root/galaxy-central/eggs/docutils-0.4-py2.6.egg/docutils/parsers/rst/include/isogrk3.txt @ 3

リビジョン 3, 2.8 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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[3]1.. This data file has been placed in the public domain.
2.. Derived from the Unicode character mappings available from
3   <>.
4   Processed by, part of Docutils:
5   <>.
7.. |alpha|  unicode:: U+003B1 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA
8.. |beta|   unicode:: U+003B2 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA
9.. |chi|    unicode:: U+003C7 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
10.. |Delta|  unicode:: U+00394 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
11.. |delta|  unicode:: U+003B4 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
12.. |epsi|   unicode:: U+003F5 .. GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL
13.. |epsis|  unicode:: U+003F5 .. GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL
14.. |epsiv|  unicode:: U+003B5 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON
15.. |eta|    unicode:: U+003B7 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
16.. |Gamma|  unicode:: U+00393 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
17.. |gamma|  unicode:: U+003B3 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA
18.. |Gammad| unicode:: U+003DC .. GREEK LETTER DIGAMMA
19.. |gammad| unicode:: U+003DD .. GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA
20.. |iota|   unicode:: U+003B9 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
21.. |kappa|  unicode:: U+003BA .. GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA
22.. |kappav| unicode:: U+003F0 .. GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL
23.. |Lambda| unicode:: U+0039B .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
24.. |lambda| unicode:: U+003BB .. GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
25.. |mu|     unicode:: U+003BC .. GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
26.. |nu|     unicode:: U+003BD .. GREEK SMALL LETTER NU
27.. |Omega|  unicode:: U+003A9 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
28.. |omega|  unicode:: U+003C9 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA
29.. |Phi|    unicode:: U+003A6 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
30.. |phi|    unicode:: U+003D5 .. GREEK PHI SYMBOL
31.. |phis|   unicode:: U+003D5 .. GREEK PHI SYMBOL
32.. |phiv|   unicode:: U+003C6 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
33.. |Pi|     unicode:: U+003A0 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
34.. |pi|     unicode:: U+003C0 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
35.. |piv|    unicode:: U+003D6 .. GREEK PI SYMBOL
36.. |Psi|    unicode:: U+003A8 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
37.. |psi|    unicode:: U+003C8 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
38.. |rho|    unicode:: U+003C1 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
39.. |rhov|   unicode:: U+003F1 .. GREEK RHO SYMBOL
40.. |Sigma|  unicode:: U+003A3 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
41.. |sigma|  unicode:: U+003C3 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA
42.. |sigmav| unicode:: U+003C2 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA
43.. |tau|    unicode:: U+003C4 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
44.. |Theta|  unicode:: U+00398 .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
45.. |theta|  unicode:: U+003B8 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
46.. |thetas| unicode:: U+003B8 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
47.. |thetav| unicode:: U+003D1 .. GREEK THETA SYMBOL
48.. |Upsi|   unicode:: U+003D2 .. GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL
49.. |upsi|   unicode:: U+003C5 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON
50.. |Xi|     unicode:: U+0039E .. GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
51.. |xi|     unicode:: U+003BE .. GREEK SMALL LETTER XI
52.. |zeta|   unicode:: U+003B6 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。