# exc.py - ORM exceptions # Copyright (C) the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """SQLAlchemy ORM exceptions.""" import sqlalchemy as sa NO_STATE = (AttributeError, KeyError) """Exception types that may be raised by instrumentation implementations.""" class ConcurrentModificationError(sa.exc.SQLAlchemyError): """Rows have been modified outside of the unit of work.""" class FlushError(sa.exc.SQLAlchemyError): """A invalid condition was detected during flush().""" class UnmappedError(sa.exc.InvalidRequestError): """TODO""" class UnmappedInstanceError(UnmappedError): """An mapping operation was requested for an unknown instance.""" def __init__(self, obj, msg=None): if not msg: try: mapper = sa.orm.class_mapper(type(obj)) name = _safe_cls_name(type(obj)) msg = ("Class %r is mapped, but this instance lacks " "instrumentation. Possible causes: instance created " "before sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(%s) was called, or " "instance was pickled/depickled without instrumentation" "information." % (name, name)) except UnmappedClassError: msg = _default_unmapped(type(obj)) if isinstance(obj, type): msg += ( '; was a class (%s) supplied where an instance was ' 'required?' % _safe_cls_name(obj)) UnmappedError.__init__(self, msg) class UnmappedClassError(UnmappedError): """An mapping operation was requested for an unknown class.""" def __init__(self, cls, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _default_unmapped(cls) UnmappedError.__init__(self, msg) class ObjectDeletedError(sa.exc.InvalidRequestError): """An refresh() operation failed to re-retrieve an object's row.""" class UnmappedColumnError(sa.exc.InvalidRequestError): """Mapping operation was requested on an unknown column.""" class NoResultFound(sa.exc.InvalidRequestError): """A database result was required but none was found.""" class MultipleResultsFound(sa.exc.InvalidRequestError): """A single database result was required but more than one were found.""" # Legacy compat until 0.6. sa.exc.ConcurrentModificationError = ConcurrentModificationError sa.exc.FlushError = FlushError sa.exc.UnmappedColumnError def _safe_cls_name(cls): try: cls_name = '.'.join((cls.__module__, cls.__name__)) except AttributeError: cls_name = getattr(cls, '__name__', None) if cls_name is None: cls_name = repr(cls) return cls_name def _default_unmapped(cls): try: mappers = sa.orm.attributes.manager_of_class(cls).mappers except NO_STATE: mappers = {} except TypeError: mappers = {} name = _safe_cls_name(cls) if not mappers: return "Class '%s' is not mapped" % name