""" wsgi_intercept.WSGI_HTTPConnection is a replacement for httplib.HTTPConnection that intercepts certain HTTP connections into a WSGI application. Use 'add_wsgi_intercept' and 'remove_wsgi_intercept' to control this behavior. """ import sys from httplib import HTTPConnection import urllib from cStringIO import StringIO import traceback debuglevel = 0 # 1 basic # 2 verbose #### # # Specify which hosts/ports to target for interception to a given WSGI app. # # For simplicity's sake, intercept ENTIRE host/port combinations; # intercepting only specific URL subtrees gets complicated, because we don't # have that information in the HTTPConnection.connect() function that does the # redirection. # # format: key=(host, port), value=(create_app, top_url) # # (top_url becomes the SCRIPT_NAME) _wsgi_intercept = {} def add_wsgi_intercept(host, port, app_create_fn, script_name=''): """ Add a WSGI intercept call for host:port, using the app returned by app_create_fn with a SCRIPT_NAME of 'script_name' (default ''). """ _wsgi_intercept[(host, port)] = (app_create_fn, script_name) def remove_wsgi_intercept(host, port): """ Remove the WSGI intercept call for (host, port). """ key = (host, port) if _wsgi_intercept.has_key(key): del _wsgi_intercept[key] # # make_environ: behave like a Web server. Take in 'input', and behave # as if you're bound to 'host' and 'port'; build an environment dict # for the WSGI app. # # This is where the magic happens, folks. # def make_environ(inp, host, port, script_name): """ Take 'inp' as if it were HTTP-speak being received on host:port, and parse it into a WSGI-ok environment dictionary. Return the dictionary. Set 'SCRIPT_NAME' from the 'script_name' input, and, if present, remove it from the beginning of the PATH_INFO variable. """ # # parse the input up to the first blank line (or its end). # environ = {} method_line = inp.readline() content_type = None content_length = None cookies = [] for line in inp: if not line.strip(): break k, v = line.strip().split(':', 1) v = v.lstrip() # # take care of special headers, and for the rest, put them # into the environ with HTTP_ in front. # if k.lower() == 'content-type': content_type = v elif k.lower() == 'content-length': content_length = v elif k.lower() == 'cookie' or k.lower() == 'cookie2': cookies.append(v) else: h = k.upper() h = h.replace('-', '_') environ['HTTP_' + h] = v if debuglevel >= 2: print 'HEADER:', k, v # # decode the method line # if debuglevel >= 2: print 'METHOD LINE:', method_line method, url, protocol = method_line.split(' ') # clean the script_name off of the url, if it's there. if not url.startswith(script_name): script_name = '' # @CTB what to do -- bad URL. scrap? else: url = url[len(script_name):] url = url.split('?', 1) path_info = urllib.unquote_plus(url[0]) query_string = "" if len(url) == 2: query_string = urllib.unquote_plus(url[1]) if debuglevel: print "method: %s; script_name: %s; path_info: %s; query_string: %s" % (method, script_name, path_info, query_string) r = inp.read() inp = StringIO(r) # # fill out our dictionary. # environ.update({ "wsgi.version" : (1,0), "wsgi.url_scheme": "http", "wsgi.input" : inp, # to read for POSTs "wsgi.errors" : StringIO(), "wsgi.multithread" : 0, "wsgi.multiprocess" : 0, "wsgi.run_once" : 0, "REQUEST_METHOD" : method, "SCRIPT_NAME" : script_name, "PATH_INFO" : path_info, "SERVER_NAME" : host, "SERVER_PORT" : str(port), "SERVER_PROTOCOL" : protocol, "REMOTE_ADDR" : '', }) # # query_string, content_type & length are optional. # if query_string: environ['QUERY_STRING'] = query_string else: environ['QUERY_STRING'] = '' if content_type: environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = content_type if debuglevel >= 2: print 'CONTENT-TYPE:', content_type if content_length: environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = content_length if debuglevel >= 2: print 'CONTENT-LENGTH:', content_length # # handle cookies. # if cookies: environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = "; ".join(cookies) if debuglevel: print 'WSGI environ dictionary:', environ return environ # # fake socket for WSGI intercept stuff. # class wsgi_fake_socket: """ Handle HTTP traffic and stuff into a WSGI application object instead. Note that this class assumes: 1. 'makefile' is called (by the response class) only after all of the data has been sent to the socket by the request class; 2. non-persistent (i.e. non-HTTP/1.1) connections. """ def __init__(self, app, host, port, script_name): self.app = app # WSGI app object self.host = host self.port = port self.script_name = script_name # SCRIPT_NAME (app mount point) self.inp = StringIO() # stuff written into this "socket" self.write_results = [] # results from the 'write_fn' self.results = None # results from running the app self.output = StringIO() # all output from the app, incl headers def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs): """ 'makefile' is called by the HTTPResponse class once all of the data has been written. So, in this interceptor class, we need to: 1. build a start_response function that grabs all the headers returned by the WSGI app; 2. create a wsgi.input file object 'inp', containing all of the traffic; 3. build an environment dict out of the traffic in inp; 4. run the WSGI app & grab the result object; 5. concatenate & return the result(s) read from the result object. """ # dynamically construct the start_response function for no good reason. def start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): # construct the HTTP request. self.output.write("HTTP/1.0 " + status + "\n") for k, v in headers: self.output.write('%s: %s\n' % (k, v,)) self.output.write('\n') def write_fn(s): self.write_results.append(s) return write_fn # construct the wsgi.input file from everything that's been # written to this "socket". inp = StringIO(self.inp.getvalue()) # build the environ dictionary. environ = make_environ(inp, self.host, self.port, self.script_name) # run the application. app_result = self.app(environ, start_response) self.result = iter(app_result) ### # read all of the results. the trick here is to get the *first* # bit of data from the app via the generator, *then* grab & return # the data passed back from the 'write' function, and then return # the generator data. this is because the 'write' fn doesn't # necessarily get called until the first result is requested from # the app function. # # see twill tests, 'test_wrapper_intercept' for a test that breaks # if this is done incorrectly. try: generator_data = None try: generator_data = self.result.next() finally: for data in self.write_results: self.output.write(data) if generator_data: self.output.write(generator_data) while 1: data = self.result.next() self.output.write(data) except StopIteration: pass if hasattr(app_result, 'close'): app_result.close() if debuglevel >= 2: print "***", self.output.getvalue(), "***" # return the concatenated results. return StringIO(self.output.getvalue()) def sendall(self, str): """ Save all the traffic to self.inp. """ if debuglevel >= 2: print ">>>", str, ">>>" self.inp.write(str) def close(self): "Do nothing, for now." pass # # WSGI_HTTPConnection # class WSGI_HTTPConnection(HTTPConnection): """ Intercept all traffic to certain hosts & redirect into a WSGI application object. """ def get_app(self, host, port): """ Return the app object for the given (host, port). """ key = (host, int(port)) app, script_name = None, None if _wsgi_intercept.has_key(key): (app_fn, script_name) = _wsgi_intercept[key] app = app_fn() return app, script_name def connect(self): """ Override the connect() function to intercept calls to certain host/ports. """ if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('connect: %s, %s\n' % (self.host, self.port,)) try: (app, script_name) = self.get_app(self.host, self.port) if app: if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('INTERCEPTING call to %s:%s\n' % \ (self.host, self.port,)) self.sock = wsgi_fake_socket(app, self.host, self.port, script_name) else: HTTPConnection.connect(self) except Exception, e: if debuglevel: # intercept & print out tracebacks traceback.print_exc() raise ### DEBUGGING CODE -- to help me figure out communications stuff. ### # (ignore me, please) ''' import socket class file_wrapper: def __init__(self, fp): self.fp = fp def readline(self): d = self.fp.readline() if debuglevel: print 'file_wrapper readline:', d return d def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): d = self.fp.next() if debuglevel: print 'file_wrapper next:', d return d def read(self, *args): d = self.fp.read(*args) if debuglevel: print 'file_wrapper read:', d return d def close(self): if debuglevel: print 'file_wrapper close' self.fp.close() class intercept_socket: """ A socket that intercepts everything written to it & read from it. """ def __init__(self): for res in socket.getaddrinfo("floating.caltech.edu", 80, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res self.sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) self._open = True self.sock.connect(sa) break def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs): fp = self.sock.makefile('rb', 0) return file_wrapper(fp) def sendall(self, str): if not self._open: raise Exception return self.sock.sendall(str) def close(self): self._open = False '''