"""If you have Ned Batchelder's coverage_ module installed, you may activate a coverage report with the ``--with-coverage`` switch or NOSE_WITH_COVERAGE environment variable. The coverage report will cover any python source module imported after the start of the test run, excluding modules that match testMatch. If you want to include those modules too, use the ``--cover-tests`` switch, or set the NOSE_COVER_TESTS environment variable to a true value. To restrict the coverage report to modules from a particular package or packages, use the ``--cover-packages`` switch or the NOSE_COVER_PACKAGES environment variable. .. _coverage: http://www.nedbatchelder.com/code/modules/coverage.html """ import logging import os import sys from nose.plugins.base import Plugin from nose.util import src, tolist log = logging.getLogger(__name__) COVERAGE_TEMPLATE = ''' %(title)s %(header)s
''' COVERAGE_STATS_TEMPLATE = '''Covered: %(covered)s lines
Missed: %(missed)s lines
Skipped %(skipped)s lines
Percent: %(percent)s %%
''' class Coverage(Plugin): """ Activate a coverage report using Ned Batchelder's coverage module. """ coverTests = False coverPackages = None score = 200 status = {} def options(self, parser, env): """ Add options to command line. """ Plugin.options(self, parser, env) parser.add_option("--cover-package", action="append", default=env.get('NOSE_COVER_PACKAGE'), metavar="PACKAGE", dest="cover_packages", help="Restrict coverage output to selected packages " "[NOSE_COVER_PACKAGE]") parser.add_option("--cover-erase", action="store_true", default=env.get('NOSE_COVER_ERASE'), dest="cover_erase", help="Erase previously collected coverage " "statistics before run") parser.add_option("--cover-tests", action="store_true", dest="cover_tests", default=env.get('NOSE_COVER_TESTS'), help="Include test modules in coverage report " "[NOSE_COVER_TESTS]") parser.add_option("--cover-inclusive", action="store_true", dest="cover_inclusive", default=env.get('NOSE_COVER_INCLUSIVE'), help="Include all python files under working " "directory in coverage report. Useful for " "discovering holes in test coverage if not all " "files are imported by the test suite. " "[NOSE_COVER_INCLUSIVE]") parser.add_option("--cover-html", action="store_true", default=env.get('NOSE_COVER_HTML'), dest='cover_html', help="Produce HTML coverage information") parser.add_option('--cover-html-dir', action='store', default=env.get('NOSE_COVER_HTML_DIR', 'cover'), dest='cover_html_dir', metavar='DIR', help='Produce HTML coverage information in dir') def configure(self, options, config): """ Configure plugin. """ try: self.status.pop('active') except KeyError: pass Plugin.configure(self, options, config) if self.enabled: try: import coverage except ImportError: log.error("Coverage not available: " "unable to import coverage module") self.enabled = False return self.conf = config self.coverErase = options.cover_erase self.coverTests = options.cover_tests self.coverPackages = [] if options.cover_packages: for pkgs in [tolist(x) for x in options.cover_packages]: self.coverPackages.extend(pkgs) self.coverInclusive = options.cover_inclusive if self.coverPackages: log.info("Coverage report will include only packages: %s", self.coverPackages) self.coverHtmlDir = None if options.cover_html: self.coverHtmlDir = options.cover_html_dir log.debug('Will put HTML coverage report in %s', self.coverHtmlDir) if self.enabled: self.status['active'] = True def begin(self): """ Begin recording coverage information. """ log.debug("Coverage begin") import coverage self.skipModules = sys.modules.keys()[:] if self.coverErase: log.debug("Clearing previously collected coverage statistics") coverage.erase() coverage.exclude('#pragma[: ]+[nN][oO] [cC][oO][vV][eE][rR]') coverage.start() def report(self, stream): """ Output code coverage report. """ log.debug("Coverage report") import coverage coverage.stop() modules = [ module for name, module in sys.modules.items() if self.wantModuleCoverage(name, module) ] log.debug("Coverage report will cover modules: %s", modules) coverage.report(modules, file=stream) if self.coverHtmlDir: if not os.path.exists(self.coverHtmlDir): os.makedirs(self.coverHtmlDir) log.debug("Generating HTML coverage report") files = {} for m in modules: if hasattr(m, '__name__') and hasattr(m, '__file__'): files[m.__name__] = m.__file__ coverage.annotate(files.values()) global_stats = {'covered': 0, 'missed': 0, 'skipped': 0} file_list = [] for m, f in files.iteritems(): if f.endswith('pyc'): f = f[:-1] coverfile = f+',cover' outfile, stats = self.htmlAnnotate(m, f, coverfile, self.coverHtmlDir) for field in ('covered', 'missed', 'skipped'): global_stats[field] += stats[field] file_list.append((stats['percent'], m, outfile, stats)) os.unlink(coverfile) file_list.sort() global_stats['percent'] = self.computePercent( global_stats['covered'], global_stats['missed']) # Now write out an index file for the coverage HTML index = open(os.path.join(self.coverHtmlDir, 'index.html'), 'w') index.write('Coverage Index' '

') index.write(COVERAGE_STATS_TEMPLATE % global_stats) index.write('') for junk, name, outfile, stats in file_list: stats['a'] = '%s' % (outfile, name) index.write('' % stats) index.write('
FileCoveredMissed' 'SkippedPercent
%(a)s%(covered)s' '%(missed)s%(skipped)s' '%(percent)s %%

', '>'), ('"', '"'), ): line = line.replace(old, new) if status == '!': rows.append('
' % (lineno, line)) stats['missed'] += 1 elif status == '>': rows.append('
' '
' % (lineno, line)) stats['covered'] += 1 else: rows.append('' % (lineno, line)) stats['skipped'] += 1 stats['percent'] = self.computePercent(stats['covered'], stats['missed']) html = COVERAGE_TEMPLATE % {'title': '%s' % name, 'header': name, 'body': '\n'.join(rows), 'stats': COVERAGE_STATS_TEMPLATE % stats, } outfilename = name + '.html' outfile = open(os.path.join(outputDir, outfilename), 'w') outfile.write(html) outfile.close() return outfilename, stats def computePercent(self, covered, missed): if covered + missed == 0: percent = 1 else: percent = covered/(covered+missed+0.0) return int(percent * 100) def wantModuleCoverage(self, name, module): if not hasattr(module, '__file__'): log.debug("no coverage of %s: no __file__", name) return False module_file = src(module.__file__) if not module_file or not module_file.endswith('.py'): log.debug("no coverage of %s: not a python file", name) return False if self.coverPackages: for package in self.coverPackages: if (name.startswith(package) and (self.coverTests or not self.conf.testMatch.search(name))): log.debug("coverage for %s", name) return True if name in self.skipModules: log.debug("no coverage for %s: loaded before coverage start", name) return False if self.conf.testMatch.search(name) and not self.coverTests: log.debug("no coverage for %s: is a test", name) return False # accept any package that passed the previous tests, unless # coverPackages is on -- in that case, if we wanted this # module, we would have already returned True return not self.coverPackages def wantFile(self, file, package=None): """If inclusive coverage enabled, return true for all source files in wanted packages. """ if self.coverInclusive: if file.endswith(".py"): if package and self.coverPackages: for want in self.coverPackages: if package.startswith(want): return True else: return True return None