# sybase.py # Copyright (C) 2007 Fisch Asset Management AG http://www.fam.ch # Coding: Alexander Houben alexander.houben@thor-solutions.ch # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ Sybase database backend. Known issues / TODO: * Uses the mx.ODBC driver from egenix (version 2.1.0) * The current version of sqlalchemy.databases.sybase only supports mx.ODBC.Windows (other platforms such as mx.ODBC.unixODBC still need some development) * Support for pyodbc has been built in but is not yet complete (needs further development) * Results of running tests/alltests.py: Ran 934 tests in 287.032s FAILED (failures=3, errors=1) * Tested on 'Adaptive Server Anywhere 9' (version """ import datetime, operator from sqlalchemy import util, sql, schema, exc from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler, expression from sqlalchemy.engine import default, base from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes from sqlalchemy.sql import operators as sql_operators from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column from sqlalchemy import String, Integer, SMALLINT, CHAR, ForeignKey __all__ = [ 'SybaseTypeError' 'SybaseNumeric', 'SybaseFloat', 'SybaseInteger', 'SybaseBigInteger', 'SybaseTinyInteger', 'SybaseSmallInteger', 'SybaseDateTime_mxodbc', 'SybaseDateTime_pyodbc', 'SybaseDate_mxodbc', 'SybaseDate_pyodbc', 'SybaseTime_mxodbc', 'SybaseTime_pyodbc', 'SybaseText', 'SybaseString', 'SybaseChar', 'SybaseBinary', 'SybaseBoolean', 'SybaseTimeStamp', 'SybaseMoney', 'SybaseSmallMoney', 'SybaseUniqueIdentifier', ] RESERVED_WORDS = set([ "add", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "backup", "begin", "between", "bigint", "binary", "bit", "bottom", "break", "by", "call", "capability", "cascade", "case", "cast", "char", "char_convert", "character", "check", "checkpoint", "close", "comment", "commit", "connect", "constraint", "contains", "continue", "convert", "create", "cross", "cube", "current", "current_timestamp", "current_user", "cursor", "date", "dbspace", "deallocate", "dec", "decimal", "declare", "default", "delete", "deleting", "desc", "distinct", "do", "double", "drop", "dynamic", "else", "elseif", "encrypted", "end", "endif", "escape", "except", "exception", "exec", "execute", "existing", "exists", "externlogin", "fetch", "first", "float", "for", "force", "foreign", "forward", "from", "full", "goto", "grant", "group", "having", "holdlock", "identified", "if", "in", "index", "index_lparen", "inner", "inout", "insensitive", "insert", "inserting", "install", "instead", "int", "integer", "integrated", "intersect", "into", "iq", "is", "isolation", "join", "key", "lateral", "left", "like", "lock", "login", "long", "match", "membership", "message", "mode", "modify", "natural", "new", "no", "noholdlock", "not", "notify", "null", "numeric", "of", "off", "on", "open", "option", "options", "or", "order", "others", "out", "outer", "over", "passthrough", "precision", "prepare", "primary", "print", "privileges", "proc", "procedure", "publication", "raiserror", "readtext", "real", "reference", "references", "release", "remote", "remove", "rename", "reorganize", "resource", "restore", "restrict", "return", "revoke", "right", "rollback", "rollup", "save", "savepoint", "scroll", "select", "sensitive", "session", "set", "setuser", "share", "smallint", "some", "sqlcode", "sqlstate", "start", "stop", "subtrans", "subtransaction", "synchronize", "syntax_error", "table", "temporary", "then", "time", "timestamp", "tinyint", "to", "top", "tran", "trigger", "truncate", "tsequal", "unbounded", "union", "unique", "unknown", "unsigned", "update", "updating", "user", "using", "validate", "values", "varbinary", "varchar", "variable", "varying", "view", "wait", "waitfor", "when", "where", "while", "window", "with", "with_cube", "with_lparen", "with_rollup", "within", "work", "writetext", ]) ischema = MetaData() tables = Table("SYSTABLE", ischema, Column("table_id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("file_id", SMALLINT), Column("table_name", CHAR(128)), Column("table_type", CHAR(10)), Column("creator", Integer), #schema="information_schema" ) domains = Table("SYSDOMAIN", ischema, Column("domain_id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("domain_name", CHAR(128)), Column("type_id", SMALLINT), Column("precision", SMALLINT, quote=True), #schema="information_schema" ) columns = Table("SYSCOLUMN", ischema, Column("column_id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(tables.c.table_id)), Column("pkey", CHAR(1)), Column("column_name", CHAR(128)), Column("nulls", CHAR(1)), Column("width", SMALLINT), Column("domain_id", SMALLINT, ForeignKey(domains.c.domain_id)), # FIXME: should be mx.BIGINT Column("max_identity", Integer), # FIXME: should be mx.ODBC.Windows.LONGVARCHAR Column("default", String), Column("scale", Integer), #schema="information_schema" ) foreignkeys = Table("SYSFOREIGNKEY", ischema, Column("foreign_table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(tables.c.table_id), primary_key=True), Column("foreign_key_id", SMALLINT, primary_key=True), Column("primary_table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(tables.c.table_id)), #schema="information_schema" ) fkcols = Table("SYSFKCOL", ischema, Column("foreign_table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(columns.c.table_id), primary_key=True), Column("foreign_key_id", SMALLINT, ForeignKey(foreignkeys.c.foreign_key_id), primary_key=True), Column("foreign_column_id", Integer, ForeignKey(columns.c.column_id), primary_key=True), Column("primary_column_id", Integer), #schema="information_schema" ) class SybaseTypeError(sqltypes.TypeEngine): def result_processor(self, dialect): return None def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): raise exc.InvalidRequestError("Data type not supported", [value]) return process def get_col_spec(self): raise exc.CompileError("Data type not supported") class SybaseNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): def get_col_spec(self): if self.scale is None: if self.precision is None: return "NUMERIC" else: return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s)" % {'precision' : self.precision} else: return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" % {'precision': self.precision, 'scale' : self.scale} class SybaseFloat(sqltypes.FLOAT, SybaseNumeric): def __init__(self, precision = 10, asdecimal = False, scale = 2, **kwargs): super(sqltypes.FLOAT, self).__init__(precision, asdecimal, **kwargs) self.scale = scale def get_col_spec(self): # if asdecimal is True, handle same way as SybaseNumeric if self.asdecimal: return SybaseNumeric.get_col_spec(self) if self.precision is None: return "FLOAT" else: return "FLOAT(%(precision)s)" % {'precision': self.precision} def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None return float(value) if self.asdecimal: return SybaseNumeric.result_processor(self, dialect) return process class SybaseInteger(sqltypes.Integer): def get_col_spec(self): return "INTEGER" class SybaseBigInteger(SybaseInteger): def get_col_spec(self): return "BIGINT" class SybaseTinyInteger(SybaseInteger): def get_col_spec(self): return "TINYINT" class SybaseSmallInteger(SybaseInteger): def get_col_spec(self): return "SMALLINT" class SybaseDateTime_mxodbc(sqltypes.DateTime): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(SybaseDateTime_mxodbc, self).__init__(False) def get_col_spec(self): return "DATETIME" class SybaseDateTime_pyodbc(sqltypes.DateTime): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(SybaseDateTime_pyodbc, self).__init__(False) def get_col_spec(self): return "DATETIME" def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None # Convert the datetime.datetime back to datetime.time return value return process def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None return value return process class SybaseDate_mxodbc(sqltypes.Date): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(SybaseDate_mxodbc, self).__init__(False) def get_col_spec(self): return "DATE" class SybaseDate_pyodbc(sqltypes.Date): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(SybaseDate_pyodbc, self).__init__(False) def get_col_spec(self): return "DATE" class SybaseTime_mxodbc(sqltypes.Time): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(SybaseTime_mxodbc, self).__init__(False) def get_col_spec(self): return "DATETIME" def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None # Convert the datetime.datetime back to datetime.time return datetime.time(value.hour, value.minute, value.second, value.microsecond) return process class SybaseTime_pyodbc(sqltypes.Time): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(SybaseTime_pyodbc, self).__init__(False) def get_col_spec(self): return "DATETIME" def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None # Convert the datetime.datetime back to datetime.time return datetime.time(value.hour, value.minute, value.second, value.microsecond) return process def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, value.hour, value.minute, value.second, value.microsecond) return process class SybaseText(sqltypes.Text): def get_col_spec(self): return "TEXT" class SybaseString(sqltypes.String): def get_col_spec(self): return "VARCHAR(%(length)s)" % {'length' : self.length} class SybaseChar(sqltypes.CHAR): def get_col_spec(self): return "CHAR(%(length)s)" % {'length' : self.length} class SybaseBinary(sqltypes.Binary): def get_col_spec(self): return "IMAGE" class SybaseBoolean(sqltypes.Boolean): def get_col_spec(self): return "BIT" def result_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is None: return None return value and True or False return process def bind_processor(self, dialect): def process(value): if value is True: return 1 elif value is False: return 0 elif value is None: return None else: return value and True or False return process class SybaseTimeStamp(sqltypes.TIMESTAMP): def get_col_spec(self): return "TIMESTAMP" class SybaseMoney(sqltypes.TypeEngine): def get_col_spec(self): return "MONEY" class SybaseSmallMoney(SybaseMoney): def get_col_spec(self): return "SMALLMONEY" class SybaseUniqueIdentifier(sqltypes.TypeEngine): def get_col_spec(self): return "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" class SybaseSQLExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): pass class SybaseSQLExecutionContext_mxodbc(SybaseSQLExecutionContext): def __init__(self, dialect, connection, compiled=None, statement=None, parameters=None): super(SybaseSQLExecutionContext_mxodbc, self).__init__(dialect, connection, compiled, statement, parameters) def pre_exec(self): super(SybaseSQLExecutionContext_mxodbc, self).pre_exec() def post_exec(self): if self.compiled.isinsert: table = self.compiled.statement.table # get the inserted values of the primary key # get any sequence IDs first (using @@identity) self.cursor.execute("SELECT @@identity AS lastrowid") row = self.cursor.fetchone() lastrowid = int(row[0]) if lastrowid > 0: # an IDENTITY was inserted, fetch it # FIXME: always insert in front ? This only works if the IDENTITY is the first column, no ?! if not hasattr(self, '_last_inserted_ids') or self._last_inserted_ids is None: self._last_inserted_ids = [lastrowid] else: self._last_inserted_ids = [lastrowid] + self._last_inserted_ids[1:] super(SybaseSQLExecutionContext_mxodbc, self).post_exec() class SybaseSQLExecutionContext_pyodbc(SybaseSQLExecutionContext): def __init__(self, dialect, connection, compiled=None, statement=None, parameters=None): super(SybaseSQLExecutionContext_pyodbc, self).__init__(dialect, connection, compiled, statement, parameters) def pre_exec(self): super(SybaseSQLExecutionContext_pyodbc, self).pre_exec() def post_exec(self): if self.compiled.isinsert: table = self.compiled.statement.table # get the inserted values of the primary key # get any sequence IDs first (using @@identity) self.cursor.execute("SELECT @@identity AS lastrowid") row = self.cursor.fetchone() lastrowid = int(row[0]) if lastrowid > 0: # an IDENTITY was inserted, fetch it # FIXME: always insert in front ? This only works if the IDENTITY is the first column, no ?! if not hasattr(self, '_last_inserted_ids') or self._last_inserted_ids is None: self._last_inserted_ids = [lastrowid] else: self._last_inserted_ids = [lastrowid] + self._last_inserted_ids[1:] super(SybaseSQLExecutionContext_pyodbc, self).post_exec() class SybaseSQLDialect(default.DefaultDialect): colspecs = { # FIXME: unicode support #sqltypes.Unicode : SybaseUnicode, sqltypes.Integer : SybaseInteger, sqltypes.SmallInteger : SybaseSmallInteger, sqltypes.Numeric : SybaseNumeric, sqltypes.Float : SybaseFloat, sqltypes.String : SybaseString, sqltypes.Binary : SybaseBinary, sqltypes.Boolean : SybaseBoolean, sqltypes.Text : SybaseText, sqltypes.CHAR : SybaseChar, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP : SybaseTimeStamp, sqltypes.FLOAT : SybaseFloat, } ischema_names = { 'integer' : SybaseInteger, 'unsigned int' : SybaseInteger, 'unsigned smallint' : SybaseInteger, 'unsigned bigint' : SybaseInteger, 'bigint': SybaseBigInteger, 'smallint' : SybaseSmallInteger, 'tinyint' : SybaseTinyInteger, 'varchar' : SybaseString, 'long varchar' : SybaseText, 'char' : SybaseChar, 'decimal' : SybaseNumeric, 'numeric' : SybaseNumeric, 'float' : SybaseFloat, 'double' : SybaseFloat, 'binary' : SybaseBinary, 'long binary' : SybaseBinary, 'varbinary' : SybaseBinary, 'bit': SybaseBoolean, 'image' : SybaseBinary, 'timestamp': SybaseTimeStamp, 'money': SybaseMoney, 'smallmoney': SybaseSmallMoney, 'uniqueidentifier': SybaseUniqueIdentifier, 'java.lang.Object' : SybaseTypeError, 'java serialization' : SybaseTypeError, } name = 'sybase' # Sybase backend peculiarities supports_unicode_statements = False supports_sane_rowcount = False supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False execution_ctx_cls = SybaseSQLExecutionContext def __new__(cls, dbapi=None, *args, **kwargs): if cls != SybaseSQLDialect: return super(SybaseSQLDialect, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) if dbapi: print dbapi.__name__ dialect = dialect_mapping.get(dbapi.__name__) return dialect(*args, **kwargs) else: return object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, **params): super(SybaseSQLDialect, self).__init__(**params) self.text_as_varchar = False # FIXME: what is the default schema for sybase connections (DBA?) ? self.set_default_schema_name("dba") def dbapi(cls, module_name=None): if module_name: try: dialect_cls = dialect_mapping[module_name] return dialect_cls.import_dbapi() except KeyError: raise exc.InvalidRequestError("Unsupported SybaseSQL module '%s' requested (must be " + " or ".join([x for x in dialect_mapping.keys()]) + ")" % module_name) else: for dialect_cls in dialect_mapping.values(): try: return dialect_cls.import_dbapi() except ImportError, e: pass else: raise ImportError('No DBAPI module detected for SybaseSQL - please install mxodbc') dbapi = classmethod(dbapi) def type_descriptor(self, typeobj): newobj = sqltypes.adapt_type(typeobj, self.colspecs) return newobj def last_inserted_ids(self): return self.context.last_inserted_ids def get_default_schema_name(self, connection): return self.schema_name def set_default_schema_name(self, schema_name): self.schema_name = schema_name def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, params, **kwargs): params = tuple(params) super(SybaseSQLDialect, self).do_execute(cursor, statement, params, **kwargs) # FIXME: remove ? def _execute(self, c, statement, parameters): try: if parameters == {}: parameters = () c.execute(statement, parameters) self.context.rowcount = c.rowcount c.DBPROP_COMMITPRESERVE = "Y" except Exception, e: raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e) def table_names(self, connection, schema): """Ignore the schema and the charset for now.""" s = sql.select([tables.c.table_name], sql.not_(tables.c.table_name.like("SYS%")) and tables.c.creator >= 100 ) rp = connection.execute(s) return [row[0] for row in rp.fetchall()] def has_table(self, connection, tablename, schema=None): # FIXME: ignore schemas for sybase s = sql.select([tables.c.table_name], tables.c.table_name == tablename) c = connection.execute(s) row = c.fetchone() print "has_table: " + tablename + ": " + str(bool(row is not None)) return row is not None def reflecttable(self, connection, table, include_columns): # Get base columns if table.schema is not None: current_schema = table.schema else: current_schema = self.get_default_schema_name(connection) s = sql.select([columns, domains], tables.c.table_name==table.name, from_obj=[columns.join(tables).join(domains)], order_by=[columns.c.column_id]) c = connection.execute(s) found_table = False # makes sure we append the columns in the correct order while True: row = c.fetchone() if row is None: break found_table = True (name, type, nullable, charlen, numericprec, numericscale, default, primary_key, max_identity, table_id, column_id) = ( row[columns.c.column_name], row[domains.c.domain_name], row[columns.c.nulls] == 'Y', row[columns.c.width], row[domains.c.precision], row[columns.c.scale], row[columns.c.default], row[columns.c.pkey] == 'Y', row[columns.c.max_identity], row[tables.c.table_id], row[columns.c.column_id], ) if include_columns and name not in include_columns: continue # FIXME: else problems with SybaseBinary(size) if numericscale == 0: numericscale = None args = [] for a in (charlen, numericprec, numericscale): if a is not None: args.append(a) coltype = self.ischema_names.get(type, None) if coltype == SybaseString and charlen == -1: coltype = SybaseText() else: if coltype is None: util.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" % (type, name)) coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE coltype = coltype(*args) colargs = [] if default is not None: colargs.append(schema.DefaultClause(sql.text(default))) # any sequences ? col = schema.Column(name, coltype, nullable=nullable, primary_key=primary_key, *colargs) if int(max_identity) > 0: col.sequence = schema.Sequence(name + '_identity') col.sequence.start = int(max_identity) col.sequence.increment = 1 # append the column table.append_column(col) # any foreign key constraint for this table ? # note: no multi-column foreign keys are considered s = "select st1.table_name, sc1.column_name, st2.table_name, sc2.column_name from systable as st1 join sysfkcol on st1.table_id=sysfkcol.foreign_table_id join sysforeignkey join systable as st2 on sysforeignkey.primary_table_id = st2.table_id join syscolumn as sc1 on sysfkcol.foreign_column_id=sc1.column_id and sc1.table_id=st1.table_id join syscolumn as sc2 on sysfkcol.primary_column_id=sc2.column_id and sc2.table_id=st2.table_id where st1.table_name='%(table_name)s';" % { 'table_name' : table.name } c = connection.execute(s) foreignKeys = {} while True: row = c.fetchone() if row is None: break (foreign_table, foreign_column, primary_table, primary_column) = ( row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], ) if not primary_table in foreignKeys.keys(): foreignKeys[primary_table] = [['%s' % (foreign_column)], ['%s.%s'%(primary_table, primary_column)]] else: foreignKeys[primary_table][0].append('%s'%(foreign_column)) foreignKeys[primary_table][1].append('%s.%s'%(primary_table, primary_column)) for primary_table in foreignKeys.keys(): #table.append_constraint(schema.ForeignKeyConstraint(['%s.%s'%(foreign_table, foreign_column)], ['%s.%s'%(primary_table,primary_column)])) table.append_constraint(schema.ForeignKeyConstraint(foreignKeys[primary_table][0], foreignKeys[primary_table][1], link_to_name=True)) if not found_table: raise exc.NoSuchTableError(table.name) class SybaseSQLDialect_mxodbc(SybaseSQLDialect): execution_ctx_cls = SybaseSQLExecutionContext_mxodbc def __init__(self, **params): super(SybaseSQLDialect_mxodbc, self).__init__(**params) self.dbapi_type_map = {'getdate' : SybaseDate_mxodbc()} def import_dbapi(cls): #import mx.ODBC.Windows as module import mxODBC as module return module import_dbapi = classmethod(import_dbapi) colspecs = SybaseSQLDialect.colspecs.copy() colspecs[sqltypes.Time] = SybaseTime_mxodbc colspecs[sqltypes.Date] = SybaseDate_mxodbc colspecs[sqltypes.DateTime] = SybaseDateTime_mxodbc ischema_names = SybaseSQLDialect.ischema_names.copy() ischema_names['time'] = SybaseTime_mxodbc ischema_names['date'] = SybaseDate_mxodbc ischema_names['datetime'] = SybaseDateTime_mxodbc ischema_names['smalldatetime'] = SybaseDateTime_mxodbc def is_disconnect(self, e): # FIXME: optimize #return isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error) and '[08S01]' in str(e) #return True return False def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None, **kwargs): super(SybaseSQLDialect_mxodbc, self).do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context, **kwargs) def create_connect_args(self, url): '''Return a tuple of *args,**kwargs''' # FIXME: handle mx.odbc.Windows proprietary args opts = url.translate_connect_args(username='user') opts.update(url.query) argsDict = {} argsDict['user'] = opts['user'] argsDict['password'] = opts['password'] connArgs = [[opts['dsn']], argsDict] return connArgs class SybaseSQLDialect_pyodbc(SybaseSQLDialect): execution_ctx_cls = SybaseSQLExecutionContext_pyodbc def __init__(self, **params): super(SybaseSQLDialect_pyodbc, self).__init__(**params) self.dbapi_type_map = {'getdate' : SybaseDate_pyodbc()} def import_dbapi(cls): import mypyodbc as module return module import_dbapi = classmethod(import_dbapi) colspecs = SybaseSQLDialect.colspecs.copy() colspecs[sqltypes.Time] = SybaseTime_pyodbc colspecs[sqltypes.Date] = SybaseDate_pyodbc colspecs[sqltypes.DateTime] = SybaseDateTime_pyodbc ischema_names = SybaseSQLDialect.ischema_names.copy() ischema_names['time'] = SybaseTime_pyodbc ischema_names['date'] = SybaseDate_pyodbc ischema_names['datetime'] = SybaseDateTime_pyodbc ischema_names['smalldatetime'] = SybaseDateTime_pyodbc def is_disconnect(self, e): # FIXME: optimize #return isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error) and '[08S01]' in str(e) #return True return False def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None, **kwargs): super(SybaseSQLDialect_pyodbc, self).do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context, **kwargs) def create_connect_args(self, url): '''Return a tuple of *args,**kwargs''' # FIXME: handle pyodbc proprietary args opts = url.translate_connect_args(username='user') opts.update(url.query) self.autocommit = False if 'autocommit' in opts: self.autocommit = bool(int(opts.pop('autocommit'))) argsDict = {} argsDict['UID'] = opts['user'] argsDict['PWD'] = opts['password'] argsDict['DSN'] = opts['dsn'] connArgs = [[';'.join(["%s=%s"%(key, argsDict[key]) for key in argsDict])], {'autocommit' : self.autocommit}] return connArgs dialect_mapping = { 'sqlalchemy.databases.mxODBC' : SybaseSQLDialect_mxodbc, # 'pyodbc' : SybaseSQLDialect_pyodbc, } class SybaseSQLCompiler(compiler.DefaultCompiler): operators = compiler.DefaultCompiler.operators.copy() operators.update({ sql_operators.mod: lambda x, y: "MOD(%s, %s)" % (x, y), }) extract_map = compiler.DefaultCompiler.extract_map.copy() extract_map.update ({ 'doy': 'dayofyear', 'dow': 'weekday', 'milliseconds': 'millisecond' }) def bindparam_string(self, name): res = super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).bindparam_string(name) if name.lower().startswith('literal'): res = 'STRING(%s)' % res return res def get_select_precolumns(self, select): s = select._distinct and "DISTINCT " or "" if select._limit: #if select._limit == 1: #s += "FIRST " #else: #s += "TOP %s " % (select._limit,) s += "TOP %s " % (select._limit,) if select._offset: if not select._limit: # FIXME: sybase doesn't allow an offset without a limit # so use a huge value for TOP here s += "TOP 1000000 " s += "START AT %s " % (select._offset+1,) return s def limit_clause(self, select): # Limit in sybase is after the select keyword return "" def visit_binary(self, binary): """Move bind parameters to the right-hand side of an operator, where possible.""" if isinstance(binary.left, expression._BindParamClause) and binary.operator == operator.eq: return self.process(expression._BinaryExpression(binary.right, binary.left, binary.operator)) else: return super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).visit_binary(binary) def label_select_column(self, select, column, asfrom): if isinstance(column, expression.Function): return column.label(None) else: return super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).label_select_column(select, column, asfrom) function_rewrites = {'current_date': 'getdate', } def visit_function(self, func): func.name = self.function_rewrites.get(func.name, func.name) res = super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).visit_function(func) if func.name.lower() == 'getdate': # apply CAST operator # FIXME: what about _pyodbc ? cast = expression._Cast(func, SybaseDate_mxodbc) # infinite recursion # res = self.visit_cast(cast) res = "CAST(%s AS %s)" % (res, self.process(cast.typeclause)) return res def visit_extract(self, extract): field = self.extract_map.get(extract.field, extract.field) return 'DATEPART("%s", %s)' % (field, self.process(extract.expr)) def for_update_clause(self, select): # "FOR UPDATE" is only allowed on "DECLARE CURSOR" which SQLAlchemy doesn't use return '' def order_by_clause(self, select): order_by = self.process(select._order_by_clause) # SybaseSQL only allows ORDER BY in subqueries if there is a LIMIT if order_by and (not self.is_subquery() or select._limit): return " ORDER BY " + order_by else: return "" class SybaseSQLSchemaGenerator(compiler.SchemaGenerator): def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs): colspec = self.preparer.format_column(column) if (not getattr(column.table, 'has_sequence', False)) and column.primary_key and \ column.autoincrement and isinstance(column.type, sqltypes.Integer): if column.default is None or (isinstance(column.default, schema.Sequence) and column.default.optional): column.sequence = schema.Sequence(column.name + '_seq') if hasattr(column, 'sequence'): column.table.has_sequence = column #colspec += " numeric(30,0) IDENTITY" colspec += " Integer IDENTITY" else: colspec += " " + column.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect).get_col_spec() if not column.nullable: colspec += " NOT NULL" default = self.get_column_default_string(column) if default is not None: colspec += " DEFAULT " + default return colspec class SybaseSQLSchemaDropper(compiler.SchemaDropper): def visit_index(self, index): self.append("\nDROP INDEX %s.%s" % ( self.preparer.quote_identifier(index.table.name), self.preparer.quote(self._validate_identifier(index.name, False), index.quote) )) self.execute() class SybaseSQLDefaultRunner(base.DefaultRunner): pass class SybaseSQLIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS def __init__(self, dialect): super(SybaseSQLIdentifierPreparer, self).__init__(dialect) def _escape_identifier(self, value): #TODO: determin SybaseSQL's escapeing rules return value def _fold_identifier_case(self, value): #TODO: determin SybaseSQL's case folding rules return value dialect = SybaseSQLDialect dialect.statement_compiler = SybaseSQLCompiler dialect.schemagenerator = SybaseSQLSchemaGenerator dialect.schemadropper = SybaseSQLSchemaDropper dialect.preparer = SybaseSQLIdentifierPreparer dialect.defaultrunner = SybaseSQLDefaultRunner