# maxdb.py # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Support for the MaxDB database. TODO: More module docs! MaxDB support is currently experimental. Overview -------- The ``maxdb`` dialect is **experimental** and has only been tested on and Of these, **only will work** with SQLAlchemy's ORM. The earlier version has severe ``LEFT JOIN`` limitations and will return incorrect results from even very simple ORM queries. Only the native Python DB-API is currently supported. ODBC driver support is a future enhancement. Connecting ---------- The username is case-sensitive. If you usually connect to the database with sqlcli and other tools in lower case, you likely need to use upper case for DB-API. Implementation Notes -------------------- Also check the DatabaseNotes page on the wiki for detailed information. With the driver and Python 2.5, it seems that all DB-API generated exceptions are broken and can cause Python to crash. For 'somecol.in_([])' to work, the IN operator's generation must be changed to cast 'NULL' to a numeric, i.e. NUM(NULL). The DB-API doesn't accept a bind parameter there, so that particular generation must inline the NULL value, which depends on [ticket:807]. The DB-API is very picky about where bind params may be used in queries. Bind params for some functions (e.g. MOD) need type information supplied. The dialect does not yet do this automatically. Max will occasionally throw up 'bad sql, compile again' exceptions for perfectly valid SQL. The dialect does not currently handle these, more research is needed. MaxDB 7.5 and Sap DB <= 7.4 reportedly do not support schemas. A very slightly different version of this dialect would be required to support those versions, and can easily be added if there is demand. Some other required components such as an Max-aware 'old oracle style' join compiler (thetas with (+) outer indicators) are already done and available for integration- email the devel list if you're interested in working on this. """ import datetime, itertools, re from sqlalchemy import exc, schema, sql, util from sqlalchemy.sql import operators as sql_operators, expression as sql_expr from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler, visitors from sqlalchemy.engine import base as engine_base, default from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes __all__ = [ 'MaxString', 'MaxUnicode', 'MaxChar', 'MaxText', 'MaxInteger', 'MaxSmallInteger', 'MaxNumeric', 'MaxFloat', 'MaxTimestamp', 'MaxDate', 'MaxTime', 'MaxBoolean', 'MaxBlob', ] class _StringType(sqltypes.String): _type = None def __init__(self, length=None, encoding=None, **kw): super(_StringType, self).__init__(length=length, **kw) self.encoding = encoding def get_col_spec(self): if self.length is None: spec = 'LONG' else: spec = '%s(%s)' % (self._type, self.length) if self.encoding is not None: spec = ' '.join([spec, self.encoding.upper()]) return spec def bind_processor(self, dialect): if self.encoding == 'unicode': return None else: def process(value): if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode(dialect.encoding) else: return value return process def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): while True: if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, unicode): return value elif isinstance(value, str): if self.convert_unicode or dialect.convert_unicode: return value.decode(dialect.encoding) else: return value elif hasattr(value, 'read'): # some sort of LONG, snarf and retry value = value.read(value.remainingLength()) continue else: # unexpected type, return as-is return value return process class MaxString(_StringType): _type = 'VARCHAR' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(MaxString, self).__init__(*a, **kw) class MaxUnicode(_StringType): _type = 'VARCHAR' def __init__(self, length=None, **kw): super(MaxUnicode, self).__init__(length=length, encoding='unicode') class MaxChar(_StringType): _type = 'CHAR' class MaxText(_StringType): _type = 'LONG' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(MaxText, self).__init__(*a, **kw) def get_col_spec(self): spec = 'LONG' if self.encoding is not None: spec = ' '.join((spec, self.encoding)) elif self.convert_unicode: spec = ' '.join((spec, 'UNICODE')) return spec class MaxInteger(sqltypes.Integer): def get_col_spec(self): return 'INTEGER' class MaxSmallInteger(MaxInteger): def get_col_spec(self): return 'SMALLINT' class MaxNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): """The FIXED (also NUMERIC, DECIMAL) data type.""" def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, **kw): kw.setdefault('asdecimal', True) super(MaxNumeric, self).__init__(scale=scale, precision=precision, **kw) def bind_processor(self, dialect): return None def get_col_spec(self): if self.scale and self.precision: return 'FIXED(%s, %s)' % (self.precision, self.scale) elif self.precision: return 'FIXED(%s)' % self.precision else: return 'INTEGER' class MaxFloat(sqltypes.Float): """The FLOAT data type.""" def get_col_spec(self): if self.precision is None: return 'FLOAT' else: return 'FLOAT(%s)' % (self.precision,) class MaxTimestamp(sqltypes.DateTime): def get_col_spec(self): return 'TIMESTAMP' def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, basestring): return value elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'internal': ms = getattr(value, 'microsecond', 0) return value.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S" + ("%06u" % ms)) elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'iso': ms = getattr(value, 'microsecond', 0) return value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S." + ("%06u" % ms)) else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "datetimeformat '%s' is not supported." % ( dialect.datetimeformat,)) return process def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'internal': return datetime.datetime( *[int(v) for v in (value[0:4], value[4:6], value[6:8], value[8:10], value[10:12], value[12:14], value[14:])]) elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'iso': return datetime.datetime( *[int(v) for v in (value[0:4], value[5:7], value[8:10], value[11:13], value[14:16], value[17:19], value[20:])]) else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "datetimeformat '%s' is not supported." % ( dialect.datetimeformat,)) return process class MaxDate(sqltypes.Date): def get_col_spec(self): return 'DATE' def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, basestring): return value elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'internal': return value.strftime("%Y%m%d") elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'iso': return value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "datetimeformat '%s' is not supported." % ( dialect.datetimeformat,)) return process def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'internal': return datetime.date( *[int(v) for v in (value[0:4], value[4:6], value[6:8])]) elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'iso': return datetime.date( *[int(v) for v in (value[0:4], value[5:7], value[8:10])]) else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "datetimeformat '%s' is not supported." % ( dialect.datetimeformat,)) return process class MaxTime(sqltypes.Time): def get_col_spec(self): return 'TIME' def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, basestring): return value elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'internal': return value.strftime("%H%M%S") elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'iso': return value.strftime("%H-%M-%S") else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "datetimeformat '%s' is not supported." % ( dialect.datetimeformat,)) return process def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'internal': t = datetime.time( *[int(v) for v in (value[0:4], value[4:6], value[6:8])]) return t elif dialect.datetimeformat == 'iso': return datetime.time( *[int(v) for v in (value[0:4], value[5:7], value[8:10])]) else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "datetimeformat '%s' is not supported." % ( dialect.datetimeformat,)) return process class MaxBoolean(sqltypes.Boolean): def get_col_spec(self): return 'BOOLEAN' class MaxBlob(sqltypes.Binary): def get_col_spec(self): return 'LONG BYTE' def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None else: return str(value) return process def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None else: return value.read(value.remainingLength()) return process colspecs = { sqltypes.Integer: MaxInteger, sqltypes.Smallinteger: MaxSmallInteger, sqltypes.Numeric: MaxNumeric, sqltypes.Float: MaxFloat, sqltypes.DateTime: MaxTimestamp, sqltypes.Date: MaxDate, sqltypes.Time: MaxTime, sqltypes.String: MaxString, sqltypes.Binary: MaxBlob, sqltypes.Boolean: MaxBoolean, sqltypes.Text: MaxText, sqltypes.CHAR: MaxChar, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP: MaxTimestamp, sqltypes.BLOB: MaxBlob, sqltypes.Unicode: MaxUnicode, } ischema_names = { 'boolean': MaxBoolean, 'char': MaxChar, 'character': MaxChar, 'date': MaxDate, 'fixed': MaxNumeric, 'float': MaxFloat, 'int': MaxInteger, 'integer': MaxInteger, 'long binary': MaxBlob, 'long unicode': MaxText, 'long': MaxText, 'long': MaxText, 'smallint': MaxSmallInteger, 'time': MaxTime, 'timestamp': MaxTimestamp, 'varchar': MaxString, } class MaxDBExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): def post_exec(self): # DB-API bug: if there were any functions as values, # then do another select and pull CURRVAL from the # autoincrement column's implicit sequence... ugh if self.compiled.isinsert and not self.executemany: table = self.compiled.statement.table index, serial_col = _autoserial_column(table) if serial_col and (not self.compiled._safeserial or not(self._last_inserted_ids) or self._last_inserted_ids[index] in (None, 0)): if table.schema: sql = "SELECT %s.CURRVAL FROM DUAL" % ( self.compiled.preparer.format_table(table)) else: sql = "SELECT CURRENT_SCHEMA.%s.CURRVAL FROM DUAL" % ( self.compiled.preparer.format_table(table)) if self.connection.engine._should_log_info: self.connection.engine.logger.info(sql) rs = self.cursor.execute(sql) id = rs.fetchone()[0] if self.connection.engine._should_log_debug: self.connection.engine.logger.debug([id]) if not self._last_inserted_ids: # This shouldn't ever be > 1? Right? self._last_inserted_ids = \ [None] * len(table.primary_key.columns) self._last_inserted_ids[index] = id super(MaxDBExecutionContext, self).post_exec() def get_result_proxy(self): if self.cursor.description is not None: for column in self.cursor.description: if column[1] in ('Long Binary', 'Long', 'Long Unicode'): return MaxDBResultProxy(self) return engine_base.ResultProxy(self) class MaxDBCachedColumnRow(engine_base.RowProxy): """A RowProxy that only runs result_processors once per column.""" def __init__(self, parent, row): super(MaxDBCachedColumnRow, self).__init__(parent, row) self.columns = {} self._row = row self._parent = parent def _get_col(self, key): if key not in self.columns: self.columns[key] = self._parent._get_col(self._row, key) return self.columns[key] def __iter__(self): for i in xrange(len(self._row)): yield self._get_col(i) def __repr__(self): return repr(list(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return ((other is self) or (other == tuple([self._get_col(key) for key in xrange(len(self._row))]))) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): indices = key.indices(len(self._row)) return tuple([self._get_col(i) for i in xrange(*indices)]) else: return self._get_col(key) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self._get_col(name) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) class MaxDBResultProxy(engine_base.ResultProxy): _process_row = MaxDBCachedColumnRow class MaxDBDialect(default.DefaultDialect): name = 'maxdb' supports_alter = True supports_unicode_statements = True max_identifier_length = 32 supports_sane_rowcount = True supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False preexecute_pk_sequences = True # MaxDB-specific datetimeformat = 'internal' def __init__(self, _raise_known_sql_errors=False, **kw): super(MaxDBDialect, self).__init__(**kw) self._raise_known = _raise_known_sql_errors if self.dbapi is None: self.dbapi_type_map = {} else: self.dbapi_type_map = { 'Long Binary': MaxBlob(), 'Long byte_t': MaxBlob(), 'Long Unicode': MaxText(), 'Timestamp': MaxTimestamp(), 'Date': MaxDate(), 'Time': MaxTime(), datetime.datetime: MaxTimestamp(), datetime.date: MaxDate(), datetime.time: MaxTime(), } def dbapi(cls): from sapdb import dbapi as _dbapi return _dbapi dbapi = classmethod(dbapi) def create_connect_args(self, url): opts = url.translate_connect_args(username='user') opts.update(url.query) return [], opts def type_descriptor(self, typeobj): if isinstance(typeobj, type): typeobj = typeobj() if isinstance(typeobj, sqltypes.Unicode): return typeobj.adapt(MaxUnicode) else: return sqltypes.adapt_type(typeobj, colspecs) def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): res = cursor.execute(statement, parameters) if isinstance(res, int) and context is not None: context._rowcount = res def do_release_savepoint(self, connection, name): # Does MaxDB truly support RELEASE SAVEPOINT ? All my attempts # produce "SUBTRANS COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed without SUBTRANS # BEGIN SQLSTATE: I7065" # Note that ROLLBACK TO works fine. In theory, a RELEASE should # just free up some transactional resources early, before the overall # COMMIT/ROLLBACK so omitting it should be relatively ok. pass def get_default_schema_name(self, connection): try: return self._default_schema_name except AttributeError: name = self.identifier_preparer._normalize_name( connection.execute('SELECT CURRENT_SCHEMA FROM DUAL').scalar()) self._default_schema_name = name return name def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): denormalize = self.identifier_preparer._denormalize_name bind = [denormalize(table_name)] if schema is None: sql = ("SELECT tablename FROM TABLES " "WHERE TABLES.TABLENAME=? AND" " TABLES.SCHEMANAME=CURRENT_SCHEMA ") else: sql = ("SELECT tablename FROM TABLES " "WHERE TABLES.TABLENAME = ? AND" " TABLES.SCHEMANAME=? ") bind.append(denormalize(schema)) rp = connection.execute(sql, bind) found = bool(rp.fetchone()) rp.close() return found def table_names(self, connection, schema): if schema is None: sql = (" SELECT TABLENAME FROM TABLES WHERE " " SCHEMANAME=CURRENT_SCHEMA ") rs = connection.execute(sql) else: sql = (" SELECT TABLENAME FROM TABLES WHERE " " SCHEMANAME=? ") matchname = self.identifier_preparer._denormalize_name(schema) rs = connection.execute(sql, matchname) normalize = self.identifier_preparer._normalize_name return [normalize(row[0]) for row in rs] def reflecttable(self, connection, table, include_columns): denormalize = self.identifier_preparer._denormalize_name normalize = self.identifier_preparer._normalize_name st = ('SELECT COLUMNNAME, MODE, DATATYPE, CODETYPE, LEN, DEC, ' ' NULLABLE, "DEFAULT", DEFAULTFUNCTION ' 'FROM COLUMNS ' 'WHERE TABLENAME=? AND SCHEMANAME=%s ' 'ORDER BY POS') fk = ('SELECT COLUMNNAME, FKEYNAME, ' ' REFSCHEMANAME, REFTABLENAME, REFCOLUMNNAME, RULE, ' ' (CASE WHEN REFSCHEMANAME = CURRENT_SCHEMA ' ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS in_schema ' 'FROM FOREIGNKEYCOLUMNS ' 'WHERE TABLENAME=? AND SCHEMANAME=%s ' 'ORDER BY FKEYNAME ') params = [denormalize(table.name)] if not table.schema: st = st % 'CURRENT_SCHEMA' fk = fk % 'CURRENT_SCHEMA' else: st = st % '?' fk = fk % '?' params.append(denormalize(table.schema)) rows = connection.execute(st, params).fetchall() if not rows: raise exc.NoSuchTableError(table.fullname) include_columns = set(include_columns or []) for row in rows: (name, mode, col_type, encoding, length, scale, nullable, constant_def, func_def) = row name = normalize(name) if include_columns and name not in include_columns: continue type_args, type_kw = [], {} if col_type == 'FIXED': type_args = length, scale # Convert FIXED(10) DEFAULT SERIAL to our Integer if (scale == 0 and func_def is not None and func_def.startswith('SERIAL')): col_type = 'INTEGER' type_args = length, elif col_type in 'FLOAT': type_args = length, elif col_type in ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR'): type_args = length, type_kw['encoding'] = encoding elif col_type == 'LONG': type_kw['encoding'] = encoding try: type_cls = ischema_names[col_type.lower()] type_instance = type_cls(*type_args, **type_kw) except KeyError: util.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" % (col_type, name)) type_instance = sqltypes.NullType col_kw = {'autoincrement': False} col_kw['nullable'] = (nullable == 'YES') col_kw['primary_key'] = (mode == 'KEY') if func_def is not None: if func_def.startswith('SERIAL'): if col_kw['primary_key']: # No special default- let the standard autoincrement # support handle SERIAL pk columns. col_kw['autoincrement'] = True else: # strip current numbering col_kw['server_default'] = schema.DefaultClause( sql.text('SERIAL')) col_kw['autoincrement'] = True else: col_kw['server_default'] = schema.DefaultClause( sql.text(func_def)) elif constant_def is not None: col_kw['server_default'] = schema.DefaultClause(sql.text( "'%s'" % constant_def.replace("'", "''"))) table.append_column(schema.Column(name, type_instance, **col_kw)) fk_sets = itertools.groupby(connection.execute(fk, params), lambda row: row.FKEYNAME) for fkeyname, fkey in fk_sets: fkey = list(fkey) if include_columns: key_cols = set([r.COLUMNNAME for r in fkey]) if key_cols != include_columns: continue columns, referants = [], [] quote = self.identifier_preparer._maybe_quote_identifier for row in fkey: columns.append(normalize(row.COLUMNNAME)) if table.schema or not row.in_schema: referants.append('.'.join( [quote(normalize(row[c])) for c in ('REFSCHEMANAME', 'REFTABLENAME', 'REFCOLUMNNAME')])) else: referants.append('.'.join( [quote(normalize(row[c])) for c in ('REFTABLENAME', 'REFCOLUMNNAME')])) constraint_kw = {'name': fkeyname.lower()} if fkey[0].RULE is not None: rule = fkey[0].RULE if rule.startswith('DELETE '): rule = rule[7:] constraint_kw['ondelete'] = rule table_kw = {} if table.schema or not row.in_schema: table_kw['schema'] = normalize(fkey[0].REFSCHEMANAME) ref_key = schema._get_table_key(normalize(fkey[0].REFTABLENAME), table_kw.get('schema')) if ref_key not in table.metadata.tables: schema.Table(normalize(fkey[0].REFTABLENAME), table.metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=connection, **table_kw) constraint = schema.ForeignKeyConstraint(columns, referants, link_to_name=True, **constraint_kw) table.append_constraint(constraint) def has_sequence(self, connection, name): # [ticket:726] makes this schema-aware. denormalize = self.identifier_preparer._denormalize_name sql = ("SELECT sequence_name FROM SEQUENCES " "WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME=? ") rp = connection.execute(sql, denormalize(name)) found = bool(rp.fetchone()) rp.close() return found class MaxDBCompiler(compiler.DefaultCompiler): operators = compiler.DefaultCompiler.operators.copy() operators[sql_operators.mod] = lambda x, y: 'mod(%s, %s)' % (x, y) function_conversion = { 'CURRENT_DATE': 'DATE', 'CURRENT_TIME': 'TIME', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP': 'TIMESTAMP', } # These functions must be written without parens when called with no # parameters. e.g. 'SELECT DATE FROM DUAL' not 'SELECT DATE() FROM DUAL' bare_functions = set([ 'CURRENT_SCHEMA', 'DATE', 'FALSE', 'SYSDBA', 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TIMEZONE', 'TRANSACTION', 'TRUE', 'USER', 'UID', 'USERGROUP', 'UTCDATE', 'UTCDIFF']) def default_from(self): return ' FROM DUAL' def for_update_clause(self, select): clause = select.for_update if clause is True: return " WITH LOCK EXCLUSIVE" elif clause is None: return "" elif clause == "read": return " WITH LOCK" elif clause == "ignore": return " WITH LOCK (IGNORE) EXCLUSIVE" elif clause == "nowait": return " WITH LOCK (NOWAIT) EXCLUSIVE" elif isinstance(clause, basestring): return " WITH LOCK %s" % clause.upper() elif not clause: return "" else: return " WITH LOCK EXCLUSIVE" def apply_function_parens(self, func): if func.name.upper() in self.bare_functions: return len(func.clauses) > 0 else: return True def visit_function(self, fn, **kw): transform = self.function_conversion.get(fn.name.upper(), None) if transform: fn = fn._clone() fn.name = transform return super(MaxDBCompiler, self).visit_function(fn, **kw) def visit_cast(self, cast, **kwargs): # MaxDB only supports casts * to NUMERIC, * to VARCHAR or # date/time to VARCHAR. Casts of LONGs will fail. if isinstance(cast.type, (sqltypes.Integer, sqltypes.Numeric)): return "NUM(%s)" % self.process(cast.clause) elif isinstance(cast.type, sqltypes.String): return "CHR(%s)" % self.process(cast.clause) else: return self.process(cast.clause) def visit_sequence(self, sequence): if sequence.optional: return None else: return (self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(sequence) + ".NEXTVAL") class ColumnSnagger(visitors.ClauseVisitor): def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.column = None def visit_column(self, column): self.column = column self.count += 1 def _find_labeled_columns(self, columns, use_labels=False): labels = {} for column in columns: if isinstance(column, basestring): continue snagger = self.ColumnSnagger() snagger.traverse(column) if snagger.count == 1: if isinstance(column, sql_expr._Label): labels[unicode(snagger.column)] = column.name elif use_labels: labels[unicode(snagger.column)] = column._label return labels def order_by_clause(self, select): order_by = self.process(select._order_by_clause) # ORDER BY clauses in DISTINCT queries must reference aliased # inner columns by alias name, not true column name. if order_by and getattr(select, '_distinct', False): labels = self._find_labeled_columns(select.inner_columns, select.use_labels) if labels: for needs_alias in labels.keys(): r = re.compile(r'(^| )(%s)(,| |$)' % re.escape(needs_alias)) order_by = r.sub((r'\1%s\3' % labels[needs_alias]), order_by) # No ORDER BY in subqueries. if order_by: if self.is_subquery(): # It's safe to simply drop the ORDER BY if there is no # LIMIT. Right? Other dialects seem to get away with # dropping order. if select._limit: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "MaxDB does not support ORDER BY in subqueries") else: return "" return " ORDER BY " + order_by else: return "" def get_select_precolumns(self, select): # Convert a subquery's LIMIT to TOP sql = select._distinct and 'DISTINCT ' or '' if self.is_subquery() and select._limit: if select._offset: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( 'MaxDB does not support LIMIT with an offset.') sql += 'TOP %s ' % select._limit return sql def limit_clause(self, select): # The docs say offsets are supported with LIMIT. But they're not. # TODO: maybe emulate by adding a ROWNO/ROWNUM predicate? if self.is_subquery(): # sub queries need TOP return '' elif select._offset: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( 'MaxDB does not support LIMIT with an offset.') else: return ' \n LIMIT %s' % (select._limit,) def visit_insert(self, insert): self.isinsert = True self._safeserial = True colparams = self._get_colparams(insert) for value in (insert.parameters or {}).itervalues(): if isinstance(value, sql_expr.Function): self._safeserial = False break return ''.join(('INSERT INTO ', self.preparer.format_table(insert.table), ' (', ', '.join([self.preparer.format_column(c[0]) for c in colparams]), ') VALUES (', ', '.join([c[1] for c in colparams]), ')')) class MaxDBDefaultRunner(engine_base.DefaultRunner): def visit_sequence(self, seq): if seq.optional: return None return self.execute_string("SELECT %s.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL" % ( self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq))) class MaxDBIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): reserved_words = set([ 'abs', 'absolute', 'acos', 'adddate', 'addtime', 'all', 'alpha', 'alter', 'any', 'ascii', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'avg', 'binary', 'bit', 'boolean', 'byte', 'case', 'ceil', 'ceiling', 'char', 'character', 'check', 'chr', 'column', 'concat', 'constraint', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cot', 'count', 'cross', 'curdate', 'current', 'curtime', 'database', 'date', 'datediff', 'day', 'dayname', 'dayofmonth', 'dayofweek', 'dayofyear', 'dec', 'decimal', 'decode', 'default', 'degrees', 'delete', 'digits', 'distinct', 'double', 'except', 'exists', 'exp', 'expand', 'first', 'fixed', 'float', 'floor', 'for', 'from', 'full', 'get_objectname', 'get_schema', 'graphic', 'greatest', 'group', 'having', 'hex', 'hextoraw', 'hour', 'ifnull', 'ignore', 'index', 'initcap', 'inner', 'insert', 'int', 'integer', 'internal', 'intersect', 'into', 'join', 'key', 'last', 'lcase', 'least', 'left', 'length', 'lfill', 'list', 'ln', 'locate', 'log', 'log10', 'long', 'longfile', 'lower', 'lpad', 'ltrim', 'makedate', 'maketime', 'mapchar', 'max', 'mbcs', 'microsecond', 'min', 'minute', 'mod', 'month', 'monthname', 'natural', 'nchar', 'next', 'no', 'noround', 'not', 'now', 'null', 'num', 'numeric', 'object', 'of', 'on', 'order', 'packed', 'pi', 'power', 'prev', 'primary', 'radians', 'real', 'reject', 'relative', 'replace', 'rfill', 'right', 'round', 'rowid', 'rowno', 'rpad', 'rtrim', 'second', 'select', 'selupd', 'serial', 'set', 'show', 'sign', 'sin', 'sinh', 'smallint', 'some', 'soundex', 'space', 'sqrt', 'stamp', 'statistics', 'stddev', 'subdate', 'substr', 'substring', 'subtime', 'sum', 'sysdba', 'table', 'tan', 'tanh', 'time', 'timediff', 'timestamp', 'timezone', 'to', 'toidentifier', 'transaction', 'translate', 'trim', 'trunc', 'truncate', 'ucase', 'uid', 'unicode', 'union', 'update', 'upper', 'user', 'usergroup', 'using', 'utcdate', 'utcdiff', 'value', 'values', 'varchar', 'vargraphic', 'variance', 'week', 'weekofyear', 'when', 'where', 'with', 'year', 'zoned' ]) def _normalize_name(self, name): if name is None: return None if name.isupper(): lc_name = name.lower() if not self._requires_quotes(lc_name): return lc_name return name def _denormalize_name(self, name): if name is None: return None elif (name.islower() and not self._requires_quotes(name)): return name.upper() else: return name def _maybe_quote_identifier(self, name): if self._requires_quotes(name): return self.quote_identifier(name) else: return name class MaxDBSchemaGenerator(compiler.SchemaGenerator): def get_column_specification(self, column, **kw): colspec = [self.preparer.format_column(column), column.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect).get_col_spec()] if not column.nullable: colspec.append('NOT NULL') default = column.default default_str = self.get_column_default_string(column) # No DDL default for columns specified with non-optional sequence- # this defaulting behavior is entirely client-side. (And as a # consequence, non-reflectable.) if (default and isinstance(default, schema.Sequence) and not default.optional): pass # Regular default elif default_str is not None: colspec.append('DEFAULT %s' % default_str) # Assign DEFAULT SERIAL heuristically elif column.primary_key and column.autoincrement: # For SERIAL on a non-primary key member, use # DefaultClause(text('SERIAL')) try: first = [c for c in column.table.primary_key.columns if (c.autoincrement and (isinstance(c.type, sqltypes.Integer) or (isinstance(c.type, MaxNumeric) and c.type.precision)) and not c.foreign_keys)].pop(0) if column is first: colspec.append('DEFAULT SERIAL') except IndexError: pass return ' '.join(colspec) def get_column_default_string(self, column): if isinstance(column.server_default, schema.DefaultClause): if isinstance(column.default.arg, basestring): if isinstance(column.type, sqltypes.Integer): return str(column.default.arg) else: return "'%s'" % column.default.arg else: return unicode(self._compile(column.default.arg, None)) else: return None def visit_sequence(self, sequence): """Creates a SEQUENCE. TODO: move to module doc? start With an integer value, set the START WITH option. increment An integer value to increment by. Default is the database default. maxdb_minvalue maxdb_maxvalue With an integer value, sets the corresponding sequence option. maxdb_no_minvalue maxdb_no_maxvalue Defaults to False. If true, sets the corresponding sequence option. maxdb_cycle Defaults to False. If true, sets the CYCLE option. maxdb_cache With an integer value, sets the CACHE option. maxdb_no_cache Defaults to False. If true, sets NOCACHE. """ if (not sequence.optional and (not self.checkfirst or not self.dialect.has_sequence(self.connection, sequence.name))): ddl = ['CREATE SEQUENCE', self.preparer.format_sequence(sequence)] sequence.increment = 1 if sequence.increment is not None: ddl.extend(('INCREMENT BY', str(sequence.increment))) if sequence.start is not None: ddl.extend(('START WITH', str(sequence.start))) opts = dict([(pair[0][6:].lower(), pair[1]) for pair in sequence.kwargs.items() if pair[0].startswith('maxdb_')]) if 'maxvalue' in opts: ddl.extend(('MAXVALUE', str(opts['maxvalue']))) elif opts.get('no_maxvalue', False): ddl.append('NOMAXVALUE') if 'minvalue' in opts: ddl.extend(('MINVALUE', str(opts['minvalue']))) elif opts.get('no_minvalue', False): ddl.append('NOMINVALUE') if opts.get('cycle', False): ddl.append('CYCLE') if 'cache' in opts: ddl.extend(('CACHE', str(opts['cache']))) elif opts.get('no_cache', False): ddl.append('NOCACHE') self.append(' '.join(ddl)) self.execute() class MaxDBSchemaDropper(compiler.SchemaDropper): def visit_sequence(self, sequence): if (not sequence.optional and (not self.checkfirst or self.dialect.has_sequence(self.connection, sequence.name))): self.append("DROP SEQUENCE %s" % self.preparer.format_sequence(sequence)) self.execute() def _autoserial_column(table): """Finds the effective DEFAULT SERIAL column of a Table, if any.""" for index, col in enumerate(table.primary_key.columns): if (isinstance(col.type, (sqltypes.Integer, sqltypes.Numeric)) and col.autoincrement): if isinstance(col.default, schema.Sequence): if col.default.optional: return index, col elif (col.default is None or (not isinstance(col.server_default, schema.DefaultClause))): return index, col return None, None dialect = MaxDBDialect dialect.preparer = MaxDBIdentifierPreparer dialect.statement_compiler = MaxDBCompiler dialect.schemagenerator = MaxDBSchemaGenerator dialect.schemadropper = MaxDBSchemaDropper dialect.defaultrunner = MaxDBDefaultRunner dialect.execution_ctx_cls = MaxDBExecutionContext