# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org) # Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ Provides the two commands for preparing an application: ``prepare-app`` and ``setup-app`` """ import os import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 4): from paste.script.util import string24 as string else: import string import new from cStringIO import StringIO from paste.script.command import Command, BadCommand, run as run_command import paste.script.templates from paste.script import copydir import pkg_resources Cheetah = None from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from paste.util import import_string from paste.deploy import appconfig from paste.script.util import uuid from paste.script.util import secret class AbstractInstallCommand(Command): default_interactive = 1 default_sysconfigs = [ (False, '/etc/paste/sysconfig.py'), (False, '/usr/local/etc/paste/sysconfig.py'), (True, 'paste.script.default_sysconfig'), ] if os.environ.get('HOME'): default_sysconfigs.insert( 0, (False, os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.paste', 'config', 'sysconfig.py'))) if os.environ.get('PASTE_SYSCONFIG'): default_sysconfigs.insert( 0, (False, os.environ['PASTE_SYSCONFIG'])) def run(self, args): # This is overridden so we can parse sys-config before we pass # it to optparse self.sysconfigs = self.default_sysconfigs new_args = [] while args: if args[0].startswith('--no-default-sysconfig'): self.sysconfigs = [] args.pop(0) continue if args[0].startswith('--sysconfig='): self.sysconfigs.insert( 0, (True, args.pop(0)[len('--sysconfig='):])) continue if args[0] == '--sysconfig': args.pop(0) if not args: raise BadCommand, ( "You gave --sysconfig as the last argument without " "a value") self.sysconfigs.insert(0, (True, args.pop(0))) continue new_args.append(args.pop(0)) self.load_sysconfigs() return super(AbstractInstallCommand, self).run(new_args) #@classmethod def standard_parser(cls, **kw): parser = super(AbstractInstallCommand, cls).standard_parser(**kw) parser.add_option('--sysconfig', action="append", dest="sysconfigs", help="System configuration file") parser.add_option('--no-default-sysconfig', action='store_true', dest='no_default_sysconfig', help="Don't load the default sysconfig files") parser.add_option( '--easy-install', action='append', dest='easy_install_op', metavar='OP', help='An option to add if invoking easy_install (like --easy-install=exclude-scripts)') parser.add_option( '--no-install', action='store_true', dest='no_install', help="Don't try to install the package (it must already be installed)") parser.add_option( '-f', '--find-links', action='append', dest='easy_install_find_links', metavar='URL', help='Passed through to easy_install') return parser standard_parser = classmethod(standard_parser) ######################################## ## Sysconfig Handling ######################################## def load_sysconfigs(self): configs = self.sysconfigs[:] configs.reverse() self.sysconfig_modules = [] for index, (explicit, name) in enumerate(configs): # @@: At some point I'd like to give the specialized # modules some access to the values in earlier modules, # e.g., to specialize those values or functions. That's # why these modules are loaded backwards. if name.endswith('.py'): if not os.path.exists(name): if explicit: raise BadCommand, ( "sysconfig file %s does not exist" % name) else: continue globs = {} execfile(name, globs) mod = new.module('__sysconfig_%i__' % index) for name, value in globs.items(): setattr(mod, name, value) mod.__file__ = name else: try: mod = import_string.simple_import(name) except ImportError, e: if explicit: raise else: continue mod.paste_command = self self.sysconfig_modules.insert(0, mod) # @@: I'd really prefer to clone the parser here somehow, # not to modify it in place parser = self.parser self.call_sysconfig_functions('add_custom_options', parser) def get_sysconfig_option(self, name, default=None): """ Return the value of the given option in the first sysconfig module in which it is found, or ``default`` (None) if not found in any. """ for mod in self.sysconfig_modules: if hasattr(mod, name): return getattr(mod, name) return default def get_sysconfig_options(self, name): """ Return the option value for the given name in all the sysconfig modules in which is is found (``[]`` if none). """ return [getattr(mod, name) for mod in self.sysconfig_modules if hasattr(mod, name)] def call_sysconfig_function(self, name, *args, **kw): """ Call the specified function in the first sysconfig module it is defined in. ``NameError`` if no function is found. """ val = self.get_sysconfig_option(name) if val is None: raise NameError, ( "Method %s not found in any sysconfig module" % name) return val(*args, **kw) def call_sysconfig_functions(self, name, *args, **kw): """ Call all the named functions in the sysconfig modules, returning a list of the return values. """ return [method(*args, **kw) for method in self.get_sysconfig_options(name)] def sysconfig_install_vars(self, installer): """ Return the folded results of calling the ``install_variables()`` functions. """ result = {} all_vars = self.call_sysconfig_functions( 'install_variables', installer) all_vars.reverse() for vardict in all_vars: result.update(vardict) return result ######################################## ## Distributions ######################################## def get_distribution(self, req): """ This gets a distribution object, and installs the distribution if required. """ try: dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(req) if self.verbose: print 'Distribution already installed:' print ' ', dist, 'from', dist.location return dist except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: if self.options.no_install: print "Because --no-install was given, we won't try to install the package %s" % req raise options = ['-v', '-m'] for op in self.options.easy_install_op or []: if not op.startswith('-'): op = '--'+op options.append(op) for op in self.options.easy_install_find_links or []: options.append('--find-links=%s' % op) if self.simulate: raise BadCommand( "Must install %s, but in simulation mode" % req) print "Must install %s" % req from setuptools.command import easy_install from setuptools import setup setup(script_args=['-q', 'easy_install'] + options + [req]) return pkg_resources.get_distribution(req) def get_installer(self, distro, ep_group, ep_name): installer_class = distro.load_entry_point( 'paste.app_install', ep_name) installer = installer_class( distro, ep_group, ep_name) return installer class MakeConfigCommand(AbstractInstallCommand): default_verbosity = 1 max_args = None min_args = 1 summary = "Install a package and create a fresh config file/directory" usage = "PACKAGE_NAME [CONFIG_FILE] [VAR=VALUE]" description = """\ Note: this is an experimental command, and it will probably change in several ways by the next release. make-config is part of a two-phase installation process (the second phase is setup-app). make-config installs the package (using easy_install) and asks it to create a bare configuration file or directory (possibly filling in defaults from the extra variables you give). """ parser = AbstractInstallCommand.standard_parser( simulate=True, quiet=True, no_interactive=True) parser.add_option('--info', action="store_true", dest="show_info", help="Show information on the package (after installing it), but do not write a config.") parser.add_option('--name', action='store', dest='ep_name', help='The name of the application contained in the distribution (default "main")') parser.add_option('--entry-group', action='store', dest='ep_group', default='paste.app_factory', help='The entry point group to install (i.e., the kind of application; default paste.app_factory') parser.add_option('--edit', action='store_true', dest='edit', help='Edit the configuration file after generating it (using $EDITOR)') parser.add_option('--setup', action='store_true', dest='run_setup', help='Run setup-app immediately after generating (and possibly editing) the configuration file') def command(self): self.requirement = self.args[0] if '#' in self.requirement: if self.options.ep_name is not None: raise BadCommand( "You may not give both --name and a requirement with " "#name") self.requirement, self.options.ep_name = self.requirement.split('#', 1) if not self.options.ep_name: self.options.ep_name = 'main' self.distro = self.get_distribution(self.requirement) self.installer = self.get_installer( self.distro, self.options.ep_group, self.options.ep_name) if self.options.show_info: if len(self.args) > 1: raise BadCommand( "With --info you can only give one argument") return self.show_info() if len(self.args) < 2: # See if sysconfig can give us a default filename options = filter(None, self.call_sysconfig_functions( 'default_config_filename', self.installer)) if not options: raise BadCommand( "You must give a configuration filename") self.config_file = options[0] else: self.config_file = self.args[1] self.check_config_file() self.project_name = self.distro.project_name self.vars = self.sysconfig_install_vars(self.installer) self.vars.update(self.parse_vars(self.args[2:])) self.vars['project_name'] = self.project_name self.vars['requirement'] = self.requirement self.vars['ep_name'] = self.options.ep_name self.vars['ep_group'] = self.options.ep_group self.vars.setdefault('app_name', self.project_name.lower()) self.vars.setdefault('app_instance_uuid', uuid.uuid4()) self.vars.setdefault('app_instance_secret', secret.secret_string()) if self.verbose > 1: print_vars = self.vars.items() print_vars.sort() print 'Variables for installation:' for name, value in print_vars: print ' %s: %r' % (name, value) self.installer.write_config(self, self.config_file, self.vars) edit_success = True if self.options.edit: edit_success = self.run_editor() setup_configs = self.installer.editable_config_files(self.config_file) # @@: We'll just assume the first file in the list is the one # that works with setup-app... setup_config = setup_configs[0] if self.options.run_setup: if not edit_success: print 'Config-file editing was not successful.' if self.ask('Run setup-app anyway?', default=False): self.run_setup(setup_config) else: self.run_setup(setup_config) else: filenames = self.installer.editable_config_files(self.config_file) assert not isinstance(filenames, basestring), ( "editable_config_files returned a string, not a list") if not filenames and filenames is not None: print 'No config files need editing' else: print 'Now you should edit the config files' if filenames: for fn in filenames: print ' %s' % fn def show_info(self): text = self.installer.description(None) print text def check_config_file(self): if self.installer.expect_config_directory is None: return fn = self.config_file if self.installer.expect_config_directory: if os.path.splitext(fn)[1]: raise BadCommand( "The CONFIG_FILE argument %r looks like a filename, " "and a directory name is expected" % fn) else: if fn.endswith('/') or not os.path.splitext(fn): raise BadCommand( "The CONFIG_FILE argument %r looks like a directory " "name and a filename is expected" % fn) def run_setup(self, filename): run_command(['setup-app', filename]) def run_editor(self): filenames = self.installer.editable_config_files(self.config_file) if filenames is None: print 'Warning: the config file is not known (--edit ignored)' return False if not filenames: print 'Warning: no config files need editing (--edit ignored)' return True if len(filenames) > 1: print 'Warning: there is more than one editable config file (--edit ignored)' return False if not os.environ.get('EDITOR'): print 'Error: you must set $EDITOR if using --edit' return False if self.verbose: print '%s %s' % (os.environ['EDITOR'], filenames[0]) retval = os.system('$EDITOR %s' % filenames[0]) if retval: print 'Warning: editor %s returned with error code %i' % ( os.environ['EDITOR'], retval) return False return True class SetupCommand(AbstractInstallCommand): default_verbosity = 1 max_args = 1 min_args = 1 summary = "Setup an application, given a config file" usage = "CONFIG_FILE" description = """\ Note: this is an experimental command, and it will probably change in several ways by the next release. Setup an application according to its configuration file. This is the second part of a two-phase web application installation process (the first phase is prepare-app). The setup process may consist of things like creating directories and setting up databases. """ parser = AbstractInstallCommand.standard_parser( simulate=True, quiet=True, interactive=True) parser.add_option('--name', action='store', dest='section_name', default=None, help='The name of the section to set up (default: app:main)') def command(self): config_spec = self.args[0] section = self.options.section_name if section is None: if '#' in config_spec: config_spec, section = config_spec.split('#', 1) else: section = 'main' if not ':' in section: plain_section = section section = 'app:'+section else: plain_section = section.split(':', 1)[0] if not config_spec.startswith('config:'): config_spec = 'config:' + config_spec if plain_section != 'main': config_spec += '#' + plain_section config_file = config_spec[len('config:'):].split('#', 1)[0] config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config_file) self.logging_file_config(config_file) conf = appconfig(config_spec, relative_to=os.getcwd()) ep_name = conf.context.entry_point_name ep_group = conf.context.protocol dist = conf.context.distribution if dist is None: raise BadCommand( "The section %r is not the application (probably a filter). You should add #section_name, where section_name is the section that configures your application" % plain_section) installer = self.get_installer(dist, ep_group, ep_name) installer.setup_config( self, config_file, section, self.sysconfig_install_vars(installer)) self.call_sysconfig_functions( 'post_setup_hook', installer, config_file) class Installer(object): """ Abstract base class for installers, and also a generic installer that will run off config files in the .egg-info directory of a distribution. Packages that simply refer to this installer can provide a file ``*.egg-info/paste_deploy_config.ini_tmpl`` that will be interpreted by Cheetah. They can also provide ``websetup`` modules with a ``setup_app(command, conf, vars)`` (or the now-deprecated ``setup_config(command, filename, section, vars)``) function, that will be called. In the future other functions or configuration files may be called. """ # If this is true, then try to detect filename-looking config_file # values, and reject them. Conversely, if false try to detect # directory-looking values and reject them. None means don't # check. expect_config_directory = False # Set this to give a default config filename when none is # specified: default_config_filename = None # Set this to true to use Cheetah to fill your templates, or false # to not do so: use_cheetah = True def __init__(self, dist, ep_group, ep_name): self.dist = dist self.ep_group = ep_group self.ep_name = ep_name def description(self, config): return 'An application' def write_config(self, command, filename, vars): """ Writes the content to the filename (directory or single file). You should use the ``command`` object, which respects things like simulation and interactive. ``vars`` is a dictionary of user-provided variables. """ command.ensure_file(filename, self.config_content(command, vars)) def editable_config_files(self, filename): """ Return a list of filenames; this is primarily used when the filename is treated as a directory and several configuration files are created. The default implementation returns the file itself. Return None if you don't know what files should be edited on installation. """ if not self.expect_config_directory: return [filename] else: return None def config_content(self, command, vars): """ Called by ``self.write_config``, this returns the text content for the config file, given the provided variables. The default implementation reads ``Package.egg-info/paste_deploy_config.ini_tmpl`` and fills it with the variables. """ global Cheetah meta_name = 'paste_deploy_config.ini_tmpl' if not self.dist.has_metadata(meta_name): if command.verbose: print 'No %s found' % meta_name return self.simple_config(vars) return self.template_renderer( self.dist.get_metadata(meta_name), vars, filename=meta_name) def template_renderer(self, content, vars, filename=None): """ Subclasses may override this to provide different template substitution (e.g., use a different template engine). """ if self.use_cheetah: import Cheetah.Template tmpl = Cheetah.Template.Template(content, searchList=[vars]) return copydir.careful_sub( tmpl, vars, filename) else: tmpl = string.Template(content) return tmpl.substitute(vars) def simple_config(self, vars): """ Return a very simple configuration file for this application. """ if self.ep_name != 'main': ep_name = '#'+self.ep_name else: ep_name = '' return ('[app:main]\n' 'use = egg:%s%s\n' % (self.dist.project_name, ep_name)) def setup_config(self, command, filename, section, vars): """ Called to setup an application, given its configuration file/directory. The default implementation calls ``package.websetup.setup_config(command, filename, section, vars)`` or ``package.websetup.setup_app(command, config, vars)`` With ``setup_app`` the ``config`` object is a dictionary with the extra attributes ``global_conf``, ``local_conf`` and ``filename`` """ modules = [ line.strip() for line in self.dist.get_metadata_lines('top_level.txt') if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith('#')] if not modules: print 'No modules are listed in top_level.txt' print 'Try running python setup.py egg_info to regenerate that file' for mod_name in modules: mod_name = mod_name + '.websetup' mod = import_string.try_import_module(mod_name) if mod is None: continue if command.verbose: print 'Running setup_config() from %s' % mod_name if hasattr(mod, 'setup_app'): self._call_setup_app( mod.setup_app, command, filename, section, vars) elif hasattr(mod, 'setup_config'): mod.setup_config(command, filename, section, vars) else: print 'No setup_app() or setup_config() function in %s (%s)' % ( mod.__name__, mod.__file__) def _call_setup_app(self, func, command, filename, section, vars): filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if ':' in section: section = section.split(':', 1)[1] conf = 'config:%s#%s' % (filename, section) conf = appconfig(conf) conf.filename = filename func(command, conf, vars)