root/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/model/orm/ext/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 2.0 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

2This is similar to the assignmapper extensions in SQLAclhemy 0.3 and 0.4 but
3with some compatibility fixes. It assumes that the session is a ScopedSession,
4and thus has the "mapper" method to attach contextual mappers to a class. It
5adds additional query and session methods to the class to support the
6SQLAlchemy 0.3 style of access.
8The following Session methods, which normally accept an instance
9or list of instances, are available directly through the objects, e.g.
10"Session.flush( [instance] )" can be performed as "instance.flush()":
14__all__ = [ 'assign_mapper' ]
16from sqlalchemy import util, exceptions
17import types
18from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
19from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper as sqla_mapper
21def _monkeypatch_query_method( name, session, class_ ):
22    def do(self, *args, **kwargs):
23        return getattr( class_.query, name)(*args, **kwargs)
24    try:
25        do.__name__ = name
26    except:
27        pass
28    if not hasattr(class_, name):
29        setattr(class_, name, classmethod(do))
30def session_mapper( scoped_session, class_, *args, **kwargs ):
31    def mapper( cls, *arg, **kw ):
32        validate = kw.pop( 'validate', False )
33        if cls.__init__ is object.__init__:
34            def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
35                for key, value in kwargs.items():
36                    if validate:
37                        if not cls_mapper.has_property( key ):
38                            raise TypeError( "Invalid __init__ argument: '%s'" % key )
39                    setattr( self, key, value )
40            cls.__init__ = __init__
41        cls.query = scoped_session.query_property()
42        # FIXME: eliminate the need for the following monkey patch by fixing the single
43        # query in ~/datatypes/ in the FileParameter.wrap() method
44        _monkeypatch_query_method( 'get', scoped_session, cls )
45        return sqla_mapper( cls, *arg, **kw )
46    return mapper( class_, *args, **kwargs )
47def assign_mapper( session, class_, *args, **kwargs ):
48    m = class_.mapper = session_mapper( session, class_, *args, **kwargs )
49    return m
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