import optparse, os, sys, re, ConfigParser, StringIO, time, warnings logging = None __all__ = 'parser', 'configure', 'options', db = None db_label, db_url, db_opts = None, None, {} options = None file_config = None base_config = """ [db] sqlite=sqlite:///:memory: sqlite_file=sqlite:///querytest.db postgres=postgres://scott:tiger@ postgresql=postgres://scott:tiger@ mysql=mysql://scott:tiger@ oracle=oracle://scott:tiger@ oracle8=oracle://scott:tiger@ mssql=mssql://scott:tiger@SQUAWK\\SQLEXPRESS/test firebird=firebird://sysdba:masterkey@localhost//tmp/test.fdb maxdb=maxdb://MONA:RED@/maxdb1 """ def _log(option, opt_str, value, parser): global logging if not logging: import logging logging.basicConfig() if opt_str.endswith('-info'): logging.getLogger(value).setLevel(logging.INFO) elif opt_str.endswith('-debug'): logging.getLogger(value).setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def _list_dbs(*args): print "Available --db options (use --dburi to override)" for macro in sorted(file_config.options('db')): print "%20s\t%s" % (macro, file_config.get('db', macro)) sys.exit(0) def _server_side_cursors(options, opt_str, value, parser): db_opts['server_side_cursors'] = True def _engine_strategy(options, opt_str, value, parser): if value: db_opts['strategy'] = value class _ordered_map(object): def __init__(self): self._keys = list() self._data = dict() def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._keys: self._keys.append(key) self._data[key] = value def __iter__(self): for key in self._keys: yield self._data[key] # at one point in refactoring, modules were injecting into the config # process. this could probably just become a list now. post_configure = _ordered_map() def _engine_uri(options, file_config): global db_label, db_url db_label = 'sqlite' if options.dburi: db_url = options.dburi db_label = db_url[:db_url.index(':')] elif options.db: db_label = options.db db_url = None if db_url is None: if db_label not in file_config.options('db'): raise RuntimeError( "Unknown engine. Specify --dbs for known engines.") db_url = file_config.get('db', db_label) post_configure['engine_uri'] = _engine_uri def _require(options, file_config): if not(options.require or (file_config.has_section('require') and file_config.items('require'))): return try: import pkg_resources except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("setuptools is required for version requirements") cmdline = [] for requirement in options.require: pkg_resources.require(requirement) cmdline.append(re.split('\s*(=)', requirement, 1)[0]) if file_config.has_section('require'): for label, requirement in file_config.items('require'): if not label == db_label or label.startswith('%s.' % db_label): continue seen = [c for c in cmdline if requirement.startswith(c)] if seen: continue pkg_resources.require(requirement) post_configure['require'] = _require def _engine_pool(options, file_config): if options.mockpool: from sqlalchemy import pool db_opts['poolclass'] = pool.AssertionPool post_configure['engine_pool'] = _engine_pool def _create_testing_engine(options, file_config): from sqlalchemy.test import engines, testing global db db = engines.testing_engine(db_url, db_opts) testing.db = db post_configure['create_engine'] = _create_testing_engine def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config): from sqlalchemy.test import engines from sqlalchemy import schema try: # also create alt schemas etc. here? if options.dropfirst: e = engines.utf8_engine() existing = e.table_names() if existing: print "Dropping existing tables in database: " + db_url try: print "Tables: %s" % ', '.join(existing) except: pass print "Abort within 5 seconds..." time.sleep(5) md = schema.MetaData(e, reflect=True) md.drop_all() e.dispose() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception, e: warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning( "Error checking for existing tables in testing " "database: %s" % e)) post_configure['prep_db'] = _prep_testing_database def _set_table_options(options, file_config): from sqlalchemy.test import schema table_options = schema.table_options for spec in options.tableopts: key, value = spec.split('=') table_options[key] = value if options.mysql_engine: table_options['mysql_engine'] = options.mysql_engine post_configure['table_options'] = _set_table_options def _reverse_topological(options, file_config): if options.reversetop: from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork from sqlalchemy import topological class RevQueueDepSort(topological.QueueDependencySorter): def __init__(self, tuples, allitems): self.tuples = list(tuples) self.allitems = list(allitems) self.tuples.reverse() self.allitems.reverse() topological.QueueDependencySorter = RevQueueDepSort unitofwork.DependencySorter = RevQueueDepSort post_configure['topological'] = _reverse_topological