import os, tempfile, StringIO from cgi import FieldStorage from galaxy import datatypes, util from galaxy.util.odict import odict from galaxy.datatypes import sniff from galaxy.util.json import to_json_string from galaxy.model.orm import eagerload_all import logging log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) def persist_uploads( params ): """ Turn any uploads in the submitted form to persisted files. """ if 'files' in params: new_files = [] temp_files = [] for upload_dataset in params['files']: f = upload_dataset['file_data'] if isinstance( f, FieldStorage ): assert not isinstance( f.file, StringIO.StringIO ) assert != '' local_filename = util.mkstemp_ln(, 'upload_file_data_' ) f.file.close() upload_dataset['file_data'] = dict( filename = f.filename, local_filename = local_filename ) elif type( f ) == dict and 'filename' and 'local_filename' not in f: raise Exception( 'Uploaded file was encoded in a way not understood by Galaxy.' ) if upload_dataset['url_paste'].strip() != '': upload_dataset['url_paste'], is_multi_byte = datatypes.sniff.stream_to_file( StringIO.StringIO( upload_dataset['url_paste'] ), prefix="strio_url_paste_" ) else: upload_dataset['url_paste'] = None new_files.append( upload_dataset ) params['files'] = new_files return params def handle_library_params( trans, params, folder_id, replace_dataset=None ): # FIXME: the received params has already been parsed by util.Params() by the time it reaches here, # so no complex objects remain. This is not good because it does not allow for those objects to be # manipulated here. The receivd params should be the original kwd from the initial request. library_bunch = util.bunch.Bunch() library_bunch.replace_dataset = replace_dataset library_bunch.message = params.get( 'ldda_message', '' ) # See if we have any template field contents library_bunch.template_field_contents = [] template_id = params.get( 'template_id', None ) library_bunch.folder = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( folder_id ) ) # We are inheriting the folder's info_association, so we may have received inherited contents or we may have redirected # here after the user entered template contents ( due to errors ). if template_id not in [ None, 'None' ]: library_bunch.template = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( template_id ) for field_index in range( len( library_bunch.template.fields ) ): field_name = 'field_%i' % field_index if params.get( field_name, False ): field_value = util.restore_text( params.get( field_name, '' ) ) library_bunch.template_field_contents.append( field_value ) else: library_bunch.template = None library_bunch.roles = [] for role_id in util.listify( params.get( 'roles', [] ) ): role = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( role_id ) library_bunch.roles.append( role ) return library_bunch def get_precreated_datasets( trans, params, data_obj, controller='root' ): """ Get any precreated datasets (when using asynchronous uploads). """ rval = [] async_datasets = [] if params.get( 'async_datasets', None ) not in ["None", "", None]: async_datasets = params['async_datasets'].split(',') current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() for id in async_datasets: try: data = trans.sa_session.query( data_obj ).get( int( id ) ) except: log.exception( 'Unable to load precreated dataset (%s) sent in upload form' % id ) continue if data_obj is if trans.user is None and trans.galaxy_session.current_history != data.history: log.error( 'Got a precreated dataset (%s) but it does not belong to anonymous user\'s current session (%s)' % (, ) ) elif data.history.user != trans.user: log.error( 'Got a precreated dataset (%s) but it does not belong to current user (%s)' % (, ) ) else: rval.append( data ) elif data_obj is if controller == 'library' and not current_user_roles, data.library_dataset.folder ): log.error( 'Got a precreated dataset (%s) but this user (%s) is not allowed to write to it' % (, ) ) else: rval.append( data ) return rval def get_precreated_dataset( precreated_datasets, name ): """ Return a dataset matching a name from the list of precreated (via async upload) datasets. If there's more than one upload with the exact same name, we need to pop one (the first) so it isn't chosen next time. """ names = [ for d in precreated_datasets ] if names.count( name ) > 0: return precreated_datasets.pop( names.index( name ) ) else: return None def cleanup_unused_precreated_datasets( precreated_datasets ): for data in precreated_datasets: 'Cleaned up unclaimed precreated dataset (%s).' % ( ) ) data.state = data.states.ERROR = 'No file contents were available.' def new_history_upload( trans, uploaded_dataset, state=None ): hda = name =, extension = uploaded_dataset.file_type, dbkey = uploaded_dataset.dbkey, history = trans.history, create_dataset = True, sa_session = trans.sa_session ) if state: hda.state = state else: hda.state = hda.states.QUEUED trans.sa_session.add( hda ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.history.add_dataset( hda, genome_build = uploaded_dataset.dbkey ) permissions = trans.history ) hda.dataset, permissions ) trans.sa_session.flush() return hda def new_library_upload( trans, cntrller, uploaded_dataset, library_bunch, state=None ): current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() if not ( ( trans.user_is_admin() and cntrller in [ 'library_admin', 'api' ] ) or current_user_roles, library_bunch.folder ) ): # This doesn't have to be pretty - the only time this should happen is if someone's being malicious. raise Exception( "User is not authorized to add datasets to this library." ) folder = library_bunch.folder if uploaded_dataset.get( 'in_folder', False ): # Create subfolders if desired for name in uploaded_dataset.in_folder.split( os.path.sep ): trans.sa_session.refresh( folder ) matches = filter( lambda x: == name, active_folders( trans, folder ) ) if matches: folder = matches[0] else: new_folder = name=name, description='Automatically created by upload tool' ) new_folder.genome_build = util.dbnames.default_value folder.add_folder( new_folder ) trans.sa_session.add( new_folder ) trans.sa_session.flush() folder, new_folder ) folder = new_folder if library_bunch.replace_dataset: ld = library_bunch.replace_dataset else: ld = folder=folder, ) trans.sa_session.add( ld ) trans.sa_session.flush() folder, ld ) ldda = name =, extension = uploaded_dataset.file_type, dbkey = uploaded_dataset.dbkey, library_dataset = ld, user = trans.user, create_dataset = True, sa_session = trans.sa_session ) trans.sa_session.add( ldda ) if state: ldda.state = state else: ldda.state = ldda.states.QUEUED ldda.message = library_bunch.message trans.sa_session.flush() # Permissions must be the same on the LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation and the associated LibraryDataset ld, ldda ) if library_bunch.replace_dataset: # Copy the Dataset level permissions from replace_dataset to the new LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation.dataset library_bunch.replace_dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset, ldda.dataset ) else: # Copy the current user's DefaultUserPermissions to the new LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation.dataset ldda.dataset, trans.user ) ) folder.add_library_dataset( ld, genome_build=uploaded_dataset.dbkey ) trans.sa_session.add( folder ) trans.sa_session.flush() ld.library_dataset_dataset_association_id = trans.sa_session.add( ld ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Handle template included in the upload form, if any. If the upload is not asynchronous ( e.g., URL paste ), # then the template and contents will be included in the library_bunch at this point. If the upload is # asynchronous ( e.g., uploading a file ), then the template and contents will be included in the library_bunch # in the get_uploaded_datasets() method below. if library_bunch.template and library_bunch.template_field_contents: # Since information templates are inherited, the template fields can be displayed on the upload form. # If the user has added field contents, we'll need to create a new form_values and info_association # for the new library_dataset_dataset_association object. # Create a new FormValues object, using the template we previously retrieved form_values = library_bunch.template, library_bunch.template_field_contents ) trans.sa_session.add( form_values ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Create a new info_association between the current ldda and form_values # TODO: Currently info_associations at the ldda level are not inheritable to the associated LibraryDataset, # we need to figure out if this is optimal info_association = ldda, library_bunch.template, form_values ) trans.sa_session.add( info_association ) trans.sa_session.flush() # If roles were selected upon upload, restrict access to the Dataset to those roles if library_bunch.roles: for role in library_bunch.roles: dp =, ldda.dataset, role ) trans.sa_session.add( dp ) trans.sa_session.flush() return ldda def new_upload( trans, cntrller, uploaded_dataset, library_bunch=None, state=None ): if library_bunch: return new_library_upload( trans, cntrller, uploaded_dataset, library_bunch, state ) else: return new_history_upload( trans, uploaded_dataset, state ) def get_uploaded_datasets( trans, cntrller, params, precreated_datasets, dataset_upload_inputs, library_bunch=None ): uploaded_datasets = [] for dataset_upload_input in dataset_upload_inputs: uploaded_datasets.extend( dataset_upload_input.get_uploaded_datasets( trans, params ) ) for uploaded_dataset in uploaded_datasets: data = get_precreated_dataset( precreated_datasets, ) if not data: data = new_upload( trans, cntrller, uploaded_dataset, library_bunch ) else: data.extension = uploaded_dataset.file_type data.dbkey = uploaded_dataset.dbkey trans.sa_session.add( data ) trans.sa_session.flush() if library_bunch: library_bunch.folder.genome_build = uploaded_dataset.dbkey trans.sa_session.add( library_bunch.folder ) # Handle template included in the upload form, if any. If the upload is asynchronous ( e.g., file upload ), # then the template and contents will be included in the library_bunch at this point. If the upload is # not asynchronous ( e.g., URL paste ), then the template and contents will be included in the library_bunch # in the new_library_upload() method above. if library_bunch.template and library_bunch.template_field_contents: # Since information templates are inherited, the template fields can be displayed on the upload form. # If the user has added field contents, we'll need to create a new form_values and info_association # for the new library_dataset_dataset_association object. # Create a new FormValues object, using the template we previously retrieved form_values = library_bunch.template, library_bunch.template_field_contents ) trans.sa_session.add( form_values ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Create a new info_association between the current ldda and form_values # TODO: Currently info_associations at the ldda level are not inheritable to the associated LibraryDataset, # we need to figure out if this is optimal info_association = data, library_bunch.template, form_values ) trans.sa_session.add( info_association ) trans.sa_session.flush() else: trans.history.genome_build = uploaded_dataset.dbkey = data return uploaded_datasets def create_paramfile( trans, uploaded_datasets ): """ Create the upload tool's JSON "param" file. """ json_file = tempfile.mkstemp() json_file_path = json_file[1] json_file = os.fdopen( json_file[0], 'w' ) for uploaded_dataset in uploaded_datasets: data = if uploaded_dataset.type == 'composite': # we need to init metadata before the job is dispatched data.init_meta() for meta_name, meta_value in uploaded_dataset.metadata.iteritems(): setattr( data.metadata, meta_name, meta_value ) trans.sa_session.add( data ) trans.sa_session.flush() json = dict( file_type = uploaded_dataset.file_type, dataset_id =, dbkey = uploaded_dataset.dbkey, type = uploaded_dataset.type, metadata = uploaded_dataset.metadata, primary_file = uploaded_dataset.primary_file, composite_file_paths = uploaded_dataset.composite_files, composite_files = dict( [ ( k, v.__dict__ ) for k, v in data.datatype.get_composite_files( data ).items() ] ) ) else: try: is_binary = uploaded_dataset.datatype.is_binary except: is_binary = None try: link_data_only = uploaded_dataset.link_data_only except: link_data_only = False json = dict( file_type = uploaded_dataset.file_type, ext = uploaded_dataset.ext, name =, dataset_id =, dbkey = uploaded_dataset.dbkey, type = uploaded_dataset.type, is_binary = is_binary, link_data_only = link_data_only, space_to_tab = uploaded_dataset.space_to_tab, path = uploaded_dataset.path ) json_file.write( to_json_string( json ) + '\n' ) json_file.close() return json_file_path def create_job( trans, params, tool, json_file_path, data_list, folder=None, return_job=False ): """ Create the upload job. """ job = galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() if type( galaxy_session ) == trans.model.GalaxySession: job.session_id = if trans.user is not None: job.user_id = if folder: job.library_folder_id = else: job.history_id = job.tool_id = job.tool_version = tool.version job.state = job.states.UPLOAD trans.sa_session.add( job ) trans.sa_session.flush() 'tool %s created job id %d' % (, ) ) trans.log_event( 'created job id %d' %, ) for name, value in tool.params_to_strings( params, ).iteritems(): job.add_parameter( name, value ) job.add_parameter( 'paramfile', to_json_string( json_file_path ) ) if folder: for i, dataset in enumerate( data_list ): job.add_output_library_dataset( 'output%i' % i, dataset ) else: for i, dataset in enumerate( data_list ): job.add_output_dataset( 'output%i' % i, dataset ) job.state = job.states.NEW trans.sa_session.add( job ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Queue the job for execution, tool ) trans.log_event( "Added job to the job queue, id: %s" % str(, tool_id=job.tool_id ) output = odict() for i, v in enumerate( data_list ): output[ 'output%i' % i ] = v if return_job: return job, output else: return output def active_folders( trans, folder ): # Stolen from galaxy.web.controllers.library_common (importing from which causes a circular issues). # Much faster way of retrieving all active sub-folders within a given folder than the # performance of the mapper. This query also eagerloads the permissions on each folder. return trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by( parent=folder, deleted=False ) \ .options( eagerload_all( "actions" ) ) \ .order_by( ) \ .all()