"""Provides an API for creation of custom ClauseElements and compilers. Synopsis ======== Usage involves the creation of one or more :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseElement` subclasses and one or more callables defining its compilation:: from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ColumnClause class MyColumn(ColumnClause): pass @compiles(MyColumn) def compile_mycolumn(element, compiler, **kw): return "[%s]" % element.name Above, ``MyColumn`` extends :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnClause`, the base expression element for column objects. The ``compiles`` decorator registers itself with the ``MyColumn`` class so that it is invoked when the object is compiled to a string:: from sqlalchemy import select s = select([MyColumn('x'), MyColumn('y')]) print str(s) Produces:: SELECT [x], [y] Compilers can also be made dialect-specific. The appropriate compiler will be invoked for the dialect in use:: from sqlalchemy.schema import DDLElement # this is a SQLA 0.6 construct class AlterColumn(DDLElement): def __init__(self, column, cmd): self.column = column self.cmd = cmd @compiles(AlterColumn) def visit_alter_column(element, compiler, **kw): return "ALTER COLUMN %s ..." % element.column.name @compiles(AlterColumn, 'postgres') def visit_alter_column(element, compiler, **kw): return "ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s ..." % (element.table.name, element.column.name) The second ``visit_alter_table`` will be invoked when any ``postgres`` dialect is used. The ``compiler`` argument is the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Compiled` object in use. This object can be inspected for any information about the in-progress compilation, including ``compiler.dialect``, ``compiler.statement`` etc. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.SQLCompiler` and :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.DDLCompiler` (DDLCompiler is 0.6. only) both include a ``process()`` method which can be used for compilation of embedded attributes:: class InsertFromSelect(ClauseElement): def __init__(self, table, select): self.table = table self.select = select @compiles(InsertFromSelect) def visit_insert_from_select(element, compiler, **kw): return "INSERT INTO %s (%s)" % ( compiler.process(element.table, asfrom=True), compiler.process(element.select) ) insert = InsertFromSelect(t1, select([t1]).where(t1.c.x>5)) print insert Produces:: "INSERT INTO mytable (SELECT mytable.x, mytable.y, mytable.z FROM mytable WHERE mytable.x > :x_1)" """ def compiles(class_, *specs): def decorate(fn): existing = getattr(class_, '_compiler_dispatcher', None) if not existing: existing = _dispatcher() # TODO: why is the lambda needed ? setattr(class_, '_compiler_dispatch', lambda *arg, **kw: existing(*arg, **kw)) setattr(class_, '_compiler_dispatcher', existing) if specs: for s in specs: existing.specs[s] = fn else: existing.specs['default'] = fn return fn return decorate class _dispatcher(object): def __init__(self): self.specs = {} def __call__(self, element, compiler, **kw): # TODO: yes, this could also switch off of DBAPI in use. fn = self.specs.get(compiler.dialect.name, None) if not fn: fn = self.specs['default'] return fn(element, compiler, **kw)