""" DateInterval.py Convert interval strings (in the form of 1w2d, etc) to seconds, and back again. Is not exactly about months or years (leap years in particular). Accepts (y)ear, (b)month, (w)eek, (d)ay, (h)our, (m)inute, (s)econd. Exports only timeEncode and timeDecode functions. """ import re __all__ = ['interval_decode', 'interval_encode'] second = 1 minute = second*60 hour = minute*60 day = hour*24 week = day*7 month = day*30 year = day*365 timeValues = { 'y': year, 'b': month, 'w': week, 'd': day, 'h': hour, 'm': minute, 's': second, } timeOrdered = timeValues.items() timeOrdered.sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a[1], b[1])) def interval_encode(seconds, include_sign=False): """Encodes a number of seconds (representing a time interval) into a form like 1h2d3s. >>> interval_encode(10) '10s' >>> interval_encode(493939) '5d17h12m19s' """ s = '' orig = seconds seconds = abs(seconds) for char, amount in timeOrdered: if seconds >= amount: i, seconds = divmod(seconds, amount) s += '%i%s' % (i, char) if orig < 0: s = '-' + s elif not orig: return '0' elif include_sign: s = '+' + s return s _timeRE = re.compile(r'[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]') def interval_decode(s): """Decodes a number in the format 1h4d3m (1 hour, 3 days, 3 minutes) into a number of seconds >>> interval_decode('40s') 40 >>> interval_decode('10000s') 10000 >>> interval_decode('3d1w45s') 864045 """ time = 0 sign = 1 s = s.strip() if s.startswith('-'): s = s[1:] sign = -1 elif s.startswith('+'): s = s[1:] for match in allMatches(s, _timeRE): char = match.group(0)[-1].lower() if not timeValues.has_key(char): # @@: should signal error continue time += int(match.group(0)[:-1]) * timeValues[char] return time # @@-sgd 2002-12-23 - this function does not belong in this module, find a better place. def allMatches(source, regex): """Return a list of matches for regex in source """ pos = 0 end = len(source) rv = [] match = regex.search(source, pos) while match: rv.append(match) match = regex.search(source, match.end() ) return rv if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()