root/galaxy-central/eggs/nose-0.11.1-py2.6.egg/nose/plugins/ @ 3

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2This plugin captures logging statements issued during test execution. When an
3error or failure occurs, the captured log messages are attached to the running
4test in the test.capturedLogging attribute, and displayed with the error failure
5output. It is enabled by default but can be turned off with the option
8You can filter captured logging statements with the ``--logging-filter`` option.
9If set, it specifies which logger(s) will be captured; loggers that do not match
10will be passed. Example: specifying ``--logging-filter=sqlalchemy,myapp``
11will ensure that only statements logged via sqlalchemy.engine, myapp
12or logger will be logged.
14You can remove other installed logging handlers with the
15``--logging-clear-handlers`` option.
18import logging
19from logging.handlers import BufferingHandler
21from nose.plugins.base import Plugin
22from nose.util import ln, safe_str
25    from cStringIO import StringIO
26except ImportError:
27    from StringIO import StringIO
29log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
32class MyMemoryHandler(BufferingHandler):
33    def __init__(self, capacity, logformat, logdatefmt, filters):
34        BufferingHandler.__init__(self, capacity)
35        fmt = logging.Formatter(logformat, logdatefmt)
36        self.setFormatter(fmt)
37        self.filters = filters
38    def flush(self):
39        pass # do nothing
40    def truncate(self):
41        self.buffer = []
42    def filter(self, record):
43        """Our custom record filtering logic.
45        Built-in filtering logic (via logging.Filter) is too limiting.
46        """
47        if not self.filters:
48            return True
49        matched = False
50        rname = # shortcut
51        for name in self.filters:
52            if rname == name or rname.startswith(name+'.'):
53                matched = True
54        return matched
57class LogCapture(Plugin):
58    """
59    Log capture plugin. Enabled by default. Disable with --nologcapture.
60    This plugin captures logging statements issued during test execution,
61    appending any output captured to the error or failure output,
62    should the test fail or raise an error.   
63    """
64    enabled = True
65    env_opt = 'NOSE_NOLOGCAPTURE'
66    name = 'logcapture'
67    score = 500
68    logformat = '%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
69    logdatefmt = None
70    clear = False
71    filters = []
73    def options(self, parser, env):
74        """Register commandline options.
75        """
76        parser.add_option(
77            "--nologcapture", action="store_false",
78            default=not env.get(self.env_opt), dest="logcapture",
79            help="Disable logging capture plugin. "
80                 "Logging configurtion will be left intact."
81                 " [NOSE_NOLOGCAPTURE]")
82        parser.add_option(
83            "--logging-format", action="store", dest="logcapture_format",
84            default=env.get('NOSE_LOGFORMAT') or self.logformat,
85            metavar="FORMAT",
86            help="Specify custom format to print statements. "
87                 "Uses the same format as used by standard logging handlers."
88                 " [NOSE_LOGFORMAT]")
89        parser.add_option(
90            "--logging-datefmt", action="store", dest="logcapture_datefmt",
91            default=env.get('NOSE_LOGDATEFMT') or self.logdatefmt,
92            metavar="FORMAT",
93            help="Specify custom date/time format to print statements. "
94                 "Uses the same format as used by standard logging handlers."
95                 " [NOSE_LOGDATEFMT]")
96        parser.add_option(
97            "--logging-filter", action="store", dest="logcapture_filters",
98            default=env.get('NOSE_LOGFILTER'),
99            metavar="FILTER",
100            help="Specify which statements to filter in/out. "
101                 "By default, everything is captured. If the output is too"
102                 " verbose,\nuse this option to filter out needless output.\n"
103                 "Example: filter=foo will capture statements issued ONLY to\n"
104                 " foo or foo.what.ever.sub but not foobar or other logger.\n"
105                 "Specify multiple loggers with comma: filter=foo,bar,baz."
106                 " [NOSE_LOGFILTER]\n")
107        parser.add_option(
108            "--logging-clear-handlers", action="store_true",
109            default=False, dest="logcapture_clear",
110            help="Clear all other logging handlers")
112    def configure(self, options, conf):
113        """Configure plugin.
114        """
115        self.conf = conf
116        # Disable if explicitly disabled, or if logging is
117        # configured via logging config file
118        if not options.logcapture or conf.loggingConfig:
119            self.enabled = False       
120        self.logformat = options.logcapture_format
121        self.logdatefmt = options.logcapture_datefmt
122        self.clear = options.logcapture_clear
123        if options.logcapture_filters:
124            self.filters = options.logcapture_filters.split(',')
126    def setupLoghandler(self):
127        # setup our handler with root logger
128        root_logger = logging.getLogger()
129        if self.clear:
130            for logger in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict.values():
131                if hasattr(logger, "handlers"):
132                    for handler in logger.handlers:
133                        logger.removeHandler(handler)
134        # make sure there isn't one already
135        # you can't simply use "if self.handler not in root_logger.handlers"
136        # since at least in unit tests this doesn't work --
137        # LogCapture() is instantiated for each test case while root_logger
138        # is module global
139        # so we always add new MyMemoryHandler instance
140        for handler in root_logger.handlers[:]:
141            if isinstance(handler, MyMemoryHandler):
142                root_logger.handlers.remove(handler)
143        root_logger.addHandler(self.handler)
144        # to make sure everything gets captured
145        root_logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
147    def begin(self):
148        """Set up logging handler before test run begins.
149        """
150        self.start()
152    def start(self):
153        self.handler = MyMemoryHandler(1000, self.logformat, self.logdatefmt,
154                                       self.filters)
155        self.setupLoghandler()
157    def end(self):
158        pass
160    def beforeTest(self, test):
161        """Clear buffers and handlers before test.
162        """
163        self.setupLoghandler()
165    def afterTest(self, test):
166        """Clear buffers after test.
167        """
168        self.handler.truncate()
170    def formatFailure(self, test, err):
171        """Add captured log messages to failure output.
172        """
173        return self.formatError(test, err)
175    def formatError(self, test, err):
176        """Add captured log messages to error output.
177        """
178        # logic flow copied from Capture.formatError
179        test.capturedLogging = records = self.formatLogRecords()
180        if not records:
181            return err
182        ec, ev, tb = err
183        return (ec, self.addCaptureToErr(ev, records), tb)
185    def formatLogRecords(self):
186        format = self.handler.format
187        return [safe_str(format(r)) for r in self.handler.buffer]
189    def addCaptureToErr(self, ev, records):
190        return '\n'.join([safe_str(ev), ln('>> begin captured logging <<')] + \
191                          records + \
192                          [ln('>> end captured logging <<')])
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。