# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org) # Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ This is a module to check the filesystem for the presence and permissions of certain files. It can also be used to correct the permissions (but not existance) of those files. Currently only supports Posix systems (with Posixy permissions). Permission stuff can probably be stubbed out later. """ import os def read_perm_spec(spec): """ Reads a spec like 'rw-r--r--' into a octal number suitable for chmod. That is characters in groups of three -- first group is user, second for group, third for other (all other people). The characters are r (read), w (write), and x (executable), though the executable can also be s (sticky). Files in sticky directories get the directories permission setting. Examples:: >>> print oct(read_perm_spec('rw-r--r--')) 0644 >>> print oct(read_perm_spec('rw-rwsr--')) 02664 >>> print oct(read_perm_spec('r-xr--r--')) 0544 >>> print oct(read_perm_spec('r--------')) 0400 """ total_mask = 0 # suid/sgid modes give this mask in user, group, other mode: set_bits = (04000, 02000, 0) pieces = (spec[0:3], spec[3:6], spec[6:9]) for i, (mode, set_bit) in enumerate(zip(pieces, set_bits)): mask = 0 read, write, exe = list(mode) if read == 'r': mask = mask | 4 elif read != '-': raise ValueError, ( "Character %r unexpected (should be '-' or 'r')" % read) if write == 'w': mask = mask | 2 elif write != '-': raise ValueError, ( "Character %r unexpected (should be '-' or 'w')" % write) if exe == 'x': mask = mask | 1 elif exe not in ('s', '-'): raise ValueError, ( "Character %r unexpected (should be '-', 'x', or 's')" % exe) if exe == 's' and i == 2: raise ValueError, ( "The 'other' executable setting cannot be suid/sgid ('s')") mask = mask << ((2-i)*3) if exe == 's': mask = mask | set_bit total_mask = total_mask | mask return total_mask modes = [ (04000, 'setuid bit', 'setuid bit: make contents owned by directory owner'), (02000, 'setgid bit', 'setgid bit: make contents inherit permissions from directory'), (01000, 'sticky bit', 'sticky bit: append-only directory'), (00400, 'read by owner', 'read by owner'), (00200, 'write by owner', 'write by owner'), (00100, 'execute by owner', 'owner can search directory'), (00040, 'allow read by group members', 'allow read by group members',), (00020, 'allow write by group members', 'allow write by group members'), (00010, 'execute by group members', 'group members can search directory'), (00004, 'read by others', 'read by others'), (00002, 'write by others', 'write by others'), (00001, 'execution by others', 'others can search directory'), ] exe_bits = [0100, 0010, 0001] exe_mask = 0111 full_mask = 07777 def mode_diff(filename, mode, **kw): """ Returns the differences calculated using ``calc_mode_diff`` """ cur_mode = os.stat(filename).st_mode return calc_mode_diff(cur_mode, mode, **kw) def calc_mode_diff(cur_mode, mode, keep_exe=True, not_set='not set: ', set='set: '): """ Gives the difference between the actual mode of the file and the given mode. If ``keep_exe`` is true, then if the mode doesn't include any executable information the executable information will simply be ignored. High bits are also always ignored (except suid/sgid and sticky bit). Returns a list of differences (empty list if no differences) """ for exe_bit in exe_bits: if mode & exe_bit: keep_exe = False diffs = [] isdir = os.path.isdir(filename) for bit, file_desc, dir_desc in modes: if keep_exe and bit in exe_bits: continue if isdir: desc = dir_desc else: desc = file_desc if (mode & bit) and not (cur_mode & bit): diffs.append(not_set + desc) if not (mode & bit) and (cur_mode & bit): diffs.append(set + desc) return diffs def calc_set_mode(cur_mode, mode, keep_exe=True): """ Calculates the new mode given the current node ``cur_mode`` and the mode spec ``mode`` and if ``keep_exe`` is true then also keep the executable bits in ``cur_mode`` if ``mode`` has no executable bits in it. Return the new mode. Examples:: >>> print oct(calc_set_mode(0775, 0644)) 0755 >>> print oct(calc_set_mode(0775, 0744)) 0744 >>> print oct(calc_set_mode(010600, 0644)) 010644 >>> print oct(calc_set_mode(0775, 0644, False)) 0644 """ for exe_bit in exe_bits: if mode & exe_bit: keep_exe = False # This zeros-out full_mask parts of the current mode: keep_parts = (cur_mode | full_mask) ^ full_mask if keep_exe: keep_parts = keep_parts | (cur_mode & exe_mask) new_mode = keep_parts | mode return new_mode def set_mode(filename, mode, **kw): """ Sets the mode on ``filename`` using ``calc_set_mode`` """ cur_mode = os.stat(filename).st_mode new_mode = calc_set_mode(cur_mode, mode, **kw) os.chmod(filename, new_mode) def calc_ownership_spec(spec): """ Calculates what a string spec means, returning (uid, username, gid, groupname), where there can be None values meaning no preference. The spec is a string like ``owner:group``. It may use numbers instead of user/group names. It may leave out ``:group``. It may use '-' to mean any-user/any-group. """ import grp import pwd user = group = None uid = gid = None if ':' in spec: user_spec, group_spec = spec.split(':', 1) else: user_spec, group_spec = spec, '-' if user_spec == '-': user_spec = '0' if group_spec == '-': group_spec = '0' try: uid = int(user_spec) except ValueError: uid = pwd.getpwnam(user_spec) user = user_spec else: if not uid: uid = user = None else: user = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name try: gid = int(group_spec) except ValueError: gid = grp.getgrnam(group_spec) group = group_spec else: if not gid: gid = group = None else: group = grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name return (uid, user, gid, group) def ownership_diff(filename, spec): """ Return a list of differences between the ownership of ``filename`` and the spec given. """ import grp import pwd diffs = [] uid, user, gid, group = calc_ownership_spec(spec) st = os.stat(filename) if uid and uid != st.st_uid: diffs.append('owned by %s (should be %s)' % (pwd.getpwuid(st.st_uid).pw_name, user)) if gid and gid != st.st_gid: diffs.append('group %s (should be %s)' % (grp.getgrgid(st.st_gid).gr_name, group)) return diffs def set_ownership(filename, spec): """ Set the ownership of ``filename`` given the spec. """ uid, user, gid, group = calc_ownership_spec(spec) st = os.stat(filename) if not uid: uid = st.st_uid if not gid: gid = st.st_gid os.chmod(filename, uid, gid) class PermissionSpec(object): """ Represents a set of specifications for permissions. Typically reads from a file that looks like this:: rwxrwxrwx user:group filename If the filename ends in /, then it expected to be a directory, and the directory is made executable automatically, and the contents of the directory are given the same permission (recursively). By default the executable bit on files is left as-is, unless the permissions specifically say it should be on in some way. You can use 'nomodify filename' for permissions to say that any permission is okay, and permissions should not be changed. Use 'noexist filename' to say that a specific file should not exist. Use 'symlink filename symlinked_to' to assert a symlink destination The entire file is read, and most specific rules are used for each file (i.e., a rule for a subdirectory overrides the rule for a superdirectory). Order does not matter. """ def __init__(self): self.paths = {} def parsefile(self, filename): f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close() self.parselines(lines, filename=filename) commands = {} def parselines(self, lines, filename=None): for lineindex, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue parts = line.split() command = parts[0] if command in self.commands: cmd = self.commands[command](*parts[1:]) else: cmd = self.commands['*'](*parts) self.paths[cmd.path] = cmd def check(self): action = _Check(self) self.traverse(action) def fix(self): action = _Fixer(self) self.traverse(action) def traverse(self, action): paths = self.paths_sorted() checked = {} for path, checker in list(paths)[::-1]: self.check_tree(action, path, paths, checked) for path, checker in paths: if path not in checked: action.noexists(path, checker) def traverse_tree(self, action, path, paths, checked): if path in checked: return self.traverse_path(action, path, paths, checked) if os.path.isdir(path): for fn in os.listdir(path): fn = os.path.join(path, fn) self.traverse_tree(action, fn, paths, checked) def traverse_path(self, action, path, paths, checked): checked[path] = None for check_path, checker in paths: if path.startswith(check_path): action.check(check_path, checker) if not checker.inherit: break def paths_sorted(self): paths = self.paths.items() paths.sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(len(a[0]), len(b[0]))) class _Rule(object): class __metaclass__(type): def __new__(meta, class_name, bases, d): cls = type.__new__(meta, class_name, bases, d) PermissionSpec.commands[cls.__name__] = cls return cls inherit = False def noexists(self): return ['Path %s does not exist' % path] class _NoModify(_Rule): name = 'nomodify' def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def fix(self, path): pass class _NoExist(_Rule): name = 'noexist' def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def check(self, path): return ['Path %s should not exist' % path] def noexists(self, path): return [] def fix(self, path): # @@: Should delete? pass class _SymLink(_Rule): name = 'symlink' inherit = True def __init__(self, path, dest): self.path = path self.dest = dest def check(self, path): assert path == self.path, ( "_Symlink should only be passed specific path %s (not %s)" % (self.path, path)) try: link = os.path.readlink(path) except OSError: if e.errno != 22: raise return ['Path %s is not a symlink (should point to %s)' % (path, self.dest)] if link != self.dest: return ['Path %s should symlink to %s, not %s' % (path, self.dest, link)] return [] def fix(self, path): assert path == self.path, ( "_Symlink should only be passed specific path %s (not %s)" % (self.path, path)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.symlink(path, self.dest) else: # @@: This should correct the symlink or something: print 'Not symlinking %s' % path class _Permission(_Rule): name = '*' def __init__(self, perm, owner, dir): self.perm_spec = read_perm_spec(perm) self.owner = owner self.dir = dir def check(self, path): return mode_diff(path, self.perm_spec) def fix(self, path): set_mode(path, self.perm_spec) class _Strategy(object): def __init__(self, spec): self.spec = spec class _Check(_Strategy): def noexists(self, path, checker): checker.noexists(path) def check(self, path, checker): checker.check(path) class _Fixer(_Strategy): def noexists(self, path, checker): pass def check(self, path, checker): checker.fix(path) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()