# converter for ldreduced rgenetics datatype # used for grr and eigenstrat - shellfish if we get around to it # import os,sys,tempfile,subprocess,time from galaxy import eggs prog="pbed_ldreduced_converter.py" galhtmlprefix = """
""" plinke = 'plink' def timenow(): """return current time as a string """ return time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) def pruneLD(plinktasks=[],cd='./',vclbase = []): """ """ fplog,plog = tempfile.mkstemp() alog = [] alog.append('## Rgenetics: http://rgenetics.org Galaxy Tools rgQC.py Plink pruneLD runner\n') for task in plinktasks: # each is a list vcl = vclbase + task sto = file(plog,'w') x = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=cd) retval = x.wait() sto.close() try: lplog = file(plog,'r').readlines() lplog = [x for x in lplog if x.find('Pruning SNP') == -1] alog += lplog alog.append('\n') os.unlink(plog) # no longer needed except: alog.append('### %s Strange - no std out from plink when running command line\n%s\n' % (timenow(),' '.join(vcl))) return alog def makeLDreduced(basename,infpath=None,outfpath=None,plinke='plink',forcerebuild=False,returnFname=False, winsize="60", winmove="40", r2thresh="0.1" ): """ not there so make and leave in output dir for post job hook to copy back into input extra files path for next time """ ldr = basename # we store ld reduced and thinned data ldreduced = os.path.join(outfpath,ldr) # note where this is going outbase = os.path.join(outfpath,basename) inbase = os.path.join(infpath) loglines = [] ldbedname = '%s.bed' % ldreduced bedname = '%s.bed' % basename ldbedfn = os.path.join(infpath,ldbedname) bedfn = os.path.join(infpath,bedname) bmap = os.path.join(infpath,'%s.bim' % basename) plinktasks = [] vclbase = [plinke,'--noweb'] plinktasks += [['--bfile',inbase,'--indep-pairwise %s %s %s' % (winsize,winmove,r2thresh),'--out %s' % outbase], ['--bfile',inbase,'--extract %s.prune.in --make-bed --out %s' % (outbase, outbase)]] vclbase = [plinke,'--noweb'] loglines = pruneLD(plinktasks=plinktasks,cd=outfpath,vclbase = vclbase) def main(): """ need to work with rgenetics composite datatypes so in and out are html files with data in extrafiles path pbed_ldreduced_converter.py '$input1.extra_files_path/$input1.metadata.base_name' '$winsize' '$winmove' '$r2thresh' '$output1' '$output1.files_path' 'plink' """ nparm = 7 if len(sys.argv) < nparm: sys.stderr.write('## %s called with %s - needs %d parameters \n' % (prog,sys.argv,nparm)) sys.exit(1) inpedfilepath = sys.argv[1] base_name = os.path.split(inpedfilepath)[-1] winsize = sys.argv[2] winmove = sys.argv[3] r2thresh = sys.argv[4] outhtmlname = sys.argv[5] outfilepath = sys.argv[6] try: os.makedirs(outfilepath) except: pass plink = sys.argv[7] makeLDreduced(base_name,infpath=inpedfilepath,outfpath=outfilepath,plinke=plink,forcerebuild=False,returnFname=False, winsize=winsize,winmove=winmove,r2thresh=r2thresh) f = file(outhtmlname,'w') f.write(galhtmlprefix % prog) flist = os.listdir(outfilepath) s1 = '## Rgenetics: http://rgenetics.org Galaxy Tools %s %s' % (prog,timenow()) # becomes info s2 = 'Input %s, winsize=%s, winmove=%s, r2thresh=%s' % (base_name,winsize,winmove,r2thresh) print '%s %s' % (s1,s2) f.write('
    ' % (s1,s2)) for i, data in enumerate( flist ): f.write('
  1. %s
  2. \n' % (os.path.split(data)[-1],os.path.split(data)[-1])) f.write("
") f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()