""" Manage Galaxy eggs """ import os, sys, shutil, tempfile, subprocess, urlparse, urllib from __init__ import Egg, Crate, URLRetriever, galaxy_dir, py, unpack_zipfile, EggNotFetchable from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var import tarfile, zipfile, zlib arctypes = ( 'tar.gz', 'tgz', 'zip' ) import logging log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) log.addHandler( logging.NullHandler() ) import pkg_resources class ScrambleFailure( Exception ): def __init__( self, eggs, msg=None ): if type( eggs ) in ( list, tuple ): self.eggs = eggs else: self.eggs = [ eggs ] self.msg = msg def __str__( self ): return self.msg or ' '.join( self.eggs ) class ScrambleEgg( Egg ): """ Contains information about scrambling eggs. """ scramble_dir = os.path.join( galaxy_dir, 'scripts', 'scramble' ) archive_dir = os.path.join( scramble_dir, 'archives' ) script_dir = os.path.join( scramble_dir, 'scripts' ) build_dir = os.path.join( scramble_dir, 'build' ) ez_setup = os.path.join( scramble_dir, 'lib', 'ez_setup.py' ) ez_setup_url = 'http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py' def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Egg.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) self.sources = [] self.dependencies = [] self.buildpath = None self.source_path = None self.py = py self.build_host = None self.python = sys.executable def scramble( self ): if self.path: log.warning( "%s(): Egg already exists, remove to force rebuild:" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.warning( " %s" % self.path ) return self.fetch_source() self.unpack_source() self.copy_build_script() if not os.path.exists( ScrambleEgg.ez_setup ): URLRetriever().retrieve( ScrambleEgg.ez_setup_url, ScrambleEgg.ez_setup ) shutil.copyfile( ScrambleEgg.ez_setup, os.path.join( self.buildpath, 'ez_setup.py' ) ) self.run_scramble_script() new_egg = os.path.join( self.buildpath, 'dist', os.path.basename( self.distribution.location ) ) if not os.path.exists( new_egg ): raise ScrambleFailure( self, "%s(): Egg build for %s did not appear to fail, but no egg found to copy from expected path:\n %s" % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.name, new_egg ) ) shutil.copyfile( new_egg, self.distribution.location ) log.warning( "%s(): Copied egg to:" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.warning( " %s" % self.distribution.location ) self.unpack_if_needed() self.remove_doppelgangers() # scramble helper methods def get_tld( self, names ): tld = names[0].split( os.path.sep, 1 )[0] for name in names: try: assert tld == name.split( os.path.sep, 1 )[0] except: raise Exception( "%s(): Archive contains multiple top-level directories!" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) return tld def fetch_one( self, urls ): """ Fetches the first available archive out of a list. """ for url in urls: file = os.path.join( ScrambleEgg.archive_dir, ( urllib.unquote( url ).rsplit( '/', 1 ) )[-1] ) if os.path.exists( file ): log.warning( "%s(): Using existing source, remove to download again:" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.warning( " %s" % file ) return file # if we don't have one, get one for url in urls: file = os.path.join( ScrambleEgg.archive_dir, ( urllib.unquote( url ).rsplit( '/', 1 ) )[-1] ) try: log.debug( "%s(): Trying to fetch:" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.debug( " %s" % url ) URLRetriever().retrieve( url, file + '.download' ) shutil.move( file + '.download', file ) log.debug( "%s(): Fetched to:" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.debug( " %s" % file ) return file except IOError, e: if e[1] != 404: raise else: return None def fetch_source( self ): """ Get egg (and dependent) source """ if not os.path.exists( ScrambleEgg.archive_dir ): os.makedirs( ScrambleEgg.archive_dir ) urls = [] url_base = self.url + '/' + '-'.join( ( self.name, self.version ) ) urls.extend( map( lambda x: '.'.join( ( url_base, x ) ), arctypes ) ) if self.tag: urls.extend( map( lambda x: '.'.join( ( url_base + self.tag, x ) ), arctypes ) ) self.source_path = self.fetch_one( urls ) if self.source_path is None: raise Exception( "%s(): Couldn't find a suitable source archive for %s %s from %s" % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.name, self.version, self.url ) ) for url in self.sources: if not urlparse.urlparse( url )[0]: url = self.url + '/' + url.lstrip( '/' ) urls = [ url ] urls.extend( map( lambda x: '.'.join( ( url, x ) ), arctypes ) ) # allows leaving off the extension and we'll try to find one file = self.fetch_one( urls ) if file is None: raise Exception( "%s(): Couldn't fetch extra source for %s, check path in %s. URL(s) attempted output above." % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.name, Crate.config_file, ) ) def unpack_source( self ): unpack_dir = os.path.join( ScrambleEgg.build_dir, self.platform ) if not os.path.exists( unpack_dir ): os.makedirs( unpack_dir ) self.buildpath = os.path.join( unpack_dir, self.name ) if os.path.exists( self.buildpath ): log.warning( "%s(): Removing old build directory at:" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.warning( " %s" % self.buildpath ) shutil.rmtree( self.buildpath ) if tarfile.is_tarfile( self.source_path ): self.unpack_tar() elif zipfile.is_zipfile( self.source_path ): self.unpack_zip() else: raise Exception( "%s(): Unknown archive file type for %s" % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, source_path ) ) log.warning( "%s(): Unpacked to:" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.warning( " %s" % self.buildpath ) def unpack_zip( self ): unpack_path = os.path.dirname( self.buildpath ) tld = self.get_tld( zipfile.ZipFile( self.source_path, 'r' ).namelist() ) unpack_zipfile( self.source_path, unpack_path, ( 'ez_setup', ) ) os.rename( os.path.join( unpack_path, tld ), self.buildpath ) def unpack_tar( self ): unpack_path = os.path.dirname( self.buildpath ) t = tarfile.open( self.source_path, "r" ) members = filter( lambda x: "ez_setup" not in x.name and "pax_global_header" != x.name, t.getmembers() ) tld = self.get_tld( [ x.name for x in members ] ) cur = os.getcwd() os.chdir( unpack_path ) for member in members: t.extract( member ) t.close() os.rename( tld, self.name ) os.chdir( cur ) def copy_build_script( self ): # will try: # bx_python-py2.4-solaris-2.11-i86pc.py # bx_python-py2.4-solaris.py # bx_python-solaris-2.11-i86pc.py # bx_python-solaris.py # bx_python-py2.4.py # bx_python.py # generic.py platform = self.platform.replace( '-ucs2', '' ).replace( '-ucs4', '' ) # ucs is unimportant here build_scripts = ( "%s-%s.py" % ( self.name, platform ), "%s-%s.py" % ( self.name, '-'.join( platform.split( '-' )[:2] ) ), "%s-%s.py" % ( self.name, '-'.join( platform.split( '-' )[1:] ) ), "%s-%s.py" % ( self.name, platform.split( '-' )[:2][-1] ), "%s-%s.py" % ( self.name, platform.split( '-' )[0] ), "%s.py" % self.name, "generic.py" ) for build_script in build_scripts: build_script = os.path.join( ScrambleEgg.script_dir, build_script ) if os.path.exists( build_script ): log.warning( "%s(): Using build script %s" % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, build_script ) ) break shutil.copyfile( build_script, os.path.join( self.buildpath, "scramble.py" ) ) verfile = open( os.path.join( self.buildpath, ".galaxy_ver" ), "w" ) verfile.write( self.version + '\n' ) verfile.close() if self.tag is not None: tagfile = open( os.path.join( self.buildpath, ".galaxy_tag" ), "w" ) tagfile.write( self.tag + '\n' ) tagfile.close() if self.dependencies: depfile = open( os.path.join( self.buildpath, ".galaxy_deps" ), "w" ) for dependency in self.dependencies: depfile.write( dependency + '\n' ) depfile.close() def run_scramble_script( self ): log.warning( "%s(): Beginning build" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) # subprocessed to sterilize the env cmd = "%s -ES %s" % ( self.python, "scramble.py" ) log.debug( '%s(): Executing in %s:' % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.buildpath ) ) log.debug( ' %s' % cmd ) p = subprocess.Popen( args = cmd, shell = True, cwd = self.buildpath ) r = p.wait() if r != 0: if sys.platform == 'sunos5' and get_config_var('CC').endswith('pycc') and not os.environ.get( 'PYCC_CC', None ): log.error( "%s(): Your python interpreter was compiled with Sun's pycc" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) log.error( " pseudo-compiler. You may need to set PYCC_CC and PYCC_CXX in your" ) log.error( " environment if your compiler is in a non-standard location." ) raise ScrambleFailure( self, "%s(): Egg build failed for %s %s" % ( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.name, self.version ) ) class ScrambleCrate( Crate ): """ Reads the eggs.ini file for use with scrambling eggs. """ def parse( self ): Crate.parse( self ) # get dependency sources for egg in self.eggs.values(): try: egg.sources = self.config.get( "source", egg.name ).split() except: egg.sources = [] try: egg.dependencies = self.config.get( "dependencies", egg.name ).split() except: egg.dependencies = [] def parse_egg_section( self, *args, **kwargs ): kwargs['egg_class'] = ScrambleEgg Crate.parse_egg_section( self, *args, **kwargs ) def scramble( self, all=False ): if all: eggs = self.all_eggs else: eggs = self.config_eggs eggs = filter( lambda x: x.name not in self.no_auto, eggs ) failed = [] for egg in eggs: try: egg.scramble() except Exception, e: failed.append( egg ) last_exc = e if failed: if len( failed ) == 1: raise last_exc # only 1 failure out of the crate, be more informative else: raise ScrambleFailure( failed )