.Base.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
24 | MochiKit.Base.NAME="MochiKit.Base"; |
25 | MochiKit.Base.update=function(_1,_2){ |
26 | if(_1===null){ |
27 | _1={}; |
28 | } |
29 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
30 | var o=arguments[i]; |
31 | if(typeof (o)!="undefined"&&o!==null){ |
32 | for(var k in o){ |
33 | _1[k]=o[k]; |
34 | } |
35 | } |
36 | } |
37 | return _1; |
38 | }; |
39 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Base,{__repr__:function(){ |
40 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
41 | },toString:function(){ |
42 | return this.__repr__(); |
43 | },counter:function(n){ |
44 | if(arguments.length===0){ |
45 | n=1; |
46 | } |
47 | return function(){ |
48 | return n++; |
49 | }; |
50 | },clone:function(_7){ |
51 | var me=arguments.callee; |
52 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
53 | me.prototype=_7; |
54 | return new me(); |
55 | } |
56 | },flattenArguments:function(_9){ |
57 | var res=[]; |
58 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
59 | var _12=m.extend(null,arguments); |
60 | while(_12.length){ |
61 | var o=_12.shift(); |
62 | if(o&&typeof (o)=="object"&&typeof (o.length)=="number"){ |
63 | for(var i=o.length-1;i>=0;i--){ |
64 | _12.unshift(o[i]); |
65 | } |
66 | }else{ |
67 | res.push(o); |
68 | } |
69 | } |
70 | return res; |
71 | },extend:function(_13,obj,_15){ |
72 | if(!_15){ |
73 | _15=0; |
74 | } |
75 | if(obj){ |
76 | var l=obj.length; |
77 | if(typeof (l)!="number"){ |
78 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Iter)!="undefined"){ |
79 | obj=MochiKit.Iter.list(obj); |
80 | l=obj.length; |
81 | }else{ |
82 | throw new TypeError("Argument not an array-like and MochiKit.Iter not present"); |
83 | } |
84 | } |
85 | if(!_13){ |
86 | _13=[]; |
87 | } |
88 | for(var i=_15;i<l;i++){ |
89 | _13.push(obj[i]); |
90 | } |
91 | } |
92 | return _13; |
93 | },updatetree:function(_17,obj){ |
94 | if(_17===null){ |
95 | _17={}; |
96 | } |
97 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
98 | var o=arguments[i]; |
99 | if(typeof (o)!="undefined"&&o!==null){ |
100 | for(var k in o){ |
101 | var v=o[k]; |
102 | if(typeof (_17[k])=="object"&&typeof (v)=="object"){ |
103 | arguments.callee(_17[k],v); |
104 | }else{ |
105 | _17[k]=v; |
106 | } |
107 | } |
108 | } |
109 | } |
110 | return _17; |
111 | },setdefault:function(_19,obj){ |
112 | if(_19===null){ |
113 | _19={}; |
114 | } |
115 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
116 | var o=arguments[i]; |
117 | for(var k in o){ |
118 | if(!(k in _19)){ |
119 | _19[k]=o[k]; |
120 | } |
121 | } |
122 | } |
123 | return _19; |
124 | },keys:function(obj){ |
125 | var _20=[]; |
126 | for(var _21 in obj){ |
127 | _20.push(_21); |
128 | } |
129 | return _20; |
130 | },items:function(obj){ |
131 | var _22=[]; |
132 | var e; |
133 | for(var _24 in obj){ |
134 | var v; |
135 | try{ |
136 | v=obj[_24]; |
137 | } |
138 | catch(e){ |
139 | continue; |
140 | } |
141 | _22.push([_24,v]); |
142 | } |
143 | return _22; |
144 | },_newNamedError:function(_25,_26,_27){ |
145 | _27.prototype=new MochiKit.Base.NamedError(_25.NAME+"."+_26); |
146 | _25[_26]=_27; |
147 | },operator:{truth:function(a){ |
148 | return !!a; |
149 | },lognot:function(a){ |
150 | return !a; |
151 | },identity:function(a){ |
152 | return a; |
153 | },not:function(a){ |
154 | return ~a; |
155 | },neg:function(a){ |
156 | return -a; |
157 | },add:function(a,b){ |
158 | return a+b; |
159 | },sub:function(a,b){ |
160 | return a-b; |
161 | },div:function(a,b){ |
162 | return a/b; |
163 | },mod:function(a,b){ |
164 | return a%b; |
165 | },mul:function(a,b){ |
166 | return a*b; |
167 | },and:function(a,b){ |
168 | return a&b; |
169 | },or:function(a,b){ |
170 | return a|b; |
171 | },xor:function(a,b){ |
172 | return a^b; |
173 | },lshift:function(a,b){ |
174 | return a<<b; |
175 | },rshift:function(a,b){ |
176 | return a>>b; |
177 | },zrshift:function(a,b){ |
178 | return a>>>b; |
179 | },eq:function(a,b){ |
180 | return a==b; |
181 | },ne:function(a,b){ |
182 | return a!=b; |
183 | },gt:function(a,b){ |
184 | return a>b; |
185 | },ge:function(a,b){ |
186 | return a>=b; |
187 | },lt:function(a,b){ |
188 | return a<b; |
189 | },le:function(a,b){ |
190 | return a<=b; |
191 | },ceq:function(a,b){ |
192 | return MochiKit.Base.compare(a,b)===0; |
193 | },cne:function(a,b){ |
194 | return MochiKit.Base.compare(a,b)!==0; |
195 | },cgt:function(a,b){ |
196 | return MochiKit.Base.compare(a,b)==1; |
197 | },cge:function(a,b){ |
198 | return MochiKit.Base.compare(a,b)!=-1; |
199 | },clt:function(a,b){ |
200 | return MochiKit.Base.compare(a,b)==-1; |
201 | },cle:function(a,b){ |
202 | return MochiKit.Base.compare(a,b)!=1; |
203 | },logand:function(a,b){ |
204 | return a&&b; |
205 | },logor:function(a,b){ |
206 | return a||b; |
207 | },contains:function(a,b){ |
208 | return b in a; |
209 | }},forwardCall:function(_30){ |
210 | return function(){ |
211 | return this[_30].apply(this,arguments); |
212 | }; |
213 | },itemgetter:function(_31){ |
214 | return function(arg){ |
215 | return arg[_31]; |
216 | }; |
217 | },typeMatcher:function(){ |
218 | var _33={}; |
219 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
220 | var typ=arguments[i]; |
221 | _33[typ]=typ; |
222 | } |
223 | return function(){ |
224 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
225 | if(!(typeof (arguments[i]) in _33)){ |
226 | return false; |
227 | } |
228 | } |
229 | return true; |
230 | }; |
231 | },isNull:function(){ |
232 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
233 | if(arguments[i]!==null){ |
234 | return false; |
235 | } |
236 | } |
237 | return true; |
238 | },isUndefinedOrNull:function(){ |
239 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
240 | var o=arguments[i]; |
241 | if(!(typeof (o)=="undefined"||o===null)){ |
242 | return false; |
243 | } |
244 | } |
245 | return true; |
246 | },isEmpty:function(obj){ |
247 | return !MochiKit.Base.isNotEmpty.apply(this,arguments); |
248 | },isNotEmpty:function(obj){ |
249 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
250 | var o=arguments[i]; |
251 | if(!(o&&o.length)){ |
252 | return false; |
253 | } |
254 | } |
255 | return true; |
256 | },isArrayLike:function(){ |
257 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
258 | var o=arguments[i]; |
259 | var typ=typeof (o); |
260 | if((typ!="object"&&!(typ=="function"&&typeof (o.item)=="function"))||o===null||typeof (o.length)!="number"){ |
261 | return false; |
262 | } |
263 | } |
264 | return true; |
265 | },isDateLike:function(){ |
266 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
267 | var o=arguments[i]; |
268 | if(typeof (o)!="object"||o===null||typeof (o.getTime)!="function"){ |
269 | return false; |
270 | } |
271 | } |
272 | return true; |
273 | },xmap:function(fn){ |
274 | if(fn===null){ |
275 | return MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,1); |
276 | } |
277 | var _36=[]; |
278 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
279 | _36.push(fn(arguments[i])); |
280 | } |
281 | return _36; |
282 | },map:function(fn,lst){ |
283 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
284 | var itr=MochiKit.Iter; |
285 | var _39=m.isArrayLike; |
286 | if(arguments.length<=2){ |
287 | if(!_39(lst)){ |
288 | if(itr){ |
289 | lst=itr.list(lst); |
290 | if(fn===null){ |
291 | return lst; |
292 | } |
293 | }else{ |
294 | throw new TypeError("Argument not an array-like and MochiKit.Iter not present"); |
295 | } |
296 | } |
297 | if(fn===null){ |
298 | return m.extend(null,lst); |
299 | } |
300 | var _40=[]; |
301 | for(var i=0;i<lst.length;i++){ |
302 | _40.push(fn(lst[i])); |
303 | } |
304 | return _40; |
305 | }else{ |
306 | if(fn===null){ |
307 | fn=Array; |
308 | } |
309 | var _41=null; |
310 | for(i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
311 | if(!_39(arguments[i])){ |
312 | if(itr){ |
313 | return itr.list(itr.imap.apply(null,arguments)); |
314 | }else{ |
315 | throw new TypeError("Argument not an array-like and MochiKit.Iter not present"); |
316 | } |
317 | } |
318 | var l=arguments[i].length; |
319 | if(_41===null||_41>l){ |
320 | _41=l; |
321 | } |
322 | } |
323 | _40=[]; |
324 | for(i=0;i<_41;i++){ |
325 | var _42=[]; |
326 | for(var j=1;j<arguments.length;j++){ |
327 | _42.push(arguments[j][i]); |
328 | } |
329 | _40.push(fn.apply(this,_42)); |
330 | } |
331 | return _40; |
332 | } |
333 | },xfilter:function(fn){ |
334 | var _44=[]; |
335 | if(fn===null){ |
336 | fn=MochiKit.Base.operator.truth; |
337 | } |
338 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
339 | var o=arguments[i]; |
340 | if(fn(o)){ |
341 | _44.push(o); |
342 | } |
343 | } |
344 | return _44; |
345 | },filter:function(fn,lst,_45){ |
346 | var _46=[]; |
347 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
348 | if(!m.isArrayLike(lst)){ |
349 | if(MochiKit.Iter){ |
350 | lst=MochiKit.Iter.list(lst); |
351 | }else{ |
352 | throw new TypeError("Argument not an array-like and MochiKit.Iter not present"); |
353 | } |
354 | } |
355 | if(fn===null){ |
356 | fn=m.operator.truth; |
357 | } |
358 | if(typeof (Array.prototype.filter)=="function"){ |
359 | return Array.prototype.filter.call(lst,fn,_45); |
360 | }else{ |
361 | if(typeof (_45)=="undefined"||_45===null){ |
362 | for(var i=0;i<lst.length;i++){ |
363 | var o=lst[i]; |
364 | if(fn(o)){ |
365 | _46.push(o); |
366 | } |
367 | } |
368 | }else{ |
369 | for(i=0;i<lst.length;i++){ |
370 | o=lst[i]; |
371 | if(fn.call(_45,o)){ |
372 | _46.push(o); |
373 | } |
374 | } |
375 | } |
376 | } |
377 | return _46; |
378 | },_wrapDumbFunction:function(_47){ |
379 | return function(){ |
380 | switch(arguments.length){ |
381 | case 0: |
382 | return _47(); |
383 | case 1: |
384 | return _47(arguments[0]); |
385 | case 2: |
386 | return _47(arguments[0],arguments[1]); |
387 | case 3: |
388 | return _47(arguments[0],arguments[1],arguments[2]); |
389 | } |
390 | var _48=[]; |
391 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
392 | _48.push("arguments["+i+"]"); |
393 | } |
394 | return eval("(func("+_48.join(",")+"))"); |
395 | }; |
396 | },method:function(_49,_50){ |
397 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
398 | return m.bind.apply(this,m.extend([_50,_49],arguments,2)); |
399 | },bind:function(_51,_52){ |
400 | if(typeof (_51)=="string"){ |
401 | _51=_52[_51]; |
402 | } |
403 | var _53=_51.im_func; |
404 | var _54=_51.im_preargs; |
405 | var _55=_51.im_self; |
406 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
407 | if(typeof (_51)=="function"&&typeof (_51.apply)=="undefined"){ |
408 | _51=m._wrapDumbFunction(_51); |
409 | } |
410 | if(typeof (_53)!="function"){ |
411 | _53=_51; |
412 | } |
413 | if(typeof (_52)!="undefined"){ |
414 | _55=_52; |
415 | } |
416 | if(typeof (_54)=="undefined"){ |
417 | _54=[]; |
418 | }else{ |
419 | _54=_54.slice(); |
420 | } |
421 | m.extend(_54,arguments,2); |
422 | var _56=function(){ |
423 | var _57=arguments; |
424 | var me=arguments.callee; |
425 | if(me.im_preargs.length>0){ |
426 | _57=m.concat(me.im_preargs,_57); |
427 | } |
428 | var _52=me.im_self; |
429 | if(!_52){ |
430 | _52=this; |
431 | } |
432 | return me.im_func.apply(_52,_57); |
433 | }; |
434 | _56.im_self=_55; |
435 | _56.im_func=_53; |
436 | _56.im_preargs=_54; |
437 | return _56; |
438 | },bindMethods:function(_58){ |
439 | var _59=MochiKit.Base.bind; |
440 | for(var k in _58){ |
441 | var _60=_58[k]; |
442 | if(typeof (_60)=="function"){ |
443 | _58[k]=_59(_60,_58); |
444 | } |
445 | } |
446 | },registerComparator:function(_61,_62,_63,_64){ |
447 | MochiKit.Base.comparatorRegistry.register(_61,_62,_63,_64); |
448 | },_primitives:{"boolean":true,"string":true,"number":true},compare:function(a,b){ |
449 | if(a==b){ |
450 | return 0; |
451 | } |
452 | var _65=(typeof (a)=="undefined"||a===null); |
453 | var _66=(typeof (b)=="undefined"||b===null); |
454 | if(_65&&_66){ |
455 | return 0; |
456 | }else{ |
457 | if(_65){ |
458 | return -1; |
459 | }else{ |
460 | if(_66){ |
461 | return 1; |
462 | } |
463 | } |
464 | } |
465 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
466 | var _67=m._primitives; |
467 | if(!(typeof (a) in _67&&typeof (b) in _67)){ |
468 | try{ |
469 | return m.comparatorRegistry.match(a,b); |
470 | } |
471 | catch(e){ |
472 | if(e!=m.NotFound){ |
473 | throw e; |
474 | } |
475 | } |
476 | } |
477 | if(a<b){ |
478 | return -1; |
479 | }else{ |
480 | if(a>b){ |
481 | return 1; |
482 | } |
483 | } |
484 | var _68=m.repr; |
485 | throw new TypeError(_68(a)+" and "+_68(b)+" can not be compared"); |
486 | },compareDateLike:function(a,b){ |
487 | return MochiKit.Base.compare(a.getTime(),b.getTime()); |
488 | },compareArrayLike:function(a,b){ |
489 | var _69=MochiKit.Base.compare; |
490 | var _70=a.length; |
491 | var _71=0; |
492 | if(_70>b.length){ |
493 | _71=1; |
494 | _70=b.length; |
495 | }else{ |
496 | if(_70<b.length){ |
497 | _71=-1; |
498 | } |
499 | } |
500 | for(var i=0;i<_70;i++){ |
501 | var cmp=_69(a[i],b[i]); |
502 | if(cmp){ |
503 | return cmp; |
504 | } |
505 | } |
506 | return _71; |
507 | },registerRepr:function(_73,_74,_75,_76){ |
508 | MochiKit.Base.reprRegistry.register(_73,_74,_75,_76); |
509 | },repr:function(o){ |
510 | if(typeof (o)=="undefined"){ |
511 | return "undefined"; |
512 | }else{ |
513 | if(o===null){ |
514 | return "null"; |
515 | } |
516 | } |
517 | try{ |
518 | if(typeof (o.__repr__)=="function"){ |
519 | return o.__repr__(); |
520 | }else{ |
521 | if(typeof (o.repr)=="function"&&o.repr!=arguments.callee){ |
522 | return o.repr(); |
523 | } |
524 | } |
525 | return MochiKit.Base.reprRegistry.match(o); |
526 | } |
527 | catch(e){ |
528 | if(typeof (o.NAME)=="string"&&(o.toString==Function.prototype.toString||o.toString==Object.prototype.toString)){ |
529 | return o.NAME; |
530 | } |
531 | } |
532 | try{ |
533 | var _77=(o+""); |
534 | } |
535 | catch(e){ |
536 | return "["+typeof (o)+"]"; |
537 | } |
538 | if(typeof (o)=="function"){ |
539 | o=_77.replace(/^\s+/,""); |
540 | var idx=o.indexOf("{"); |
541 | if(idx!=-1){ |
542 | o=o.substr(0,idx)+"{...}"; |
543 | } |
544 | } |
545 | return _77; |
546 | },reprArrayLike:function(o){ |
547 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
548 | return "["+m.map(m.repr,o).join(", ")+"]"; |
549 | },reprString:function(o){ |
550 | return ("\""+o.replace(/(["\\])/g,"\\$1")+"\"").replace(/[\f]/g,"\\f").replace(/[\b]/g,"\\b").replace(/[\n]/g,"\\n").replace(/[\t]/g,"\\t").replace(/[\r]/g,"\\r"); |
551 | },reprNumber:function(o){ |
552 | return o+""; |
553 | },registerJSON:function(_79,_80,_81,_82){ |
554 | MochiKit.Base.jsonRegistry.register(_79,_80,_81,_82); |
555 | },evalJSON:function(){ |
556 | return eval("("+arguments[0]+")"); |
557 | },serializeJSON:function(o){ |
558 | var _83=typeof (o); |
559 | if(_83=="undefined"){ |
560 | return "undefined"; |
561 | }else{ |
562 | if(_83=="number"||_83=="boolean"){ |
563 | return o+""; |
564 | }else{ |
565 | if(o===null){ |
566 | return "null"; |
567 | } |
568 | } |
569 | } |
570 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
571 | var _84=m.reprString; |
572 | if(_83=="string"){ |
573 | return _84(o); |
574 | } |
575 | var me=arguments.callee; |
576 | var _85; |
577 | if(typeof (o.__json__)=="function"){ |
578 | _85=o.__json__(); |
579 | if(o!==_85){ |
580 | return me(_85); |
581 | } |
582 | } |
583 | if(typeof (o.json)=="function"){ |
584 | _85=o.json(); |
585 | if(o!==_85){ |
586 | return me(_85); |
587 | } |
588 | } |
589 | if(_83!="function"&&typeof (o.length)=="number"){ |
590 | var res=[]; |
591 | for(var i=0;i<o.length;i++){ |
592 | var val=me(o[i]); |
593 | if(typeof (val)!="string"){ |
594 | val="undefined"; |
595 | } |
596 | res.push(val); |
597 | } |
598 | return "["+res.join(", ")+"]"; |
599 | } |
600 | try{ |
601 | _85=m.jsonRegistry.match(o); |
602 | return me(_85); |
603 | } |
604 | catch(e){ |
605 | if(e!=m.NotFound){ |
606 | throw e; |
607 | } |
608 | } |
609 | if(_83=="function"){ |
610 | return null; |
611 | } |
612 | res=[]; |
613 | for(var k in o){ |
614 | var _87; |
615 | if(typeof (k)=="number"){ |
616 | _87="\""+k+"\""; |
617 | }else{ |
618 | if(typeof (k)=="string"){ |
619 | _87=_84(k); |
620 | }else{ |
621 | continue; |
622 | } |
623 | } |
624 | val=me(o[k]); |
625 | if(typeof (val)!="string"){ |
626 | continue; |
627 | } |
628 | res.push(_87+":"+val); |
629 | } |
630 | return "{"+res.join(", ")+"}"; |
631 | },objEqual:function(a,b){ |
632 | return (MochiKit.Base.compare(a,b)===0); |
633 | },arrayEqual:function(_88,arr){ |
634 | if(_88.length!=arr.length){ |
635 | return false; |
636 | } |
637 | return (MochiKit.Base.compare(_88,arr)===0); |
638 | },concat:function(){ |
639 | var _90=[]; |
640 | var _91=MochiKit.Base.extend; |
641 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
642 | _91(_90,arguments[i]); |
643 | } |
644 | return _90; |
645 | },keyComparator:function(key){ |
646 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
647 | var _93=m.compare; |
648 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
649 | return function(a,b){ |
650 | return _93(a[key],b[key]); |
651 | }; |
652 | } |
653 | var _94=m.extend(null,arguments); |
654 | return function(a,b){ |
655 | var _95=0; |
656 | for(var i=0;(_95===0)&&(i<_94.length);i++){ |
657 | var key=_94[i]; |
658 | _95=_93(a[key],b[key]); |
659 | } |
660 | return _95; |
661 | }; |
662 | },reverseKeyComparator:function(key){ |
663 | var _96=MochiKit.Base.keyComparator.apply(this,arguments); |
664 | return function(a,b){ |
665 | return _96(b,a); |
666 | }; |
667 | },partial:function(_97){ |
668 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
669 | return m.bind.apply(this,m.extend([_97,undefined],arguments,1)); |
670 | },listMinMax:function(_98,lst){ |
671 | if(lst.length===0){ |
672 | return null; |
673 | } |
674 | var cur=lst[0]; |
675 | var _100=MochiKit.Base.compare; |
676 | for(var i=1;i<lst.length;i++){ |
677 | var o=lst[i]; |
678 | if(_100(o,cur)==_98){ |
679 | cur=o; |
680 | } |
681 | } |
682 | return cur; |
683 | },objMax:function(){ |
684 | return MochiKit.Base.listMinMax(1,arguments); |
685 | },objMin:function(){ |
686 | return MochiKit.Base.listMinMax(-1,arguments); |
687 | },findIdentical:function(lst,_101,_102,end){ |
688 | if(typeof (end)=="undefined"||end===null){ |
689 | end=lst.length; |
690 | } |
691 | for(var i=(_102||0);i<end;i++){ |
692 | if(lst[i]===_101){ |
693 | return i; |
694 | } |
695 | } |
696 | return -1; |
697 | },findValue:function(lst,_104,_105,end){ |
698 | if(typeof (end)=="undefined"||end===null){ |
699 | end=lst.length; |
700 | } |
701 | var cmp=MochiKit.Base.compare; |
702 | for(var i=(_105||0);i<end;i++){ |
703 | if(cmp(lst[i],_104)===0){ |
704 | return i; |
705 | } |
706 | } |
707 | return -1; |
708 | },nodeWalk:function(node,_107){ |
709 | var _108=[node]; |
710 | var _109=MochiKit.Base.extend; |
711 | while(_108.length){ |
712 | var res=_107(_108.shift()); |
713 | if(res){ |
714 | _109(_108,res); |
715 | } |
716 | } |
717 | },nameFunctions:function(_110){ |
718 | var base=_110.NAME; |
719 | if(typeof (base)=="undefined"){ |
720 | base=""; |
721 | }else{ |
722 | base=base+"."; |
723 | } |
724 | for(var name in _110){ |
725 | var o=_110[name]; |
726 | if(typeof (o)=="function"&&typeof (o.NAME)=="undefined"){ |
727 | try{ |
728 | o.NAME=base+name; |
729 | } |
730 | catch(e){ |
731 | } |
732 | } |
733 | } |
734 | },queryString:function(_113,_114){ |
735 | if(typeof (MochiKit.DOM)!="undefined"&&arguments.length==1&&(typeof (_113)=="string"||(typeof (_113.nodeType)!="undefined"&&_113.nodeType>0))){ |
736 | var kv=MochiKit.DOM.formContents(_113); |
737 | _113=kv[0]; |
738 | _114=kv[1]; |
739 | }else{ |
740 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
741 | var o=_113; |
742 | _113=[]; |
743 | _114=[]; |
744 | for(var k in o){ |
745 | var v=o[k]; |
746 | if(typeof (v)!="function"){ |
747 | _113.push(k); |
748 | _114.push(v); |
749 | } |
750 | } |
751 | } |
752 | } |
753 | var rval=[]; |
754 | var len=Math.min(_113.length,_114.length); |
755 | var _118=MochiKit.Base.urlEncode; |
756 | for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ |
757 | v=_114[i]; |
758 | if(typeof (v)!="undefined"&&v!==null){ |
759 | rval.push(_118(_113[i])+"="+_118(v)); |
760 | } |
761 | } |
762 | return rval.join("&"); |
763 | },parseQueryString:function(_119,_120){ |
764 | var _121=_119.replace(/\+/g,"%20").split("&"); |
765 | var o={}; |
766 | var _122; |
767 | if(typeof (decodeURIComponent)!="undefined"){ |
768 | _122=decodeURIComponent; |
769 | }else{ |
770 | _122=unescape; |
771 | } |
772 | if(_120){ |
773 | for(var i=0;i<_121.length;i++){ |
774 | var pair=_121[i].split("="); |
775 | var name=_122(pair[0]); |
776 | var arr=o[name]; |
777 | if(!(arr instanceof Array)){ |
778 | arr=[]; |
779 | o[name]=arr; |
780 | } |
781 | arr.push(_122(pair[1])); |
782 | } |
783 | }else{ |
784 | for(i=0;i<_121.length;i++){ |
785 | pair=_121[i].split("="); |
786 | o[_122(pair[0])]=_122(pair[1]); |
787 | } |
788 | } |
789 | return o; |
790 | }}); |
791 | MochiKit.Base.AdapterRegistry=function(){ |
792 | this.pairs=[]; |
793 | }; |
794 | MochiKit.Base.AdapterRegistry.prototype={register:function(name,_124,wrap,_126){ |
795 | if(_126){ |
796 | this.pairs.unshift([name,_124,wrap]); |
797 | }else{ |
798 | this.pairs.push([name,_124,wrap]); |
799 | } |
800 | },match:function(){ |
801 | for(var i=0;i<this.pairs.length;i++){ |
802 | var pair=this.pairs[i]; |
803 | if(pair[1].apply(this,arguments)){ |
804 | return pair[2].apply(this,arguments); |
805 | } |
806 | } |
807 | throw MochiKit.Base.NotFound; |
808 | },unregister:function(name){ |
809 | for(var i=0;i<this.pairs.length;i++){ |
810 | var pair=this.pairs[i]; |
811 | if(pair[0]==name){ |
812 | this.pairs.splice(i,1); |
813 | return true; |
814 | } |
815 | } |
816 | return false; |
817 | }}; |
818 | MochiKit.Base.EXPORT=["counter","clone","extend","update","updatetree","setdefault","keys","items","NamedError","operator","forwardCall","itemgetter","typeMatcher","isCallable","isUndefined","isUndefinedOrNull","isNull","isEmpty","isNotEmpty","isArrayLike","isDateLike","xmap","map","xfilter","filter","bind","bindMethods","NotFound","AdapterRegistry","registerComparator","compare","registerRepr","repr","objEqual","arrayEqual","concat","keyComparator","reverseKeyComparator","partial","merge","listMinMax","listMax","listMin","objMax","objMin","nodeWalk","zip","urlEncode","queryString","serializeJSON","registerJSON","evalJSON","parseQueryString","findValue","findIdentical","flattenArguments","method"]; |
819 | MochiKit.Base.EXPORT_OK=["nameFunctions","comparatorRegistry","reprRegistry","jsonRegistry","compareDateLike","compareArrayLike","reprArrayLike","reprString","reprNumber"]; |
820 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols=function(_127,_128){ |
821 | if(typeof (MochiKit.__export__)=="undefined"){ |
822 | MochiKit.__export__=(MochiKit.__compat__||(typeof (JSAN)=="undefined"&&typeof (dojo)=="undefined")); |
823 | } |
824 | if(!MochiKit.__export__){ |
825 | return; |
826 | } |
827 | var all=_128.EXPORT_TAGS[":all"]; |
828 | for(var i=0;i<all.length;i++){ |
829 | _127[all[i]]=_128[all[i]]; |
830 | } |
831 | }; |
832 | MochiKit.Base.__new__=function(){ |
833 | var m=this; |
834 | m.forward=m.forwardCall; |
835 | m.find=m.findValue; |
836 | if(typeof (encodeURIComponent)!="undefined"){ |
837 | m.urlEncode=function(_130){ |
838 | return encodeURIComponent(_130).replace(/\'/g,"%27"); |
839 | }; |
840 | }else{ |
841 | m.urlEncode=function(_131){ |
842 | return escape(_131).replace(/\+/g,"%2B").replace(/\"/g,"%22").rval.replace(/\'/g,"%27"); |
843 | }; |
844 | } |
845 | m.NamedError=function(name){ |
846 | this.message=name; |
847 | this.name=name; |
848 | }; |
849 | m.NamedError.prototype=new Error(); |
850 | m.update(m.NamedError.prototype,{repr:function(){ |
851 | if(this.message&&this.message!=this.name){ |
852 | return this.name+"("+m.repr(this.message)+")"; |
853 | }else{ |
854 | return this.name+"()"; |
855 | } |
856 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr")}); |
857 | m.NotFound=new m.NamedError("MochiKit.Base.NotFound"); |
858 | m.listMax=m.partial(m.listMinMax,1); |
859 | m.listMin=m.partial(m.listMinMax,-1); |
860 | m.isCallable=m.typeMatcher("function"); |
861 | m.isUndefined=m.typeMatcher("undefined"); |
862 | m.merge=m.partial(m.update,null); |
863 | m.zip=m.partial(m.map,null); |
864 | m.comparatorRegistry=new m.AdapterRegistry(); |
865 | m.registerComparator("dateLike",m.isDateLike,m.compareDateLike); |
866 | m.registerComparator("arrayLike",m.isArrayLike,m.compareArrayLike); |
867 | m.reprRegistry=new m.AdapterRegistry(); |
868 | m.registerRepr("arrayLike",m.isArrayLike,m.reprArrayLike); |
869 | m.registerRepr("string",m.typeMatcher("string"),m.reprString); |
870 | m.registerRepr("numbers",m.typeMatcher("number","boolean"),m.reprNumber); |
871 | m.jsonRegistry=new m.AdapterRegistry(); |
872 | var all=m.concat(m.EXPORT,m.EXPORT_OK); |
873 | m.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":m.concat(m.EXPORT_OK),":all":all}; |
874 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
875 | }; |
876 | MochiKit.Base.__new__(); |
877 | if(!MochiKit.__compat__){ |
878 | compare=MochiKit.Base.compare; |
879 | } |
880 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Base); |
881 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
882 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Iter"); |
883 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); |
884 | } |
885 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
886 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
887 | } |
888 | try{ |
889 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ |
890 | throw ""; |
891 | } |
892 | } |
893 | catch(e){ |
894 | throw "MochiKit.Iter depends on MochiKit.Base!"; |
895 | } |
896 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Iter)=="undefined"){ |
897 | MochiKit.Iter={}; |
898 | } |
899 | MochiKit.Iter.NAME="MochiKit.Iter"; |
900 | MochiKit.Iter.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
901 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Iter,{__repr__:function(){ |
902 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
903 | },toString:function(){ |
904 | return this.__repr__(); |
905 | },registerIteratorFactory:function(name,_132,_133,_134){ |
906 | MochiKit.Iter.iteratorRegistry.register(name,_132,_133,_134); |
907 | },iter:function(_135,_136){ |
908 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
909 | if(arguments.length==2){ |
910 | return self.takewhile(function(a){ |
911 | return a!=_136; |
912 | },_135); |
913 | } |
914 | if(typeof (_135.next)=="function"){ |
915 | return _135; |
916 | }else{ |
917 | if(typeof (_135.iter)=="function"){ |
918 | return _135.iter(); |
919 | } |
920 | } |
921 | try{ |
922 | return self.iteratorRegistry.match(_135); |
923 | } |
924 | catch(e){ |
925 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
926 | if(e==m.NotFound){ |
927 | e=new TypeError(typeof (_135)+": "+m.repr(_135)+" is not iterable"); |
928 | } |
929 | throw e; |
930 | } |
931 | },count:function(n){ |
932 | if(!n){ |
933 | n=0; |
934 | } |
935 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
936 | return {repr:function(){ |
937 | return "count("+n+")"; |
938 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:m.counter(n)}; |
939 | },cycle:function(p){ |
940 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
941 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
942 | var lst=[]; |
943 | var _139=self.iter(p); |
944 | return {repr:function(){ |
945 | return "cycle(...)"; |
946 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
947 | try{ |
948 | var rval=_139.next(); |
949 | lst.push(rval); |
950 | return rval; |
951 | } |
952 | catch(e){ |
953 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
954 | throw e; |
955 | } |
956 | if(lst.length===0){ |
957 | this.next=function(){ |
958 | throw self.StopIteration; |
959 | }; |
960 | }else{ |
961 | var i=-1; |
962 | this.next=function(){ |
963 | i=(i+1)%lst.length; |
964 | return lst[i]; |
965 | }; |
966 | } |
967 | return this.next(); |
968 | } |
969 | }}; |
970 | },repeat:function(elem,n){ |
971 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
972 | if(typeof (n)=="undefined"){ |
973 | return {repr:function(){ |
974 | return "repeat("+m.repr(elem)+")"; |
975 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
976 | return elem; |
977 | }}; |
978 | } |
979 | return {repr:function(){ |
980 | return "repeat("+m.repr(elem)+", "+n+")"; |
981 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
982 | if(n<=0){ |
983 | throw MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration; |
984 | } |
985 | n-=1; |
986 | return elem; |
987 | }}; |
988 | },next:function(_141){ |
989 | return _141.next(); |
990 | },izip:function(p,q){ |
991 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
992 | var next=MochiKit.Iter.next; |
993 | var _144=m.map(iter,arguments); |
994 | return {repr:function(){ |
995 | return "izip(...)"; |
996 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
997 | return m.map(next,_144); |
998 | }}; |
999 | },ifilter:function(pred,seq){ |
1000 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1001 | seq=MochiKit.Iter.iter(seq); |
1002 | if(pred===null){ |
1003 | pred=m.operator.truth; |
1004 | } |
1005 | return {repr:function(){ |
1006 | return "ifilter(...)"; |
1007 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1008 | while(true){ |
1009 | var rval=seq.next(); |
1010 | if(pred(rval)){ |
1011 | return rval; |
1012 | } |
1013 | } |
1014 | return undefined; |
1015 | }}; |
1016 | },ifilterfalse:function(pred,seq){ |
1017 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1018 | seq=MochiKit.Iter.iter(seq); |
1019 | if(pred===null){ |
1020 | pred=m.operator.truth; |
1021 | } |
1022 | return {repr:function(){ |
1023 | return "ifilterfalse(...)"; |
1024 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1025 | while(true){ |
1026 | var rval=seq.next(); |
1027 | if(!pred(rval)){ |
1028 | return rval; |
1029 | } |
1030 | } |
1031 | return undefined; |
1032 | }}; |
1033 | },islice:function(seq){ |
1034 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1035 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1036 | seq=self.iter(seq); |
1037 | var _147=0; |
1038 | var stop=0; |
1039 | var step=1; |
1040 | var i=-1; |
1041 | if(arguments.length==2){ |
1042 | stop=arguments[1]; |
1043 | }else{ |
1044 | if(arguments.length==3){ |
1045 | _147=arguments[1]; |
1046 | stop=arguments[2]; |
1047 | }else{ |
1048 | _147=arguments[1]; |
1049 | stop=arguments[2]; |
1050 | step=arguments[3]; |
1051 | } |
1052 | } |
1053 | return {repr:function(){ |
1054 | return "islice("+["...",_147,stop,step].join(", ")+")"; |
1055 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1056 | var rval; |
1057 | while(i<_147){ |
1058 | rval=seq.next(); |
1059 | i++; |
1060 | } |
1061 | if(_147>=stop){ |
1062 | throw self.StopIteration; |
1063 | } |
1064 | _147+=step; |
1065 | return rval; |
1066 | }}; |
1067 | },imap:function(fun,p,q){ |
1068 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1069 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1070 | var _151=m.map(self.iter,m.extend(null,arguments,1)); |
1071 | var map=m.map; |
1072 | var next=self.next; |
1073 | return {repr:function(){ |
1074 | return "imap(...)"; |
1075 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1076 | return fun.apply(this,map(next,_151)); |
1077 | }}; |
1078 | },applymap:function(fun,seq,self){ |
1079 | seq=MochiKit.Iter.iter(seq); |
1080 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1081 | return {repr:function(){ |
1082 | return "applymap(...)"; |
1083 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1084 | return fun.apply(self,seq.next()); |
1085 | }}; |
1086 | },chain:function(p,q){ |
1087 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1088 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1089 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
1090 | return self.iter(arguments[0]); |
1091 | } |
1092 | var _153=m.map(self.iter,arguments); |
1093 | return {repr:function(){ |
1094 | return "chain(...)"; |
1095 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1096 | while(_153.length>1){ |
1097 | try{ |
1098 | return _153[0].next(); |
1099 | } |
1100 | catch(e){ |
1101 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1102 | throw e; |
1103 | } |
1104 | _153.shift(); |
1105 | } |
1106 | } |
1107 | if(_153.length==1){ |
1108 | var arg=_153.shift(); |
1109 | this.next=m.bind("next",arg); |
1110 | return this.next(); |
1111 | } |
1112 | throw self.StopIteration; |
1113 | }}; |
1114 | },takewhile:function(pred,seq){ |
1115 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1116 | seq=self.iter(seq); |
1117 | return {repr:function(){ |
1118 | return "takewhile(...)"; |
1119 | },toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1120 | var rval=seq.next(); |
1121 | if(!pred(rval)){ |
1122 | this.next=function(){ |
1123 | throw self.StopIteration; |
1124 | }; |
1125 | this.next(); |
1126 | } |
1127 | return rval; |
1128 | }}; |
1129 | },dropwhile:function(pred,seq){ |
1130 | seq=MochiKit.Iter.iter(seq); |
1131 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1132 | var bind=m.bind; |
1133 | return {"repr":function(){ |
1134 | return "dropwhile(...)"; |
1135 | },"toString":m.forwardCall("repr"),"next":function(){ |
1136 | while(true){ |
1137 | var rval=seq.next(); |
1138 | if(!pred(rval)){ |
1139 | break; |
1140 | } |
1141 | } |
1142 | this.next=bind("next",seq); |
1143 | return rval; |
1144 | }}; |
1145 | },_tee:function(_155,sync,_157){ |
1146 | sync.pos[_155]=-1; |
1147 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1148 | var _158=m.listMin; |
1149 | return {repr:function(){ |
1150 | return "tee("+_155+", ...)"; |
1151 | },toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1152 | var rval; |
1153 | var i=sync.pos[_155]; |
1154 | if(i==sync.max){ |
1155 | rval=_157.next(); |
1156 | sync.deque.push(rval); |
1157 | sync.max+=1; |
1158 | sync.pos[_155]+=1; |
1159 | }else{ |
1160 | rval=sync.deque[i-sync.min]; |
1161 | sync.pos[_155]+=1; |
1162 | if(i==sync.min&&_158(sync.pos)!=sync.min){ |
1163 | sync.min+=1; |
1164 | sync.deque.shift(); |
1165 | } |
1166 | } |
1167 | return rval; |
1168 | }}; |
1169 | },tee:function(_159,n){ |
1170 | var rval=[]; |
1171 | var sync={"pos":[],"deque":[],"max":-1,"min":-1}; |
1172 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
1173 | n=2; |
1174 | } |
1175 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1176 | _159=self.iter(_159); |
1177 | var _tee=self._tee; |
1178 | for(var i=0;i<n;i++){ |
1179 | rval.push(_tee(i,sync,_159)); |
1180 | } |
1181 | return rval; |
1182 | },list:function(_161){ |
1183 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1184 | if(typeof (_161.slice)=="function"){ |
1185 | return _161.slice(); |
1186 | }else{ |
1187 | if(m.isArrayLike(_161)){ |
1188 | return m.concat(_161); |
1189 | } |
1190 | } |
1191 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1192 | _161=self.iter(_161); |
1193 | var rval=[]; |
1194 | try{ |
1195 | while(true){ |
1196 | rval.push(_161.next()); |
1197 | } |
1198 | } |
1199 | catch(e){ |
1200 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1201 | throw e; |
1202 | } |
1203 | return rval; |
1204 | } |
1205 | return undefined; |
1206 | },reduce:function(fn,_162,_163){ |
1207 | var i=0; |
1208 | var x=_163; |
1209 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1210 | _162=self.iter(_162); |
1211 | if(arguments.length<3){ |
1212 | try{ |
1213 | x=_162.next(); |
1214 | } |
1215 | catch(e){ |
1216 | if(e==self.StopIteration){ |
1217 | e=new TypeError("reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value"); |
1218 | } |
1219 | throw e; |
1220 | } |
1221 | i++; |
1222 | } |
1223 | try{ |
1224 | while(true){ |
1225 | x=fn(x,_162.next()); |
1226 | } |
1227 | } |
1228 | catch(e){ |
1229 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1230 | throw e; |
1231 | } |
1232 | } |
1233 | return x; |
1234 | },range:function(){ |
1235 | var _165=0; |
1236 | var stop=0; |
1237 | var step=1; |
1238 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
1239 | stop=arguments[0]; |
1240 | }else{ |
1241 | if(arguments.length==2){ |
1242 | _165=arguments[0]; |
1243 | stop=arguments[1]; |
1244 | }else{ |
1245 | if(arguments.length==3){ |
1246 | _165=arguments[0]; |
1247 | stop=arguments[1]; |
1248 | step=arguments[2]; |
1249 | }else{ |
1250 | throw new TypeError("range() takes 1, 2, or 3 arguments!"); |
1251 | } |
1252 | } |
1253 | } |
1254 | if(step===0){ |
1255 | throw new TypeError("range() step must not be 0"); |
1256 | } |
1257 | return {next:function(){ |
1258 | if((step>0&&_165>=stop)||(step<0&&_165<=stop)){ |
1259 | throw MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration; |
1260 | } |
1261 | var rval=_165; |
1262 | _165+=step; |
1263 | return rval; |
1264 | },repr:function(){ |
1265 | return "range("+[_165,stop,step].join(", ")+")"; |
1266 | },toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")}; |
1267 | },sum:function(_166,_167){ |
1268 | var x=_167||0; |
1269 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1270 | _166=self.iter(_166); |
1271 | try{ |
1272 | while(true){ |
1273 | x+=_166.next(); |
1274 | } |
1275 | } |
1276 | catch(e){ |
1277 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1278 | throw e; |
1279 | } |
1280 | } |
1281 | return x; |
1282 | },exhaust:function(_168){ |
1283 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1284 | _168=self.iter(_168); |
1285 | try{ |
1286 | while(true){ |
1287 | _168.next(); |
1288 | } |
1289 | } |
1290 | catch(e){ |
1291 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1292 | throw e; |
1293 | } |
1294 | } |
1295 | },forEach:function(_169,func,self){ |
1296 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1297 | if(arguments.length>2){ |
1298 | func=m.bind(func,self); |
1299 | } |
1300 | if(m.isArrayLike(_169)){ |
1301 | try{ |
1302 | for(var i=0;i<_169.length;i++){ |
1303 | func(_169[i]); |
1304 | } |
1305 | } |
1306 | catch(e){ |
1307 | if(e!=MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration){ |
1308 | throw e; |
1309 | } |
1310 | } |
1311 | }else{ |
1312 | self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1313 | self.exhaust(self.imap(func,_169)); |
1314 | } |
1315 | },every:function(_171,func){ |
1316 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1317 | try{ |
1318 | self.ifilterfalse(func,_171).next(); |
1319 | return false; |
1320 | } |
1321 | catch(e){ |
1322 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1323 | throw e; |
1324 | } |
1325 | return true; |
1326 | } |
1327 | },sorted:function(_172,cmp){ |
1328 | var rval=MochiKit.Iter.list(_172); |
1329 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
1330 | cmp=MochiKit.Base.compare; |
1331 | } |
1332 | rval.sort(cmp); |
1333 | return rval; |
1334 | },reversed:function(_173){ |
1335 | var rval=MochiKit.Iter.list(_173); |
1336 | rval.reverse(); |
1337 | return rval; |
1338 | },some:function(_174,func){ |
1339 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1340 | try{ |
1341 | self.ifilter(func,_174).next(); |
1342 | return true; |
1343 | } |
1344 | catch(e){ |
1345 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1346 | throw e; |
1347 | } |
1348 | return false; |
1349 | } |
1350 | },iextend:function(lst,_175){ |
1351 | if(MochiKit.Base.isArrayLike(_175)){ |
1352 | for(var i=0;i<_175.length;i++){ |
1353 | lst.push(_175[i]); |
1354 | } |
1355 | }else{ |
1356 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1357 | _175=self.iter(_175); |
1358 | try{ |
1359 | while(true){ |
1360 | lst.push(_175.next()); |
1361 | } |
1362 | } |
1363 | catch(e){ |
1364 | if(e!=self.StopIteration){ |
1365 | throw e; |
1366 | } |
1367 | } |
1368 | } |
1369 | return lst; |
1370 | },groupby:function(_176,_177){ |
1371 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1372 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1373 | if(arguments.length<2){ |
1374 | _177=m.operator.identity; |
1375 | } |
1376 | _176=self.iter(_176); |
1377 | var pk=undefined; |
1378 | var k=undefined; |
1379 | var v; |
1380 | function fetch(){ |
1381 | v=_176.next(); |
1382 | k=_177(v); |
1383 | } |
1384 | function eat(){ |
1385 | var ret=v; |
1386 | v=undefined; |
1387 | return ret; |
1388 | } |
1389 | var _180=true; |
1390 | return {repr:function(){ |
1391 | return "groupby(...)"; |
1392 | },next:function(){ |
1393 | while(k==pk){ |
1394 | fetch(); |
1395 | if(_180){ |
1396 | _180=false; |
1397 | break; |
1398 | } |
1399 | } |
1400 | pk=k; |
1401 | return [k,{next:function(){ |
1402 | if(v==undefined){ |
1403 | fetch(); |
1404 | } |
1405 | if(k!=pk){ |
1406 | throw self.StopIteration; |
1407 | } |
1408 | return eat(); |
1409 | }}]; |
1410 | }}; |
1411 | },groupby_as_array:function(_181,_182){ |
1412 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1413 | var self=MochiKit.Iter; |
1414 | if(arguments.length<2){ |
1415 | _182=m.operator.identity; |
1416 | } |
1417 | _181=self.iter(_181); |
1418 | var _183=[]; |
1419 | var _184=true; |
1420 | var _185; |
1421 | while(true){ |
1422 | try{ |
1423 | var _186=_181.next(); |
1424 | var key=_182(_186); |
1425 | } |
1426 | catch(e){ |
1427 | if(e==self.StopIteration){ |
1428 | break; |
1429 | } |
1430 | throw e; |
1431 | } |
1432 | if(_184||key!=_185){ |
1433 | var _187=[]; |
1434 | _183.push([key,_187]); |
1435 | } |
1436 | _187.push(_186); |
1437 | _184=false; |
1438 | _185=key; |
1439 | } |
1440 | return _183; |
1441 | },arrayLikeIter:function(_188){ |
1442 | var i=0; |
1443 | return {repr:function(){ |
1444 | return "arrayLikeIter(...)"; |
1445 | },toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1446 | if(i>=_188.length){ |
1447 | throw MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration; |
1448 | } |
1449 | return _188[i++]; |
1450 | }}; |
1451 | },hasIterateNext:function(_189){ |
1452 | return (_189&&typeof (_189.iterateNext)=="function"); |
1453 | },iterateNextIter:function(_190){ |
1454 | return {repr:function(){ |
1455 | return "iterateNextIter(...)"; |
1456 | },toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ |
1457 | var rval=_190.iterateNext(); |
1458 | if(rval===null||rval===undefined){ |
1459 | throw MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration; |
1460 | } |
1461 | return rval; |
1462 | }}; |
1463 | }}); |
1464 | MochiKit.Iter.EXPORT_OK=["iteratorRegistry","arrayLikeIter","hasIterateNext","iterateNextIter",]; |
1465 | MochiKit.Iter.EXPORT=["StopIteration","registerIteratorFactory","iter","count","cycle","repeat","next","izip","ifilter","ifilterfalse","islice","imap","applymap","chain","takewhile","dropwhile","tee","list","reduce","range","sum","exhaust","forEach","every","sorted","reversed","some","iextend","groupby","groupby_as_array"]; |
1466 | MochiKit.Iter.__new__=function(){ |
1467 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1468 | this.StopIteration=new m.NamedError("StopIteration"); |
1469 | this.iteratorRegistry=new m.AdapterRegistry(); |
1470 | this.registerIteratorFactory("arrayLike",m.isArrayLike,this.arrayLikeIter); |
1471 | this.registerIteratorFactory("iterateNext",this.hasIterateNext,this.iterateNextIter); |
1472 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
1473 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
1474 | }; |
1475 | MochiKit.Iter.__new__(); |
1476 | if(!MochiKit.__compat__){ |
1477 | reduce=MochiKit.Iter.reduce; |
1478 | } |
1479 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Iter); |
1480 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
1481 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Logging"); |
1482 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); |
1483 | } |
1484 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
1485 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
1486 | } |
1487 | try{ |
1488 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ |
1489 | throw ""; |
1490 | } |
1491 | } |
1492 | catch(e){ |
1493 | throw "MochiKit.Logging depends on MochiKit.Base!"; |
1494 | } |
1495 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Logging)=="undefined"){ |
1496 | MochiKit.Logging={}; |
1497 | } |
1498 | MochiKit.Logging.NAME="MochiKit.Logging"; |
1499 | MochiKit.Logging.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
1500 | MochiKit.Logging.__repr__=function(){ |
1501 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
1502 | }; |
1503 | MochiKit.Logging.toString=function(){ |
1504 | return this.__repr__(); |
1505 | }; |
1506 | MochiKit.Logging.EXPORT=["LogLevel","LogMessage","Logger","alertListener","logger","log","logError","logDebug","logFatal","logWarning"]; |
1507 | MochiKit.Logging.EXPORT_OK=["logLevelAtLeast","isLogMessage","compareLogMessage"]; |
1508 | MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage=function(num,_192,info){ |
1509 | this.num=num; |
1510 | this.level=_192; |
1511 | this.info=info; |
1512 | this.timestamp=new Date(); |
1513 | }; |
1514 | MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage.prototype={repr:function(){ |
1515 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1516 | return "LogMessage("+m.map(m.repr,[this.num,this.level,this.info]).join(", ")+")"; |
1517 | },toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")}; |
1518 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Logging,{logLevelAtLeast:function(_194){ |
1519 | var self=MochiKit.Logging; |
1520 | if(typeof (_194)=="string"){ |
1521 | _194=self.LogLevel[_194]; |
1522 | } |
1523 | return function(msg){ |
1524 | var _196=msg.level; |
1525 | if(typeof (_196)=="string"){ |
1526 | _196=self.LogLevel[_196]; |
1527 | } |
1528 | return _196>=_194; |
1529 | }; |
1530 | },isLogMessage:function(){ |
1531 | var _197=MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage; |
1532 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
1533 | if(!(arguments[i] instanceof _197)){ |
1534 | return false; |
1535 | } |
1536 | } |
1537 | return true; |
1538 | },compareLogMessage:function(a,b){ |
1539 | return MochiKit.Base.compare([a.level,a.info],[b.level,b.info]); |
1540 | },alertListener:function(msg){ |
1541 | alert("num: "+msg.num+"\nlevel: "+msg.level+"\ninfo: "+msg.info.join(" ")); |
1542 | }}); |
1543 | MochiKit.Logging.Logger=function(_198){ |
1544 | this.counter=0; |
1545 | if(typeof (_198)=="undefined"||_198===null){ |
1546 | _198=-1; |
1547 | } |
1548 | this.maxSize=_198; |
1549 | this._messages=[]; |
1550 | this.listeners={}; |
1551 | this.useNativeConsole=false; |
1552 | }; |
1553 | MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype={clear:function(){ |
1554 | this._messages.splice(0,this._messages.length); |
1555 | },logToConsole:function(msg){ |
1556 | if(typeof (window)!="undefined"&&window.console&&window.console.log){ |
1557 | window.console.log(msg); |
1558 | }else{ |
1559 | if(typeof (opera)!="undefined"&&opera.postError){ |
1560 | opera.postError(msg); |
1561 | }else{ |
1562 | if(typeof (printfire)=="function"){ |
1563 | printfire(msg); |
1564 | } |
1565 | } |
1566 | } |
1567 | },dispatchListeners:function(msg){ |
1568 | for(var k in this.listeners){ |
1569 | var pair=this.listeners[k]; |
1570 | if(pair.ident!=k||(pair[0]&&!pair[0](msg))){ |
1571 | continue; |
1572 | } |
1573 | pair[1](msg); |
1574 | } |
1575 | },addListener:function(_199,_200,_201){ |
1576 | if(typeof (_200)=="string"){ |
1577 | _200=MochiKit.Logging.logLevelAtLeast(_200); |
1578 | } |
1579 | var _202=[_200,_201]; |
1580 | _202.ident=_199; |
1581 | this.listeners[_199]=_202; |
1582 | },removeListener:function(_203){ |
1583 | delete this.listeners[_203]; |
1584 | },baseLog:function(_204,_205){ |
1585 | var msg=new MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage(this.counter,_204,MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,1)); |
1586 | this._messages.push(msg); |
1587 | this.dispatchListeners(msg); |
1588 | if(this.useNativeConsole){ |
1589 | this.logToConsole(msg.level+": "+msg.info.join(" ")); |
1590 | } |
1591 | this.counter+=1; |
1592 | while(this.maxSize>=0&&this._messages.length>this.maxSize){ |
1593 | this._messages.shift(); |
1594 | } |
1595 | },getMessages:function(_206){ |
1596 | var _207=0; |
1597 | if(!(typeof (_206)=="undefined"||_206===null)){ |
1598 | _207=Math.max(0,this._messages.length-_206); |
1599 | } |
1600 | return this._messages.slice(_207); |
1601 | },getMessageText:function(_208){ |
1602 | if(typeof (_208)=="undefined"||_208===null){ |
1603 | _208=30; |
1604 | } |
1605 | var _209=this.getMessages(_208); |
1606 | if(_209.length){ |
1607 | var lst=map(function(m){ |
1608 | return "\n ["+m.num+"] "+m.level+": "+m.info.join(" "); |
1609 | },_209); |
1610 | lst.unshift("LAST "+_209.length+" MESSAGES:"); |
1611 | return lst.join(""); |
1612 | } |
1613 | return ""; |
1614 | },debuggingBookmarklet:function(_210){ |
1615 | if(typeof (MochiKit.LoggingPane)=="undefined"){ |
1616 | alert(this.getMessageText()); |
1617 | }else{ |
1618 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.createLoggingPane(_210||false); |
1619 | } |
1620 | }}; |
1621 | MochiKit.Logging.__new__=function(){ |
1622 | this.LogLevel={ERROR:40,FATAL:50,WARNING:30,INFO:20,DEBUG:10}; |
1623 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1624 | m.registerComparator("LogMessage",this.isLogMessage,this.compareLogMessage); |
1625 | var _211=m.partial; |
1626 | var _212=this.Logger; |
1627 | var _213=_212.prototype.baseLog; |
1628 | m.update(this.Logger.prototype,{debug:_211(_213,"DEBUG"),log:_211(_213,"INFO"),error:_211(_213,"ERROR"),fatal:_211(_213,"FATAL"),warning:_211(_213,"WARNING")}); |
1629 | var self=this; |
1630 | var _214=function(name){ |
1631 | return function(){ |
1632 | self.logger[name].apply(self.logger,arguments); |
1633 | }; |
1634 | }; |
1635 | this.log=_214("log"); |
1636 | this.logError=_214("error"); |
1637 | this.logDebug=_214("debug"); |
1638 | this.logFatal=_214("fatal"); |
1639 | this.logWarning=_214("warning"); |
1640 | this.logger=new _212(); |
1641 | this.logger.useNativeConsole=true; |
1642 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
1643 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
1644 | }; |
1645 | if(typeof (printfire)=="undefined"&&typeof (document)!="undefined"&&document.createEvent&&typeof (dispatchEvent)!="undefined"){ |
1646 | printfire=function(){ |
1647 | printfire.args=arguments; |
1648 | var ev=document.createEvent("Events"); |
1649 | ev.initEvent("printfire",false,true); |
1650 | dispatchEvent(ev); |
1651 | }; |
1652 | } |
1653 | MochiKit.Logging.__new__(); |
1654 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Logging); |
1655 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
1656 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.DateTime"); |
1657 | } |
1658 | if(typeof (MochiKit)=="undefined"){ |
1659 | MochiKit={}; |
1660 | } |
1661 | if(typeof (MochiKit.DateTime)=="undefined"){ |
1662 | MochiKit.DateTime={}; |
1663 | } |
1664 | MochiKit.DateTime.NAME="MochiKit.DateTime"; |
1665 | MochiKit.DateTime.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
1666 | MochiKit.DateTime.__repr__=function(){ |
1667 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
1668 | }; |
1669 | MochiKit.DateTime.toString=function(){ |
1670 | return this.__repr__(); |
1671 | }; |
1672 | MochiKit.DateTime.isoDate=function(str){ |
1673 | str=str+""; |
1674 | if(typeof (str)!="string"||str.length===0){ |
1675 | return null; |
1676 | } |
1677 | var iso=str.split("-"); |
1678 | if(iso.length===0){ |
1679 | return null; |
1680 | } |
1681 | return new Date(iso[0],iso[1]-1,iso[2]); |
1682 | }; |
1683 | MochiKit.DateTime._isoRegexp=/(\d{4,})(?:-(\d{1,2})(?:-(\d{1,2})(?:[T ](\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2})(?:\.(\d+))?)?(?:(Z)|([+-])(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2}))?)?)?)?)?/; |
1684 | MochiKit.DateTime.isoTimestamp=function(str){ |
1685 | str=str+""; |
1686 | if(typeof (str)!="string"||str.length===0){ |
1687 | return null; |
1688 | } |
1689 | var res=str.match(MochiKit.DateTime._isoRegexp); |
1690 | if(typeof (res)=="undefined"||res===null){ |
1691 | return null; |
1692 | } |
1693 | var year,month,day,hour,min,sec,msec; |
1694 | year=parseInt(res[1],10); |
1695 | if(typeof (res[2])=="undefined"||res[2]===""){ |
1696 | return new Date(year); |
1697 | } |
1698 | month=parseInt(res[2],10)-1; |
1699 | day=parseInt(res[3],10); |
1700 | if(typeof (res[4])=="undefined"||res[4]===""){ |
1701 | return new Date(year,month,day); |
1702 | } |
1703 | hour=parseInt(res[4],10); |
1704 | min=parseInt(res[5],10); |
1705 | sec=(typeof (res[6])!="undefined"&&res[6]!=="")?parseInt(res[6],10):0; |
1706 | if(typeof (res[7])!="undefined"&&res[7]!==""){ |
1707 | msec=Math.round(1000*parseFloat("0."+res[7])); |
1708 | }else{ |
1709 | msec=0; |
1710 | } |
1711 | if((typeof (res[8])=="undefined"||res[8]==="")&&(typeof (res[9])=="undefined"||res[9]==="")){ |
1712 | return new Date(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,msec); |
1713 | } |
1714 | var ofs; |
1715 | if(typeof (res[9])!="undefined"&&res[9]!==""){ |
1716 | ofs=parseInt(res[10],10)*3600000; |
1717 | if(typeof (res[11])!="undefined"&&res[11]!==""){ |
1718 | ofs+=parseInt(res[11],10)*60000; |
1719 | } |
1720 | if(res[9]=="-"){ |
1721 | ofs=-ofs; |
1722 | } |
1723 | }else{ |
1724 | ofs=0; |
1725 | } |
1726 | return new Date(Date.UTC(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,msec)-ofs); |
1727 | }; |
1728 | MochiKit.DateTime.toISOTime=function(date,_221){ |
1729 | if(typeof (date)=="undefined"||date===null){ |
1730 | return null; |
1731 | } |
1732 | var hh=date.getHours(); |
1733 | var mm=date.getMinutes(); |
1734 | var ss=date.getSeconds(); |
1735 | var lst=[((_221&&(hh<10))?"0"+hh:hh),((mm<10)?"0"+mm:mm),((ss<10)?"0"+ss:ss)]; |
1736 | return lst.join(":"); |
1737 | }; |
1738 | MochiKit.DateTime.toISOTimestamp=function(date,_225){ |
1739 | if(typeof (date)=="undefined"||date===null){ |
1740 | return null; |
1741 | } |
1742 | var sep=_225?"T":" "; |
1743 | var foot=_225?"Z":""; |
1744 | if(_225){ |
1745 | date=new Date(date.getTime()+(date.getTimezoneOffset()*60000)); |
1746 | } |
1747 | return MochiKit.DateTime.toISODate(date)+sep+MochiKit.DateTime.toISOTime(date,_225)+foot; |
1748 | }; |
1749 | MochiKit.DateTime.toISODate=function(date){ |
1750 | if(typeof (date)=="undefined"||date===null){ |
1751 | return null; |
1752 | } |
1753 | var _228=MochiKit.DateTime._padTwo; |
1754 | return [date.getFullYear(),_228(date.getMonth()+1),_228(date.getDate())].join("-"); |
1755 | }; |
1756 | MochiKit.DateTime.americanDate=function(d){ |
1757 | d=d+""; |
1758 | if(typeof (d)!="string"||d.length===0){ |
1759 | return null; |
1760 | } |
1761 | var a=d.split("/"); |
1762 | return new Date(a[2],a[0]-1,a[1]); |
1763 | }; |
1764 | MochiKit.DateTime._padTwo=function(n){ |
1765 | return (n>9)?n:"0"+n; |
1766 | }; |
1767 | MochiKit.DateTime.toPaddedAmericanDate=function(d){ |
1768 | if(typeof (d)=="undefined"||d===null){ |
1769 | return null; |
1770 | } |
1771 | var _230=MochiKit.DateTime._padTwo; |
1772 | return [_230(d.getMonth()+1),_230(d.getDate()),d.getFullYear()].join("/"); |
1773 | }; |
1774 | MochiKit.DateTime.toAmericanDate=function(d){ |
1775 | if(typeof (d)=="undefined"||d===null){ |
1776 | return null; |
1777 | } |
1778 | return [d.getMonth()+1,d.getDate(),d.getFullYear()].join("/"); |
1779 | }; |
1780 | MochiKit.DateTime.EXPORT=["isoDate","isoTimestamp","toISOTime","toISOTimestamp","toISODate","americanDate","toPaddedAmericanDate","toAmericanDate"]; |
1781 | MochiKit.DateTime.EXPORT_OK=[]; |
1782 | MochiKit.DateTime.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":MochiKit.DateTime.EXPORT,":all":MochiKit.DateTime.EXPORT}; |
1783 | MochiKit.DateTime.__new__=function(){ |
1784 | var base=this.NAME+"."; |
1785 | for(var k in this){ |
1786 | var o=this[k]; |
1787 | if(typeof (o)=="function"&&typeof (o.NAME)=="undefined"){ |
1788 | try{ |
1789 | o.NAME=base+k; |
1790 | } |
1791 | catch(e){ |
1792 | } |
1793 | } |
1794 | } |
1795 | }; |
1796 | MochiKit.DateTime.__new__(); |
1797 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)!="undefined"){ |
1798 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.DateTime); |
1799 | }else{ |
1800 | (function(_231,_232){ |
1801 | if((typeof (JSAN)=="undefined"&&typeof (dojo)=="undefined")||(typeof (MochiKit.__compat__)=="boolean"&&MochiKit.__compat__)){ |
1802 | var all=_232.EXPORT_TAGS[":all"]; |
1803 | for(var i=0;i<all.length;i++){ |
1804 | _231[all[i]]=_232[all[i]]; |
1805 | } |
1806 | } |
1807 | })(this,MochiKit.DateTime); |
1808 | } |
1809 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
1810 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Format"); |
1811 | } |
1812 | if(typeof (MochiKit)=="undefined"){ |
1813 | MochiKit={}; |
1814 | } |
1815 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Format)=="undefined"){ |
1816 | MochiKit.Format={}; |
1817 | } |
1818 | MochiKit.Format.NAME="MochiKit.Format"; |
1819 | MochiKit.Format.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
1820 | MochiKit.Format.__repr__=function(){ |
1821 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
1822 | }; |
1823 | MochiKit.Format.toString=function(){ |
1824 | return this.__repr__(); |
1825 | }; |
1826 | MochiKit.Format._numberFormatter=function(_233,_234,_235,_236,_237,_238,_239,_240,_241){ |
1827 | return function(num){ |
1828 | num=parseFloat(num); |
1829 | if(typeof (num)=="undefined"||num===null||isNaN(num)){ |
1830 | return _233; |
1831 | } |
1832 | var _242=_234; |
1833 | var _243=_235; |
1834 | if(num<0){ |
1835 | num=-num; |
1836 | }else{ |
1837 | _242=_242.replace(/-/,""); |
1838 | } |
1839 | var me=arguments.callee; |
1840 | var fmt=MochiKit.Format.formatLocale(_236); |
1841 | if(_237){ |
1842 | num=num*100; |
1843 | _243=fmt.percent+_243; |
1844 | } |
1845 | num=MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed(num,_238); |
1846 | var _245=num.split(/\./); |
1847 | var _246=_245[0]; |
1848 | var frac=(_245.length==1)?"":_245[1]; |
1849 | var res=""; |
1850 | while(_246.length<_239){ |
1851 | _246="0"+_246; |
1852 | } |
1853 | if(_240){ |
1854 | while(_246.length>_240){ |
1855 | var i=_246.length-_240; |
1856 | res=fmt.separator+_246.substring(i,_246.length)+res; |
1857 | _246=_246.substring(0,i); |
1858 | } |
1859 | } |
1860 | res=_246+res; |
1861 | if(_238>0){ |
1862 | while(frac.length<_241){ |
1863 | frac=frac+"0"; |
1864 | } |
1865 | res=res+fmt.decimal+frac; |
1866 | } |
1867 | return _242+res+_243; |
1868 | }; |
1869 | }; |
1870 | MochiKit.Format.numberFormatter=function(_248,_249,_250){ |
1871 | if(typeof (_249)=="undefined"){ |
1872 | _249=""; |
1873 | } |
1874 | var _251=_248.match(/((?:[0#]+,)?[0#]+)(?:\.([0#]+))?(%)?/); |
1875 | if(!_251){ |
1876 | throw TypeError("Invalid pattern"); |
1877 | } |
1878 | var _252=_248.substr(0,_251.index); |
1879 | var _253=_248.substr(_251.index+_251[0].length); |
1880 | if(_252.search(/-/)==-1){ |
1881 | _252=_252+"-"; |
1882 | } |
1883 | var _254=_251[1]; |
1884 | var frac=(typeof (_251[2])=="string"&&_251[2]!="")?_251[2]:""; |
1885 | var _255=(typeof (_251[3])=="string"&&_251[3]!=""); |
1886 | var tmp=_254.split(/,/); |
1887 | var _257; |
1888 | if(typeof (_250)=="undefined"){ |
1889 | _250="default"; |
1890 | } |
1891 | if(tmp.length==1){ |
1892 | _257=null; |
1893 | }else{ |
1894 | _257=tmp[1].length; |
1895 | } |
1896 | var _258=_254.length-_254.replace(/0/g,"").length; |
1897 | var _259=frac.length-frac.replace(/0/g,"").length; |
1898 | var _260=frac.length; |
1899 | var rval=MochiKit.Format._numberFormatter(_249,_252,_253,_250,_255,_260,_258,_257,_259); |
1900 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
1901 | if(m){ |
1902 | var fn=arguments.callee; |
1903 | var args=m.concat(arguments); |
1904 | rval.repr=function(){ |
1905 | return [self.NAME,"(",map(m.repr,args).join(", "),")"].join(""); |
1906 | }; |
1907 | } |
1908 | return rval; |
1909 | }; |
1910 | MochiKit.Format.formatLocale=function(_262){ |
1911 | if(typeof (_262)=="undefined"||_262===null){ |
1912 | _262="default"; |
1913 | } |
1914 | if(typeof (_262)=="string"){ |
1915 | var rval=MochiKit.Format.LOCALE[_262]; |
1916 | if(typeof (rval)=="string"){ |
1917 | rval=arguments.callee(rval); |
1918 | MochiKit.Format.LOCALE[_262]=rval; |
1919 | } |
1920 | return rval; |
1921 | }else{ |
1922 | return _262; |
1923 | } |
1924 | }; |
1925 | MochiKit.Format.twoDigitAverage=function(_263,_264){ |
1926 | if(_264){ |
1927 | var res=_263/_264; |
1928 | if(!isNaN(res)){ |
1929 | return MochiKit.Format.twoDigitFloat(_263/_264); |
1930 | } |
1931 | } |
1932 | return "0"; |
1933 | }; |
1934 | MochiKit.Format.twoDigitFloat=function(_265){ |
1935 | var sign=(_265<0?"-":""); |
1936 | var s=Math.floor(Math.abs(_265)*100).toString(); |
1937 | if(s=="0"){ |
1938 | return s; |
1939 | } |
1940 | if(s.length<3){ |
1941 | while(s.charAt(s.length-1)=="0"){ |
1942 | s=s.substring(0,s.length-1); |
1943 | } |
1944 | return sign+"0."+s; |
1945 | } |
1946 | var head=sign+s.substring(0,s.length-2); |
1947 | var tail=s.substring(s.length-2,s.length); |
1948 | if(tail=="00"){ |
1949 | return head; |
1950 | }else{ |
1951 | if(tail.charAt(1)=="0"){ |
1952 | return head+"."+tail.charAt(0); |
1953 | }else{ |
1954 | return head+"."+tail; |
1955 | } |
1956 | } |
1957 | }; |
1958 | MochiKit.Format.lstrip=function(str,_270){ |
1959 | str=str+""; |
1960 | if(typeof (str)!="string"){ |
1961 | return null; |
1962 | } |
1963 | if(!_270){ |
1964 | return str.replace(/^\s+/,""); |
1965 | }else{ |
1966 | return str.replace(new RegExp("^["+_270+"]+"),""); |
1967 | } |
1968 | }; |
1969 | MochiKit.Format.rstrip=function(str,_271){ |
1970 | str=str+""; |
1971 | if(typeof (str)!="string"){ |
1972 | return null; |
1973 | } |
1974 | if(!_271){ |
1975 | return str.replace(/\s+$/,""); |
1976 | }else{ |
1977 | return str.replace(new RegExp("["+_271+"]+$"),""); |
1978 | } |
1979 | }; |
1980 | MochiKit.Format.strip=function(str,_272){ |
1981 | var self=MochiKit.Format; |
1982 | return self.rstrip(self.lstrip(str,_272),_272); |
1983 | }; |
1984 | MochiKit.Format.truncToFixed=function(_273,_274){ |
1985 | _273=Math.floor(_273*Math.pow(10,_274)); |
1986 | var res=(_273*Math.pow(10,-_274)).toFixed(_274); |
1987 | if(res.charAt(0)=="."){ |
1988 | res="0"+res; |
1989 | } |
1990 | return res; |
1991 | }; |
1992 | MochiKit.Format.roundToFixed=function(_275,_276){ |
1993 | return MochiKit.Format.truncToFixed(_275+0.5*Math.pow(10,-_276),_276); |
1994 | }; |
1995 | MochiKit.Format.percentFormat=function(_277){ |
1996 | return MochiKit.Format.twoDigitFloat(100*_277)+"%"; |
1997 | }; |
1998 | MochiKit.Format.EXPORT=["truncToFixed","roundToFixed","numberFormatter","formatLocale","twoDigitAverage","twoDigitFloat","percentFormat","lstrip","rstrip","strip"]; |
1999 | MochiKit.Format.LOCALE={en_US:{separator:",",decimal:".",percent:"%"},de_DE:{separator:".",decimal:",",percent:"%"},fr_FR:{separator:" ",decimal:",",percent:"%"},"default":"en_US"}; |
2000 | MochiKit.Format.EXPORT_OK=[]; |
2001 | MochiKit.Format.EXPORT_TAGS={":all":MochiKit.Format.EXPORT,":common":MochiKit.Format.EXPORT}; |
2002 | MochiKit.Format.__new__=function(){ |
2003 | var base=this.NAME+"."; |
2004 | var k,v,o; |
2005 | for(k in this.LOCALE){ |
2006 | o=this.LOCALE[k]; |
2007 | if(typeof (o)=="object"){ |
2008 | o.repr=function(){ |
2009 | return this.NAME; |
2010 | }; |
2011 | o.NAME=base+"LOCALE."+k; |
2012 | } |
2013 | } |
2014 | for(k in this){ |
2015 | o=this[k]; |
2016 | if(typeof (o)=="function"&&typeof (o.NAME)=="undefined"){ |
2017 | try{ |
2018 | o.NAME=base+k; |
2019 | } |
2020 | catch(e){ |
2021 | } |
2022 | } |
2023 | } |
2024 | }; |
2025 | MochiKit.Format.__new__(); |
2026 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)!="undefined"){ |
2027 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Format); |
2028 | }else{ |
2029 | (function(_278,_279){ |
2030 | if((typeof (JSAN)=="undefined"&&typeof (dojo)=="undefined")||(typeof (MochiKit.__compat__)=="boolean"&&MochiKit.__compat__)){ |
2031 | var all=_279.EXPORT_TAGS[":all"]; |
2032 | for(var i=0;i<all.length;i++){ |
2033 | _278[all[i]]=_279[all[i]]; |
2034 | } |
2035 | } |
2036 | })(this,MochiKit.Format); |
2037 | } |
2038 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
2039 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Async"); |
2040 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); |
2041 | } |
2042 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
2043 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
2044 | } |
2045 | try{ |
2046 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ |
2047 | throw ""; |
2048 | } |
2049 | } |
2050 | catch(e){ |
2051 | throw "MochiKit.Async depends on MochiKit.Base!"; |
2052 | } |
2053 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Async)=="undefined"){ |
2054 | MochiKit.Async={}; |
2055 | } |
2056 | MochiKit.Async.NAME="MochiKit.Async"; |
2057 | MochiKit.Async.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
2058 | MochiKit.Async.__repr__=function(){ |
2059 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
2060 | }; |
2061 | MochiKit.Async.toString=function(){ |
2062 | return this.__repr__(); |
2063 | }; |
2064 | MochiKit.Async.Deferred=function(_280){ |
2065 | this.chain=[]; |
2066 | this.id=this._nextId(); |
2067 | this.fired=-1; |
2068 | this.paused=0; |
2069 | this.results=[null,null]; |
2070 | this.canceller=_280; |
2071 | this.silentlyCancelled=false; |
2072 | this.chained=false; |
2073 | }; |
2074 | MochiKit.Async.Deferred.prototype={repr:function(){ |
2075 | var _281; |
2076 | if(this.fired==-1){ |
2077 | _281="unfired"; |
2078 | }else{ |
2079 | if(this.fired===0){ |
2080 | _281="success"; |
2081 | }else{ |
2082 | _281="error"; |
2083 | } |
2084 | } |
2085 | return "Deferred("+this.id+", "+_281+")"; |
2086 | },toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr"),_nextId:MochiKit.Base.counter(),cancel:function(){ |
2087 | var self=MochiKit.Async; |
2088 | if(this.fired==-1){ |
2089 | if(this.canceller){ |
2090 | this.canceller(this); |
2091 | }else{ |
2092 | this.silentlyCancelled=true; |
2093 | } |
2094 | if(this.fired==-1){ |
2095 | this.errback(new self.CancelledError(this)); |
2096 | } |
2097 | }else{ |
2098 | if((this.fired===0)&&(this.results[0] instanceof self.Deferred)){ |
2099 | this.results[0].cancel(); |
2100 | } |
2101 | } |
2102 | },_pause:function(){ |
2103 | this.paused++; |
2104 | },_unpause:function(){ |
2105 | this.paused--; |
2106 | if((this.paused===0)&&(this.fired>=0)){ |
2107 | this._fire(); |
2108 | } |
2109 | },_continue:function(res){ |
2110 | this._resback(res); |
2111 | this._unpause(); |
2112 | },_resback:function(res){ |
2113 | this.fired=((res instanceof Error)?1:0); |
2114 | this.results[this.fired]=res; |
2115 | this._fire(); |
2116 | },_check:function(){ |
2117 | if(this.fired!=-1){ |
2118 | if(!this.silentlyCancelled){ |
2119 | throw new MochiKit.Async.AlreadyCalledError(this); |
2120 | } |
2121 | this.silentlyCancelled=false; |
2122 | return; |
2123 | } |
2124 | },callback:function(res){ |
2125 | this._check(); |
2126 | if(res instanceof MochiKit.Async.Deferred){ |
2127 | throw new Error("Deferred instances can only be chained if they are the result of a callback"); |
2128 | } |
2129 | this._resback(res); |
2130 | },errback:function(res){ |
2131 | this._check(); |
2132 | var self=MochiKit.Async; |
2133 | if(res instanceof self.Deferred){ |
2134 | throw new Error("Deferred instances can only be chained if they are the result of a callback"); |
2135 | } |
2136 | if(!(res instanceof Error)){ |
2137 | res=new self.GenericError(res); |
2138 | } |
2139 | this._resback(res); |
2140 | },addBoth:function(fn){ |
2141 | if(arguments.length>1){ |
2142 | fn=MochiKit.Base.partial.apply(null,arguments); |
2143 | } |
2144 | return this.addCallbacks(fn,fn); |
2145 | },addCallback:function(fn){ |
2146 | if(arguments.length>1){ |
2147 | fn=MochiKit.Base.partial.apply(null,arguments); |
2148 | } |
2149 | return this.addCallbacks(fn,null); |
2150 | },addErrback:function(fn){ |
2151 | if(arguments.length>1){ |
2152 | fn=MochiKit.Base.partial.apply(null,arguments); |
2153 | } |
2154 | return this.addCallbacks(null,fn); |
2155 | },addCallbacks:function(cb,eb){ |
2156 | if(this.chained){ |
2157 | throw new Error("Chained Deferreds can not be re-used"); |
2158 | } |
2159 | this.chain.push([cb,eb]); |
2160 | if(this.fired>=0){ |
2161 | this._fire(); |
2162 | } |
2163 | return this; |
2164 | },_fire:function(){ |
2165 | var _284=this.chain; |
2166 | var _285=this.fired; |
2167 | var res=this.results[_285]; |
2168 | var self=this; |
2169 | var cb=null; |
2170 | while(_284.length>0&&this.paused===0){ |
2171 | var pair=_284.shift(); |
2172 | var f=pair[_285]; |
2173 | if(f===null){ |
2174 | continue; |
2175 | } |
2176 | try{ |
2177 | res=f(res); |
2178 | _285=((res instanceof Error)?1:0); |
2179 | if(res instanceof MochiKit.Async.Deferred){ |
2180 | cb=function(res){ |
2181 | self._continue(res); |
2182 | }; |
2183 | this._pause(); |
2184 | } |
2185 | } |
2186 | catch(err){ |
2187 | _285=1; |
2188 | if(!(err instanceof Error)){ |
2189 | err=new MochiKit.Async.GenericError(err); |
2190 | } |
2191 | res=err; |
2192 | } |
2193 | } |
2194 | this.fired=_285; |
2195 | this.results[_285]=res; |
2196 | if(cb&&this.paused){ |
2197 | res.addBoth(cb); |
2198 | res.chained=true; |
2199 | } |
2200 | }}; |
2201 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Async,{evalJSONRequest:function(){ |
2202 | return eval("("+arguments[0].responseText+")"); |
2203 | },succeed:function(_287){ |
2204 | var d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); |
2205 | d.callback.apply(d,arguments); |
2206 | return d; |
2207 | },fail:function(_288){ |
2208 | var d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); |
2209 | d.errback.apply(d,arguments); |
2210 | return d; |
2211 | },getXMLHttpRequest:function(){ |
2212 | var self=arguments.callee; |
2213 | if(!self.XMLHttpRequest){ |
2214 | var _289=[function(){ |
2215 | return new XMLHttpRequest(); |
2216 | },function(){ |
2217 | return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); |
2218 | },function(){ |
2219 | return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); |
2220 | },function(){ |
2221 | return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"); |
2222 | },function(){ |
2223 | throw new MochiKit.Async.BrowserComplianceError("Browser does not support XMLHttpRequest"); |
2224 | }]; |
2225 | for(var i=0;i<_289.length;i++){ |
2226 | var func=_289[i]; |
2227 | try{ |
2228 | self.XMLHttpRequest=func; |
2229 | return func(); |
2230 | } |
2231 | catch(e){ |
2232 | } |
2233 | } |
2234 | } |
2235 | return self.XMLHttpRequest(); |
2236 | },_nothing:function(){ |
2237 | },_xhr_onreadystatechange:function(d){ |
2238 | if(this.readyState==4){ |
2239 | try{ |
2240 | this.onreadystatechange=null; |
2241 | } |
2242 | catch(e){ |
2243 | try{ |
2244 | this.onreadystatechange=MochiKit.Async._nothing; |
2245 | } |
2246 | catch(e){ |
2247 | } |
2248 | } |
2249 | var _290=null; |
2250 | try{ |
2251 | _290=this.status; |
2252 | if(!_290&&MochiKit.Base.isNotEmpty(this.responseText)){ |
2253 | _290=304; |
2254 | } |
2255 | } |
2256 | catch(e){ |
2257 | } |
2258 | if(_290==200||_290==304){ |
2259 | d.callback(this); |
2260 | }else{ |
2261 | var err=new MochiKit.Async.XMLHttpRequestError(this,"Request failed"); |
2262 | if(err.number){ |
2263 | d.errback(err); |
2264 | }else{ |
2265 | d.errback(err); |
2266 | } |
2267 | } |
2268 | } |
2269 | },_xhr_canceller:function(req){ |
2270 | try{ |
2271 | req.onreadystatechange=null; |
2272 | } |
2273 | catch(e){ |
2274 | try{ |
2275 | req.onreadystatechange=MochiKit.Async._nothing; |
2276 | } |
2277 | catch(e){ |
2278 | } |
2279 | } |
2280 | req.abort(); |
2281 | },sendXMLHttpRequest:function(req,_293){ |
2282 | if(typeof (_293)=="undefined"||_293===null){ |
2283 | _293=""; |
2284 | } |
2285 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2286 | var self=MochiKit.Async; |
2287 | var d=new self.Deferred(m.partial(self._xhr_canceller,req)); |
2288 | try{ |
2289 | req.onreadystatechange=m.bind(self._xhr_onreadystatechange,req,d); |
2290 | req.send(_293); |
2291 | } |
2292 | catch(e){ |
2293 | try{ |
2294 | req.onreadystatechange=null; |
2295 | } |
2296 | catch(ignore){ |
2297 | } |
2298 | d.errback(e); |
2299 | } |
2300 | return d; |
2301 | },doSimpleXMLHttpRequest:function(url){ |
2302 | var self=MochiKit.Async; |
2303 | var req=self.getXMLHttpRequest(); |
2304 | if(arguments.length>1){ |
2305 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2306 | var qs=m.queryString.apply(null,m.extend(null,arguments,1)); |
2307 | if(qs){ |
2308 | url+="?"+qs; |
2309 | } |
2310 | } |
2311 | req.open("GET",url,true); |
2312 | return self.sendXMLHttpRequest(req); |
2313 | },loadJSONDoc:function(url){ |
2314 | var self=MochiKit.Async; |
2315 | var d=self.doSimpleXMLHttpRequest.apply(self,arguments); |
2316 | d=d.addCallback(self.evalJSONRequest); |
2317 | return d; |
2318 | },wait:function(_296,_297){ |
2319 | var d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); |
2320 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2321 | if(typeof (_297)!="undefined"){ |
2322 | d.addCallback(function(){ |
2323 | return _297; |
2324 | }); |
2325 | } |
2326 | var _298=setTimeout(m.bind("callback",d),Math.floor(_296*1000)); |
2327 | d.canceller=function(){ |
2328 | try{ |
2329 | clearTimeout(_298); |
2330 | } |
2331 | catch(e){ |
2332 | } |
2333 | }; |
2334 | return d; |
2335 | },callLater:function(_299,func){ |
2336 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2337 | var _300=m.partial.apply(m,m.extend(null,arguments,1)); |
2338 | return MochiKit.Async.wait(_299).addCallback(function(res){ |
2339 | return _300(); |
2340 | }); |
2341 | }}); |
2342 | MochiKit.Async.DeferredLock=function(){ |
2343 | this.waiting=[]; |
2344 | this.locked=false; |
2345 | this.id=this._nextId(); |
2346 | }; |
2347 | MochiKit.Async.DeferredLock.prototype={__class__:MochiKit.Async.DeferredLock,acquire:function(){ |
2348 | d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); |
2349 | if(this.locked){ |
2350 | this.waiting.push(d); |
2351 | }else{ |
2352 | this.locked=true; |
2353 | d.callback(this); |
2354 | } |
2355 | return d; |
2356 | },release:function(){ |
2357 | if(!this.locked){ |
2358 | throw TypeError("Tried to release an unlocked DeferredLock"); |
2359 | } |
2360 | this.locked=false; |
2361 | if(this.waiting.length>0){ |
2362 | this.locked=true; |
2363 | this.waiting.shift().callback(this); |
2364 | } |
2365 | },_nextId:MochiKit.Base.counter(),repr:function(){ |
2366 | var _301; |
2367 | if(this.locked){ |
2368 | _301="locked, "+this.waiting.length+" waiting"; |
2369 | }else{ |
2370 | _301="unlocked"; |
2371 | } |
2372 | return "DeferredLock("+this.id+", "+_301+")"; |
2373 | },toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")}; |
2374 | MochiKit.Async.DeferredList=function(list,_303,_304,_305,_306){ |
2375 | this.list=list; |
2376 | this.resultList=new Array(this.list.length); |
2377 | this.chain=[]; |
2378 | this.id=this._nextId(); |
2379 | this.fired=-1; |
2380 | this.paused=0; |
2381 | this.results=[null,null]; |
2382 | this.canceller=_306; |
2383 | this.silentlyCancelled=false; |
2384 | if(this.list.length===0&&!_303){ |
2385 | this.callback(this.resultList); |
2386 | } |
2387 | this.finishedCount=0; |
2388 | this.fireOnOneCallback=_303; |
2389 | this.fireOnOneErrback=_304; |
2390 | this.consumeErrors=_305; |
2391 | var _307=0; |
2392 | MochiKit.Base.map(MochiKit.Base.bind(function(d){ |
2393 | d.addCallback(MochiKit.Base.bind(this._cbDeferred,this),_307,true); |
2394 | d.addErrback(MochiKit.Base.bind(this._cbDeferred,this),_307,false); |
2395 | _307+=1; |
2396 | },this),this.list); |
2397 | }; |
2398 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Async.DeferredList.prototype,MochiKit.Async.Deferred.prototype); |
2399 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Async.DeferredList.prototype,{_cbDeferred:function(_308,_309,_310){ |
2400 | this.resultList[_308]=[_309,_310]; |
2401 | this.finishedCount+=1; |
2402 | if(this.fired!==0){ |
2403 | if(_309&&this.fireOnOneCallback){ |
2404 | this.callback([_308,_310]); |
2405 | }else{ |
2406 | if(!_309&&this.fireOnOneErrback){ |
2407 | this.errback(_310); |
2408 | }else{ |
2409 | if(this.finishedCount==this.list.length){ |
2410 | this.callback(this.resultList); |
2411 | } |
2412 | } |
2413 | } |
2414 | } |
2415 | if(!_309&&this.consumeErrors){ |
2416 | _310=null; |
2417 | } |
2418 | return _310; |
2419 | }}); |
2420 | MochiKit.Async.gatherResults=function(_311){ |
2421 | var d=new MochiKit.Async.DeferredList(_311,false,true,false); |
2422 | d.addCallback(function(_312){ |
2423 | var ret=[]; |
2424 | for(var i=0;i<_312.length;i++){ |
2425 | ret.push(_312[i][1]); |
2426 | } |
2427 | return ret; |
2428 | }); |
2429 | return d; |
2430 | }; |
2431 | MochiKit.Async.maybeDeferred=function(func){ |
2432 | var self=MochiKit.Async; |
2433 | var _313; |
2434 | try{ |
2435 | var r=func.apply(null,MochiKit.Base.extend([],arguments,1)); |
2436 | if(r instanceof self.Deferred){ |
2437 | _313=r; |
2438 | }else{ |
2439 | if(r instanceof Error){ |
2440 | _313=self.fail(r); |
2441 | }else{ |
2442 | _313=self.succeed(r); |
2443 | } |
2444 | } |
2445 | } |
2446 | catch(e){ |
2447 | _313=self.fail(e); |
2448 | } |
2449 | return _313; |
2450 | }; |
2451 | MochiKit.Async.EXPORT=["AlreadyCalledError","CancelledError","BrowserComplianceError","GenericError","XMLHttpRequestError","Deferred","succeed","fail","getXMLHttpRequest","doSimpleXMLHttpRequest","loadJSONDoc","wait","callLater","sendXMLHttpRequest","DeferredLock","DeferredList","gatherResults","maybeDeferred"]; |
2452 | MochiKit.Async.EXPORT_OK=["evalJSONRequest"]; |
2453 | MochiKit.Async.__new__=function(){ |
2454 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2455 | var ne=m.partial(m._newNamedError,this); |
2456 | ne("AlreadyCalledError",function(_316){ |
2457 | this.deferred=_316; |
2458 | }); |
2459 | ne("CancelledError",function(_317){ |
2460 | this.deferred=_317; |
2461 | }); |
2462 | ne("BrowserComplianceError",function(msg){ |
2463 | this.message=msg; |
2464 | }); |
2465 | ne("GenericError",function(msg){ |
2466 | this.message=msg; |
2467 | }); |
2468 | ne("XMLHttpRequestError",function(req,msg){ |
2469 | this.req=req; |
2470 | this.message=msg; |
2471 | try{ |
2472 | this.number=req.status; |
2473 | } |
2474 | catch(e){ |
2475 | } |
2476 | }); |
2477 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
2478 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
2479 | }; |
2480 | MochiKit.Async.__new__(); |
2481 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Async); |
2482 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
2483 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.DOM"); |
2484 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Iter"); |
2485 | } |
2486 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
2487 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Iter",[]); |
2488 | } |
2489 | try{ |
2490 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Iter)=="undefined"){ |
2491 | throw ""; |
2492 | } |
2493 | } |
2494 | catch(e){ |
2495 | throw "MochiKit.DOM depends on MochiKit.Iter!"; |
2496 | } |
2497 | if(typeof (MochiKit.DOM)=="undefined"){ |
2498 | MochiKit.DOM={}; |
2499 | } |
2500 | MochiKit.DOM.NAME="MochiKit.DOM"; |
2501 | MochiKit.DOM.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
2502 | MochiKit.DOM.__repr__=function(){ |
2503 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
2504 | }; |
2505 | MochiKit.DOM.toString=function(){ |
2506 | return this.__repr__(); |
2507 | }; |
2508 | MochiKit.DOM.EXPORT=["formContents","currentWindow","currentDocument","withWindow","withDocument","registerDOMConverter","coerceToDOM","createDOM","createDOMFunc","getNodeAttribute","setNodeAttribute","updateNodeAttributes","appendChildNodes","replaceChildNodes","removeElement","swapDOM","BUTTON","TT","PRE","H1","H2","H3","BR","CANVAS","HR","LABEL","TEXTAREA","FORM","STRONG","SELECT","OPTION","OPTGROUP","LEGEND","FIELDSET","P","UL","OL","LI","TD","TR","THEAD","TBODY","TFOOT","TABLE","TH","INPUT","SPAN","A","DIV","IMG","getElement","$","computedStyle","getElementsByTagAndClassName","addToCallStack","addLoadEvent","focusOnLoad","setElementClass","toggleElementClass","addElementClass","removeElementClass","swapElementClass","hasElementClass","escapeHTML","toHTML","emitHTML","setDisplayForElement","hideElement","showElement","scrapeText","elementDimensions","elementPosition","setElementDimensions","setElementPosition","getViewportDimensions","setOpacity"]; |
2509 | MochiKit.DOM.EXPORT_OK=["domConverters"]; |
2510 | MochiKit.DOM.Dimensions=function(w,h){ |
2511 | this.w=w; |
2512 | this.h=h; |
2513 | }; |
2514 | MochiKit.DOM.Dimensions.prototype.repr=function(){ |
2515 | var repr=MochiKit.Base.repr; |
2516 | return "{w: "+repr(this.w)+", h: "+repr(this.h)+"}"; |
2517 | }; |
2518 | MochiKit.DOM.Coordinates=function(x,y){ |
2519 | this.x=x; |
2520 | this.y=y; |
2521 | }; |
2522 | MochiKit.DOM.Coordinates.prototype.repr=function(){ |
2523 | var repr=MochiKit.Base.repr; |
2524 | return "{x: "+repr(this.x)+", y: "+repr(this.y)+"}"; |
2525 | }; |
2526 | MochiKit.DOM.Coordinates.prototype.toString=function(){ |
2527 | return this.repr(); |
2528 | }; |
2529 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.DOM,{setOpacity:function(elem,o){ |
2530 | elem=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem); |
2531 | MochiKit.DOM.updateNodeAttributes(elem,{"style":{"opacity":o,"-moz-opacity":o,"-khtml-opacity":o,"filter":" alpha(opacity="+(o*100)+")"}}); |
2532 | },getViewportDimensions:function(){ |
2533 | var d=new MochiKit.DOM.Dimensions(); |
2534 | var w=MochiKit.DOM._window; |
2535 | var b=MochiKit.DOM._document.body; |
2536 | if(w.innerWidth){ |
2537 | d.w=w.innerWidth; |
2538 | d.h=w.innerHeight; |
2539 | }else{ |
2540 | if(b.parentElement.clientWidth){ |
2541 | d.w=b.parentElement.clientWidth; |
2542 | d.h=b.parentElement.clientHeight; |
2543 | }else{ |
2544 | if(b&&b.clientWidth){ |
2545 | d.w=b.clientWidth; |
2546 | d.h=b.clientHeight; |
2547 | } |
2548 | } |
2549 | } |
2550 | return d; |
2551 | },elementDimensions:function(elem){ |
2552 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2553 | if(typeof (elem.w)=="number"||typeof (elem.h)=="number"){ |
2554 | return new self.Dimensions(elem.w||0,elem.h||0); |
2555 | } |
2556 | elem=self.getElement(elem); |
2557 | if(!elem){ |
2558 | return undefined; |
2559 | } |
2560 | if(self.computedStyle(elem,"display")!="none"){ |
2561 | return new self.Dimensions(elem.offsetWidth||0,elem.offsetHeight||0); |
2562 | } |
2563 | var s=elem.style; |
2564 | var _322=s.visibility; |
2565 | var _323=s.position; |
2566 | s.visibility="hidden"; |
2567 | s.position="absolute"; |
2568 | s.display=""; |
2569 | var _324=elem.offsetWidth; |
2570 | var _325=elem.offsetHeight; |
2571 | s.display="none"; |
2572 | s.position=_323; |
2573 | s.visibility=_322; |
2574 | return new self.Dimensions(_324,_325); |
2575 | },elementPosition:function(elem,_326){ |
2576 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2577 | elem=self.getElement(elem); |
2578 | if(!elem){ |
2579 | return undefined; |
2580 | } |
2581 | var c=new self.Coordinates(0,0); |
2582 | if(elem.x&&elem.y){ |
2583 | c.x+=elem.x||0; |
2584 | c.y+=elem.y||0; |
2585 | return c; |
2586 | }else{ |
2587 | if(elem.parentNode===null||self.computedStyle(elem,"display")=="none"){ |
2588 | return undefined; |
2589 | } |
2590 | } |
2591 | var box=null; |
2592 | var _329=null; |
2593 | var d=MochiKit.DOM._document; |
2594 | var de=d.documentElement; |
2595 | var b=d.body; |
2596 | if(elem.getBoundingClientRect){ |
2597 | box=elem.getBoundingClientRect(); |
2598 | c.x+=box.left+(de.scrollLeft||b.scrollLeft)-(de.clientLeft||b.clientLeft); |
2599 | c.y+=box.top+(de.scrollTop||b.scrollTop)-(de.clientTop||b.clientTop); |
2600 | }else{ |
2601 | if(d.getBoxObjectFor){ |
2602 | box=d.getBoxObjectFor(elem); |
2603 | c.x+=box.x; |
2604 | c.y+=box.y; |
2605 | }else{ |
2606 | if(elem.offsetParent){ |
2607 | c.x+=elem.offsetLeft; |
2608 | c.y+=elem.offsetTop; |
2609 | _329=elem.offsetParent; |
2610 | if(_329!=elem){ |
2611 | while(_329){ |
2612 | c.x+=_329.offsetLeft; |
2613 | c.y+=_329.offsetTop; |
2614 | _329=_329.offsetParent; |
2615 | } |
2616 | } |
2617 | var ua=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); |
2618 | if((typeof (opera)!="undefined"&&parseFloat(opera.version())<9)||(ua.indexOf("safari")!=-1&&self.computedStyle(elem,"position")=="absolute")){ |
2619 | c.x-=b.offsetLeft; |
2620 | c.y-=b.offsetTop; |
2621 | } |
2622 | } |
2623 | } |
2624 | } |
2625 | if(typeof (_326)!="undefined"){ |
2626 | _326=arguments.callee(_326); |
2627 | if(_326){ |
2628 | c.x-=(_326.x||0); |
2629 | c.y-=(_326.y||0); |
2630 | } |
2631 | } |
2632 | if(elem.parentNode){ |
2633 | _329=elem.parentNode; |
2634 | }else{ |
2635 | _329=null; |
2636 | } |
2637 | while(_329&&_329.tagName!="BODY"&&_329.tagName!="HTML"){ |
2638 | c.x-=_329.scrollLeft; |
2639 | c.y-=_329.scrollTop; |
2640 | if(_329.parentNode){ |
2641 | _329=_329.parentNode; |
2642 | }else{ |
2643 | _329=null; |
2644 | } |
2645 | } |
2646 | return c; |
2647 | },setElementDimensions:function(elem,_332,_333){ |
2648 | elem=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem); |
2649 | if(typeof (_333)=="undefined"){ |
2650 | _333="px"; |
2651 | } |
2652 | MochiKit.DOM.updateNodeAttributes(elem,{"style":{"width":_332.w+_333,"height":_332.h+_333}}); |
2653 | },setElementPosition:function(elem,_334,_335){ |
2654 | elem=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem); |
2655 | if(typeof (_335)=="undefined"){ |
2656 | _335="px"; |
2657 | } |
2658 | MochiKit.DOM.updateNodeAttributes(elem,{"style":{"left":_334.x+_335,"top":_334.y+_335}}); |
2659 | },currentWindow:function(){ |
2660 | return MochiKit.DOM._window; |
2661 | },currentDocument:function(){ |
2662 | return MochiKit.DOM._document; |
2663 | },withWindow:function(win,func){ |
2664 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2665 | var _337=self._document; |
2666 | var _338=self._win; |
2667 | var rval; |
2668 | try{ |
2669 | self._window=win; |
2670 | self._document=win.document; |
2671 | rval=func(); |
2672 | } |
2673 | catch(e){ |
2674 | self._window=_338; |
2675 | self._document=_337; |
2676 | throw e; |
2677 | } |
2678 | self._window=_338; |
2679 | self._document=_337; |
2680 | return rval; |
2681 | },formContents:function(elem){ |
2682 | var _339=[]; |
2683 | var _340=[]; |
2684 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2685 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2686 | if(typeof (elem)=="undefined"||elem===null){ |
2687 | elem=self._document; |
2688 | }else{ |
2689 | elem=self.getElement(elem); |
2690 | } |
2691 | m.nodeWalk(elem,function(elem){ |
2692 | var name=elem.name; |
2693 | if(m.isNotEmpty(name)){ |
2694 | var _341=elem.nodeName; |
2695 | if(_341=="INPUT"&&(elem.type=="radio"||elem.type=="checkbox")&&!elem.checked){ |
2696 | return null; |
2697 | } |
2698 | if(_341=="SELECT"){ |
2699 | if(elem.selectedIndex>=0){ |
2700 | var opt=elem.options[elem.selectedIndex]; |
2701 | _339.push(name); |
2702 | _340.push((opt.value)?opt.value:opt.text); |
2703 | return null; |
2704 | } |
2705 | _339.push(name); |
2706 | _340.push(""); |
2707 | return null; |
2708 | } |
2709 | if(_341=="FORM"||_341=="P"||_341=="SPAN"||_341=="DIV"){ |
2710 | return elem.childNodes; |
2711 | } |
2712 | _339.push(name); |
2713 | _340.push(elem.value||""); |
2714 | return null; |
2715 | } |
2716 | return elem.childNodes; |
2717 | }); |
2718 | return [_339,_340]; |
2719 | },withDocument:function(doc,func){ |
2720 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2721 | var _344=self._document; |
2722 | var rval; |
2723 | try{ |
2724 | self._document=doc; |
2725 | rval=func(); |
2726 | } |
2727 | catch(e){ |
2728 | self._document=_344; |
2729 | throw e; |
2730 | } |
2731 | self._document=_344; |
2732 | return rval; |
2733 | },registerDOMConverter:function(name,_345,wrap,_346){ |
2734 | MochiKit.DOM.domConverters.register(name,_345,wrap,_346); |
2735 | },coerceToDOM:function(node,ctx){ |
2736 | var im=MochiKit.Iter; |
2737 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2738 | var iter=im.iter; |
2739 | var _350=im.repeat; |
2740 | var imap=im.imap; |
2741 | var _352=self.domConverters; |
2742 | var _353=self.coerceToDOM; |
2743 | var _354=MochiKit.Base.NotFound; |
2744 | while(true){ |
2745 | if(typeof (node)=="undefined"||node===null){ |
2746 | return null; |
2747 | } |
2748 | if(typeof (node.nodeType)!="undefined"&&node.nodeType>0){ |
2749 | return node; |
2750 | } |
2751 | if(typeof (node)=="number"||typeof (node)=="boolean"){ |
2752 | node=node.toString(); |
2753 | } |
2754 | if(typeof (node)=="string"){ |
2755 | return self._document.createTextNode(node); |
2756 | } |
2757 | if(typeof (node.toDOM)=="function"){ |
2758 | node=node.toDOM(ctx); |
2759 | continue; |
2760 | } |
2761 | if(typeof (node)=="function"){ |
2762 | node=node(ctx); |
2763 | continue; |
2764 | } |
2765 | var _355=null; |
2766 | try{ |
2767 | _355=iter(node); |
2768 | } |
2769 | catch(e){ |
2770 | } |
2771 | if(_355){ |
2772 | return imap(_353,_355,_350(ctx)); |
2773 | } |
2774 | try{ |
2775 | node=_352.match(node,ctx); |
2776 | continue; |
2777 | } |
2778 | catch(e){ |
2779 | if(e!=_354){ |
2780 | throw e; |
2781 | } |
2782 | } |
2783 | return self._document.createTextNode(node.toString()); |
2784 | } |
2785 | return undefined; |
2786 | },setNodeAttribute:function(node,attr,_357){ |
2787 | var o={}; |
2788 | o[attr]=_357; |
2789 | try{ |
2790 | return MochiKit.DOM.updateNodeAttributes(node,o); |
2791 | } |
2792 | catch(e){ |
2793 | } |
2794 | return null; |
2795 | },getNodeAttribute:function(node,attr){ |
2796 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2797 | var _358=self.attributeArray.renames[attr]; |
2798 | node=self.getElement(node); |
2799 | try{ |
2800 | if(_358){ |
2801 | return node[_358]; |
2802 | } |
2803 | return node.getAttribute(attr); |
2804 | } |
2805 | catch(e){ |
2806 | } |
2807 | return null; |
2808 | },updateNodeAttributes:function(node,_359){ |
2809 | var elem=node; |
2810 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2811 | if(typeof (node)=="string"){ |
2812 | elem=self.getElement(node); |
2813 | } |
2814 | if(_359){ |
2815 | var _360=MochiKit.Base.updatetree; |
2816 | if(self.attributeArray.compliant){ |
2817 | for(var k in _359){ |
2818 | var v=_359[k]; |
2819 | if(typeof (v)=="object"&&typeof (elem[k])=="object"){ |
2820 | _360(elem[k],v); |
2821 | }else{ |
2822 | if(k.substring(0,2)=="on"){ |
2823 | if(typeof (v)=="string"){ |
2824 | v=new Function(v); |
2825 | } |
2826 | elem[k]=v; |
2827 | }else{ |
2828 | elem.setAttribute(k,v); |
2829 | } |
2830 | } |
2831 | } |
2832 | }else{ |
2833 | var _361=self.attributeArray.renames; |
2834 | for(k in _359){ |
2835 | v=_359[k]; |
2836 | var _362=_361[k]; |
2837 | if(k=="style"&&typeof (v)=="string"){ |
2838 | elem.style.cssText=v; |
2839 | }else{ |
2840 | if(typeof (_362)=="string"){ |
2841 | elem[_362]=v; |
2842 | }else{ |
2843 | if(typeof (elem[k])=="object"&&typeof (v)=="object"){ |
2844 | _360(elem[k],v); |
2845 | }else{ |
2846 | if(k.substring(0,2)=="on"){ |
2847 | if(typeof (v)=="string"){ |
2848 | v=new Function(v); |
2849 | } |
2850 | elem[k]=v; |
2851 | }else{ |
2852 | elem.setAttribute(k,v); |
2853 | } |
2854 | } |
2855 | } |
2856 | } |
2857 | } |
2858 | } |
2859 | } |
2860 | return elem; |
2861 | },appendChildNodes:function(node){ |
2862 | var elem=node; |
2863 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2864 | if(typeof (node)=="string"){ |
2865 | elem=self.getElement(node); |
2866 | } |
2867 | var _363=[self.coerceToDOM(MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,1),elem)]; |
2868 | var _364=MochiKit.Base.concat; |
2869 | while(_363.length){ |
2870 | var n=_363.shift(); |
2871 | if(typeof (n)=="undefined"||n===null){ |
2872 | }else{ |
2873 | if(typeof (n.nodeType)=="number"){ |
2874 | elem.appendChild(n); |
2875 | }else{ |
2876 | _363=_364(n,_363); |
2877 | } |
2878 | } |
2879 | } |
2880 | return elem; |
2881 | },replaceChildNodes:function(node){ |
2882 | var elem=node; |
2883 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2884 | if(typeof (node)=="string"){ |
2885 | elem=self.getElement(node); |
2886 | arguments[0]=elem; |
2887 | } |
2888 | var _365; |
2889 | while((_365=elem.firstChild)){ |
2890 | elem.removeChild(_365); |
2891 | } |
2892 | if(arguments.length<2){ |
2893 | return elem; |
2894 | }else{ |
2895 | return self.appendChildNodes.apply(this,arguments); |
2896 | } |
2897 | },createDOM:function(name,_366){ |
2898 | var elem; |
2899 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2900 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2901 | if(typeof (_366)=="string"||typeof (_366)=="number"){ |
2902 | var args=m.extend([name,null],arguments,1); |
2903 | return arguments.callee.apply(this,args); |
2904 | } |
2905 | if(typeof (name)=="string"){ |
2906 | if(_366&&"name" in _366&&!self.attributeArray.compliant){ |
2907 | name=("<"+name+" name=\""+self.escapeHTML(_366.name)+"\">"); |
2908 | } |
2909 | elem=self._document.createElement(name); |
2910 | }else{ |
2911 | elem=name; |
2912 | } |
2913 | if(_366){ |
2914 | self.updateNodeAttributes(elem,_366); |
2915 | } |
2916 | if(arguments.length<=2){ |
2917 | return elem; |
2918 | }else{ |
2919 | var args=m.extend([elem],arguments,2); |
2920 | return self.appendChildNodes.apply(this,args); |
2921 | } |
2922 | },createDOMFunc:function(){ |
2923 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
2924 | return m.partial.apply(this,m.extend([MochiKit.DOM.createDOM],arguments)); |
2925 | },swapDOM:function(dest,src){ |
2926 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2927 | dest=self.getElement(dest); |
2928 | var _369=dest.parentNode; |
2929 | if(src){ |
2930 | src=self.getElement(src); |
2931 | _369.replaceChild(src,dest); |
2932 | }else{ |
2933 | _369.removeChild(dest); |
2934 | } |
2935 | return src; |
2936 | },getElement:function(id){ |
2937 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2938 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
2939 | return ((typeof (id)=="string")?self._document.getElementById(id):id); |
2940 | }else{ |
2941 | return MochiKit.Base.map(self.getElement,arguments); |
2942 | } |
2943 | },computedStyle:function(_371,_372,_373){ |
2944 | if(arguments.length==2){ |
2945 | _373=_372; |
2946 | } |
2947 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2948 | var el=self.getElement(_371); |
2949 | var _375=self._document; |
2950 | if(!el||el==_375){ |
2951 | return undefined; |
2952 | } |
2953 | if(el.currentStyle){ |
2954 | return el.currentStyle[_372]; |
2955 | } |
2956 | if(typeof (_375.defaultView)=="undefined"){ |
2957 | return undefined; |
2958 | } |
2959 | if(_375.defaultView===null){ |
2960 | return undefined; |
2961 | } |
2962 | var _376=_375.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null); |
2963 | if(typeof (_376)=="undefined"||_376===null){ |
2964 | return undefined; |
2965 | } |
2966 | return _376.getPropertyValue(_373); |
2967 | },getElementsByTagAndClassName:function(_377,_378,_379){ |
2968 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
2969 | if(typeof (_377)=="undefined"||_377===null){ |
2970 | _377="*"; |
2971 | } |
2972 | if(typeof (_379)=="undefined"||_379===null){ |
2973 | _379=self._document; |
2974 | } |
2975 | _379=self.getElement(_379); |
2976 | var _380=(_379.getElementsByTagName(_377)||self._document.all); |
2977 | if(typeof (_378)=="undefined"||_378===null){ |
2978 | return MochiKit.Base.extend(null,_380); |
2979 | } |
2980 | var _381=[]; |
2981 | for(var i=0;i<_380.length;i++){ |
2982 | var _382=_380[i]; |
2983 | var _383=_382.className.split(" "); |
2984 | for(var j=0;j<_383.length;j++){ |
2985 | if(_383[j]==_378){ |
2986 | _381.push(_382); |
2987 | break; |
2988 | } |
2989 | } |
2990 | } |
2991 | return _381; |
2992 | },_newCallStack:function(path,once){ |
2993 | var rval=function(){ |
2994 | var _386=arguments.callee.callStack; |
2995 | for(var i=0;i<_386.length;i++){ |
2996 | if(_386[i].apply(this,arguments)===false){ |
2997 | break; |
2998 | } |
2999 | } |
3000 | if(once){ |
3001 | try{ |
3002 | this[path]=null; |
3003 | } |
3004 | catch(e){ |
3005 | } |
3006 | } |
3007 | }; |
3008 | rval.callStack=[]; |
3009 | return rval; |
3010 | },addToCallStack:function(_387,path,func,once){ |
3011 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3012 | var _388=_387[path]; |
3013 | var _389=_388; |
3014 | if(!(typeof (_388)=="function"&&typeof (_388.callStack)=="object"&&_388.callStack!==null)){ |
3015 | _389=self._newCallStack(path,once); |
3016 | if(typeof (_388)=="function"){ |
3017 | _389.callStack.push(_388); |
3018 | } |
3019 | _387[path]=_389; |
3020 | } |
3021 | _389.callStack.push(func); |
3022 | },addLoadEvent:function(func){ |
3023 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3024 | self.addToCallStack(self._window,"onload",func,true); |
3025 | },focusOnLoad:function(_390){ |
3026 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3027 | self.addLoadEvent(function(){ |
3028 | _390=self.getElement(_390); |
3029 | if(_390){ |
3030 | _390.focus(); |
3031 | } |
3032 | }); |
3033 | },setElementClass:function(_391,_392){ |
3034 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3035 | var obj=self.getElement(_391); |
3036 | if(self.attributeArray.compliant){ |
3037 | obj.setAttribute("class",_392); |
3038 | }else{ |
3039 | obj.setAttribute("className",_392); |
3040 | } |
3041 | },toggleElementClass:function(_393){ |
3042 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3043 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
3044 | var obj=self.getElement(arguments[i]); |
3045 | if(!self.addElementClass(obj,_393)){ |
3046 | self.removeElementClass(obj,_393); |
3047 | } |
3048 | } |
3049 | },addElementClass:function(_394,_395){ |
3050 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3051 | var obj=self.getElement(_394); |
3052 | var cls=obj.className; |
3053 | if(cls.length===0){ |
3054 | self.setElementClass(obj,_395); |
3055 | return true; |
3056 | } |
3057 | if(cls==_395){ |
3058 | return false; |
3059 | } |
3060 | var _397=obj.className.split(" "); |
3061 | for(var i=0;i<_397.length;i++){ |
3062 | if(_397[i]==_395){ |
3063 | return false; |
3064 | } |
3065 | } |
3066 | self.setElementClass(obj,cls+" "+_395); |
3067 | return true; |
3068 | },removeElementClass:function(_398,_399){ |
3069 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3070 | var obj=self.getElement(_398); |
3071 | var cls=obj.className; |
3072 | if(cls.length===0){ |
3073 | return false; |
3074 | } |
3075 | if(cls==_399){ |
3076 | self.setElementClass(obj,""); |
3077 | return true; |
3078 | } |
3079 | var _400=obj.className.split(" "); |
3080 | for(var i=0;i<_400.length;i++){ |
3081 | if(_400[i]==_399){ |
3082 | _400.splice(i,1); |
3083 | self.setElementClass(obj,_400.join(" ")); |
3084 | return true; |
3085 | } |
3086 | } |
3087 | return false; |
3088 | },swapElementClass:function(_401,_402,_403){ |
3089 | var obj=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(_401); |
3090 | var res=MochiKit.DOM.removeElementClass(obj,_402); |
3091 | if(res){ |
3092 | MochiKit.DOM.addElementClass(obj,_403); |
3093 | } |
3094 | return res; |
3095 | },hasElementClass:function(_404,_405){ |
3096 | var obj=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(_404); |
3097 | var _406=obj.className.split(" "); |
3098 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
3099 | var good=false; |
3100 | for(var j=0;j<_406.length;j++){ |
3101 | if(_406[j]==arguments[i]){ |
3102 | good=true; |
3103 | break; |
3104 | } |
3105 | } |
3106 | if(!good){ |
3107 | return false; |
3108 | } |
3109 | } |
3110 | return true; |
3111 | },escapeHTML:function(s){ |
3112 | return s.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">"); |
3113 | },toHTML:function(dom){ |
3114 | return MochiKit.DOM.emitHTML(dom).join(""); |
3115 | },emitHTML:function(dom,lst){ |
3116 | if(typeof (lst)=="undefined"||lst===null){ |
3117 | lst=[]; |
3118 | } |
3119 | var _409=[dom]; |
3120 | var self=MochiKit.DOM; |
3121 | var _410=self.escapeHTML; |
3122 | var _411=self.attributeArray; |
3123 | while(_409.length){ |
3124 | dom=_409.pop(); |
3125 | if(typeof (dom)=="string"){ |
3126 | lst.push(dom); |
3127 | }else{ |
3128 | if(dom.nodeType==1){ |
3129 | lst.push("<"+dom.nodeName.toLowerCase()); |
3130 | var _412=[]; |
3131 | var _413=_411(dom); |
3132 | for(var i=0;i<_413.length;i++){ |
3133 | var a=_413[i]; |
3134 | _412.push([" ",a.name,"=\"",_410(a.value),"\""]); |
3135 | } |
3136 | _412.sort(); |
3137 | for(i=0;i<_412.length;i++){ |
3138 | var _414=_412[i]; |
3139 | for(var j=0;j<_414.length;j++){ |
3140 | lst.push(_414[j]); |
3141 | } |
3142 | } |
3143 | if(dom.hasChildNodes()){ |
3144 | lst.push(">"); |
3145 | _409.push("</"+dom.nodeName.toLowerCase()+">"); |
3146 | var _415=dom.childNodes; |
3147 | for(i=_415.length-1;i>=0;i--){ |
3148 | _409.push(_415[i]); |
3149 | } |
3150 | }else{ |
3151 | lst.push("/>"); |
3152 | } |
3153 | }else{ |
3154 | if(dom.nodeType==3){ |
3155 | lst.push(_410(dom.nodeValue)); |
3156 | } |
3157 | } |
3158 | } |
3159 | } |
3160 | return lst; |
3161 | },setDisplayForElement:function(_416,_417){ |
3162 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
3163 | var _418=m.extend(null,arguments,1); |
3164 | MochiKit.Iter.forEach(m.filter(null,m.map(MochiKit.DOM.getElement,_418)),function(_417){ |
3165 | _417.style.display=_416; |
3166 | }); |
3167 | },scrapeText:function(node,_419){ |
3168 | var rval=[]; |
3169 | (function(node){ |
3170 | var cn=node.childNodes; |
3171 | if(cn){ |
3172 | for(var i=0;i<cn.length;i++){ |
3173 | arguments.callee.call(this,cn[i]); |
3174 | } |
3175 | } |
3176 | var _421=node.nodeValue; |
3177 | if(typeof (_421)=="string"){ |
3178 | rval.push(_421); |
3179 | } |
3180 | })(MochiKit.DOM.getElement(node)); |
3181 | if(_419){ |
3182 | return rval; |
3183 | }else{ |
3184 | return rval.join(""); |
3185 | } |
3186 | },__new__:function(win){ |
3187 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
3188 | this._document=document; |
3189 | this._window=win; |
3190 | this.domConverters=new m.AdapterRegistry(); |
3191 | var _422=this._document.createElement("span"); |
3192 | var _423; |
3193 | if(_422&&_422.attributes&&_422.attributes.length>0){ |
3194 | var _424=m.filter; |
3195 | _423=function(node){ |
3196 | return _424(_423.ignoreAttrFilter,node.attributes); |
3197 | }; |
3198 | _423.ignoreAttr={}; |
3199 | MochiKit.Iter.forEach(_422.attributes,function(a){ |
3200 | _423.ignoreAttr[a.name]=a.value; |
3201 | }); |
3202 | _423.ignoreAttrFilter=function(a){ |
3203 | return (_423.ignoreAttr[a.name]!=a.value); |
3204 | }; |
3205 | _423.compliant=false; |
3206 | _423.renames={"class":"className","checked":"defaultChecked","usemap":"useMap","for":"htmlFor"}; |
3207 | }else{ |
3208 | _423=function(node){ |
3209 | return node.attributes; |
3210 | }; |
3211 | _423.compliant=true; |
3212 | _423.renames={}; |
3213 | } |
3214 | this.attributeArray=_423; |
3215 | var _425=this.createDOMFunc; |
3216 | this.UL=_425("ul"); |
3217 | this.OL=_425("ol"); |
3218 | this.LI=_425("li"); |
3219 | this.TD=_425("td"); |
3220 | this.TR=_425("tr"); |
3221 | this.TBODY=_425("tbody"); |
3222 | this.THEAD=_425("thead"); |
3223 | this.TFOOT=_425("tfoot"); |
3224 | this.TABLE=_425("table"); |
3225 | this.TH=_425("th"); |
3226 | this.INPUT=_425("input"); |
3227 | this.SPAN=_425("span"); |
3228 | this.A=_425("a"); |
3229 | this.DIV=_425("div"); |
3230 | this.IMG=_425("img"); |
3231 | this.BUTTON=_425("button"); |
3232 | this.TT=_425("tt"); |
3233 | this.PRE=_425("pre"); |
3234 | this.H1=_425("h1"); |
3235 | this.H2=_425("h2"); |
3236 | this.H3=_425("h3"); |
3237 | this.BR=_425("br"); |
3238 | this.HR=_425("hr"); |
3239 | this.LABEL=_425("label"); |
3240 | this.TEXTAREA=_425("textarea"); |
3241 | this.FORM=_425("form"); |
3242 | this.P=_425("p"); |
3243 | this.SELECT=_425("select"); |
3244 | this.OPTION=_425("option"); |
3245 | this.OPTGROUP=_425("optgroup"); |
3246 | this.LEGEND=_425("legend"); |
3247 | this.FIELDSET=_425("fieldset"); |
3248 | this.STRONG=_425("strong"); |
3249 | this.CANVAS=_425("canvas"); |
3250 | this.hideElement=m.partial(this.setDisplayForElement,"none"); |
3251 | this.showElement=m.partial(this.setDisplayForElement,"block"); |
3252 | this.removeElement=this.swapDOM; |
3253 | this.$=this.getElement; |
3254 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
3255 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
3256 | }}); |
3257 | MochiKit.DOM.__new__(((typeof (window)=="undefined")?this:window)); |
3258 | if(!MochiKit.__compat__){ |
3259 | withWindow=MochiKit.DOM.withWindow; |
3260 | withDocument=MochiKit.DOM.withDocument; |
3261 | } |
3262 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.DOM); |
3263 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
3264 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.LoggingPane"); |
3265 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Logging"); |
3266 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); |
3267 | } |
3268 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
3269 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Logging",[]); |
3270 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
3271 | } |
3272 | try{ |
3273 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"||typeof (MochiKit.Logging)=="undefined"){ |
3274 | throw ""; |
3275 | } |
3276 | } |
3277 | catch(e){ |
3278 | throw "MochiKit.LoggingPane depends on MochiKit.Base and MochiKit.Logging!"; |
3279 | } |
3280 | if(typeof (MochiKit.LoggingPane)=="undefined"){ |
3281 | MochiKit.LoggingPane={}; |
3282 | } |
3283 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.NAME="MochiKit.LoggingPane"; |
3284 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
3285 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.__repr__=function(){ |
3286 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
3287 | }; |
3288 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.toString=function(){ |
3289 | return this.__repr__(); |
3290 | }; |
3291 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.createLoggingPane=function(_426){ |
3292 | var m=MochiKit.LoggingPane; |
3293 | _426=!(!_426); |
3294 | if(m._loggingPane&&m._loggingPane.inline!=_426){ |
3295 | m._loggingPane.closePane(); |
3296 | m._loggingPane=null; |
3297 | } |
3298 | if(!m._loggingPane||m._loggingPane.closed){ |
3299 | m._loggingPane=new m.LoggingPane(_426,MochiKit.Logging.logger); |
3300 | } |
3301 | return m._loggingPane; |
3302 | }; |
3303 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.LoggingPane=function(_427,_428){ |
3304 | if(typeof (_428)=="undefined"||_428===null){ |
3305 | _428=MochiKit.Logging.logger; |
3306 | } |
3307 | this.logger=_428; |
3308 | var _429=MochiKit.Base.update; |
3309 | var _430=MochiKit.Base.updatetree; |
3310 | var bind=MochiKit.Base.bind; |
3311 | var _431=MochiKit.Base.clone; |
3312 | var win=window; |
3313 | var uid="_MochiKit_LoggingPane"; |
3314 | if(typeof (MochiKit.DOM)!="undefined"){ |
3315 | win=MochiKit.DOM.currentWindow(); |
3316 | } |
3317 | if(!_427){ |
3318 | var url=win.location.href.split("?")[0].replace(/[:\/.><&]/g,"_"); |
3319 | var name=uid+"_"+url; |
3320 | var nwin=win.open("",name,"dependent,resizable,height=200"); |
3321 | if(!nwin){ |
3322 | alert("Not able to open debugging window due to pop-up blocking."); |
3323 | return undefined; |
3324 | } |
3325 | nwin.document.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" "+"\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">"+"<html><head><title>[MochiKit.LoggingPane]</title></head>"+"<body></body></html>"); |
3326 | nwin.document.close(); |
3327 | nwin.document.title+=" "+win.document.title; |
3328 | win=nwin; |
3329 | } |
3330 | var doc=win.document; |
3331 | this.doc=doc; |
3332 | var _434=doc.getElementById(uid); |
3333 | var _435=!!_434; |
3334 | if(_434&&typeof (_434.loggingPane)!="undefined"){ |
3335 | _434.loggingPane.logger=this.logger; |
3336 | _434.loggingPane.buildAndApplyFilter(); |
3337 | return _434.loggingPane; |
3338 | } |
3339 | if(_435){ |
3340 | var _436; |
3341 | while((_436=_434.firstChild)){ |
3342 | _434.removeChild(_436); |
3343 | } |
3344 | }else{ |
3345 | _434=doc.createElement("div"); |
3346 | _434.id=uid; |
3347 | } |
3348 | _434.loggingPane=this; |
3349 | var _437=doc.createElement("input"); |
3350 | var _438=doc.createElement("input"); |
3351 | var _439=doc.createElement("button"); |
3352 | var _440=doc.createElement("button"); |
3353 | var _441=doc.createElement("button"); |
3354 | var _442=doc.createElement("button"); |
3355 | var _443=doc.createElement("div"); |
3356 | var _444=doc.createElement("div"); |
3357 | var _445=uid+"_Listener"; |
3358 | this.colorTable=_431(this.colorTable); |
3359 | var _446=[]; |
3360 | var _447=null; |
3361 | var _448=function(msg){ |
3362 | var _449=msg.level; |
3363 | if(typeof (_449)=="number"){ |
3364 | _449=MochiKit.Logging.LogLevel[_449]; |
3365 | } |
3366 | return _449; |
3367 | }; |
3368 | var _450=function(msg){ |
3369 | return msg.info.join(" "); |
3370 | }; |
3371 | var _451=bind(function(msg){ |
3372 | var _452=_448(msg); |
3373 | var text=_450(msg); |
3374 | var c=this.colorTable[_452]; |
3375 | var p=doc.createElement("span"); |
3376 | p.className="MochiKit-LogMessage MochiKit-LogLevel-"+_452; |
3377 | p.style.cssText="margin: 0px; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: pre-line; word-wrap: break-word; wrap-option: emergency; color: "+c; |
3378 | p.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(_452+": "+text)); |
3379 | _444.appendChild(p); |
3380 | _444.appendChild(doc.createElement("br")); |
3381 | if(_443.offsetHeight>_443.scrollHeight){ |
3382 | _443.scrollTop=0; |
3383 | }else{ |
3384 | _443.scrollTop=_443.scrollHeight; |
3385 | } |
3386 | },this); |
3387 | var _454=function(msg){ |
3388 | _446[_446.length]=msg; |
3389 | _451(msg); |
3390 | }; |
3391 | var _455=function(){ |
3392 | var _456,infore; |
3393 | try{ |
3394 | _456=new RegExp(_437.value); |
3395 | infore=new RegExp(_438.value); |
3396 | } |
3397 | catch(e){ |
3398 | logDebug("Error in filter regex: "+e.message); |
3399 | return null; |
3400 | } |
3401 | return function(msg){ |
3402 | return (_456.test(_448(msg))&&infore.test(_450(msg))); |
3403 | }; |
3404 | }; |
3405 | var _457=function(){ |
3406 | while(_444.firstChild){ |
3407 | _444.removeChild(_444.firstChild); |
3408 | } |
3409 | }; |
3410 | var _458=function(){ |
3411 | _446=[]; |
3412 | _457(); |
3413 | }; |
3414 | var _459=bind(function(){ |
3415 | if(this.closed){ |
3416 | return; |
3417 | } |
3418 | this.closed=true; |
3419 | if(MochiKit.LoggingPane._loggingPane==this){ |
3420 | MochiKit.LoggingPane._loggingPane=null; |
3421 | } |
3422 | this.logger.removeListener(_445); |
3423 | _434.loggingPane=null; |
3424 | if(_427){ |
3425 | _434.parentNode.removeChild(_434); |
3426 | }else{ |
3427 | this.win.close(); |
3428 | } |
3429 | },this); |
3430 | var _460=function(){ |
3431 | _457(); |
3432 | for(var i=0;i<_446.length;i++){ |
3433 | var msg=_446[i]; |
3434 | if(_447===null||_447(msg)){ |
3435 | _451(msg); |
3436 | } |
3437 | } |
3438 | }; |
3439 | this.buildAndApplyFilter=function(){ |
3440 | _447=_455(); |
3441 | _460(); |
3442 | this.logger.removeListener(_445); |
3443 | this.logger.addListener(_445,_447,_454); |
3444 | }; |
3445 | var _461=bind(function(){ |
3446 | _446=this.logger.getMessages(); |
3447 | _460(); |
3448 | },this); |
3449 | var _462=bind(function(_463){ |
3450 | _463=_463||window.event; |
3451 | key=_463.which||_463.keyCode; |
3452 | if(key==13){ |
3453 | this.buildAndApplyFilter(); |
3454 | } |
3455 | },this); |
3456 | var _464="display: block; z-index: 1000; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; position: fixed; width: 100%; background-color: white; font: "+this.logFont; |
3457 | if(_427){ |
3458 | _464+="; height: 10em; border-top: 2px solid black"; |
3459 | }else{ |
3460 | _464+="; height: 100%;"; |
3461 | } |
3462 | _434.style.cssText=_464; |
3463 | if(!_435){ |
3464 | doc.body.appendChild(_434); |
3465 | } |
3466 | _464={"cssText":"width: 33%; display: inline; font: "+this.logFont}; |
3467 | _430(_437,{"value":"FATAL|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG","onkeypress":_462,"style":_464}); |
3468 | _434.appendChild(_437); |
3469 | _430(_438,{"value":".*","onkeypress":_462,"style":_464}); |
3470 | _434.appendChild(_438); |
3471 | _464="width: 8%; display:inline; font: "+this.logFont; |
3472 | _439.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Filter")); |
3473 | _439.onclick=bind("buildAndApplyFilter",this); |
3474 | _439.style.cssText=_464; |
3475 | _434.appendChild(_439); |
3476 | _440.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Load")); |
3477 | _440.onclick=_461; |
3478 | _440.style.cssText=_464; |
3479 | _434.appendChild(_440); |
3480 | _441.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Clear")); |
3481 | _441.onclick=_458; |
3482 | _441.style.cssText=_464; |
3483 | _434.appendChild(_441); |
3484 | _442.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Close")); |
3485 | _442.onclick=_459; |
3486 | _442.style.cssText=_464; |
3487 | _434.appendChild(_442); |
3488 | _443.style.cssText="overflow: auto; width: 100%"; |
3489 | _444.style.cssText="width: 100%; height: "+(_427?"8em":"100%"); |
3490 | _443.appendChild(_444); |
3491 | _434.appendChild(_443); |
3492 | this.buildAndApplyFilter(); |
3493 | _461(); |
3494 | if(_427){ |
3495 | this.win=undefined; |
3496 | }else{ |
3497 | this.win=win; |
3498 | } |
3499 | this.inline=_427; |
3500 | this.closePane=_459; |
3501 | this.closed=false; |
3502 | return this; |
3503 | }; |
3504 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.LoggingPane.prototype={"logFont":"8pt Verdana,sans-serif","colorTable":{"ERROR":"red","FATAL":"darkred","WARNING":"blue","INFO":"black","DEBUG":"green"}}; |
3505 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.EXPORT_OK=["LoggingPane"]; |
3506 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.EXPORT=["createLoggingPane"]; |
3507 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.__new__=function(){ |
3508 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":MochiKit.Base.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
3509 | MochiKit.Base.nameFunctions(this); |
3510 | MochiKit.LoggingPane._loggingPane=null; |
3511 | }; |
3512 | MochiKit.LoggingPane.__new__(); |
3513 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.LoggingPane); |
3514 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
3515 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Color"); |
3516 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); |
3517 | } |
3518 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
3519 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
3520 | } |
3521 | try{ |
3522 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ |
3523 | throw ""; |
3524 | } |
3525 | } |
3526 | catch(e){ |
3527 | throw "MochiKit.Color depends on MochiKit.Base"; |
3528 | } |
3529 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Color)=="undefined"){ |
3530 | MochiKit.Color={}; |
3531 | } |
3532 | MochiKit.Color.NAME="MochiKit.Color"; |
3533 | MochiKit.Color.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
3534 | MochiKit.Color.__repr__=function(){ |
3535 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
3536 | }; |
3537 | MochiKit.Color.toString=function(){ |
3538 | return this.__repr__(); |
3539 | }; |
3540 | MochiKit.Color.Color=function(red,_466,blue,_468){ |
3541 | if(typeof (_468)=="undefined"||_468===null){ |
3542 | _468=1; |
3543 | } |
3544 | this.rgb={r:red,g:_466,b:blue,a:_468}; |
3545 | }; |
3546 | MochiKit.Color.Color.prototype={__class__:MochiKit.Color.Color,colorWithAlpha:function(_469){ |
3547 | var rgb=this.rgb; |
3548 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3549 | return m.Color.fromRGB(rgb.r,rgb.g,rgb.b,_469); |
3550 | },colorWithHue:function(hue){ |
3551 | var hsl=this.asHSL(); |
3552 | hsl.h=hue; |
3553 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3554 | return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); |
3555 | },colorWithSaturation:function(_473){ |
3556 | var hsl=this.asHSL(); |
3557 | hsl.s=_473; |
3558 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3559 | return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); |
3560 | },colorWithLightness:function(_474){ |
3561 | var hsl=this.asHSL(); |
3562 | hsl.l=_474; |
3563 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3564 | return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); |
3565 | },darkerColorWithLevel:function(_475){ |
3566 | var hsl=this.asHSL(); |
3567 | hsl.l=Math.max(hsl.l-_475,0); |
3568 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3569 | return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); |
3570 | },lighterColorWithLevel:function(_476){ |
3571 | var hsl=this.asHSL(); |
3572 | hsl.l=Math.min(hsl.l+_476,1); |
3573 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3574 | return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); |
3575 | },blendedColor:function(_477,_478){ |
3576 | if(typeof (_478)=="undefined"||_478===null){ |
3577 | _478=0.5; |
3578 | } |
3579 | var sf=1-_478; |
3580 | var s=this.rgb; |
3581 | var d=_477.rgb; |
3582 | var df=_478; |
3583 | return MochiKit.Color.Color.fromRGB((s.r*sf)+(d.r*df),(s.g*sf)+(d.g*df),(s.b*sf)+(d.b*df),(s.a*sf)+(d.a*df)); |
3584 | },compareRGB:function(_481){ |
3585 | var a=this.asRGB(); |
3586 | var b=_481.asRGB(); |
3587 | return MochiKit.Base.compare([a.r,a.g,a.b,a.a],[b.r,b.g,b.b,b.a]); |
3588 | },isLight:function(){ |
3589 | return this.asHSL().b>0.5; |
3590 | },isDark:function(){ |
3591 | return (!this.isLight()); |
3592 | },toHSLString:function(){ |
3593 | var c=this.asHSL(); |
3594 | var ccc=MochiKit.Color.clampColorComponent; |
3595 | var rval=this._hslString; |
3596 | if(!rval){ |
3597 | var mid=(ccc(c.h,360).toFixed(0)+","+ccc(c.s,100).toPrecision(4)+"%"+","+ccc(c.l,100).toPrecision(4)+"%"); |
3598 | var a=c.a; |
3599 | if(a>=1){ |
3600 | a=1; |
3601 | rval="hsl("+mid+")"; |
3602 | }else{ |
3603 | if(a<=0){ |
3604 | a=0; |
3605 | } |
3606 | rval="hsla("+mid+","+a+")"; |
3607 | } |
3608 | this._hslString=rval; |
3609 | } |
3610 | return rval; |
3611 | },toRGBString:function(){ |
3612 | var c=this.rgb; |
3613 | var ccc=MochiKit.Color.clampColorComponent; |
3614 | var rval=this._rgbString; |
3615 | if(!rval){ |
3616 | var mid=(ccc(c.r,255).toFixed(0)+","+ccc(c.g,255).toFixed(0)+","+ccc(c.b,255).toFixed(0)); |
3617 | if(c.a!=1){ |
3618 | rval="rgba("+mid+","+c.a+")"; |
3619 | }else{ |
3620 | rval="rgb("+mid+")"; |
3621 | } |
3622 | this._rgbString=rval; |
3623 | } |
3624 | return rval; |
3625 | },asRGB:function(){ |
3626 | return MochiKit.Base.clone(this.rgb); |
3627 | },toHexString:function(){ |
3628 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3629 | var c=this.rgb; |
3630 | var ccc=MochiKit.Color.clampColorComponent; |
3631 | var rval=this._hexString; |
3632 | if(!rval){ |
3633 | rval=("#"+m.toColorPart(ccc(c.r,255))+m.toColorPart(ccc(c.g,255))+m.toColorPart(ccc(c.b,255))); |
3634 | this._hexString=rval; |
3635 | } |
3636 | return rval; |
3637 | },asHSV:function(){ |
3638 | var hsv=this.hsv; |
3639 | var c=this.rgb; |
3640 | if(typeof (hsv)=="undefined"||hsv===null){ |
3641 | hsv=MochiKit.Color.rgbToHSV(this.rgb); |
3642 | this.hsv=hsv; |
3643 | } |
3644 | return MochiKit.Base.clone(hsv); |
3645 | },asHSL:function(){ |
3646 | var hsl=this.hsl; |
3647 | var c=this.rgb; |
3648 | if(typeof (hsl)=="undefined"||hsl===null){ |
3649 | hsl=MochiKit.Color.rgbToHSL(this.rgb); |
3650 | this.hsl=hsl; |
3651 | } |
3652 | return MochiKit.Base.clone(hsl); |
3653 | },toString:function(){ |
3654 | return this.toRGBString(); |
3655 | },repr:function(){ |
3656 | var c=this.rgb; |
3657 | var col=[c.r,c.g,c.b,c.a]; |
3658 | return this.__class__.NAME+"("+col.join(", ")+")"; |
3659 | }}; |
3660 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Color.Color,{fromRGB:function(red,_486,blue,_487){ |
3661 | var _488=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
3662 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
3663 | var rgb=red; |
3664 | red=rgb.r; |
3665 | _486=rgb.g; |
3666 | blue=rgb.b; |
3667 | if(typeof (rgb.a)=="undefined"){ |
3668 | _487=undefined; |
3669 | }else{ |
3670 | _487=rgb.a; |
3671 | } |
3672 | } |
3673 | return new _488(red,_486,blue,_487); |
3674 | },fromHSL:function(hue,_489,_490,_491){ |
3675 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3676 | return m.Color.fromRGB(m.hslToRGB.apply(m,arguments)); |
3677 | },fromHSV:function(hue,_492,_493,_494){ |
3678 | var m=MochiKit.Color; |
3679 | return m.Color.fromRGB(m.hsvToRGB.apply(m,arguments)); |
3680 | },fromName:function(name){ |
3681 | var _495=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
3682 | if(name.charAt(0)=="\""){ |
3683 | name=name.substr(1,name.length-2); |
3684 | } |
3685 | var _496=_495._namedColors[name.toLowerCase()]; |
3686 | if(typeof (_496)=="string"){ |
3687 | return _495.fromHexString(_496); |
3688 | }else{ |
3689 | if(name=="transparent"){ |
3690 | return _495.transparentColor(); |
3691 | } |
3692 | } |
3693 | return null; |
3694 | },fromString:function(_497){ |
3695 | var self=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
3696 | var _498=_497.substr(0,3); |
3697 | if(_498=="rgb"){ |
3698 | return self.fromRGBString(_497); |
3699 | }else{ |
3700 | if(_498=="hsl"){ |
3701 | return self.fromHSLString(_497); |
3702 | }else{ |
3703 | if(_497.charAt(0)=="#"){ |
3704 | return self.fromHexString(_497); |
3705 | } |
3706 | } |
3707 | } |
3708 | return self.fromName(_497); |
3709 | },fromHexString:function(_499){ |
3710 | if(_499.charAt(0)=="#"){ |
3711 | _499=_499.substring(1); |
3712 | } |
3713 | var _500=[]; |
3714 | var i,hex; |
3715 | if(_499.length==3){ |
3716 | for(i=0;i<3;i++){ |
3717 | hex=_499.substr(i,1); |
3718 | _500.push(parseInt(hex+hex,16)/255); |
3719 | } |
3720 | }else{ |
3721 | for(i=0;i<6;i+=2){ |
3722 | hex=_499.substr(i,2); |
3723 | _500.push(parseInt(hex,16)/255); |
3724 | } |
3725 | } |
3726 | var _501=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
3727 | return _501.fromRGB.apply(_501,_500); |
3728 | },_fromColorString:function(pre,_503,_504,_505){ |
3729 | if(_505.indexOf(pre)===0){ |
3730 | _505=_505.substring(_505.indexOf("(",3)+1,_505.length-1); |
3731 | } |
3732 | var _506=_505.split(/\s*,\s*/); |
3733 | var _507=[]; |
3734 | for(var i=0;i<_506.length;i++){ |
3735 | var c=_506[i]; |
3736 | var val; |
3737 | var _508=c.substring(c.length-3); |
3738 | if(c.charAt(c.length-1)=="%"){ |
3739 | val=0.01*parseFloat(c.substring(0,c.length-1)); |
3740 | }else{ |
3741 | if(_508=="deg"){ |
3742 | val=parseFloat(c)/360; |
3743 | }else{ |
3744 | if(_508=="rad"){ |
3745 | val=parseFloat(c)/(Math.PI*2); |
3746 | }else{ |
3747 | val=_504[i]*parseFloat(c); |
3748 | } |
3749 | } |
3750 | } |
3751 | _507.push(val); |
3752 | } |
3753 | return this[_503].apply(this,_507); |
3754 | },fromComputedStyle:function(elem,_509,_510){ |
3755 | var d=MochiKit.DOM; |
3756 | var cls=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
3757 | for(elem=d.getElement(elem);elem;elem=elem.parentNode){ |
3758 | var _511=d.computedStyle.apply(d,arguments); |
3759 | if(!_511){ |
3760 | continue; |
3761 | } |
3762 | var _512=cls.fromString(_511); |
3763 | if(!_512){ |
3764 | break; |
3765 | } |
3766 | if(_512.asRGB().a>0){ |
3767 | return _512; |
3768 | } |
3769 | } |
3770 | return null; |
3771 | },fromBackground:function(elem){ |
3772 | var cls=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
3773 | return cls.fromComputedStyle(elem,"backgroundColor","background-color")||cls.whiteColor(); |
3774 | },fromText:function(elem){ |
3775 | var cls=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
3776 | return cls.fromComputedStyle(elem,"color","color")||cls.blackColor(); |
3777 | },namedColors:function(){ |
3778 | return MochiKit.Base.clone(MochiKit.Color.Color._namedColors); |
3779 | }}); |
3780 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Color,{clampColorComponent:function(v,_513){ |
3781 | v*=_513; |
3782 | if(v<0){ |
3783 | return 0; |
3784 | }else{ |
3785 | if(v>_513){ |
3786 | return _513; |
3787 | }else{ |
3788 | return v; |
3789 | } |
3790 | } |
3791 | },_hslValue:function(n1,n2,hue){ |
3792 | if(hue>6){ |
3793 | hue-=6; |
3794 | }else{ |
3795 | if(hue<0){ |
3796 | hue+=6; |
3797 | } |
3798 | } |
3799 | var val; |
3800 | if(hue<1){ |
3801 | val=n1+(n2-n1)*hue; |
3802 | }else{ |
3803 | if(hue<3){ |
3804 | val=n2; |
3805 | }else{ |
3806 | if(hue<4){ |
3807 | val=n1+(n2-n1)*(4-hue); |
3808 | }else{ |
3809 | val=n1; |
3810 | } |
3811 | } |
3812 | } |
3813 | return val; |
3814 | },hsvToRGB:function(hue,_516,_517,_518){ |
3815 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
3816 | var hsv=hue; |
3817 | hue=hsv.h; |
3818 | _516=hsv.s; |
3819 | _517=hsv.v; |
3820 | _518=hsv.a; |
3821 | } |
3822 | var red; |
3823 | var _519; |
3824 | var blue; |
3825 | if(_516===0){ |
3826 | red=0; |
3827 | _519=0; |
3828 | blue=0; |
3829 | }else{ |
3830 | var i=Math.floor(hue*6); |
3831 | var f=(hue*6)-i; |
3832 | var p=_517*(1-_516); |
3833 | var q=_517*(1-(_516*f)); |
3834 | var t=_517*(1-(_516*(1-f))); |
3835 | switch(i){ |
3836 | case 1: |
3837 | red=q; |
3838 | _519=_517; |
3839 | blue=p; |
3840 | break; |
3841 | case 2: |
3842 | red=p; |
3843 | _519=_517; |
3844 | blue=t; |
3845 | break; |
3846 | case 3: |
3847 | red=p; |
3848 | _519=q; |
3849 | blue=_517; |
3850 | break; |
3851 | case 4: |
3852 | red=t; |
3853 | _519=p; |
3854 | blue=_517; |
3855 | break; |
3856 | case 5: |
3857 | red=_517; |
3858 | _519=p; |
3859 | blue=q; |
3860 | break; |
3861 | case 6: |
3862 | case 0: |
3863 | red=_517; |
3864 | _519=t; |
3865 | blue=p; |
3866 | break; |
3867 | } |
3868 | } |
3869 | return {r:red,g:_519,b:blue,a:_518}; |
3870 | },hslToRGB:function(hue,_521,_522,_523){ |
3871 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
3872 | var hsl=hue; |
3873 | hue=hsl.h; |
3874 | _521=hsl.s; |
3875 | _522=hsl.l; |
3876 | _523=hsl.a; |
3877 | } |
3878 | var red; |
3879 | var _524; |
3880 | var blue; |
3881 | if(_521===0){ |
3882 | red=_522; |
3883 | _524=_522; |
3884 | blue=_522; |
3885 | }else{ |
3886 | var m2; |
3887 | if(_522<=0.5){ |
3888 | m2=_522*(1+_521); |
3889 | }else{ |
3890 | m2=_522+_521-(_522*_521); |
3891 | } |
3892 | var m1=(2*_522)-m2; |
3893 | var f=MochiKit.Color._hslValue; |
3894 | var h6=hue*6; |
3895 | red=f(m1,m2,h6+2); |
3896 | _524=f(m1,m2,h6); |
3897 | blue=f(m1,m2,h6-2); |
3898 | } |
3899 | return {r:red,g:_524,b:blue,a:_523}; |
3900 | },rgbToHSV:function(red,_528,blue,_529){ |
3901 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
3902 | var rgb=red; |
3903 | red=rgb.r; |
3904 | _528=rgb.g; |
3905 | blue=rgb.b; |
3906 | _529=rgb.a; |
3907 | } |
3908 | var max=Math.max(Math.max(red,_528),blue); |
3909 | var min=Math.min(Math.min(red,_528),blue); |
3910 | var hue; |
3911 | var _532; |
3912 | var _533=max; |
3913 | if(min==max){ |
3914 | hue=0; |
3915 | _532=0; |
3916 | }else{ |
3917 | var _534=(max-min); |
3918 | _532=_534/max; |
3919 | if(red==max){ |
3920 | hue=(_528-blue)/_534; |
3921 | }else{ |
3922 | if(_528==max){ |
3923 | hue=2+((blue-red)/_534); |
3924 | }else{ |
3925 | hue=4+((red-_528)/_534); |
3926 | } |
3927 | } |
3928 | hue/=6; |
3929 | if(hue<0){ |
3930 | hue+=1; |
3931 | } |
3932 | if(hue>1){ |
3933 | hue-=1; |
3934 | } |
3935 | } |
3936 | return {h:hue,s:_532,v:_533,a:_529}; |
3937 | },rgbToHSL:function(red,_535,blue,_536){ |
3938 | if(arguments.length==1){ |
3939 | var rgb=red; |
3940 | red=rgb.r; |
3941 | _535=rgb.g; |
3942 | blue=rgb.b; |
3943 | _536=rgb.a; |
3944 | } |
3945 | var max=Math.max(red,Math.max(_535,blue)); |
3946 | var min=Math.min(red,Math.min(_535,blue)); |
3947 | var hue; |
3948 | var _537; |
3949 | var _538=(max+min)/2; |
3950 | var _539=max-min; |
3951 | if(_539===0){ |
3952 | hue=0; |
3953 | _537=0; |
3954 | }else{ |
3955 | if(_538<=0.5){ |
3956 | _537=_539/(max+min); |
3957 | }else{ |
3958 | _537=_539/(2-max-min); |
3959 | } |
3960 | if(red==max){ |
3961 | hue=(_535-blue)/_539; |
3962 | }else{ |
3963 | if(_535==max){ |
3964 | hue=2+((blue-red)/_539); |
3965 | }else{ |
3966 | hue=4+((red-_535)/_539); |
3967 | } |
3968 | } |
3969 | hue/=6; |
3970 | if(hue<0){ |
3971 | hue+=1; |
3972 | } |
3973 | if(hue>1){ |
3974 | hue-=1; |
3975 | } |
3976 | } |
3977 | return {h:hue,s:_537,l:_538,a:_536}; |
3978 | },toColorPart:function(num){ |
3979 | num=Math.round(num); |
3980 | var _540=num.toString(16); |
3981 | if(num<16){ |
3982 | return "0"+_540; |
3983 | } |
3984 | return _540; |
3985 | },__new__:function(){ |
3986 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
3987 | this.Color.fromRGBString=m.bind(this.Color._fromColorString,this.Color,"rgb","fromRGB",[1/255,1/255,1/255,1]); |
3988 | this.Color.fromHSLString=m.bind(this.Color._fromColorString,this.Color,"hsl","fromHSL",[1/360,0.01,0.01,1]); |
3989 | var _541=1/3; |
3990 | var _542={black:[0,0,0],blue:[0,0,1],brown:[0.6,0.4,0.2],cyan:[0,1,1],darkGray:[_541,_541,_541],gray:[0.5,0.5,0.5],green:[0,1,0],lightGray:[2*_541,2*_541,2*_541],magenta:[1,0,1],orange:[1,0.5,0],purple:[0.5,0,0.5],red:[1,0,0],transparent:[0,0,0,0],white:[1,1,1],yellow:[1,1,0]}; |
3991 | var _543=function(name,r,g,b,a){ |
3992 | var rval=this.fromRGB(r,g,b,a); |
3993 | this[name]=function(){ |
3994 | return rval; |
3995 | }; |
3996 | return rval; |
3997 | }; |
3998 | for(var k in _542){ |
3999 | var name=k+"Color"; |
4000 | var _545=m.concat([_543,this.Color,name],_542[k]); |
4001 | this.Color[name]=m.bind.apply(null,_545); |
4002 | } |
4003 | var _546=function(){ |
4004 | for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
4005 | if(!(arguments[i] instanceof Color)){ |
4006 | return false; |
4007 | } |
4008 | } |
4009 | return true; |
4010 | }; |
4011 | var _547=function(a,b){ |
4012 | return a.compareRGB(b); |
4013 | }; |
4014 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
4015 | m.registerComparator(this.Color.NAME,_546,_547); |
4016 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
4017 | }}); |
4018 | MochiKit.Color.EXPORT=["Color"]; |
4019 | MochiKit.Color.EXPORT_OK=["clampColorComponent","rgbToHSL","hslToRGB","rgbToHSV","hsvToRGB","toColorPart"]; |
4020 | MochiKit.Color.__new__(); |
4021 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Color); |
4022 | MochiKit.Color.Color._namedColors={aliceblue:"#f0f8ff",antiquewhite:"#faebd7",aqua:"#00ffff",aquamarine:"#7fffd4",azure:"#f0ffff",beige:"#f5f5dc",bisque:"#ffe4c4",black:"#000000",blanchedalmond:"#ffebcd",blue:"#0000ff",blueviolet:"#8a2be2",brown:"#a52a2a",burlywood:"#deb887",cadetblue:"#5f9ea0",chartreuse:"#7fff00",chocolate:"#d2691e",coral:"#ff7f50",cornflowerblue:"#6495ed",cornsilk:"#fff8dc",crimson:"#dc143c",cyan:"#00ffff",darkblue:"#00008b",darkcyan:"#008b8b",darkgoldenrod:"#b8860b",darkgray:"#a9a9a9",darkgreen:"#006400",darkgrey:"#a9a9a9",darkkhaki:"#bdb76b",darkmagenta:"#8b008b",darkolivegreen:"#556b2f",darkorange:"#ff8c00",darkorchid:"#9932cc",darkred:"#8b0000",darksalmon:"#e9967a",darkseagreen:"#8fbc8f",darkslateblue:"#483d8b",darkslategray:"#2f4f4f",darkslategrey:"#2f4f4f",darkturquoise:"#00ced1",darkviolet:"#9400d3",deeppink:"#ff1493",deepskyblue:"#00bfff",dimgray:"#696969",dimgrey:"#696969",dodgerblue:"#1e90ff",firebrick:"#b22222",floralwhite:"#fffaf0",forestgreen:"#228b22",fuchsia:"#ff00ff",gainsboro:"#dcdcdc",ghostwhite:"#f8f8ff",gold:"#ffd700",goldenrod:"#daa520",gray:"#808080",green:"#008000",greenyellow:"#adff2f",grey:"#808080",honeydew:"#f0fff0",hotpink:"#ff69b4",indianred:"#cd5c5c",indigo:"#4b0082",ivory:"#fffff0",khaki:"#f0e68c",lavender:"#e6e6fa",lavenderblush:"#fff0f5",lawngreen:"#7cfc00",lemonchiffon:"#fffacd",lightblue:"#add8e6",lightcoral:"#f08080",lightcyan:"#e0ffff",lightgoldenrodyellow:"#fafad2",lightgray:"#d3d3d3",lightgreen:"#90ee90",lightgrey:"#d3d3d3",lightpink:"#ffb6c1",lightsalmon:"#ffa07a",lightseagreen:"#20b2aa",lightskyblue:"#87cefa",lightslategray:"#778899",lightslategrey:"#778899",lightsteelblue:"#b0c4de",lightyellow:"#ffffe0",lime:"#00ff00",limegreen:"#32cd32",linen:"#faf0e6",magenta:"#ff00ff",maroon:"#800000",mediumaquamarine:"#66cdaa",mediumblue:"#0000cd",mediumorchid:"#ba55d3",mediumpurple:"#9370db",mediumseagreen:"#3cb371",mediumslateblue:"#7b68ee",mediumspringgreen:"#00fa9a",mediumturquoise:"#48d1cc",mediumvioletred:"#c71585",midnightblue:"#191970",mintcream:"#f5fffa",mistyrose:"#ffe4e1",moccasin:"#ffe4b5",navajowhite:"#ffdead",navy:"#000080",oldlace:"#fdf5e6",olive:"#808000",olivedrab:"#6b8e23",orange:"#ffa500",orangered:"#ff4500",orchid:"#da70d6",palegoldenrod:"#eee8aa",palegreen:"#98fb98",paleturquoise:"#afeeee",palevioletred:"#db7093",papayawhip:"#ffefd5",peachpuff:"#ffdab9",peru:"#cd853f",pink:"#ffc0cb",plum:"#dda0dd",powderblue:"#b0e0e6",purple:"#800080",red:"#ff0000",rosybrown:"#bc8f8f",royalblue:"#4169e1",saddlebrown:"#8b4513",salmon:"#fa8072",sandybrown:"#f4a460",seagreen:"#2e8b57",seashell:"#fff5ee",sienna:"#a0522d",silver:"#c0c0c0",skyblue:"#87ceeb",slateblue:"#6a5acd",slategray:"#708090",slategrey:"#708090",snow:"#fffafa",springgreen:"#00ff7f",steelblue:"#4682b4",tan:"#d2b48c",teal:"#008080",thistle:"#d8bfd8",tomato:"#ff6347",turquoise:"#40e0d0",violet:"#ee82ee",wheat:"#f5deb3",white:"#ffffff",whitesmoke:"#f5f5f5",yellow:"#ffff00",yellowgreen:"#9acd32"}; |
4023 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
4024 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Signal"); |
4025 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); |
4026 | dojo.require("MochiKit.DOM"); |
4027 | } |
4028 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
4029 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
4030 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.DOM",[]); |
4031 | } |
4032 | try{ |
4033 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ |
4034 | throw ""; |
4035 | } |
4036 | } |
4037 | catch(e){ |
4038 | throw "MochiKit.Signal depends on MochiKit.Base!"; |
4039 | } |
4040 | try{ |
4041 | if(typeof (MochiKit.DOM)=="undefined"){ |
4042 | throw ""; |
4043 | } |
4044 | } |
4045 | catch(e){ |
4046 | throw "MochiKit.Signal depends on MochiKit.DOM!"; |
4047 | } |
4048 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Signal)=="undefined"){ |
4049 | MochiKit.Signal={}; |
4050 | } |
4051 | MochiKit.Signal.NAME="MochiKit.Signal"; |
4052 | MochiKit.Signal.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
4053 | MochiKit.Signal._observers=[]; |
4054 | MochiKit.Signal.Event=function(src,e){ |
4055 | this._event=e||window.event; |
4056 | this._src=src; |
4057 | }; |
4058 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Signal.Event.prototype,{__repr__:function(){ |
4059 | var repr=MochiKit.Base.repr; |
4060 | var str="{event(): "+repr(this.event())+", src(): "+repr(this.src())+", type(): "+repr(this.type())+", target(): "+repr(this.target())+", modifier(): "+"{alt: "+repr(this.modifier().alt)+", ctrl: "+repr(this.modifier().ctrl)+", meta: "+repr(this.modifier().meta)+", shift: "+repr(this.modifier().shift)+", any: "+repr(this.modifier().any)+"}"; |
4061 | if(this.type()&&this.type().indexOf("key")===0){ |
4062 | str+=", key(): {code: "+repr(this.key().code)+", string: "+repr(this.key().string)+"}"; |
4063 | } |
4064 | if(this.type()&&(this.type().indexOf("mouse")===0||this.type().indexOf("click")!=-1||this.type()=="contextmenu")){ |
4065 | str+=", mouse(): {page: "+repr(this.mouse().page)+", client: "+repr(this.mouse().client); |
4066 | if(this.type()!="mousemove"){ |
4067 | str+=", button: {left: "+repr(this.mouse().button.left)+", middle: "+repr(this.mouse().button.middle)+", right: "+repr(this.mouse().button.right)+"}}"; |
4068 | }else{ |
4069 | str+="}"; |
4070 | } |
4071 | } |
4072 | if(this.type()=="mouseover"||this.type()=="mouseout"){ |
4073 | str+=", relatedTarget(): "+repr(this.relatedTarget()); |
4074 | } |
4075 | str+="}"; |
4076 | return str; |
4077 | },toString:function(){ |
4078 | return this.__repr__(); |
4079 | },src:function(){ |
4080 | return this._src; |
4081 | },event:function(){ |
4082 | return this._event; |
4083 | },type:function(){ |
4084 | return this._event.type||undefined; |
4085 | },target:function(){ |
4086 | return this._event.target||this._event.srcElement; |
4087 | },relatedTarget:function(){ |
4088 | if(this.type()=="mouseover"){ |
4089 | return (this._event.relatedTarget||this._event.fromElement); |
4090 | }else{ |
4091 | if(this.type()=="mouseout"){ |
4092 | return (this._event.relatedTarget||this._event.toElement); |
4093 | } |
4094 | } |
4095 | return undefined; |
4096 | },modifier:function(){ |
4097 | var m={}; |
4098 | m.alt=this._event.altKey; |
4099 | m.ctrl=this._event.ctrlKey; |
4100 | m.meta=this._event.metaKey||false; |
4101 | m.shift=this._event.shiftKey; |
4102 | m.any=m.alt||m.ctrl||m.shift||m.meta; |
4103 | return m; |
4104 | },key:function(){ |
4105 | var k={}; |
4106 | if(this.type()&&this.type().indexOf("key")===0){ |
4107 | if(this.type()=="keydown"||this.type()=="keyup"){ |
4108 | k.code=this._event.keyCode; |
4109 | k.string=(MochiKit.Signal._specialKeys[k.code]||"KEY_UNKNOWN"); |
4110 | return k; |
4111 | }else{ |
4112 | if(this.type()=="keypress"){ |
4113 | k.code=0; |
4114 | k.string=""; |
4115 | if(typeof (this._event.charCode)!="undefined"&&this._event.charCode!==0&&!MochiKit.Signal._specialMacKeys[this._event.charCode]){ |
4116 | k.code=this._event.charCode; |
4117 | k.string=String.fromCharCode(k.code); |
4118 | }else{ |
4119 | if(this._event.keyCode&&typeof (this._event.charCode)=="undefined"){ |
4120 | k.code=this._event.keyCode; |
4121 | k.string=String.fromCharCode(k.code); |
4122 | } |
4123 | } |
4124 | return k; |
4125 | } |
4126 | } |
4127 | } |
4128 | return undefined; |
4129 | },mouse:function(){ |
4130 | var m={}; |
4131 | var e=this._event; |
4132 | if(this.type()&&(this.type().indexOf("mouse")===0||this.type().indexOf("click")!=-1||this.type()=="contextmenu")){ |
4133 | m.client=new MochiKit.DOM.Coordinates(0,0); |
4134 | if(e.clientX||e.clientY){ |
4135 | m.client.x=(!e.clientX||e.clientX<0)?0:e.clientX; |
4136 | m.client.y=(!e.clientY||e.clientY<0)?0:e.clientY; |
4137 | } |
4138 | m.page=new MochiKit.DOM.Coordinates(0,0); |
4139 | if(e.pageX||e.pageY){ |
4140 | m.page.x=(!e.pageX||e.pageX<0)?0:e.pageX; |
4141 | m.page.y=(!e.pageY||e.pageY<0)?0:e.pageY; |
4142 | }else{ |
4143 | var de=MochiKit.DOM._document.documentElement; |
4144 | var b=MochiKit.DOM._document.body; |
4145 | m.page.x=e.clientX+(de.scrollLeft||b.scrollLeft)-(de.clientLeft||b.clientLeft); |
4146 | m.page.y=e.clientY+(de.scrollTop||b.scrollTop)-(de.clientTop||b.clientTop); |
4147 | } |
4148 | if(this.type()!="mousemove"){ |
4149 | m.button={}; |
4150 | m.button.left=false; |
4151 | m.button.right=false; |
4152 | m.button.middle=false; |
4153 | if(e.which){ |
4154 | m.button.left=(e.which==1); |
4155 | m.button.middle=(e.which==2); |
4156 | m.button.right=(e.which==3); |
4157 | }else{ |
4158 | m.button.left=!!(e.button&1); |
4159 | m.button.right=!!(e.button&2); |
4160 | m.button.middle=!!(e.button&4); |
4161 | } |
4162 | } |
4163 | return m; |
4164 | } |
4165 | return undefined; |
4166 | },stop:function(){ |
4167 | this.stopPropagation(); |
4168 | this.preventDefault(); |
4169 | },stopPropagation:function(){ |
4170 | if(this._event.stopPropagation){ |
4171 | this._event.stopPropagation(); |
4172 | }else{ |
4173 | this._event.cancelBubble=true; |
4174 | } |
4175 | },preventDefault:function(){ |
4176 | if(this._event.preventDefault){ |
4177 | this._event.preventDefault(); |
4178 | }else{ |
4179 | this._event.returnValue=false; |
4180 | } |
4181 | }}); |
4182 | MochiKit.Signal._specialMacKeys={3:"KEY_ENTER",63289:"KEY_NUM_PAD_CLEAR",63276:"KEY_PAGE_UP",63277:"KEY_PAGE_DOWN",63275:"KEY_END",63273:"KEY_HOME",63234:"KEY_ARROW_LEFT",63232:"KEY_ARROW_UP",63235:"KEY_ARROW_RIGHT",63233:"KEY_ARROW_DOWN",63302:"KEY_INSERT",63272:"KEY_DELETE"}; |
4183 | for(i=63236;i<=63242;i++){ |
4184 | MochiKit.Signal._specialMacKeys[i]="KEY_F"+(i-63236+1); |
4185 | } |
4187 | for(var i=48;i<=57;i++){ |
4188 | MochiKit.Signal._specialKeys[i]="KEY_"+(i-48); |
4189 | } |
4190 | for(i=65;i<=90;i++){ |
4191 | MochiKit.Signal._specialKeys[i]="KEY_"+String.fromCharCode(i); |
4192 | } |
4193 | for(i=96;i<=105;i++){ |
4194 | MochiKit.Signal._specialKeys[i]="KEY_NUM_PAD_"+(i-96); |
4195 | } |
4196 | for(i=112;i<=123;i++){ |
4197 | MochiKit.Signal._specialKeys[i]="KEY_F"+(i-112+1); |
4198 | } |
4199 | MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Signal,{__repr__:function(){ |
4200 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
4201 | },toString:function(){ |
4202 | return this.__repr__(); |
4203 | },_unloadCache:function(){ |
4204 | var self=MochiKit.Signal; |
4205 | var _548=self._observers; |
4206 | for(var i=0;i<_548.length;i++){ |
4207 | self._disconnect(_548[i]); |
4208 | } |
4209 | delete self._observers; |
4210 | try{ |
4211 | window.onload=undefined; |
4212 | } |
4213 | catch(e){ |
4214 | } |
4215 | try{ |
4216 | window.onunload=undefined; |
4217 | } |
4218 | catch(e){ |
4219 | } |
4220 | },_listener:function(src,func,obj,_549){ |
4221 | var E=MochiKit.Signal.Event; |
4222 | if(!_549){ |
4223 | return MochiKit.Base.bind(func,obj); |
4224 | } |
4225 | obj=obj||src; |
4226 | if(typeof (func)=="string"){ |
4227 | return function(_551){ |
4228 | obj[func].apply(obj,[new E(src,_551)]); |
4229 | }; |
4230 | }else{ |
4231 | return function(_552){ |
4232 | func.apply(obj,[new E(src,_552)]); |
4233 | }; |
4234 | } |
4235 | },connect:function(src,sig,_554,_555){ |
4236 | src=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(src); |
4237 | var self=MochiKit.Signal; |
4238 | if(typeof (sig)!="string"){ |
4239 | throw new Error("'sig' must be a string"); |
4240 | } |
4241 | var obj=null; |
4242 | var func=null; |
4243 | if(typeof (_555)!="undefined"){ |
4244 | obj=_554; |
4245 | func=_555; |
4246 | if(typeof (_555)=="string"){ |
4247 | if(typeof (_554[_555])!="function"){ |
4248 | throw new Error("'funcOrStr' must be a function on 'objOrFunc'"); |
4249 | } |
4250 | }else{ |
4251 | if(typeof (_555)!="function"){ |
4252 | throw new Error("'funcOrStr' must be a function or string"); |
4253 | } |
4254 | } |
4255 | }else{ |
4256 | if(typeof (_554)!="function"){ |
4257 | throw new Error("'objOrFunc' must be a function if 'funcOrStr' is not given"); |
4258 | }else{ |
4259 | func=_554; |
4260 | } |
4261 | } |
4262 | if(typeof (obj)=="undefined"||obj===null){ |
4263 | obj=src; |
4264 | } |
4265 | var _556=!!(src.addEventListener||src.attachEvent); |
4266 | var _557=self._listener(src,func,obj,_556); |
4267 | if(src.addEventListener){ |
4268 | src.addEventListener(sig.substr(2),_557,false); |
4269 | }else{ |
4270 | if(src.attachEvent){ |
4271 | src.attachEvent(sig,_557); |
4272 | } |
4273 | } |
4274 | var _558=[src,sig,_557,_556,_554,_555]; |
4275 | self._observers.push(_558); |
4276 | return _558; |
4277 | },_disconnect:function(_559){ |
4278 | if(!_559[3]){ |
4279 | return; |
4280 | } |
4281 | var src=_559[0]; |
4282 | var sig=_559[1]; |
4283 | var _560=_559[2]; |
4284 | if(src.removeEventListener){ |
4285 | src.removeEventListener(sig.substr(2),_560,false); |
4286 | }else{ |
4287 | if(src.detachEvent){ |
4288 | src.detachEvent(sig,_560); |
4289 | }else{ |
4290 | throw new Error("'src' must be a DOM element"); |
4291 | } |
4292 | } |
4293 | },disconnect:function(_561){ |
4294 | var self=MochiKit.Signal; |
4295 | var _562=self._observers; |
4296 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
4297 | if(arguments.length>1){ |
4298 | var src=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(arguments[0]); |
4299 | var sig=arguments[1]; |
4300 | var obj=arguments[2]; |
4301 | var func=arguments[3]; |
4302 | for(var i=_562.length-1;i>=0;i--){ |
4303 | var o=_562[i]; |
4304 | if(o[0]===src&&o[1]===sig&&o[4]===obj&&o[5]===func){ |
4305 | self._disconnect(o); |
4306 | _562.splice(i,1); |
4307 | return true; |
4308 | } |
4309 | } |
4310 | }else{ |
4311 | var idx=m.findIdentical(_562,_561); |
4312 | if(idx>=0){ |
4313 | self._disconnect(_561); |
4314 | _562.splice(idx,1); |
4315 | return true; |
4316 | } |
4317 | } |
4318 | return false; |
4319 | },disconnectAll:function(src,sig){ |
4320 | src=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(src); |
4321 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
4322 | var _563=m.flattenArguments(m.extend(null,arguments,1)); |
4323 | var self=MochiKit.Signal; |
4324 | var _564=self._disconnect; |
4325 | var _565=self._observers; |
4326 | if(_563.length===0){ |
4327 | for(var i=_565.length-1;i>=0;i--){ |
4328 | var _566=_565[i]; |
4329 | if(_566[0]===src){ |
4330 | _564(_566); |
4331 | _565.splice(i,1); |
4332 | } |
4333 | } |
4334 | }else{ |
4335 | var sigs={}; |
4336 | for(var i=0;i<_563.length;i++){ |
4337 | sigs[_563[i]]=true; |
4338 | } |
4339 | for(var i=_565.length-1;i>=0;i--){ |
4340 | var _566=_565[i]; |
4341 | if(_566[0]===src&&_566[1] in sigs){ |
4342 | _564(_566); |
4343 | _565.splice(i,1); |
4344 | } |
4345 | } |
4346 | } |
4347 | },signal:function(src,sig){ |
4348 | var _568=MochiKit.Signal._observers; |
4349 | src=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(src); |
4350 | var args=MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,2); |
4351 | var _569=[]; |
4352 | for(var i=0;i<_568.length;i++){ |
4353 | var _570=_568[i]; |
4354 | if(_570[0]===src&&_570[1]===sig){ |
4355 | try{ |
4356 | _570[2].apply(src,args); |
4357 | } |
4358 | catch(e){ |
4359 | _569.push(e); |
4360 | } |
4361 | } |
4362 | } |
4363 | if(_569.length==1){ |
4364 | throw _569[0]; |
4365 | }else{ |
4366 | if(_569.length>1){ |
4367 | var e=new Error("Multiple errors thrown in handling 'sig', see errors property"); |
4368 | e.errors=_569; |
4369 | throw e; |
4370 | } |
4371 | } |
4372 | }}); |
4373 | MochiKit.Signal.EXPORT_OK=[]; |
4374 | MochiKit.Signal.EXPORT=["connect","disconnect","signal","disconnectAll"]; |
4375 | MochiKit.Signal.__new__=function(win){ |
4376 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
4377 | this._document=document; |
4378 | this._window=win; |
4379 | try{ |
4380 | this.connect(window,"onunload",this._unloadCache); |
4381 | } |
4382 | catch(e){ |
4383 | } |
4384 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
4385 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
4386 | }; |
4387 | MochiKit.Signal.__new__(this); |
4388 | if(!MochiKit.__compat__){ |
4389 | connect=MochiKit.Signal.connect; |
4390 | disconnect=MochiKit.Signal.disconnect; |
4391 | disconnectAll=MochiKit.Signal.disconnectAll; |
4392 | signal=MochiKit.Signal.signal; |
4393 | } |
4394 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Signal); |
4395 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
4396 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.Visual"); |
4397 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); |
4398 | dojo.require("MochiKit.DOM"); |
4399 | dojo.require("MochiKit.Color"); |
4400 | } |
4401 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
4402 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
4403 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.DOM",[]); |
4404 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Color",[]); |
4405 | } |
4406 | try{ |
4407 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"||typeof (MochiKit.DOM)=="undefined"||typeof (MochiKit.Color)=="undefined"){ |
4408 | throw ""; |
4409 | } |
4410 | } |
4411 | catch(e){ |
4412 | throw "MochiKit.Visual depends on MochiKit.Base, MochiKit.DOM and MochiKit.Color!"; |
4413 | } |
4414 | if(typeof (MochiKit.Visual)=="undefined"){ |
4415 | MochiKit.Visual={}; |
4416 | } |
4417 | MochiKit.Visual.NAME="MochiKit.Visual"; |
4418 | MochiKit.Visual.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
4419 | MochiKit.Visual.__repr__=function(){ |
4420 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
4421 | }; |
4422 | MochiKit.Visual.toString=function(){ |
4423 | return this.__repr__(); |
4424 | }; |
4425 | MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners=function(e,_571){ |
4426 | e=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(e); |
4427 | this._setOptions(_571); |
4428 | if(this.options.__unstable__wrapElement){ |
4429 | e=this._doWrap(e); |
4430 | } |
4431 | var _572=this.options.color; |
4432 | var C=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
4433 | if(this.options.color=="fromElement"){ |
4434 | _572=C.fromBackground(e); |
4435 | }else{ |
4436 | if(!(_572 instanceof C)){ |
4437 | _572=C.fromString(_572); |
4438 | } |
4439 | } |
4440 | this.isTransparent=(_572.asRGB().a<=0); |
4441 | var _574=this.options.bgColor; |
4442 | if(this.options.bgColor=="fromParent"){ |
4443 | _574=C.fromBackground(e.offsetParent); |
4444 | }else{ |
4445 | if(!(_574 instanceof C)){ |
4446 | _574=C.fromString(_574); |
4447 | } |
4448 | } |
4449 | this._roundCornersImpl(e,_572,_574); |
4450 | }; |
4451 | MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners.prototype={_doWrap:function(e){ |
4452 | var _575=e.parentNode; |
4453 | var doc=MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument(); |
4454 | if(typeof (doc.defaultView)=="undefined"||doc.defaultView===null){ |
4455 | return e; |
4456 | } |
4457 | var _576=doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e,null); |
4458 | if(typeof (_576)=="undefined"||_576===null){ |
4459 | return e; |
4460 | } |
4461 | var _577=MochiKit.DOM.DIV({"style":{display:"block",marginTop:_576.getPropertyValue("padding-top"),marginRight:_576.getPropertyValue("padding-right"),marginBottom:_576.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"),marginLeft:_576.getPropertyValue("padding-left"),padding:"0px"}}); |
4462 | _577.innerHTML=e.innerHTML; |
4463 | e.innerHTML=""; |
4464 | e.appendChild(_577); |
4465 | return e; |
4466 | },_roundCornersImpl:function(e,_578,_579){ |
4467 | if(this.options.border){ |
4468 | this._renderBorder(e,_579); |
4469 | } |
4470 | if(this._isTopRounded()){ |
4471 | this._roundTopCorners(e,_578,_579); |
4472 | } |
4473 | if(this._isBottomRounded()){ |
4474 | this._roundBottomCorners(e,_578,_579); |
4475 | } |
4476 | },_renderBorder:function(el,_580){ |
4477 | var _581="1px solid "+this._borderColor(_580); |
4478 | var _582="border-left: "+_581; |
4479 | var _583="border-right: "+_581; |
4480 | var _584="style='"+_582+";"+_583+"'"; |
4481 | el.innerHTML="<div "+_584+">"+el.innerHTML+"</div>"; |
4482 | },_roundTopCorners:function(el,_585,_586){ |
4483 | var _587=this._createCorner(_586); |
4484 | for(var i=0;i<this.options.numSlices;i++){ |
4485 | _587.appendChild(this._createCornerSlice(_585,_586,i,"top")); |
4486 | } |
4487 | el.style.paddingTop=0; |
4488 | el.insertBefore(_587,el.firstChild); |
4489 | },_roundBottomCorners:function(el,_588,_589){ |
4490 | var _590=this._createCorner(_589); |
4491 | for(var i=(this.options.numSlices-1);i>=0;i--){ |
4492 | _590.appendChild(this._createCornerSlice(_588,_589,i,"bottom")); |
4493 | } |
4494 | el.style.paddingBottom=0; |
4495 | el.appendChild(_590); |
4496 | },_createCorner:function(_591){ |
4497 | var dom=MochiKit.DOM; |
4498 | return dom.DIV({style:{backgroundColor:_591.toString()}}); |
4499 | },_createCornerSlice:function(_592,_593,n,_594){ |
4500 | var _595=MochiKit.DOM.SPAN(); |
4501 | var _596=_595.style; |
4502 | _596.backgroundColor=_592.toString(); |
4503 | _596.display="block"; |
4504 | _596.height="1px"; |
4505 | _596.overflow="hidden"; |
4506 | _596.fontSize="1px"; |
4507 | var _597=this._borderColor(_592,_593); |
4508 | if(this.options.border&&n===0){ |
4509 | _596.borderTopStyle="solid"; |
4510 | _596.borderTopWidth="1px"; |
4511 | _596.borderLeftWidth="0px"; |
4512 | _596.borderRightWidth="0px"; |
4513 | _596.borderBottomWidth="0px"; |
4514 | _596.height="0px"; |
4515 | _596.borderColor=_597.toString(); |
4516 | }else{ |
4517 | if(_597){ |
4518 | _596.borderColor=_597.toString(); |
4519 | _596.borderStyle="solid"; |
4520 | _596.borderWidth="0px 1px"; |
4521 | } |
4522 | } |
4523 | if(!this.options.compact&&(n==(this.options.numSlices-1))){ |
4524 | _596.height="2px"; |
4525 | } |
4526 | this._setMargin(_595,n,_594); |
4527 | this._setBorder(_595,n,_594); |
4528 | return _595; |
4529 | },_setOptions:function(_598){ |
4530 | this.options={corners:"all",color:"fromElement",bgColor:"fromParent",blend:true,border:false,compact:false,__unstable__wrapElement:false}; |
4531 | MochiKit.Base.update(this.options,_598); |
4532 | this.options.numSlices=(this.options.compact?2:4); |
4533 | },_whichSideTop:function(){ |
4534 | var _599=this.options.corners; |
4535 | if(this._hasString(_599,"all","top")){ |
4536 | return ""; |
4537 | } |
4538 | var _600=(_599.indexOf("tl")!=-1); |
4539 | var _601=(_599.indexOf("tr")!=-1); |
4540 | if(_600&&_601){ |
4541 | return ""; |
4542 | } |
4543 | if(_600){ |
4544 | return "left"; |
4545 | } |
4546 | if(_601){ |
4547 | return "right"; |
4548 | } |
4549 | return ""; |
4550 | },_whichSideBottom:function(){ |
4551 | var _602=this.options.corners; |
4552 | if(this._hasString(_602,"all","bottom")){ |
4553 | return ""; |
4554 | } |
4555 | var _603=(_602.indexOf("bl")!=-1); |
4556 | var _604=(_602.indexOf("br")!=-1); |
4557 | if(_603&&_604){ |
4558 | return ""; |
4559 | } |
4560 | if(_603){ |
4561 | return "left"; |
4562 | } |
4563 | if(_604){ |
4564 | return "right"; |
4565 | } |
4566 | return ""; |
4567 | },_borderColor:function(_605,_606){ |
4568 | if(_605=="transparent"){ |
4569 | return _606; |
4570 | }else{ |
4571 | if(this.options.border){ |
4572 | return this.options.border; |
4573 | }else{ |
4574 | if(this.options.blend){ |
4575 | return _606.blendedColor(_605); |
4576 | } |
4577 | } |
4578 | } |
4579 | return ""; |
4580 | },_setMargin:function(el,n,_607){ |
4581 | var _608=this._marginSize(n)+"px"; |
4582 | var _609=(_607=="top"?this._whichSideTop():this._whichSideBottom()); |
4583 | var _610=el.style; |
4584 | if(_609=="left"){ |
4585 | _610.marginLeft=_608; |
4586 | _610.marginRight="0px"; |
4587 | }else{ |
4588 | if(_609=="right"){ |
4589 | _610.marginRight=_608; |
4590 | _610.marginLeft="0px"; |
4591 | }else{ |
4592 | _610.marginLeft=_608; |
4593 | _610.marginRight=_608; |
4594 | } |
4595 | } |
4596 | },_setBorder:function(el,n,_611){ |
4597 | var _612=this._borderSize(n)+"px"; |
4598 | var _613=(_611=="top"?this._whichSideTop():this._whichSideBottom()); |
4599 | var _614=el.style; |
4600 | if(_613=="left"){ |
4601 | _614.borderLeftWidth=_612; |
4602 | _614.borderRightWidth="0px"; |
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4605 | _614.borderRightWidth=_612; |
4606 | _614.borderLeftWidth="0px"; |
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4608 | _614.borderLeftWidth=_612; |
4609 | _614.borderRightWidth=_612; |
4610 | } |
4611 | } |
4612 | },_marginSize:function(n){ |
4613 | if(this.isTransparent){ |
4614 | return 0; |
4615 | } |
4616 | var o=this.options; |
4617 | if(o.compact&&o.blend){ |
4618 | var _615=[1,0]; |
4619 | return _615[n]; |
4620 | }else{ |
4621 | if(o.compact){ |
4622 | var _616=[2,1]; |
4623 | return _616[n]; |
4624 | }else{ |
4625 | if(o.blend){ |
4626 | var _617=[3,2,1,0]; |
4627 | return _617[n]; |
4628 | }else{ |
4629 | var _618=[5,3,2,1]; |
4630 | return _618[n]; |
4631 | } |
4632 | } |
4633 | } |
4634 | },_borderSize:function(n){ |
4635 | var o=this.options; |
4636 | var _619; |
4637 | if(o.compact&&(o.blend||this.isTransparent)){ |
4638 | return 1; |
4639 | }else{ |
4640 | if(o.compact){ |
4641 | _619=[1,0]; |
4642 | }else{ |
4643 | if(o.blend){ |
4644 | _619=[2,1,1,1]; |
4645 | }else{ |
4646 | if(o.border){ |
4647 | _619=[0,2,0,0]; |
4648 | }else{ |
4649 | if(this.isTransparent){ |
4650 | _619=[5,3,2,1]; |
4651 | }else{ |
4652 | return 0; |
4653 | } |
4654 | } |
4655 | } |
4656 | } |
4657 | } |
4658 | return _619[n]; |
4659 | },_hasString:function(str){ |
4660 | for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ |
4661 | if(str.indexOf(arguments[i])!=-1){ |
4662 | return true; |
4663 | } |
4664 | } |
4665 | return false; |
4666 | },_isTopRounded:function(){ |
4667 | return this._hasString(this.options.corners,"all","top","tl","tr"); |
4668 | },_isBottomRounded:function(){ |
4669 | return this._hasString(this.options.corners,"all","bottom","bl","br"); |
4670 | },_hasSingleTextChild:function(el){ |
4671 | return (el.childNodes.length==1&&el.childNodes[0].nodeType==3); |
4672 | }}; |
4673 | MochiKit.Visual.roundElement=function(e,_620){ |
4674 | new MochiKit.Visual._RoundCorners(e,_620); |
4675 | }; |
4676 | MochiKit.Visual.roundClass=function(_621,_622,_623){ |
4677 | var _624=MochiKit.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName(_621,_622); |
4678 | for(var i=0;i<_624.length;i++){ |
4679 | MochiKit.Visual.roundElement(_624[i],_623); |
4680 | } |
4681 | }; |
4682 | MochiKit.Visual.Color=MochiKit.Color.Color; |
4683 | MochiKit.Visual.getElementsComputedStyle=MochiKit.DOM.computedStyle; |
4684 | MochiKit.Visual.__new__=function(){ |
4685 | var m=MochiKit.Base; |
4686 | m.nameFunctions(this); |
4687 | this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; |
4688 | }; |
4689 | MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT=["roundElement","roundClass"]; |
4690 | MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT_OK=[]; |
4691 | MochiKit.Visual.__new__(); |
4692 | MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Visual); |
4693 | if(typeof (MochiKit)=="undefined"){ |
4694 | MochiKit={}; |
4695 | } |
4696 | if(typeof (MochiKit.MochiKit)=="undefined"){ |
4697 | MochiKit.MochiKit={}; |
4698 | } |
4699 | MochiKit.MochiKit.NAME="MochiKit.MochiKit"; |
4700 | MochiKit.MochiKit.VERSION="1.3.1"; |
4701 | MochiKit.MochiKit.__repr__=function(){ |
4702 | return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; |
4703 | }; |
4704 | MochiKit.MochiKit.toString=function(){ |
4705 | return this.__repr__(); |
4706 | }; |
4707 | MochiKit.MochiKit.SUBMODULES=["Base","Iter","Logging","DateTime","Format","Async","DOM","LoggingPane","Color","Signal","Visual"]; |
4708 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"||typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
4709 | if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ |
4710 | dojo.provide("MochiKit.MochiKit"); |
4711 | dojo.require("MochiKit.*"); |
4712 | } |
4713 | if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ |
4714 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); |
4715 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Iter",[]); |
4716 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Logging",[]); |
4717 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.DateTime",[]); |
4718 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Format",[]); |
4719 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Async",[]); |
4720 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.DOM",[]); |
4721 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.LoggingPane",[]); |
4722 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Color",[]); |
4723 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Signal",[]); |
4724 | JSAN.use("MochiKit.Visual",[]); |
4725 | } |
4726 | (function(){ |
4727 | var _625=MochiKit.Base.extend; |
4728 | var self=MochiKit.MochiKit; |
4729 | var _626=self.SUBMODULES; |
4730 | var _627=[]; |
4731 | var _628=[]; |
4732 | var _629={}; |
4733 | var i,k,m,all; |
4734 | for(i=0;i<_626.length;i++){ |
4735 | m=MochiKit[_626[i]]; |
4736 | _625(_627,m.EXPORT); |
4737 | _625(_628,m.EXPORT_OK); |
4738 | for(k in m.EXPORT_TAGS){ |
4739 | _629[k]=_625(_629[k],m.EXPORT_TAGS[k]); |
4740 | } |
4741 | all=m.EXPORT_TAGS[":all"]; |
4742 | if(!all){ |
4743 | all=_625(null,m.EXPORT,m.EXPORT_OK); |
4744 | } |
4745 | var j; |
4746 | for(j=0;j<all.length;j++){ |
4747 | k=all[j]; |
4748 | self[k]=m[k]; |
4749 | } |
4750 | } |
4751 | self.EXPORT=_627; |
4752 | self.EXPORT_OK=_628; |
4753 | self.EXPORT_TAGS=_629; |
4754 | }()); |
4755 | }else{ |
4756 | if(typeof (MochiKit.__compat__)=="undefined"){ |
4757 | MochiKit.__compat__=true; |
4758 | } |
4759 | (function(){ |
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4765 | var i; |
4766 | for(i=0;i<_630.length;i++){ |
4767 | var src=_630[i].getAttribute("src"); |
4768 | if(!src){ |
4769 | continue; |
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4771 | _633[src]=true; |
4772 | if(src.match(/MochiKit.js$/)){ |
4773 | base=src.substring(0,src.lastIndexOf("MochiKit.js")); |
4774 | _632=_630[i]; |
4775 | } |
4776 | } |
4777 | if(base===null){ |
4778 | return; |
4779 | } |
4780 | var _634=MochiKit.MochiKit.SUBMODULES; |
4781 | for(var i=0;i<_634.length;i++){ |
4782 | if(MochiKit[_634[i]]){ |
4783 | continue; |
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4785 | var uri=base+_634[i]+".js"; |
4786 | if(uri in _633){ |
4787 | continue; |
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4796 | document.write("<script src=\""+uri+"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"); |
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4800 | } |
4801 | |
4802 | |