""" Test Result ----------- Provides a TextTestResult that extends unittest._TextTestResult to provide support for error classes (such as the builtin skip and deprecated classes), and hooks for plugins to take over or extend reporting. """ import logging from unittest import _TextTestResult from nose.config import Config from nose.util import isclass, ln as _ln # backwards compat log = logging.getLogger('nose.result') def _exception_detail(exc): # this is what stdlib module traceback does try: return str(exc) except: return '' % type(exc).__name__ class TextTestResult(_TextTestResult): """Text test result that extends unittest's default test result support for a configurable set of errorClasses (eg, Skip, Deprecated, TODO) that extend the errors/failures/success triad. """ def __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity, config=None, errorClasses=None): if errorClasses is None: errorClasses = {} self.errorClasses = errorClasses if config is None: config = Config() self.config = config _TextTestResult.__init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity) def addError(self, test, err): """Overrides normal addError to add support for errorClasses. If the exception is a registered class, the error will be added to the list for that class, not errors. """ stream = getattr(self, 'stream', None) ec, ev, tb = err try: exc_info = self._exc_info_to_string(err, test) except TypeError: # 2.3 compat exc_info = self._exc_info_to_string(err) for cls, (storage, label, isfail) in self.errorClasses.items(): if isclass(ec) and issubclass(ec, cls): if isfail: test.passed = False storage.append((test, exc_info)) # Might get patched into a streamless result if stream is not None: if self.showAll: message = [label] detail = _exception_detail(err[1]) if detail: message.append(detail) stream.writeln(": ".join(message)) elif self.dots: stream.write(label[:1]) return self.errors.append((test, exc_info)) test.passed = False if stream is not None: if self.showAll: self.stream.writeln('ERROR') elif self.dots: stream.write('E') def printErrors(self): """Overrides to print all errorClasses errors as well. """ _TextTestResult.printErrors(self) for cls in self.errorClasses.keys(): storage, label, isfail = self.errorClasses[cls] if isfail: self.printErrorList(label, storage) # Might get patched into a result with no config if hasattr(self, 'config'): self.config.plugins.report(self.stream) def printSummary(self, start, stop): """Called by the test runner to print the final summary of test run results. """ write = self.stream.write writeln = self.stream.writeln taken = float(stop - start) run = self.testsRun plural = run != 1 and "s" or "" writeln(self.separator2) writeln("Ran %s test%s in %.3fs" % (run, plural, taken)) writeln() summary = {} eckeys = self.errorClasses.keys() eckeys.sort() for cls in eckeys: storage, label, isfail = self.errorClasses[cls] count = len(storage) if not count: continue summary[label] = count if len(self.failures): summary['failures'] = len(self.failures) if len(self.errors): summary['errors'] = len(self.errors) if not self.wasSuccessful(): write("FAILED") else: write("OK") items = summary.items() if items: items.sort() write(" (") write(", ".join(["%s=%s" % (label, count) for label, count in items])) writeln(")") else: writeln() def wasSuccessful(self): """Overrides to check that there are no errors in errorClasses lists that are marked as errors and should cause a run to fail. """ if self.errors or self.failures: return False for cls in self.errorClasses.keys(): storage, label, isfail = self.errorClasses[cls] if not isfail: continue if storage: return False return True def _addError(self, test, err): try: exc_info = self._exc_info_to_string(err, test) except TypeError: # 2.3: does not take test arg exc_info = self._exc_info_to_string(err) self.errors.append((test, exc_info)) if self.showAll: self.stream.write('ERROR') elif self.dots: self.stream.write('E') def _exc_info_to_string(self, err, test=None): # 2.3/2.4 -- 2.4 passes test, 2.3 does not try: return _TextTestResult._exc_info_to_string(self, err, test) except TypeError: # 2.3: does not take test arg return _TextTestResult._exc_info_to_string(self, err) def ln(*arg, **kw): from warnings import warn warn("ln() has moved to nose.util from nose.result and will be removed " "from nose.result in a future release. Please update your imports ", DeprecationWarning) return _ln(*arg, **kw)