""" Classes encapsulating Galaxy tool parameters. """ from basic import * from grouping import * from galaxy.util.json import * def visit_input_values( inputs, input_values, callback, name_prefix="", label_prefix="" ): """ Given a tools parameter definition (`inputs`) and a specific set of parameter `values`, call `callback` for each non-grouping parameter, passing the parameter object, value, a constructed unique name, and a display label. If the callback returns a value, it will be replace the old value. FIXME: There is redundancy between this and the visit_inputs methods of Repeat and Group. This tracks labels and those do not. It would be nice to unify all the places that recursively visit inputs. """ for input in inputs.itervalues(): if isinstance( input, Repeat ) or isinstance( input, UploadDataset ): for i, d in enumerate( input_values[ input.name ] ): index = d['__index__'] new_name_prefix = name_prefix + "%s_%d|" % ( input.name, index ) new_label_prefix = label_prefix + "%s %d > " % ( input.title, i + 1 ) visit_input_values( input.inputs, d, callback, new_name_prefix, new_label_prefix ) elif isinstance( input, Conditional ): values = input_values[ input.name ] current = values["__current_case__"] label_prefix = label_prefix new_name_prefix = name_prefix + input.name + "|" visit_input_values( input.cases[current].inputs, values, callback, new_name_prefix, label_prefix ) else: new_value = callback( input, input_values[input.name], prefixed_name = name_prefix + input.name, prefixed_label = label_prefix + input.label ) if new_value: input_values[input.name] = new_value def check_param( trans, param, incoming_value, param_values ): """ Check the value of a single parameter `param`. The value in `incoming_value` is converted from its HTML encoding and validated. The `param_values` argument contains the processed values of previous parameters (this may actually be an ExpressionContext when dealing with grouping scenarios). """ value = incoming_value error = None try: if value is not None or isinstance(param, DataToolParameter): # Convert value from HTML representation value = param.from_html( value, trans, param_values ) # Allow the value to be converted if neccesary filtered_value = param.filter_value( value, trans, param_values ) # Then do any further validation on the value param.validate( filtered_value, trans.history ) elif value is None and isinstance( param, SelectToolParameter ): # An empty select list or column list param.validate( value, trans.history ) except ValueError, e: error = str( e ) return value, error def params_to_strings( params, param_values, app ): """ Convert a dictionary of parameter values to a dictionary of strings suitable for persisting. The `value_to_basic` method of each parameter is called to convert its value to basic types, the result of which is then json encoded (this allowing complex nested parameters and such). """ rval = dict() for key, value in param_values.iteritems(): if key in params: value = params[ key ].value_to_basic( value, app ) rval[ key ] = str( to_json_string( value ) ) return rval def params_from_strings( params, param_values, app, ignore_errors=False ): """ Convert a dictionary of strings as produced by `params_to_strings` back into parameter values (decode the json representation and then allow each parameter to convert the basic types into the parameters preferred form). """ rval = dict() for key, value in param_values.iteritems(): value = json_fix( from_json_string( value ) ) if key in params: value = params[key].value_from_basic( value, app, ignore_errors ) rval[ key ] = value return rval