root/galaxy-central/eggs/nose-0.11.1-py2.6.egg/nose/ @ 3

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[3]1"""Implements nose test program and collector.
3from __future__ import generators
5import logging
6import os
7import sys
8import time
9import unittest
11from nose.config import Config, all_config_files
12from nose.loader import defaultTestLoader
13from nose.plugins.manager import PluginManager, DefaultPluginManager, \
14     RestrictedPluginManager
15from nose.result import TextTestResult
16from nose.suite import FinalizingSuiteWrapper
17from nose.util import isclass, tolist
20log = logging.getLogger('nose.core')
21compat_24 = sys.version_info >= (2, 4)
23__all__ = ['TestProgram', 'main', 'run', 'run_exit', 'runmodule', 'collector',
24           'TextTestRunner']
27class TextTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner):
28    """Test runner that uses nose's TextTestResult to enable errorClasses,
29    as well as providing hooks for plugins to override or replace the test
30    output stream, results, and the test case itself.
31    """   
32    def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr, descriptions=1, verbosity=1,
33                 config=None):
34        if config is None:
35            config = Config()
36        self.config = config
37        unittest.TextTestRunner.__init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity)
40    def _makeResult(self):
41        return TextTestResult(,
42                              self.descriptions,
43                              self.verbosity,
44                              self.config)
46    def run(self, test):
47        """Overrides to provide plugin hooks and defer all output to
48        the test result class.
49        """
50        wrapper = self.config.plugins.prepareTest(test)
51        if wrapper is not None:
52            test = wrapper
54        # plugins can decorate or capture the output stream
55        wrapped = self.config.plugins.setOutputStream(
56        if wrapped is not None:
57   = wrapped
59        result = self._makeResult()
60        start = time.time()
61        test(result)
62        stop = time.time()
63        result.printErrors()
64        result.printSummary(start, stop)
65        self.config.plugins.finalize(result)
66        return result
69class TestProgram(unittest.TestProgram):
70    """Collect and run tests, returning success or failure.
72    The arguments to TestProgram() are the same as to
73    :func:`main()` and :func:`run()`:
75    * module: All tests are in this module (default: None)
76    * defaultTest: Tests to load (default: '.')
77    * argv: Command line arguments (default: None; sys.argv is read)
78    * testRunner: Test runner instance (default: None)
79    * testLoader: Test loader instance (default: None)
80    * env: Environment; ignored if config is provided (default: None;
81      os.environ is read)
82    * config: :class:`nose.config.Config` instance (default: None)
83    * suite: Suite or list of tests to run (default: None). Passing a
84      suite or lists of tests will bypass all test discovery and
85      loading. *ALSO NOTE* that if you pass a unittest.TestSuite
86      instance as the suite, context fixtures at the class, module and
87      package level will not be used, and many plugin hooks will not
88      be called. If you want normal nose behavior, either pass a list
89      of tests, or a fully-configured :class:`nose.suite.ContextSuite`.
90    * exit: Exit after running tests and printing report (default: True)
91    * plugins: List of plugins to use; ignored if config is provided
92      (default: load plugins with DefaultPluginManager)
93    * addplugins: List of **extra** plugins to use. Pass a list of plugin
94      instances in this argument to make custom plugins available while
95      still using the DefaultPluginManager.
96    """
97    verbosity = 1
99    def __init__(self, module=None, defaultTest='.', argv=None,
100                 testRunner=None, testLoader=None, env=None, config=None,
101                 suite=None, exit=True, plugins=None, addplugins=None):
102        if env is None:
103            env = os.environ
104        if config is None:
105            config = self.makeConfig(env, plugins)
106        if addplugins:
107            config.plugins.addPlugins(addplugins)
108        self.config = config
109        self.suite = suite
110        self.exit = exit
111        unittest.TestProgram.__init__(
112            self, module=module, defaultTest=defaultTest,
113            argv=argv, testRunner=testRunner, testLoader=testLoader)
115    def makeConfig(self, env, plugins=None):
116        """Load a Config, pre-filled with user config files if any are
117        found.
118        """
119        cfg_files = all_config_files()       
120        if plugins:
121            manager = PluginManager(plugins=plugins)
122        else:
123            manager = DefaultPluginManager()
124        return Config(
125            env=env, files=cfg_files, plugins=manager)
127    def parseArgs(self, argv):
128        """Parse argv and env and configure running environment.
129        """
130        self.config.configure(argv, doc=self.usage())
131        log.debug("configured %s", self.config)
133        # quick outs: version, plugins (optparse would have already
134        # caught and exited on help)
135        if self.config.options.version:
136            from nose import __version__
137            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
138            print "%s version %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), __version__)
139            sys.exit(0)
141        if self.config.options.showPlugins:
142            self.showPlugins()
143            sys.exit(0)
145        if self.testLoader is None:
146            self.testLoader = defaultTestLoader(config=self.config)
147        elif isclass(self.testLoader):
148            self.testLoader = self.testLoader(config=self.config)
149        plug_loader = self.config.plugins.prepareTestLoader(self.testLoader)
150        if plug_loader is not None:
151            self.testLoader = plug_loader
152        log.debug("test loader is %s", self.testLoader)
154        # FIXME if self.module is a string, add it to self.testNames? not sure
156        if self.config.testNames:
157            self.testNames = self.config.testNames
158        else:
159            self.testNames = tolist(self.defaultTest)
160        log.debug('defaultTest %s', self.defaultTest)
161        log.debug('Test names are %s', self.testNames)
162        if self.config.workingDir is not None:
163            os.chdir(self.config.workingDir)
164        self.createTests()
166    def createTests(self):
167        """Create the tests to run. If a self.suite
168        is set, then that suite will be used. Otherwise, tests will be
169        loaded from the given test names (self.testNames) using the
170        test loader.
171        """
172        log.debug("createTests called with %s", self.suite)
173        if self.suite is not None:
174            # We were given an explicit suite to run. Make sure it's
175            # loaded and wrapped correctly.
176            self.test = self.testLoader.suiteClass(self.suite)
177        else:
178            self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromNames(self.testNames)
180    def runTests(self):
181        """Run Tests. Returns true on success, false on failure, and sets
182        self.success to the same value.
183        """
184        log.debug("runTests called")
185        if self.testRunner is None:
186            self.testRunner = TextTestRunner(,
187                                             verbosity=self.config.verbosity,
188                                             config=self.config)
189        plug_runner = self.config.plugins.prepareTestRunner(self.testRunner)
190        if plug_runner is not None:
191            self.testRunner = plug_runner
192        result =
193        self.success = result.wasSuccessful()
194        if self.exit:
195            sys.exit(not self.success)
196        return self.success
198    def showPlugins(self):
199        """Print list of available plugins.
200        """
201        import textwrap
203        class DummyParser:
204            def __init__(self):
205                self.options = []
206            def add_option(self, *arg, **kw):
207                self.options.append((arg, kw.pop('help', '')))
209        v = self.config.verbosity
210        self.config.plugins.sort()
211        for p in self.config.plugins:           
212            print "Plugin %s" %
213            if v >= 2:
214                print "  score: %s" % p.score
215                print '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(,
216                                              initial_indent='  ',
217                                              subsequent_indent='  '))
218                if v >= 3:
219                    print
220                    print "  Options:"
221                    parser = DummyParser()
222                    p.addOptions(parser)
223                    for opts, help in parser.options:
224                        print '  %s' % (', '.join(opts))
225                        if help:
226                            print '\n'.join(
227                                textwrap.wrap(help.strip(),
228                                              initial_indent='    ',
229                                              subsequent_indent='    '))
230                print
232    def usage(cls):
233        return open(os.path.join(
234                os.path.dirname(__file__), 'usage.txt'), 'r').read()
235    usage = classmethod(usage)
237# backwards compatibility
238run_exit = main = TestProgram
241def run(*arg, **kw):
242    """Collect and run tests, returning success or failure.
244    The arguments to `run()` are the same as to `main()`:
246    * module: All tests are in this module (default: None)
247    * defaultTest: Tests to load (default: '.')
248    * argv: Command line arguments (default: None; sys.argv is read)
249    * testRunner: Test runner instance (default: None)
250    * testLoader: Test loader instance (default: None)
251    * env: Environment; ignored if config is provided (default: None;
252      os.environ is read)
253    * config: :class:`nose.config.Config` instance (default: None)
254    * suite: Suite or list of tests to run (default: None). Passing a
255      suite or lists of tests will bypass all test discovery and
256      loading. *ALSO NOTE* that if you pass a unittest.TestSuite
257      instance as the suite, context fixtures at the class, module and
258      package level will not be used, and many plugin hooks will not
259      be called. If you want normal nose behavior, either pass a list
260      of tests, or a fully-configured :class:`nose.suite.ContextSuite`.
261    * plugins: List of plugins to use; ignored if config is provided
262      (default: load plugins with DefaultPluginManager)
263    * addplugins: List of **extra** plugins to use. Pass a list of plugin
264      instances in this argument to make custom plugins available while
265      still using the DefaultPluginManager.
267    With the exception that the ``exit`` argument is always set
268    to False.   
269    """
270    kw['exit'] = False
271    return TestProgram(*arg, **kw).success
274def runmodule(name='__main__', **kw):
275    """Collect and run tests in a single module only. Defaults to running
276    tests in __main__. Additional arguments to TestProgram may be passed
277    as keyword arguments.
278    """
279    main(defaultTest=name, **kw)
282def collector():
283    """TestSuite replacement entry point. Use anywhere you might use a
284    unittest.TestSuite. The collector will, by default, load options from
285    all config files and execute loader.loadTestsFromNames() on the
286    configured testNames, or '.' if no testNames are configured.
287    """   
288    # plugins that implement any of these methods are disabled, since
289    # we don't control the test runner and won't be able to run them
290    # finalize() is also not called, but plugins that use it aren't disabled,
291    # because capture needs it.
292    setuptools_incompat = ('report', 'prepareTest',
293                           'prepareTestLoader', 'prepareTestRunner',
294                           'setOutputStream')
296    plugins = RestrictedPluginManager(exclude=setuptools_incompat)
297    conf = Config(files=all_config_files(),
298                  plugins=plugins)
299    conf.configure(argv=['collector'])
300    loader = defaultTestLoader(conf)
302    if conf.testNames:
303        suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(conf.testNames)
304    else:
305        suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(('.',))
306    return FinalizingSuiteWrapper(suite, plugins.finalize)
310if __name__ == '__main__':
311    main()
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