""" Manage Galaxy eggs """ import os, sys, subprocess from scramble import ScrambleEgg, ScrambleCrate, ScrambleFailure, galaxy_dir, py from __init__ import Crate, CaseSensitiveConfigParser import logging log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) log.addHandler( logging.NullHandler() ) class DistScrambleEgg( ScrambleEgg ): def set_dir( self ): self.dir = os.path.join( galaxy_dir, 'dist-eggs', self.name ) if not os.path.exists( self.dir ): os.makedirs( self.dir ) @property def path( self ): # don't look for compatible eggs, look for exact matches if os.path.exists( self.distribution.location ): return self.distribution.location return None def run_scramble_script( self ): log.warning( "%s(): Beginning build" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) # subprocessed to sterilize the env cmd = "ssh %s 'cd %s; PYTHONPATH= %s -ES %s'" % ( self.build_host, self.buildpath, self.python, 'scramble.py' ) log.debug( '%s(): Executing:' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.debug( ' %s' % cmd ) p = subprocess.Popen( args = cmd, shell = True ) r = p.wait() if r != 0: raise ScrambleFailure( "%s(): Egg build failed for %s %s" % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.name, self.version ) ) def unpack_if_needed( self ): return # do not unpack dist eggs class DistScrambleCrate( ScrambleCrate ): """ Holds eggs with info on how to build them for distribution. """ dist_config_file = os.path.join( galaxy_dir, 'dist-eggs.ini' ) def __init__( self, build_on='all' ): self.dist_config = CaseSensitiveConfigParser() self.build_on = build_on ScrambleCrate.__init__( self ) def parse( self ): self.dist_config.read( DistScrambleCrate.dist_config_file ) self.hosts = dict( self.dist_config.items( 'hosts' ) ) self.groups = dict( self.dist_config.items( 'groups' ) ) self.ignore = dict( self.dist_config.items( 'ignore' ) ) self.platforms = self.get_platforms( self.build_on ) self.noplatforms = self.get_platforms( 'noplatform' ) Crate.parse( self ) def get_platforms( self, wanted ): # find all the members of a group and process them if self.groups.has_key( wanted ): platforms = [] for name in self.groups[wanted].split(): for platform in self.get_platforms( name ): if platform not in platforms: platforms.append( platform ) return platforms elif self.hosts.has_key( wanted ): return [ wanted ] else: raise Exception( "unknown platform: %s" % wanted ) def parse_egg_section( self, eggs, tags, full_platform=False ): for name, version in eggs: self.eggs[name] = [] tag = dict( tags ).get( name, '' ) url = '/'.join( ( self.repo, name ) ) try: sources = self.config.get( 'source', name ).split() except: sources = [] try: dependencies = self.config.get( 'dependencies', name ).split() except: dependencies = [] if full_platform: platforms = self.platforms else: platforms = self.noplatforms for platform in platforms: if name in self.ignore and platform in self.ignore[name].split(): continue egg = DistScrambleEgg( name, version, tag, url, platform ) host_info = self.hosts[platform].split() egg.build_host, egg.python = host_info[:2] egg.sources = sources egg.dependencies = dependencies self.eggs[name].append( egg )