#!/usr/bin/python2.6 """ Pass through blocks from a maf file until a certain number of columns have been passed. usage: %prog -c cols < maf > maf """ import sys from bx.align import maf from optparse import OptionParser def __main__(): # Parse command line arguments parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-c", "--cols", action="store" ) ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args() maf_reader = maf.Reader( sys.stdin ) maf_writer = maf.Writer( sys.stdout ) if not options.cols: raise "Cols argument is required" cols = int( options.cols ) count = 0 for m in maf_reader: maf_writer.write( m ) count += m.text_size if count >= cols: return if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()