import os, logging, threading, time from datetime import timedelta from Queue import Queue, Empty from galaxy import model from import nice_size from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch from paste.deploy.converters import asbool import pkg_resources try: pkg_resources.require( "pbs_python" ) pbs = __import__( "pbs" ) except: pbs = None log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) pbs_template = """#!/bin/sh GALAXY_LIB="%s" if [ "$GALAXY_LIB" != "None" ]; then if [ -n "$PYTHONPATH" ]; then export PYTHONPATH="$GALAXY_LIB:$PYTHONPATH" else export PYTHONPATH="$GALAXY_LIB" fi fi cd %s %s """ pbs_symlink_template = """#!/bin/sh GALAXY_LIB="%s" if [ "$GALAXY_LIB" != "None" ]; then if [ -n "$PYTHONPATH" ]; then export PYTHONPATH="$GALAXY_LIB:$PYTHONPATH" else export PYTHONPATH="$GALAXY_LIB" fi fi for dataset in %s; do dir=`dirname $dataset` file=`basename $dataset` [ ! -d $dir ] && mkdir -p $dir [ ! -e $dataset ] && ln -s %s/$file $dataset done cd %s %s """ # From pbs' job.h JOB_EXIT_STATUS = { 0: "job exec successful", -1: "job exec failed, before files, no retry", -2: "job exec failed, after files, no retry", -3: "job execution failed, do retry", -4: "job aborted on MOM initialization", -5: "job aborted on MOM init, chkpt, no migrate", -6: "job aborted on MOM init, chkpt, ok migrate", -7: "job restart failed", -8: "exec() of user command failed", } class PBSJobState( object ): def __init__( self ): """ Encapsulates state related to a job that is being run via PBS and that we need to monitor. """ self.job_wrapper = None self.job_id = None self.old_state = None self.running = False self.job_file = None self.ofile = None self.efile = None self.runner_url = None self.check_count = 0 self.stop_job = False class PBSJobRunner( object ): """ Job runner backed by a finite pool of worker threads. FIFO scheduling """ STOP_SIGNAL = object() def __init__( self, app ): """Initialize this job runner and start the monitor thread""" # Check if PBS was importable, fail if not if pbs is None: raise Exception( "PBSJobRunner requires pbs-python which was not found" ) if app.config.pbs_application_server and app.config.outputs_to_working_directory: raise Exception( "pbs_application_server (file staging) and outputs_to_working_directory options are mutually exclusive" ) = app self.sa_session = app.model.context # 'watched' and 'queue' are both used to keep track of jobs to watch. # 'queue' is used to add new watched jobs, and can be called from # any thread (usually by the 'queue_job' method). 'watched' must only # be modified by the monitor thread, which will move items from 'queue' # to 'watched' and then manage the watched jobs. self.watched = [] self.monitor_queue = Queue() # set the default server during startup self.default_pbs_server = None self.determine_pbs_server( 'pbs:///' ) self.job_walltime = None if is not None: h, m, s = [ int( v ) for v in ':' ) ] self.job_walltime = timedelta( 0, s, 0, 0, m, h ) self.monitor_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.monitor ) self.monitor_thread.start() self.work_queue = Queue() self.work_threads = [] nworkers = app.config.cluster_job_queue_workers for i in range( nworkers ): worker = threading.Thread( target=self.run_next ) worker.start() self.work_threads.append( worker ) log.debug( "%d workers ready" % nworkers ) def determine_pbs_server( self, url, rewrite = False ): """Determine what PBS server we are connecting to""" url_split = url.split("/") server = url_split[2] if server == "": if not self.default_pbs_server: self.default_pbs_server = pbs.pbs_default() log.debug( "Set default PBS server to %s" % self.default_pbs_server ) server = self.default_pbs_server url_split[2] = server if server is None: raise Exception( "Could not find torque server" ) if rewrite: return ( server, "/".join( url_split ) ) else: return server def determine_pbs_queue( self, url ): """Determine what PBS queue we are submitting to""" try: return url.split('/')[3] or None except: return None def determine_pbs_options( self, url ): try: opts = url.split('/')[4].strip().lstrip('-').split(' -') assert opts != [''] except: return [] rval = [] for opt in opts: name, value = opt.split( None, 1 ) if name == 'l': resource_attrs = value.split(',') for j, ( res, val ) in enumerate( [ a.split('=', 1) for a in resource_attrs ] ): rval.append( dict( name = pbs.ATTR_l, value = val, resource = res ) ) else: rval.append( dict( name = getattr( pbs, 'ATTR_' + name ), value = value ) ) return rval def run_next( self ): """ Run the next item in the queue (a job waiting to run or finish ) """ while 1: ( op, obj ) = self.work_queue.get() if op is self.STOP_SIGNAL: return try: if op == 'queue': self.queue_job( obj ) elif op == 'finish': self.finish_job( obj ) elif op == 'fail': self.fail_job( obj ) except: log.exception( "Uncaught exception %sing job" % op ) def queue_job( self, job_wrapper ): """Create PBS script for a job and submit it to the PBS queue""" try: job_wrapper.prepare() command_line = job_wrapper.get_command_line() except: "failure preparing job", exception=True ) log.exception("failure running job %d" % job_wrapper.job_id) return runner_url = job_wrapper.tool.job_runner # This is silly, why would we queue a job with no command line? if not command_line: job_wrapper.finish( '', '' ) return # Check for deletion before we change state if job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.DELETED: log.debug( "Job %s deleted by user before it entered the PBS queue" % job_wrapper.job_id ) job_wrapper.cleanup() return ( pbs_server_name, runner_url ) = self.determine_pbs_server( runner_url, rewrite = True ) pbs_queue_name = self.determine_pbs_queue( runner_url ) pbs_options = self.determine_pbs_options( runner_url ) c = pbs.pbs_connect( pbs_server_name ) if c <= 0: errno, text = pbs.error() "Unable to queue job for execution. Resubmitting the job may succeed." ) log.error( "Connection to PBS server for submit failed: %s: %s" % ( errno, text ) ) return # define job attributes ofile = "%s/%s.o" % (, job_wrapper.job_id) efile = "%s/%s.e" % (, job_wrapper.job_id) output_fnames = job_wrapper.get_output_fnames() # If an application server is set, we're staging if pbs_ofile = + ':' + ofile pbs_efile = + ':' + efile output_files = [ str( o ) for o in output_fnames ] stagein = self.get_stage_in_out( job_wrapper.get_input_fnames() + output_files, symlink=True ) stageout = self.get_stage_in_out( output_files ) attrs = [ dict( name = pbs.ATTR_o, value = pbs_ofile ), dict( name = pbs.ATTR_e, value = pbs_efile ), dict( name = pbs.ATTR_stagein, value = stagein ), dict( name = pbs.ATTR_stageout, value = stageout ), ] # If not, we're using NFS else: attrs = [ dict( name = pbs.ATTR_o, value = ofile ), dict( name = pbs.ATTR_e, value = efile ), ] # define PBS job options attrs.append( dict( name = pbs.ATTR_N, value = str( "%s_%s_%s" % ( job_wrapper.job_id,, job_wrapper.user ) ) ) ) job_attrs = pbs.new_attropl( len( attrs ) + len( pbs_options ) ) for i, attr in enumerate( attrs + pbs_options ): job_attrs[i].name = attr['name'] job_attrs[i].value = attr['value'] if 'resource' in attr: job_attrs[i].resource = attr['resource'] exec_dir = os.path.abspath( job_wrapper.working_directory ) # write the job script if != '': script = pbs_symlink_template % (job_wrapper.galaxy_lib_dir, " ".join(job_wrapper.get_input_fnames() + output_files),, exec_dir, command_line) else: script = pbs_template % ( job_wrapper.galaxy_lib_dir, exec_dir, command_line ) if script += "cd %s\n" % os.path.abspath( os.getcwd() ) script += "%s\n" % job_wrapper.setup_external_metadata( exec_dir = os.path.abspath( os.getcwd() ), tmp_dir =, dataset_files_path =, output_fnames = output_fnames, set_extension = False, kwds = { 'overwrite' : False } ) #we don't want to overwrite metadata that was copied over in init_meta(), as per established behavior job_file = "%s/" % (, job_wrapper.job_id) fh = file(job_file, "w") fh.write(script) fh.close() # job was deleted while we were preparing it if job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.DELETED: log.debug( "Job %s deleted by user before it entered the PBS queue" % job_wrapper.job_id ) pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) self.cleanup( ( ofile, efile, job_file ) ) job_wrapper.cleanup() return # submit galaxy_job_id = job_wrapper.job_id log.debug("(%s) submitting file %s" % ( galaxy_job_id, job_file ) ) log.debug("(%s) command is: %s" % ( galaxy_job_id, command_line ) ) job_id = pbs.pbs_submit(c, job_attrs, job_file, pbs_queue_name, None) pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) # check to see if it submitted if not job_id: errno, text = pbs.error() log.debug( "(%s) pbs_submit failed, PBS error %d: %s" % (galaxy_job_id, errno, text) ) "Unable to run this job due to a cluster error" ) return if pbs_queue_name is None: log.debug("(%s) queued in default queue as %s" % (galaxy_job_id, job_id) ) else: log.debug("(%s) queued in %s queue as %s" % (galaxy_job_id, pbs_queue_name, job_id) ) # store runner information for tracking if Galaxy restarts job_wrapper.set_runner( runner_url, job_id ) # Store PBS related state information for job pbs_job_state = PBSJobState() pbs_job_state.job_wrapper = job_wrapper pbs_job_state.job_id = job_id pbs_job_state.ofile = ofile pbs_job_state.efile = efile pbs_job_state.job_file = job_file pbs_job_state.old_state = 'N' pbs_job_state.running = False pbs_job_state.runner_url = runner_url # Add to our 'queue' of jobs to monitor self.monitor_queue.put( pbs_job_state ) def monitor( self ): """ Watches jobs currently in the PBS queue and deals with state changes (queued to running) and job completion """ while 1: # Take any new watched jobs and put them on the monitor list try: while 1: pbs_job_state = self.monitor_queue.get_nowait() if pbs_job_state is self.STOP_SIGNAL: # TODO: This is where any cleanup would occur return self.watched.append( pbs_job_state ) except Empty: pass # Iterate over the list of watched jobs and check state try: self.check_watched_items() except: log.exception( "Uncaught exception checking jobs" ) # Sleep a bit before the next state check time.sleep( 1 ) def check_watched_items( self ): """ Called by the monitor thread to look at each watched job and deal with state changes. """ new_watched = [] # reduce pbs load by batching status queries ( failures, statuses ) = self.check_all_jobs() for pbs_job_state in self.watched: job_id = pbs_job_state.job_id galaxy_job_id = pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.job_id old_state = pbs_job_state.old_state pbs_server_name = self.determine_pbs_server( pbs_job_state.runner_url ) if pbs_server_name in failures: log.debug( "(%s/%s) Skipping state check because PBS server connection failed" % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id ) ) new_watched.append( pbs_job_state ) continue try: status = statuses[job_id] except KeyError: try: # Recheck to make sure it wasn't a communication problem self.check_single_job( pbs_server_name, job_id ) log.warning( "(%s/%s) PBS job was not in state check list, but was found with individual state check" % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id ) ) new_watched.append( pbs_job_state ) except: errno, text = pbs.error() if errno == 15001: # 15001 == job not in queue log.debug("(%s/%s) PBS job has left queue" % (galaxy_job_id, job_id) ) self.work_queue.put( ( 'finish', pbs_job_state ) ) else: # Unhandled error, continue to monitor"(%s/%s) PBS state check resulted in error (%d): %s" % (galaxy_job_id, job_id, errno, text) ) new_watched.append( pbs_job_state ) continue if status.job_state != old_state: log.debug("(%s/%s) PBS job state changed from %s to %s" % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id, old_state, status.job_state ) ) if status.job_state == "R" and not pbs_job_state.running: pbs_job_state.running = True pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.change_state( model.Job.states.RUNNING ) if status.job_state == "R" and ( pbs_job_state.check_count % 20 ) == 0: # Every 20th time the job status is checked, do limit checks (if configured) if > 0: # Check the size of the job outputs fail = False for outfile, size in pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.check_output_sizes(): if size > pbs_job_state.fail_message = 'Job output grew too large (greater than %s), please try different job parameters or' \ % nice_size( ) log.warning( '(%s/%s) Dequeueing job due to output %s growing larger than %s limit' \ % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id, os.path.basename( outfile ), nice_size( ) ) ) pbs_job_state.stop_job = True self.work_queue.put( ( 'fail', pbs_job_state ) ) fail = True break if fail: continue if self.job_walltime is not None: # Check the job's execution time if status.get( 'resources_used', False ): # resources_used may not be in the status for new jobs h, m, s = [ int( i ) for i in status.resources_used.walltime.split( ':' ) ] time_executing = timedelta( 0, s, 0, 0, m, h ) if time_executing > self.job_walltime: pbs_job_state.fail_message = 'Job ran longer than maximum allowed execution time (%s), please try different job parameters or' \ % log.warning( '(%s/%s) Dequeueing job since walltime has been reached' \ % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id ) ) pbs_job_state.stop_job = True self.work_queue.put( ( 'fail', pbs_job_state ) ) continue elif status.job_state == "C": # "keep_completed" is enabled in PBS, so try to check exit status try: assert int( status.exit_status ) == 0 log.debug("(%s/%s) PBS job has completed successfully" % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id ) ) except AssertionError: pbs_job_state.fail_message = 'Job cannot be completed due to a cluster error. Please retry or' log.error( '(%s/%s) PBS job failed: %s' % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id, JOB_EXIT_STATUS.get( int( status.exit_status ), 'Unknown error: %s' % status.exit_status ) ) ) self.work_queue.put( ( 'fail', pbs_job_state ) ) continue except AttributeError: # No exit_status, can't verify proper completion so we just have to assume success. log.debug("(%s/%s) PBS job has completed" % ( galaxy_job_id, job_id ) ) self.work_queue.put( ( 'finish', pbs_job_state ) ) continue pbs_job_state.old_state = status.job_state new_watched.append( pbs_job_state ) # Replace the watch list with the updated version self.watched = new_watched def check_all_jobs( self ): """ Returns a list of servers that failed to be contacted and a dict of "job_id : status" pairs (where status is a bunchified version of the API's structure. """ servers = [] failures = [] statuses = {} for pbs_job_state in self.watched: pbs_server_name = self.determine_pbs_server( pbs_job_state.runner_url ) if pbs_server_name not in servers: servers.append( pbs_server_name ) pbs_job_state.check_count += 1 for pbs_server_name in servers: c = pbs.pbs_connect( pbs_server_name ) if c <= 0: log.debug("connection to PBS server %s for state check failed" % pbs_server_name ) failures.append( pbs_server_name ) continue stat_attrl = pbs.new_attrl(3) stat_attrl[0].name = pbs.ATTR_state stat_attrl[1].name = pbs.ATTR_used stat_attrl[2].name = pbs.ATTR_exitstat jobs = pbs.pbs_statjob( c, None, stat_attrl, None ) pbs.pbs_disconnect( c ) statuses.update( self.convert_statjob_to_bunches( jobs ) ) return( ( failures, statuses ) ) def convert_statjob_to_bunches( self, statjob_out ): statuses = {} for job in statjob_out: status = {} for attrib in job.attribs: if attrib.resource is None: status[ ] = attrib.value else: if not in status: status[ ] = Bunch() status[ ][ attrib.resource ] = attrib.value statuses[ ] = Bunch( **status ) return statuses def check_single_job( self, pbs_server_name, job_id ): """ Returns the state of a single job, used to make sure a job is really dead. """ c = pbs.pbs_connect( pbs_server_name ) if c <= 0: log.debug("connection to PBS server %s for state check failed" % pbs_server_name ) return None stat_attrl = pbs.new_attrl(1) stat_attrl[0].name = pbs.ATTR_state jobs = pbs.pbs_statjob( c, job_id, stat_attrl, None ) pbs.pbs_disconnect( c ) return jobs[0].attribs[0].value def finish_job( self, pbs_job_state ): """ Get the output/error for a finished job, pass to `job_wrapper.finish` and cleanup all the PBS temporary files. """ ofile = pbs_job_state.ofile efile = pbs_job_state.efile job_file = pbs_job_state.job_file # collect the output try: ofh = file(ofile, "r") efh = file(efile, "r") stdout = stderr = except: stdout = '' stderr = 'Job output not returned by PBS: the output datasets were deleted while the job was running, the job was manually dequeued or there was a cluster error.' log.debug(stderr) try: pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.finish( stdout, stderr ) except: log.exception("Job wrapper finish method failed")"Unable to finish job", exception=True) # clean up the pbs files self.cleanup( ( ofile, efile, job_file ) ) def fail_job( self, pbs_job_state ): """ Seperated out so we can use the worker threads for it. """ if pbs_job_state.stop_job: self.stop_job( self.sa_session.query( ).get( pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.job_id ) ) pbs_job_state.fail_message ) self.cleanup( ( pbs_job_state.ofile, pbs_job_state.efile, pbs_job_state.job_file ) ) def cleanup( self, files ): if not asbool( 'debug', False ) ): for file in files: if os.access( file, os.R_OK ): os.unlink( file ) def put( self, job_wrapper ): """Add a job to the queue (by job identifier)""" # Change to queued state before handing to worker thread so the runner won't pick it up again job_wrapper.change_state( model.Job.states.QUEUED ) self.work_queue.put( ( 'queue', job_wrapper ) ) def shutdown( self ): """Attempts to gracefully shut down the monitor thread""" "sending stop signal to worker threads" ) self.monitor_queue.put( self.STOP_SIGNAL ) for i in range( len( self.work_threads ) ): self.work_queue.put( ( self.STOP_SIGNAL, None ) ) "pbs job runner stopped" ) def get_stage_in_out( self, fnames, symlink=False ): """Convenience function to create a stagein/stageout list""" stage = '' for fname in fnames: if os.access(fname, os.R_OK): if stage: stage += ',' # pathnames are now absolute if symlink and stage_name = os.path.join(, os.path.split(fname)[1]) else: stage_name = fname stage += "%s@%s:%s" % (stage_name,, fname) return stage def stop_job( self, job ): """Attempts to delete a job from the PBS queue""" pbs_server_name = self.determine_pbs_server( str( job.job_runner_name ) ) c = pbs.pbs_connect( pbs_server_name ) if c <= 0: log.debug("(%s/%s) Connection to PBS server for job delete failed" % (, job.job_runner_external_id ) ) return pbs.pbs_deljob( c, str( job.job_runner_external_id ), 'NULL' ) pbs.pbs_disconnect( c ) log.debug( "(%s/%s) Removed from PBS queue before job completion" % (, job.job_runner_external_id ) ) def recover( self, job, job_wrapper ): """Recovers jobs stuck in the queued/running state when Galaxy started""" pbs_job_state = PBSJobState() pbs_job_state.ofile = "%s/%s.o" % (, pbs_job_state.efile = "%s/%s.e" % (, pbs_job_state.job_file = "%s/" % (, pbs_job_state.job_id = str( job.job_runner_external_id ) pbs_job_state.runner_url = job_wrapper.tool.job_runner job_wrapper.command_line = job.command_line pbs_job_state.job_wrapper = job_wrapper if job.state == model.Job.states.RUNNING: log.debug( "(%s/%s) is still in running state, adding to the PBS queue" % (, job.job_runner_external_id ) ) pbs_job_state.old_state = 'R' pbs_job_state.running = True self.monitor_queue.put( pbs_job_state ) elif job.state == model.Job.states.QUEUED: log.debug( "(%s/%s) is still in PBS queued state, adding to the PBS queue" % (, job.job_runner_external_id ) ) pbs_job_state.old_state = 'Q' pbs_job_state.running = False self.monitor_queue.put( pbs_job_state )