""" Text Helpers """ # Last synced with Rails copy at Revision 4595 on Aug 19th, 2006. # Purposely left out sanitize, should be included at some point likely using # BeautifulSoup. from routes import request_config from webhelpers.rails.tags import content_tag, tag_options import webhelpers.textile as textile import webhelpers.markdown as markdown import itertools, re AUTO_LINK_RE = re.compile("""(<\w+.*?>|[^=!:'"\/]|^)((?:http[s]?:\/\/)|(?:www\.))(([\w]+:?[=?&\/.-]?)*\w+[\/]?(?:\#\w*)?)([\.,"'?!;:]|\s|<|$)""") def iterdict(items): return dict(items=items, iter=itertools.cycle(items)) def cycle(*args, **kargs): """ Returns the next cycle of the given list Everytime ``cycle`` is called, the value returned will be the next item in the list passed to it. This list is reset on every request, but can also be reset by calling ``reset_cycle()``. You may specify the list as either arguments, or as a single list argument. This can be used to alternate classes for table rows:: # In Myghty... % for item in items: "> ... use item ... % #endfor You can use named cycles to prevent clashes in nested loops. You'll have to reset the inner cycle, manually:: % for item in items: % for value in item.values: '"> item % #endfor <% reset_cycle("colors") %> % #endfor """ if len(args) > 1: items = args else: items = args[0] name = kargs.get('name', 'default') cycles = request_config().environ.setdefault('railshelpers.cycles', {}) cycle = cycles.setdefault(name, iterdict(items)) if cycles[name].get('items') != items: cycle = cycles[name] = iterdict(items) return cycle['iter'].next() def reset_cycle(name='default'): """ Resets a cycle Resets the cycle so that it starts from the first element in the array the next time it is used. """ del request_config().environ['railshelpers.cycles'][name] def truncate(text, length=30, truncate_string='...'): """ Truncates ``text`` with replacement characters ``length`` The maximum length of ``text`` before replacement ``truncate_string`` If ``text`` exceeds the ``length``, this string will replace the end of the string """ if not text: return '' new_len = length-len(truncate_string) if len(text) > length: return text[:new_len] + truncate_string else: return text def highlight(text, phrase, hilighter='\\1'): """ Highlights the ``phrase`` where it is found in the ``text`` The highlighted phrase will be surrounded by the hilighter, by default:: I'm a highlight phrase ``highlighter`` Defines the highlighting phrase. This argument should be a single-quoted string with ``\\1`` where the phrase is supposed to be inserted. Note: The ``phrase`` is sanitized to include only letters, digits, and spaces before use. """ if not phrase or not text: return text return re.sub(re.compile('(%s)' % re.escape(phrase)), hilighter, text, re.I) def excerpt(text, phrase, radius=100, excerpt_string="..."): """ Extracts an excerpt from the ``text`` ``phrase`` Phrase to excerpt from ``text`` ``radius`` How many surrounding characters to include ``excerpt_string`` Characters surrounding entire excerpt Example:: >>> excerpt("hello my world", "my", 3) "...lo my wo..." """ if not text or not phrase: return text pat = re.compile('(.{0,%s}%s.{0,%s})' % (radius, re.escape(phrase), radius)) match = pat.search(text) if not match: return "" return excerpt_string + match.expand(r'\1') + excerpt_string def word_wrap(text, line_width=80): """ Word wrap long lines to ``line_width`` """ text = re.sub(r'\n', '\n\n', text) return re.sub(r'(.{1,%s})(\s+|$)' % line_width, r'\1\n', text).strip() def simple_format(text): """ Returns ``text`` transformed into HTML using very simple formatting rules Surrounds paragraphs with ``

`` tags, and converts line breaks into ``
`` Two consecutive newlines(``\\n\\n``) are considered as a paragraph, one newline (``\\n``) is considered a linebreak, three or more consecutive newlines are turned into two newlines. """ text = re.sub(r'(\r\n|\n|\r)', r'\n', text) text = re.sub(r'\n\n+', r'\n\n', text) text = re.sub(r'(\n\n)', r'


', text) text = re.sub(r'([^\n])(\n)([^\n])', r'\1\2
\3', text) text = content_tag("p", text).replace('

', '

') text = re.sub(r'

', r'


', text) return text def auto_link(text, link="all", **href_options): """ Turns all urls and email addresses into clickable links. ``link`` Used to determine what to link. Options are "all", "email_addresses", or "urls" Example:: >>> auto_link("Go to http://www.planetpython.com and say hello to guido@python.org") 'Go to http://www.planetpython.com and say hello to guido@python.org' """ if not text: return "" if link == "all": return auto_link_urls(auto_link_email_addresses(text), **href_options) elif link == "email_addresses": return auto_link_email_addresses(text) else: return auto_link_urls(text, **href_options) def auto_link_urls(text, **href_options): extra_options = tag_options(**href_options) def handle_match(matchobj): all = matchobj.group() a, b, c, d = matchobj.group(1,2,3,5) if re.match(r'%s%s' % (a, b, c, extra_options, text, d) return re.sub(AUTO_LINK_RE, handle_match, text) def auto_link_email_addresses(text): def fix_email(match): text = matchobj.group() return '\1', text) def strip_links(text): """ Turns all links into words Example:: >>> strip_links("else") "else" """ return re.sub(r'(.*?)<\/a>', r'\1', text, re.M) def textilize(text, sanitize=False): """Format the text with Textile formatting This function uses the `PyTextile library `_ which is included with WebHelpers. Additionally, the output can be sanitized which will fix tags like ,

for proper XHTML output. """ texer = textile.Textiler(text) return texer.process(sanitize=sanitize) def markdown(text): """Format the text with MarkDown formatting This function uses the `Python MarkDown library `_ which is included with WebHelpers. """ return markdown.markdown(text) __all__ = ['cycle', 'reset_cycle', 'truncate', 'highlight', 'excerpt', 'word_wrap', 'simple_format', 'auto_link', 'strip_links', 'textilize', 'markdown']