"""Hashing algorithms Hash functions take arbitrary strings as input, and produce an output of fixed size that is dependent on the input; it should never be possible to derive the input data given only the hash function's output. Hash functions can be used simply as a checksum, or, in association with a public-key algorithm, can be used to implement digital signatures. The hashing modules here all support the interface described in PEP 247, "API for Cryptographic Hash Functions". Submodules: Crypto.Hash.HMAC RFC 2104: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication Crypto.Hash.MD2 Crypto.Hash.MD4 Crypto.Hash.MD5 Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD Crypto.Hash.SHA """ __all__ = ['HMAC', 'MD2', 'MD4', 'MD5', 'RIPEMD', 'SHA', 'SHA256'] __revision__ = "$Id: __init__.py,v 1.6 2003/12/19 14:24:25 akuchling Exp $"