from sqlalchemy.util import EMPTY_SET import weakref from sqlalchemy import util from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import PASSIVE_NORESULT, PASSIVE_OFF, NEVER_SET, NO_VALUE, manager_of_class, ATTR_WAS_SET from sqlalchemy.orm import attributes from sqlalchemy.orm import interfaces class InstanceState(object): """tracks state information at the instance level.""" session_id = None key = None runid = None expired_attributes = EMPTY_SET load_options = EMPTY_SET load_path = () insert_order = None mutable_dict = None _strong_obj = None def __init__(self, obj, manager): self.class_ = obj.__class__ self.manager = manager self.obj = weakref.ref(obj, self._cleanup) self.modified = False self.callables = {} self.expired = False self.committed_state = {} self.pending = {} self.parents = {} def detach(self): if self.session_id: del self.session_id def dispose(self): if self.session_id: del self.session_id del self.obj def _cleanup(self, ref): instance_dict = self._instance_dict() if instance_dict: instance_dict.remove(self) self.dispose() def obj(self): return None @property def dict(self): o = self.obj() if o is not None: return attributes.instance_dict(o) else: return {} @property def sort_key(self): return self.key and self.key[1] or (self.insert_order, ) def check_modified(self): # TODO: deprecate return self.modified def initialize_instance(*mixed, **kwargs): self, instance, args = mixed[0], mixed[1], mixed[2:] manager = self.manager for fn in fn(self, instance, args, kwargs) # LESSTHANIDEAL: # adjust for the case where the InstanceState was created before # mapper compilation, and this actually needs to be a MutableAttrInstanceState if manager.mutable_attributes and self.__class__ is not MutableAttrInstanceState: self.__class__ = MutableAttrInstanceState self.obj = weakref.ref(self.obj(), self._cleanup) self.mutable_dict = {} try: return*mixed[1:], **kwargs) except: for fn in fn(self, instance, args, kwargs) raise def get_history(self, key, **kwargs): return self.manager.get_impl(key).get_history(self, self.dict, **kwargs) def get_impl(self, key): return self.manager.get_impl(key) def get_pending(self, key): if key not in self.pending: self.pending[key] = PendingCollection() return self.pending[key] def value_as_iterable(self, key, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): """return an InstanceState attribute as a list, regardless of it being a scalar or collection-based attribute. returns None if passive is not PASSIVE_OFF and the getter returns PASSIVE_NORESULT. """ impl = self.get_impl(key) dict_ = self.dict x = impl.get(self, dict_, passive=passive) if x is PASSIVE_NORESULT: return None elif hasattr(impl, 'get_collection'): return impl.get_collection(self, dict_, x, passive=passive) else: return [x] def _run_on_load(self, instance):'on_load', instance) def __getstate__(self): d = { 'instance':self.obj(), } d.update( (k, self.__dict__[k]) for k in ( 'committed_state', 'pending', 'parents', 'modified', 'expired', 'callables' ) if self.__dict__[k] ) d.update( (k, self.__dict__[k]) for k in ( 'key', 'load_options', 'expired_attributes', 'mutable_dict' ) if k in self.__dict__ ) if self.load_path: d['load_path'] = interfaces.serialize_path(self.load_path) return d def __setstate__(self, state): self.obj = weakref.ref(state['instance'], self._cleanup) self.class_ = state['instance'].__class__ self.manager = manager_of_class(self.class_) self.committed_state = state.get('committed_state', {}) self.pending = state.get('pending', {}) self.parents = state.get('parents', {}) self.modified = state.get('modified', False) self.expired = state.get('expired', False) self.callables = state.get('callables', {}) if self.modified: self._strong_obj = state['instance'] self.__dict__.update( (k, state[k]) for k in ( 'key', 'load_options', 'expired_attributes', 'mutable_dict' ) if k in state ) if 'load_path' in state: self.load_path = interfaces.deserialize_path(state['load_path']) def initialize(self, key): self.manager.get_impl(key).initialize(self, self.dict) def set_callable(self, key, callable_): self.dict.pop(key, None) self.callables[key] = callable_ def __call__(self): """__call__ allows the InstanceState to act as a deferred callable for loading expired attributes, which is also serializable (picklable). """ unmodified = self.unmodified class_manager = self.manager class_manager.deferred_scalar_loader(self, [ attr.impl.key for attr in class_manager.attributes if attr.impl.accepts_scalar_loader and attr.impl.key in self.expired_attributes and attr.impl.key in unmodified ]) for k in self.expired_attributes: self.callables.pop(k, None) del self.expired_attributes return ATTR_WAS_SET @property def unmodified(self): """a set of keys which have no uncommitted changes""" return set(self.manager).difference(self.committed_state) @property def unloaded(self): """a set of keys which do not have a loaded value. This includes expired attributes and any other attribute that was never populated or modified. """ return set( key for key in self.manager.iterkeys() if key not in self.committed_state and key not in self.dict) def expire_attributes(self, attribute_names, instance_dict=None): self.expired_attributes = set(self.expired_attributes) if attribute_names is None: attribute_names = self.manager.keys() self.expired = True if self.modified: if not instance_dict: instance_dict = self._instance_dict() if instance_dict: instance_dict._modified.discard(self) else: instance_dict._modified.discard(self) self.modified = False filter_deferred = True else: filter_deferred = False dict_ = self.dict for key in attribute_names: impl = self.manager[key].impl if not filter_deferred or \ not impl.dont_expire_missing or \ key in dict_: self.expired_attributes.add(key) if impl.accepts_scalar_loader: self.callables[key] = self dict_.pop(key, None) self.pending.pop(key, None) self.committed_state.pop(key, None) if self.mutable_dict: self.mutable_dict.pop(key, None) def reset(self, key, dict_): """remove the given attribute and any callables associated with it.""" dict_.pop(key, None) self.callables.pop(key, None) def _instance_dict(self): return None def _is_really_none(self): return self.obj() def modified_event(self, dict_, attr, should_copy, previous, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): needs_committed = attr.key not in self.committed_state if needs_committed: if previous is NEVER_SET: if passive: if attr.key in dict_: previous = dict_[attr.key] else: previous = attr.get(self, dict_) if should_copy and previous not in (None, NO_VALUE, NEVER_SET): previous = attr.copy(previous) if needs_committed: self.committed_state[attr.key] = previous if not self.modified: instance_dict = self._instance_dict() if instance_dict: instance_dict._modified.add(self) self.modified = True if self._strong_obj is None: self._strong_obj = self.obj() def commit(self, dict_, keys): """Commit attributes. This is used by a partial-attribute load operation to mark committed those attributes which were refreshed from the database. Attributes marked as "expired" can potentially remain "expired" after this step if a value was not populated in state.dict. """ class_manager = self.manager for key in keys: if key in dict_ and key in class_manager.mutable_attributes: class_manager[key].impl.commit_to_state(self, dict_, self.committed_state) else: self.committed_state.pop(key, None) self.expired = False # unexpire attributes which have loaded for key in self.expired_attributes.intersection(keys): if key in dict_: self.expired_attributes.remove(key) self.callables.pop(key, None) def commit_all(self, dict_, instance_dict=None): """commit all attributes unconditionally. This is used after a flush() or a full load/refresh to remove all pending state from the instance. - all attributes are marked as "committed" - the "strong dirty reference" is removed - the "modified" flag is set to False - any "expired" markers/callables are removed. Attributes marked as "expired" can potentially remain "expired" after this step if a value was not populated in state.dict. """ self.committed_state = {} self.pending = {} # unexpire attributes which have loaded if self.expired_attributes: for key in self.expired_attributes.intersection(dict_): self.callables.pop(key, None) self.expired_attributes.difference_update(dict_) for key in self.manager.mutable_attributes: if key in dict_: self.manager[key].impl.commit_to_state(self, dict_, self.committed_state) if instance_dict and self.modified: instance_dict._modified.discard(self) self.modified = self.expired = False self._strong_obj = None class MutableAttrInstanceState(InstanceState): def __init__(self, obj, manager): self.mutable_dict = {} InstanceState.__init__(self, obj, manager) def _get_modified(self, dict_=None): if self.__dict__.get('modified', False): return True else: if dict_ is None: dict_ = self.dict for key in self.manager.mutable_attributes: if self.manager[key].impl.check_mutable_modified(self, dict_): return True else: return False def _set_modified(self, value): self.__dict__['modified'] = value modified = property(_get_modified, _set_modified) @property def unmodified(self): """a set of keys which have no uncommitted changes""" dict_ = self.dict return set( key for key in self.manager.iterkeys() if (key not in self.committed_state or (key in self.manager.mutable_attributes and not self.manager[key].impl.check_mutable_modified(self, dict_)))) def _is_really_none(self): """do a check modified/resurrect. This would be called in the extremely rare race condition that the weakref returned None but the cleanup handler had not yet established the __resurrect callable as its replacement. """ if self.modified: self.obj = self.__resurrect return self.obj() else: return None def reset(self, key, dict_): self.mutable_dict.pop(key, None) InstanceState.reset(self, key, dict_) def _cleanup(self, ref): """weakref callback. This method may be called by an asynchronous gc. If the state shows pending changes, the weakref is replaced by the __resurrect callable which will re-establish an object reference on next access, else removes this InstanceState from the owning identity map, if any. """ if self._get_modified(self.mutable_dict): self.obj = self.__resurrect else: instance_dict = self._instance_dict() if instance_dict: instance_dict.remove(self) self.dispose() def __resurrect(self): """A substitute for the obj() weakref function which resurrects.""" # store strong ref'ed version of the object; will revert # to weakref when changes are persisted obj = self.manager.new_instance(state=self) self.obj = weakref.ref(obj, self._cleanup) self._strong_obj = obj obj.__dict__.update(self.mutable_dict) # re-establishes identity attributes from the key'on_resurrect', self, obj) # TODO: don't really think we should run this here. # resurrect is only meant to preserve the minimal state needed to # do an UPDATE, not to produce a fully usable object self._run_on_load(obj) return obj class PendingCollection(object): """A writable placeholder for an unloaded collection. Stores items appended to and removed from a collection that has not yet been loaded. When the collection is loaded, the changes stored in PendingCollection are applied to it to produce the final result. """ def __init__(self): self.deleted_items = util.IdentitySet() self.added_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() def append(self, value): if value in self.deleted_items: self.deleted_items.remove(value) self.added_items.add(value) def remove(self, value): if value in self.added_items: self.added_items.remove(value) self.deleted_items.add(value)