#!/usr/bin/env python2.4 """ Returns all positions of a maf with any pwm score > threshold The positions are projected onto human coordinates """ import psyco_full from bx.align import maf as align_maf import position_weight_matrix as pwmx from bx.pwm.pwm_score_maf import MafMotifScorer import sys from bx import intervals def isnan(x): return not x==x def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 4: print >>sys.stderr, "%s motif inmaf spec1,spec2,... " % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(0) targmotif = sys.argv[1] inmaf = open(sys.argv[2]) threshold = 0 species = [] for sp in sys.argv[3].split(','): species.append( sp ) for maf in align_maf.Reader(inmaf): mafchrom = maf.components[0].src.split('.')[1] mafstart = maf.components[0].start mafend = maf.components[0].end reftext = maf.components[0].text # maf block scores for each matrix for scoremax,width,headers in MafMotifScorer(species, maf,targmotif): #print >>sys.stderr,headers blocklength = width mafsrc,mafstart,mafend = headers[0] mafchrom = mafsrc.split('.')[1] # lists of scores for each position in scoremax mx = scoremax for offset in range(blocklength): # scan all species with threshold for i in range(len(species)): if mx[i][offset] > threshold: refstart = mafstart + offset - reftext.count('-',0,offset) refend = refstart + len( targmotif ) data = " ".join([ "%.2f" % mx[x][offset] for x in range(len(species))]) # quote the motif print mafchrom,refstart,refend,"'"+targmotif+"'",data break if __name__ == '__main__': main()