# interfaces.py # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Michael Bayer mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ Semi-private module containing various base classes used throughout the ORM. Defines the extension classes :class:`MapperExtension`, :class:`SessionExtension`, and :class:`AttributeExtension` as well as other user-subclassable extension objects. """ from itertools import chain import sqlalchemy.exceptions as sa_exc from sqlalchemy import log, util from sqlalchemy.sql import expression class_mapper = None collections = None __all__ = ( 'AttributeExtension', 'EXT_CONTINUE', 'EXT_STOP', 'ExtensionOption', 'InstrumentationManager', 'LoaderStrategy', 'MapperExtension', 'MapperOption', 'MapperProperty', 'PropComparator', 'PropertyOption', 'SessionExtension', 'StrategizedOption', 'StrategizedProperty', 'build_path', ) EXT_CONTINUE = util.symbol('EXT_CONTINUE') EXT_STOP = util.symbol('EXT_STOP') ONETOMANY = util.symbol('ONETOMANY') MANYTOONE = util.symbol('MANYTOONE') MANYTOMANY = util.symbol('MANYTOMANY') class MapperExtension(object): """Base implementation for customizing Mapper behavior. For each method in MapperExtension, returning a result of EXT_CONTINUE will allow processing to continue to the next MapperExtension in line or use the default functionality if there are no other extensions. Returning EXT_STOP will halt processing of further extensions handling that method. Some methods such as ``load`` have other return requirements, see the individual documentation for details. Other than these exception cases, any return value other than EXT_CONTINUE or EXT_STOP will be interpreted as equivalent to EXT_STOP. """ def instrument_class(self, mapper, class_): return EXT_CONTINUE def init_instance(self, mapper, class_, oldinit, instance, args, kwargs): return EXT_CONTINUE def init_failed(self, mapper, class_, oldinit, instance, args, kwargs): return EXT_CONTINUE def translate_row(self, mapper, context, row): """Perform pre-processing on the given result row and return a new row instance. This is called when the mapper first receives a row, before the object identity or the instance itself has been derived from that row. """ return EXT_CONTINUE def create_instance(self, mapper, selectcontext, row, class_): """Receive a row when a new object instance is about to be created from that row. The method can choose to create the instance itself, or it can return EXT_CONTINUE to indicate normal object creation should take place. mapper The mapper doing the operation selectcontext SelectionContext corresponding to the instances() call row The result row from the database class\_ The class we are mapping. return value A new object instance, or EXT_CONTINUE """ return EXT_CONTINUE def append_result(self, mapper, selectcontext, row, instance, result, **flags): """Receive an object instance before that instance is appended to a result list. If this method returns EXT_CONTINUE, result appending will proceed normally. if this method returns any other value or None, result appending will not proceed for this instance, giving this extension an opportunity to do the appending itself, if desired. mapper The mapper doing the operation. selectcontext SelectionContext corresponding to the instances() call. row The result row from the database. instance The object instance to be appended to the result. result List to which results are being appended. \**flags extra information about the row, same as criterion in ``create_row_processor()`` method of :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MapperProperty` """ return EXT_CONTINUE def populate_instance(self, mapper, selectcontext, row, instance, **flags): """Receive an instance before that instance has its attributes populated. This usually corresponds to a newly loaded instance but may also correspond to an already-loaded instance which has unloaded attributes to be populated. The method may be called many times for a single instance, as multiple result rows are used to populate eagerly loaded collections. If this method returns EXT_CONTINUE, instance population will proceed normally. If any other value or None is returned, instance population will not proceed, giving this extension an opportunity to populate the instance itself, if desired. As of 0.5, most usages of this hook are obsolete. For a generic "object has been newly created from a row" hook, use ``reconstruct_instance()``, or the ``@orm.reconstructor`` decorator. """ return EXT_CONTINUE def reconstruct_instance(self, mapper, instance): """Receive an object instance after it has been created via ``__new__``, and after initial attribute population has occurred. This typically occurs when the instance is created based on incoming result rows, and is only called once for that instance's lifetime. Note that during a result-row load, this method is called upon the first row received for this instance. If eager loaders are set to further populate collections on the instance, those will *not* yet be completely loaded. """ return EXT_CONTINUE def before_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance): """Receive an object instance before that instance is INSERTed into its table. This is a good place to set up primary key values and such that aren't handled otherwise. Column-based attributes can be modified within this method which will result in the new value being inserted. However *no* changes to the overall flush plan can be made; this means any collection modification or save() operations which occur within this method will not take effect until the next flush call. """ return EXT_CONTINUE def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance): """Receive an object instance after that instance is INSERTed.""" return EXT_CONTINUE def before_update(self, mapper, connection, instance): """Receive an object instance before that instance is UPDATEed. Note that this method is called for all instances that are marked as "dirty", even those which have no net changes to their column-based attributes. An object is marked as dirty when any of its column-based attributes have a "set attribute" operation called or when any of its collections are modified. If, at update time, no column-based attributes have any net changes, no UPDATE statement will be issued. This means that an instance being sent to before_update is *not* a guarantee that an UPDATE statement will be issued (although you can affect the outcome here). To detect if the column-based attributes on the object have net changes, and will therefore generate an UPDATE statement, use ``object_session(instance).is_modified(instance, include_collections=False)``. Column-based attributes can be modified within this method which will result in their being updated. However *no* changes to the overall flush plan can be made; this means any collection modification or save() operations which occur within this method will not take effect until the next flush call. """ return EXT_CONTINUE def after_update(self, mapper, connection, instance): """Receive an object instance after that instance is UPDATEed.""" return EXT_CONTINUE def before_delete(self, mapper, connection, instance): """Receive an object instance before that instance is DELETEed. Note that *no* changes to the overall flush plan can be made here; this means any collection modification, save() or delete() operations which occur within this method will not take effect until the next flush call. """ return EXT_CONTINUE def after_delete(self, mapper, connection, instance): """Receive an object instance after that instance is DELETEed.""" return EXT_CONTINUE class SessionExtension(object): """An extension hook object for Sessions. Subclasses may be installed into a Session (or sessionmaker) using the ``extension`` keyword argument. """ def before_commit(self, session): """Execute right before commit is called. Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running transaction is ongoing.""" def after_commit(self, session): """Execute after a commit has occured. Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running transaction is ongoing.""" def after_rollback(self, session): """Execute after a rollback has occured. Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running transaction is ongoing.""" def before_flush(self, session, flush_context, instances): """Execute before flush process has started. `instances` is an optional list of objects which were passed to the ``flush()`` method. """ def after_flush(self, session, flush_context): """Execute after flush has completed, but before commit has been called. Note that the session's state is still in pre-flush, i.e. 'new', 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists still show pre-flush state as well as the history settings on instance attributes.""" def after_flush_postexec(self, session, flush_context): """Execute after flush has completed, and after the post-exec state occurs. This will be when the 'new', 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists are in their final state. An actual commit() may or may not have occured, depending on whether or not the flush started its own transaction or participated in a larger transaction. """ def after_begin(self, session, transaction, connection): """Execute after a transaction is begun on a connection `transaction` is the SessionTransaction. This method is called after an engine level transaction is begun on a connection. """ def after_attach(self, session, instance): """Execute after an instance is attached to a session. This is called after an add, delete or merge. """ def after_bulk_update(self, session, query, query_context, result): """Execute after a bulk update operation to the session. This is called after a session.query(...).update() `query` is the query object that this update operation was called on. `query_context` was the query context object. `result` is the result object returned from the bulk operation. """ def after_bulk_delete(self, session, query, query_context, result): """Execute after a bulk delete operation to the session. This is called after a session.query(...).delete() `query` is the query object that this delete operation was called on. `query_context` was the query context object. `result` is the result object returned from the bulk operation. """ class MapperProperty(object): """Manage the relationship of a ``Mapper`` to a single class attribute, as well as that attribute as it appears on individual instances of the class, including attribute instrumentation, attribute access, loading behavior, and dependency calculations. """ def setup(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): """Called by Query for the purposes of constructing a SQL statement. Each MapperProperty associated with the target mapper processes the statement referenced by the query context, adding columns and/or criterion as appropriate. """ pass def create_row_processor(self, selectcontext, path, mapper, row, adapter): """Return a 2-tuple consiting of two row processing functions and an instance post-processing function. Input arguments are the query.SelectionContext and the *first* applicable row of a result set obtained within query.Query.instances(), called only the first time a particular mapper's populate_instance() method is invoked for the overall result. The settings contained within the SelectionContext as well as the columns present in the row (which will be the same columns present in all rows) are used to determine the presence and behavior of the returned callables. The callables will then be used to process all rows and instances. Callables are of the following form:: def new_execute(state, dict_, row, **flags): # process incoming instance state and given row. the instance is # "new" and was just created upon receipt of this row. # flags is a dictionary containing at least the following # attributes: # isnew - indicates if the instance was newly created as a # result of reading this row # instancekey - identity key of the instance def existing_execute(state, dict_, row, **flags): # process incoming instance state and given row. the instance is # "existing" and was created based on a previous row. return (new_execute, existing_execute) Either of the three tuples can be ``None`` in which case no function is called. """ raise NotImplementedError() def cascade_iterator(self, type_, state, visited_instances=None, halt_on=None): """Iterate through instances related to the given instance for a particular 'cascade', starting with this MapperProperty. See PropertyLoader for the related instance implementation. """ return iter(()) def set_parent(self, parent): self.parent = parent def instrument_class(self, mapper): raise NotImplementedError() _compile_started = False _compile_finished = False def init(self): """Called after all mappers are created to assemble relationships between mappers and perform other post-mapper-creation initialization steps. """ self._compile_started = True self.do_init() self._compile_finished = True def do_init(self): """Perform subclass-specific initialization post-mapper-creation steps. This is a *template* method called by the ``MapperProperty`` object's init() method. """ pass def post_instrument_class(self, mapper): """Perform instrumentation adjustments that need to occur after init() has completed. """ pass def register_dependencies(self, *args, **kwargs): """Called by the ``Mapper`` in response to the UnitOfWork calling the ``Mapper``'s register_dependencies operation. Establishes a topological dependency between two mappers which will affect the order in which mappers persist data. """ pass def register_processors(self, *args, **kwargs): """Called by the ``Mapper`` in response to the UnitOfWork calling the ``Mapper``'s register_processors operation. Establishes a processor object between two mappers which will link data and state between parent/child objects. """ pass def is_primary(self): """Return True if this ``MapperProperty``'s mapper is the primary mapper for its class. This flag is used to indicate that the ``MapperProperty`` can define attribute instrumentation for the class at the class level (as opposed to the individual instance level). """ return not self.parent.non_primary def merge(self, session, source, dest, dont_load, _recursive): """Merge the attribute represented by this ``MapperProperty`` from source to destination object""" raise NotImplementedError() def compare(self, operator, value): """Return a compare operation for the columns represented by this ``MapperProperty`` to the given value, which may be a column value or an instance. 'operator' is an operator from the operators module, or from sql.Comparator. By default uses the PropComparator attached to this MapperProperty under the attribute name "comparator". """ return operator(self.comparator, value) class PropComparator(expression.ColumnOperators): """defines comparison operations for MapperProperty objects. PropComparator instances should also define an accessor 'property' which returns the MapperProperty associated with this PropComparator. """ def __init__(self, prop, mapper, adapter=None): self.prop = self.property = prop self.mapper = mapper self.adapter = adapter def __clause_element__(self): raise NotImplementedError("%r" % self) def adapted(self, adapter): """Return a copy of this PropComparator which will use the given adaption function on the local side of generated expressions. """ return self.__class__(self.prop, self.mapper, adapter) @staticmethod def any_op(a, b, **kwargs): return a.any(b, **kwargs) @staticmethod def has_op(a, b, **kwargs): return a.has(b, **kwargs) @staticmethod def of_type_op(a, class_): return a.of_type(class_) def of_type(self, class_): """Redefine this object in terms of a polymorphic subclass. Returns a new PropComparator from which further criterion can be evaluated. e.g.:: query.join(Company.employees.of_type(Engineer)).\\ filter(Engineer.name=='foo') \class_ a class or mapper indicating that criterion will be against this specific subclass. """ return self.operate(PropComparator.of_type_op, class_) def any(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): """Return true if this collection contains any member that meets the given criterion. criterion an optional ClauseElement formulated against the member class' table or attributes. \**kwargs key/value pairs corresponding to member class attribute names which will be compared via equality to the corresponding values. """ return self.operate(PropComparator.any_op, criterion, **kwargs) def has(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): """Return true if this element references a member which meets the given criterion. criterion an optional ClauseElement formulated against the member class' table or attributes. \**kwargs key/value pairs corresponding to member class attribute names which will be compared via equality to the corresponding values. """ return self.operate(PropComparator.has_op, criterion, **kwargs) class StrategizedProperty(MapperProperty): """A MapperProperty which uses selectable strategies to affect loading behavior. There is a single default strategy selected by default. Alternate strategies can be selected at Query time through the usage of ``StrategizedOption`` objects via the Query.options() method. """ def __get_context_strategy(self, context, path): cls = context.attributes.get(("loaderstrategy", path), None) if cls: try: return self.__all_strategies[cls] except KeyError: return self.__init_strategy(cls) else: return self.strategy def _get_strategy(self, cls): try: return self.__all_strategies[cls] except KeyError: return self.__init_strategy(cls) def __init_strategy(self, cls): self.__all_strategies[cls] = strategy = cls(self) strategy.init() return strategy def setup(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): self.__get_context_strategy(context, path + (self.key,)).setup_query(context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs) def create_row_processor(self, context, path, mapper, row, adapter): return self.__get_context_strategy(context, path + (self.key,)).create_row_processor(context, path, mapper, row, adapter) def do_init(self): self.__all_strategies = {} self.strategy = self.__init_strategy(self.strategy_class) def post_instrument_class(self, mapper): if self.is_primary(): self.strategy.init_class_attribute(mapper) def build_path(entity, key, prev=None): if prev: return prev + (entity, key) else: return (entity, key) def serialize_path(path): if path is None: return None return [ (mapper.class_, key) for mapper, key in [(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(path)-1, 2)] ] def deserialize_path(path): if path is None: return None global class_mapper if class_mapper is None: from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper return tuple( chain(*[(class_mapper(cls), key) for cls, key in path]) ) class MapperOption(object): """Describe a modification to a Query.""" propagate_to_loaders = False """if True, indicate this option should be carried along Query object generated by scalar or object lazy loaders. """ def process_query(self, query): pass def process_query_conditionally(self, query): """same as process_query(), except that this option may not apply to the given query. Used when secondary loaders resend existing options to a new Query.""" self.process_query(query) class ExtensionOption(MapperOption): """a MapperOption that applies a MapperExtension to a query operation.""" def __init__(self, ext): self.ext = ext def process_query(self, query): entity = query._generate_mapper_zero() entity.extension = entity.extension.copy() entity.extension.push(self.ext) class PropertyOption(MapperOption): """A MapperOption that is applied to a property off the mapper or one of its child mappers, identified by a dot-separated key. """ def __init__(self, key, mapper=None): self.key = key self.mapper = mapper def process_query(self, query): self._process(query, True) def process_query_conditionally(self, query): self._process(query, False) def _process(self, query, raiseerr): paths, mappers = self.__get_paths(query, raiseerr) if paths: self.process_query_property(query, paths, mappers) def process_query_property(self, query, paths, mappers): pass def __find_entity(self, query, mapper, raiseerr): from sqlalchemy.orm.util import _class_to_mapper, _is_aliased_class if _is_aliased_class(mapper): searchfor = mapper else: searchfor = _class_to_mapper(mapper).base_mapper for ent in query._mapper_entities: if ent.path_entity is searchfor: return ent else: if raiseerr: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Can't find entity %s in Query. Current list: %r" % (searchfor, [str(m.path_entity) for m in query._entities])) else: return None def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d['key'] = ret = [] for token in util.to_list(self.key): if isinstance(token, PropComparator): ret.append((token.mapper.class_, token.key)) else: ret.append(token) return d def __setstate__(self, state): ret = [] for key in state['key']: if isinstance(key, tuple): cls, propkey = key ret.append(getattr(cls, propkey)) else: ret.append(key) state['key'] = tuple(ret) self.__dict__ = state def __get_paths(self, query, raiseerr): path = None entity = None l = [] mappers = [] # _current_path implies we're in a secondary load # with an existing path current_path = list(query._current_path) if self.mapper: entity = self.__find_entity(query, self.mapper, raiseerr) mapper = entity.mapper path_element = entity.path_entity for key in util.to_list(self.key): if isinstance(key, basestring): tokens = key.split('.') else: tokens = [key] for token in tokens: if isinstance(token, basestring): if not entity: entity = query._entity_zero() path_element = entity.path_entity mapper = entity.mapper mappers.append(mapper) prop = mapper.get_property(token, resolve_synonyms=True, raiseerr=raiseerr) key = token elif isinstance(token, PropComparator): prop = token.property if not entity: entity = self.__find_entity(query, token.parententity, raiseerr) if not entity: return [], [] path_element = entity.path_entity mappers.append(prop.parent) key = prop.key else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("mapper option expects string key or list of attributes") if current_path and key == current_path[1]: current_path = current_path[2:] continue if prop is None: return [], [] path = build_path(path_element, prop.key, path) l.append(path) if getattr(token, '_of_type', None): path_element = mapper = token._of_type else: path_element = mapper = getattr(prop, 'mapper', None) if path_element: path_element = path_element.base_mapper # if current_path tokens remain, then # we didn't have an exact path match. if current_path: return [], [] return l, mappers class AttributeExtension(object): """An event handler for individual attribute change events. AttributeExtension is assembled within the descriptors associated with a mapped class. """ active_history = True """indicates that the set() method would like to receive the 'old' value, even if it means firing lazy callables. """ def append(self, state, value, initiator): """Receive a collection append event. The returned value will be used as the actual value to be appended. """ return value def remove(self, state, value, initiator): """Receive a remove event. No return value is defined. """ pass def set(self, state, value, oldvalue, initiator): """Receive a set event. The returned value will be used as the actual value to be set. """ return value class StrategizedOption(PropertyOption): """A MapperOption that affects which LoaderStrategy will be used for an operation by a StrategizedProperty. """ def is_chained(self): return False def process_query_property(self, query, paths, mappers): if self.is_chained(): for path in paths: query._attributes[("loaderstrategy", path)] = self.get_strategy_class() else: query._attributes[("loaderstrategy", paths[-1])] = self.get_strategy_class() def get_strategy_class(self): raise NotImplementedError() class LoaderStrategy(object): """Describe the loading behavior of a StrategizedProperty object. The ``LoaderStrategy`` interacts with the querying process in three ways: * it controls the configuration of the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` placed on a class to handle the behavior of the attribute. this may involve setting up class-level callable functions to fire off a select operation when the attribute is first accessed (i.e. a lazy load) * it processes the ``QueryContext`` at statement construction time, where it can modify the SQL statement that is being produced. simple column attributes may add their represented column to the list of selected columns, *eager loading* properties may add ``LEFT OUTER JOIN`` clauses to the statement. * it processes the ``SelectionContext`` at row-processing time. This includes straight population of attributes corresponding to rows, setting instance-level lazyloader callables on newly constructed instances, and appending child items to scalar/collection attributes in response to eagerly-loaded relations. """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent_property = parent self.is_class_level = False self.parent = self.parent_property.parent self.key = self.parent_property.key def init(self): raise NotImplementedError("LoaderStrategy") def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): pass def setup_query(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): pass def create_row_processor(self, selectcontext, path, mapper, row, adapter): """Return row processing functions which fulfill the contract specified by MapperProperty.create_row_processor. StrategizedProperty delegates its create_row_processor method directly to this method. """ raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self): return str(self.parent_property) def debug_callable(self, fn, logger, announcement, logfn): if announcement: logger.debug(announcement) if logfn: def call(*args, **kwargs): logger.debug(logfn(*args, **kwargs)) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return call else: return fn class InstrumentationManager(object): """User-defined class instrumentation extension. The API for this class should be considered as semi-stable, and may change slightly with new releases. """ # r4361 added a mandatory (cls) constructor to this interface. # given that, perhaps class_ should be dropped from all of these # signatures. def __init__(self, class_): pass def manage(self, class_, manager): setattr(class_, '_default_class_manager', manager) def dispose(self, class_, manager): delattr(class_, '_default_class_manager') def manager_getter(self, class_): def get(cls): return cls._default_class_manager return get def instrument_attribute(self, class_, key, inst): pass def post_configure_attribute(self, class_, key, inst): pass def install_descriptor(self, class_, key, inst): setattr(class_, key, inst) def uninstall_descriptor(self, class_, key): delattr(class_, key) def install_member(self, class_, key, implementation): setattr(class_, key, implementation) def uninstall_member(self, class_, key): delattr(class_, key) def instrument_collection_class(self, class_, key, collection_class): global collections if collections is None: from sqlalchemy.orm import collections return collections.prepare_instrumentation(collection_class) def get_instance_dict(self, class_, instance): return instance.__dict__ def initialize_instance_dict(self, class_, instance): pass def install_state(self, class_, instance, state): setattr(instance, '_default_state', state) def remove_state(self, class_, instance): delattr(instance, '_default_state', state) def state_getter(self, class_): return lambda instance: getattr(instance, '_default_state') def dict_getter(self, class_): return lambda inst: self.get_instance_dict(class_, inst)