# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org) # Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php import cgi import os html_page_template = ''' Test Application

Test Application: Working!


Note: to see an error report, append ?error=true to the URL

''' html_row_template = ''' %(key)s %(value_literal)s ''' text_page_template = '%(environ)s' text_row_template = '%(key)s: %(value_repr)s\n' def make_literal(value): value = cgi.escape(value, 1) value = value.replace('\n\r', '\n') value = value.replace('\r', '\n') value = value.replace('\n', '
\n') return value class TestApplication(object): """ A test WSGI application, that prints out all the environmental variables, and if you add ``?error=t`` to the URL it will deliberately throw an exception. """ def __init__(self, global_conf=None, text=False): self.global_conf = global_conf self.text = text def __call__(self, environ, start_response): if environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '').find('error=') >= 0: assert 0, "Here is your error report, ordered and delivered" if self.text: page_template = text_page_template row_template = text_row_template content_type = 'text/plain; charset=utf8' else: page_template = html_page_template row_template = html_row_template content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf8' keys = environ.keys() keys.sort() rows = [] for key in keys: data = {'key': key} value = environ[key] data['value'] = value try: value = repr(value) except Exception, e: value = 'Cannot use repr(): %s' % e data['value_repr'] = value data['value_literal'] = make_literal(value) row = row_template % data rows.append(row) rows = ''.join(rows) page = page_template % {'environ': rows} if isinstance(page, unicode): page = page.encode('utf8') headers = [('Content-type', content_type)] start_response('200 OK', headers) return [page] def make_test_application(global_conf, text=False, lint=False): from paste.deploy.converters import asbool text = asbool(text) lint = asbool(lint) app = TestApplication(global_conf=global_conf, text=text) if lint: from paste.lint import middleware app = middleware(app) return app make_test_application.__doc__ = TestApplication.__doc__