from galaxy.web.base.controller import * from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago, iff, grids from galaxy import model, util from galaxy.util.odict import odict from galaxy.model.mapping import desc from galaxy.model.orm import * from galaxy.model.item_attrs import * from galaxy.util.json import * from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html from import UnvalidatedValue from import upload_common from galaxy.tags.tag_handler import GalaxyTagHandler from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ClauseElement import webhelpers, logging, operator, os, tempfile, subprocess, shutil, tarfile from datetime import datetime from cgi import escape log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): return history.get_display_name() class HistoryListGrid( grids.Grid ): # Custom column types class DatasetsByStateColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): rval = [] for state in ( 'ok', 'running', 'queued', 'error' ): total = sum( 1 for d in history.active_datasets if d.state == state ) if total: rval.append( '
' % ( state, total ) ) else: rval.append( '' ) return rval # Grid definition title = "Saved Histories" model_class = model.History template='/history/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "-update_time" columns = [ NameColumn( "Name", key="name", link=( lambda history: iff( history.deleted, None, dict( operation="Switch", ) ) ), attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), DatasetsByStateColumn( "Datasets (by state)", ncells=4 ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.HistoryTagAssociation, \ filterable="advanced", grid_name="HistoryListGrid" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False ), grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Switch", allow_multiple=False, condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Share or Publish", allow_multiple=False, condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Rename", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=True ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), async_compatible=True ), ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ), ] default_filter = dict( name="All", deleted="False", tags="All", sharing="All" ) num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_async = True use_paging = True def get_current_item( self, trans, **kwargs ): return trans.get_history() def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter_by( user=trans.user, purged=False ) class SharedHistoryListGrid( grids.Grid ): # Custom column types class DatasetsByStateColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): rval = [] for state in ( 'ok', 'running', 'queued', 'error' ): total = sum( 1 for d in history.active_datasets if d.state == state ) if total: rval.append( '
' % ( state, total ) ) else: rval.append( '' ) return rval class SharedByColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): return # Grid definition title = "Histories shared with you by others" model_class = model.History default_sort_key = "-update_time" default_filter = {} columns = [ grids.GridColumn( "Name", key="name", attach_popup=True ), # link=( lambda item: dict( operation="View", ) ), attach_popup=True ), DatasetsByStateColumn( "Datasets (by state)", ncells=4 ), grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), SharedByColumn( "Shared by", key="user_id" ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "View", allow_multiple=False, target="_top" ), grids.GridOperation( "Clone" ), grids.GridOperation( "Unshare" ) ] standard_filters = [] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwargs ): return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).join( 'users_shared_with' ) def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter( model.HistoryUserShareAssociation.user == trans.user ) class HistoryAllPublishedGrid( grids.Grid ): class NameURLColumn( grids.PublicURLColumn, NameColumn ): pass title = "Published Histories" model_class = model.History default_sort_key = "update_time" default_filter = dict( public_url="All", username="All", tags="All" ) use_async = True columns = [ NameURLColumn( "Name", key="name", filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerAnnotationColumn( "Annotation", key="annotation", model_annotation_association_class=model.HistoryAnnotationAssociation, filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerColumn( "Owner", key="owner", model_class=model.User, filterable="advanced" ), grids.CommunityRatingColumn( "Community Rating", key="rating" ), grids.CommunityTagsColumn( "Community Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.HistoryTagAssociation, filterable="advanced", grid_name="PublicHistoryListGrid" ), grids.ReverseSortColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) operations = [] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwargs ): # Join so that searching history.user makes sense. return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).join( model.User.table ) def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): # A public history is published, has a slug, and is not deleted. return query.filter( self.model_class.published == True ).filter( self.model_class.slug != None ).filter( self.model_class.deleted == False ) class HistoryController( BaseController, Sharable, UsesAnnotations, UsesItemRatings, UsesHistory ): @web.expose def index( self, trans ): return "" @web.expose def list_as_xml( self, trans ): """XML history list for functional tests""" trans.response.set_content_type( 'text/xml' ) return trans.fill_template( "/history/list_as_xml.mako" ) stored_list_grid = HistoryListGrid() shared_list_grid = SharedHistoryListGrid() published_list_grid = HistoryAllPublishedGrid() @web.expose def list_published( self, trans, **kwargs ): grid = self.published_list_grid( trans, **kwargs ) if 'async' in kwargs: return grid else: # Render grid wrapped in panels return trans.fill_template( "history/list_published.mako", grid=grid ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "work with multiple histories" ) def list( self, trans, **kwargs ): """List all available histories""" current_history = trans.get_history() status = message = None if 'operation' in kwargs: operation = kwargs['operation'].lower() if operation == "share or publish": return self.sharing( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "rename" and kwargs.get('id', None): # Don't call rename if no ids if 'name' in kwargs: del kwargs['name'] # Remove ajax name param that rename method uses return self.rename( trans, **kwargs ) history_ids = util.listify( kwargs.get( 'id', [] ) ) # Display no message by default status, message = None, None refresh_history = False # Load the histories and ensure they all belong to the current user histories = [] for history_id in history_ids: history = self.get_history( trans, history_id ) if history: # Ensure history is owned by current user if history.user_id != None and trans.user: assert == history.user_id, "History does not belong to current user" histories.append( history ) else: log.warn( "Invalid history id '%r' passed to list", history_id ) if histories: if operation == "switch": status, message = self._list_switch( trans, histories ) # Current history changed, refresh history frame trans.template_context['refresh_frames'] = ['history'] elif operation == "delete": status, message = self._list_delete( trans, histories ) if current_history in histories: # Deleted the current history, so a new, empty history was # created automatically, and we need to refresh the history frame trans.template_context['refresh_frames'] = ['history'] elif operation == "undelete": status, message = self._list_undelete( trans, histories ) elif operation == "unshare": for history in histories: for husa in trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by( history=history ): trans.sa_session.delete( husa ) elif operation == "enable import via link": for history in histories: if not history.importable: self._make_item_importable( trans.sa_session, history ) elif operation == "disable import via link": if history_ids: histories = [ self.get_history( trans, history_id ) for history_id in history_ids ] for history in histories: if history.importable: history.importable = False trans.sa_session.flush() # Render the list view return self.stored_list_grid( trans, status=status, message=message, **kwargs ) def _list_delete( self, trans, histories ): """Delete histories""" n_deleted = 0 deleted_current = False message_parts = [] for history in histories: if history.users_shared_with: message_parts.append( "History (%s) has been shared with others, unshare it before deleting it. " % ) elif not history.deleted: # We'll not eliminate any DefaultHistoryPermissions in case we undelete the history later history.deleted = True # If deleting the current history, make a new current. if history == trans.get_history(): deleted_current = True trans.new_history() trans.log_event( "History (%s) marked as deleted" % ) n_deleted += 1 status = SUCCESS if n_deleted: message_parts.append( "Deleted %d %s. " % ( n_deleted, iff( n_deleted != 1, "histories", "history" ) ) ) if deleted_current: message_parts.append( "Your active history was deleted, a new empty history is now active. " ) status = INFO return ( status, " ".join( message_parts ) ) def _list_undelete( self, trans, histories ): """Undelete histories""" n_undeleted = 0 n_already_purged = 0 for history in histories: if history.purged: n_already_purged += 1 if history.deleted: history.deleted = False if not history.default_permissions: # For backward compatibility - for a while we were deleting all DefaultHistoryPermissions on # the history when we deleted the history. We are no longer doing this. # Need to add default DefaultHistoryPermissions in case they were deleted when the history was deleted default_action = private_user_role = history.user ) default_permissions = {} default_permissions[ default_action ] = [ private_user_role ] history, default_permissions ) n_undeleted += 1 trans.log_event( "History (%s) %d marked as undeleted" % (, ) ) status = SUCCESS message_parts = [] if n_undeleted: message_parts.append( "Undeleted %d %s. " % ( n_undeleted, iff( n_undeleted != 1, "histories", "history" ) ) ) if n_already_purged: message_parts.append( "%d histories have already been purged and cannot be undeleted." % n_already_purged ) status = WARNING return status, "".join( message_parts ) def _list_switch( self, trans, histories ): """Switch to a new different history""" new_history = histories[0] galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.set_history( new_history ) # No message return None, None @web.expose @web.require_login( "work with shared histories" ) def list_shared( self, trans, **kwargs ): """List histories shared with current user by others""" msg = util.restore_text( kwargs.get( 'msg', '' ) ) status = message = None if 'operation' in kwargs: ids = util.listify( kwargs.get( 'id', [] ) ) operation = kwargs['operation'].lower() if operation == "view": # Display history. history = self.get_history( trans, ids[0], False) return self.display_by_username_and_slug( trans, history.user.username, history.slug ) elif operation == "clone": if not ids: message = "Select a history to clone" return self.shared_list_grid( trans, status='error', message=message, **kwargs ) # When cloning shared histories, only copy active datasets new_kwargs = { 'clone_choice' : 'active' } return self.clone( trans, ids, **new_kwargs ) elif operation == 'unshare': if not ids: message = "Select a history to unshare" return self.shared_list_grid( trans, status='error', message=message, **kwargs ) histories = [ self.get_history( trans, history_id ) for history_id in ids ] for history in histories: # Current user is the user with which the histories were shared association = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter_by( user=trans.user, history=history ).one() trans.sa_session.delete( association ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = "Unshared %d shared histories" % len( ids ) status = 'done' # Render the list view return self.shared_list_grid( trans, status=status, message=message, **kwargs ) @web.expose def display_structured( self, trans, id=None ): """ Display a history as a nested structure showing the jobs and workflow invocations that created each dataset (if any). """ # Get history if id is None: id = else: id = id ) # Expunge history from the session to allow us to force a reload # with a bunch of eager loaded joins trans.sa_session.expunge( trans.history ) history = trans.sa_session.query( model.History ).options( eagerload_all( 'active_datasets.creating_job_associations.job.workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation.workflow' ), eagerload_all( 'active_datasets.children' ) ).get( id ) assert history assert history.user and ( == ) or ( == ) # Resolve jobs and workflow invocations for the datasets in the history # items is filled with items (hdas, jobs, or workflows) that go at the # top level items = [] # First go through and group hdas by job, if there is no job they get # added directly to items jobs = odict() for hda in history.active_datasets: if hda.visible == False: continue # Follow "copied from ..." association until we get to the original # instance of the dataset original_hda = hda ## while original_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association: ## original_hda = original_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association # Check if the job has a creating job, most should, datasets from # before jobs were tracked, or from the upload tool before it # created a job, may not if not original_hda.creating_job_associations: items.append( ( hda, None ) ) # Attach hda to correct job # -- there should only be one creating_job_association, so this # loop body should only be hit once for assoc in original_hda.creating_job_associations: job = assoc.job if job in jobs: jobs[ job ].append( ( hda, None ) ) else: jobs[ job ] = [ ( hda, None ) ] # Second, go through the jobs and connect to workflows wf_invocations = odict() for job, hdas in jobs.iteritems(): # Job is attached to a workflow step, follow it to the # workflow_invocation and group if job.workflow_invocation_step: wf_invocation = job.workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation if wf_invocation in wf_invocations: wf_invocations[ wf_invocation ].append( ( job, hdas ) ) else: wf_invocations[ wf_invocation ] = [ ( job, hdas ) ] # Not attached to a workflow, add to items else: items.append( ( job, hdas ) ) # Finally, add workflow invocations to items, which should now # contain all hdas with some level of grouping items.extend( wf_invocations.items() ) # Sort items by age items.sort( key=( lambda x: x[0].create_time ), reverse=True ) # return trans.fill_template( "history/display_structured.mako", items=items ) @web.expose def delete_current( self, trans ): """Delete just the active history -- this does not require a logged in user.""" history = trans.get_history() if history.users_shared_with: return trans.show_error_message( "History (%s) has been shared with others, unshare it before deleting it. " % ) if not history.deleted: history.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add( history ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event( "History id %d marked as deleted" % ) # Regardless of whether it was previously deleted, we make a new history active trans.new_history() return trans.show_ok_message( "History deleted, a new history is active", refresh_frames=['history'] ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "rate items" ) @web.json def rate_async( self, trans, id, rating ): """ Rate a history asynchronously and return updated community data. """ history = self.get_history( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) if not history: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified history does not exist." ) # Rate history. history_rating = self.rate_item( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), history, rating ) return self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, history ) @web.expose def rename_async( self, trans, id=None, new_name=None ): history = self.get_history( trans, id ) # Check that the history exists, and is either owned by the current # user (if logged in) or the current history assert history is not None if history.user is None: assert history == trans.get_history() else: assert history.user == trans.user # Rename = new_name trans.sa_session.add( history ) trans.sa_session.flush() return @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy histories" ) def annotate_async( self, trans, id, new_annotation=None, **kwargs ): history = self.get_history( trans, id ) if new_annotation: # Sanitize annotation before adding it. new_annotation = sanitize_html( new_annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), history, new_annotation ) trans.sa_session.flush() return new_annotation def import_archive( self, trans, archived_history=None, gzip=True ): """ Import a history. """ def file_in_dir( file_path, a_dir ): """ Returns true if file is in directory. """ abs_file_path = os.path.abspath( file_path ) return os.path.split( abs_file_path )[0] == a_dir if archived_history is not None: try: history_archive_file = ) # Unpack archive in temporary directory. temp_output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() history_archive_file.extractall( path=temp_output_dir ) history_archive_file.close() # # Create history. # history_attr_file_name = os.path.join( temp_output_dir, 'history_attrs.txt') if not file_in_dir( history_attr_file_name, temp_output_dir ): raise Exception( "Invalid location for history attributes file: %s" % history_attr_file_name ) history_attr_in = open( history_attr_file_name, 'rb' ) history_attr_str = '' buffsize = 1048576 try: while True: history_attr_str += buffsize ) if not history_attr_str or len( history_attr_str ) % buffsize != 0: break except OverflowError: pass history_attr_in.close() history_attrs = from_json_string( history_attr_str ) # Create history. new_history = model.History( name='imported from archive: %s' % history_attrs['name'].encode( 'utf-8' ), user=trans.user ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) new_history.hid_counter = history_attrs['hid_counter'] new_history.genome_build = history_attrs['genome_build'] trans.sa_session.flush() # Builds a tag string for a tag, value pair. def get_tag_str( tag, value ): if not value: return tag else: return tag + ":" + value # Add annotation, tags. if trans.user: self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), new_history, history_attrs[ 'annotation' ] ) for tag, value in history_attrs[ 'tags' ].items(): trans, trans.user, new_history, get_tag_str( tag, value ) ) # # Create datasets. # datasets_attrs_file_name = os.path.join( temp_output_dir, 'datasets_attrs.txt') if not file_in_dir( datasets_attrs_file_name, temp_output_dir ): raise Exception( "Invalid location for dataset attributes file: %s" % datasets_attrs_file_name ) datasets_attr_in = open( datasets_attrs_file_name, 'rb' ) datasets_attr_str = '' buffsize = 1048576 try: while True: datasets_attr_str += buffsize ) if not datasets_attr_str or len( datasets_attr_str ) % buffsize != 0: break except OverflowError: pass datasets_attr_in.close() datasets_attrs = from_json_string( datasets_attr_str ) # Create datasets. for dataset_attrs in datasets_attrs: metadata = dataset_attrs['metadata'] # Create dataset and HDA. hda = model.HistoryDatasetAssociation( name = dataset_attrs['name'].encode( 'utf-8' ), extension = dataset_attrs['extension'], info = dataset_attrs['info'].encode( 'utf-8' ), blurb = dataset_attrs['blurb'], peek = dataset_attrs['peek'], designation = dataset_attrs['designation'], visible = dataset_attrs['visible'], dbkey = metadata['dbkey'], metadata = metadata, history = new_history, create_dataset = True, sa_session = trans.sa_session ) hda.state = hda.states.OK trans.sa_session.add( hda ) trans.sa_session.flush() new_history.add_dataset( hda, genome_build = None ) hda.hid = dataset_attrs['hid'] # Overwrite default hid set when HDA added to history. permissions = new_history ) hda.dataset, permissions ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Do security check and copy dataset data. temp_dataset_file_name = os.path.join( temp_output_dir, dataset_attrs['file_name'] ) if not file_in_dir( temp_dataset_file_name, os.path.join( temp_output_dir, "datasets" ) ): raise Exception( "Invalid dataset path: %s" % temp_dataset_file_name ) shutil.move( temp_dataset_file_name, hda.file_name ) # Set tags, annotations. if trans.user: self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), hda, dataset_attrs[ 'annotation' ] ) for tag, value in dataset_attrs[ 'tags' ].items(): trans, trans.user, hda, get_tag_str( tag, value ) ) trans.sa_session.flush() # # Create jobs. # # Read jobs attributes. jobs_attr_file_name = os.path.join( temp_output_dir, 'jobs_attrs.txt') if not file_in_dir( jobs_attr_file_name, temp_output_dir ): raise Exception( "Invalid location for jobs' attributes file: %s" % jobs_attr_file_name ) jobs_attr_in = open( jobs_attr_file_name, 'rb' ) jobs_attr_str = '' buffsize = 1048576 try: while True: jobs_attr_str += buffsize ) if not jobs_attr_str or len( jobs_attr_str ) % buffsize != 0: break except OverflowError: pass jobs_attr_in.close() # Decode jobs attributes. def as_hda( obj_dct ): """ Hook to 'decode' an HDA; method uses history and HID to get the HDA represented by the encoded object. This only works because HDAs are created above. """ if obj_dct.get( '__HistoryDatasetAssociation__', False ): return trans.sa_session.query( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \ .filter_by( history=new_history, hid=obj_dct['hid'] ).first() return obj_dct jobs_attrs = from_json_string( jobs_attr_str, object_hook=as_hda ) # Create each job. for job_attrs in jobs_attrs: imported_job = model.Job() imported_job.user = trans.user imported_job.session = trans.get_galaxy_session().id imported_job.history = new_history imported_job.tool_id = job_attrs[ 'tool_id' ] imported_job.tool_version = job_attrs[ 'tool_version' ] imported_job.set_state( job_attrs[ 'state' ] ) imported_job.imported = True trans.sa_session.add( imported_job ) trans.sa_session.flush() class HistoryDatasetAssociationIDEncoder( simplejson.JSONEncoder ): """ Custom JSONEncoder for a HistoryDatasetAssociation that encodes an HDA as its ID. """ def default( self, obj ): """ Encode an HDA, default encoding for everything else. """ if isinstance( obj, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ): return return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default( self, obj ) # Set parameters. May be useful to look at for creating parameters. # TODO: there may be a better way to set parameters, e.g.: # for name, value in tool.params_to_strings( incoming, ).iteritems(): # job.add_parameter( name, value ) # to make this work, we'd need to flesh out the HDA objects. The code below is # relatively similar. for name, value in job_attrs[ 'params' ].items(): # Transform parameter values when necessary. if isinstance( value, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ): # HDA input: use hid to find input. input_hda = trans.sa_session.query( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \ .filter_by( history=new_history, hid=value.hid ).first() value = #print "added parameter %s-->%s to job %i" % ( name, value, ) imported_job.add_parameter( name, to_json_string( value, cls=HistoryDatasetAssociationIDEncoder ) ) # TODO: Connect jobs to input datasets. # Connect jobs to output datasets. for output_hid in job_attrs[ 'output_datasets' ]: #print "%s job has output dataset %i" % (, output_hid) output_hda = trans.sa_session.query( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \ .filter_by( history=new_history, hid=output_hid ).first() if output_hda: imported_job.add_output_dataset(, output_hda ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Cleanup. if os.path.exists( temp_output_dir ): shutil.rmtree( temp_output_dir ) return trans.show_ok_message( message="History '%s' has been imported. " % history_attrs['name'] ) except Exception, e: return trans.show_error_message( 'Error importing history archive. ' + str( e ) ) return trans.show_form( web.FormBuilder( web.url_for(), "Import a History from an Archive", submit_text="Submit" ) .add_input( "file", "Archived History File", "archived_history", value=None, error=None ) ) @web.expose def export_archive( self, trans, id=None, gzip=True, include_hidden=False, include_deleted=False ): """ Export a history to an archive. """ # # Convert options to booleans. # if isinstance( gzip, basestring ): gzip = ( gzip in [ 'True', 'true', 'T', 't' ] ) if isinstance( include_hidden, basestring ): include_hidden = ( include_hidden in [ 'True', 'true', 'T', 't' ] ) if isinstance( include_deleted, basestring ): include_deleted = ( include_deleted in [ 'True', 'true', 'T', 't' ] ) # # Get history to export. # if id: history = self.get_history( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) else: # Use current history. history = trans.history id = ) if not history: return trans.show_error_message( "This history does not exist or you cannot export this history." ) # # If history has already been exported and it has not changed since export, stream it. # jeha = trans.sa_session.query( model.JobExportHistoryArchive ).filter_by( history=history ) \ .order_by( ).first() if jeha and ( jeha.job.state not in [ model.Job.states.ERROR, model.Job.states.DELETED ] ) \ and jeha.job.update_time > history.update_time: if jeha.job.state == model.Job.states.OK: # Stream archive. valid_chars = '.,^_-()[]0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' hname = hname = ''.join(c in valid_chars and c or '_' for c in hname)[0:150] trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=Galaxy-History-%s.tar" % ( hname ) if jeha.compressed: trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] += ".gz" trans.response.set_content_type( 'application/x-gzip' ) else: trans.response.set_content_type( 'application/x-tar' ) return open( jeha.dataset.file_name ) elif jeha.job.state in [ model.Job.states.RUNNING, model.Job.states.QUEUED, model.Job.states.WAITING ]: return trans.show_message( "Still exporting history %(n)s; please check back soon. Link: %(s)s" \ % ( { 'n' :, 's' : url_for( action="export_archive", id=id, qualified=True ) } ) ) # Run job to do export. history_exp_tool =[ '__EXPORT_HISTORY__' ] params = { 'history_to_export' : history, 'compress' : gzip, 'include_hidden' : include_hidden, 'include_deleted' : include_deleted } history_exp_tool.execute( trans, incoming = params, set_output_hid = True ) return trans.show_message( "Exporting History '%(n)s'. Use this link to download \ the archive or import it to another Galaxy server: \ %(u)s" \ % ( { 'n' :, 'u' : url_for( action="export_archive", id=id, qualified=True ) } ) ) @web.expose @web.json @web.require_login( "get history name and link" ) def get_name_and_link_async( self, trans, id=None ): """ Returns history's name and link. """ history = self.get_history( trans, id, False ) if self.create_item_slug( trans.sa_session, history ): trans.sa_session.flush() return_dict = { "name" :, "link" : url_for( action="display_by_username_and_slug", username=history.user.username, slug=history.slug ) } return return_dict @web.expose @web.require_login( "set history's accessible flag" ) def set_accessible_async( self, trans, id=None, accessible=False ): """ Set history's importable attribute and slug. """ history = self.get_history( trans, id, True ) # Only set if importable value would change; this prevents a change in the update_time unless attribute really changed. importable = accessible in ['True', 'true', 't', 'T']; if history and history.importable != importable: if importable: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) else: history.importable = importable trans.sa_session.flush() return @web.expose @web.require_login( "modify Galaxy items" ) def set_slug_async( self, trans, id, new_slug ): history = self.get_history( trans, id ) if history: history.slug = new_slug trans.sa_session.flush() return history.slug @web.expose def get_item_content_async( self, trans, id ): """ Returns item content in HTML format. """ history = self.get_history( trans, id, False, True ) if history is None: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() # Get datasets. datasets = self.get_history_datasets( trans, history ) # Get annotations. history.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, history.user, history ) for dataset in datasets: dataset.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, history.user, dataset ) return trans.stream_template_mako( "/history/item_content.mako", item = history, item_data = datasets ) @web.expose def name_autocomplete_data( self, trans, q=None, limit=None, timestamp=None ): """Return autocomplete data for history names""" user = trans.get_user() if not user: return ac_data = "" for history in trans.sa_session.query( model.History ).filter_by( user=user ).filter( func.lower( ) .like(q.lower() + "%") ): ac_data = ac_data + + "\n" return ac_data @web.expose def imp( self, trans, id=None, confirm=False, **kwd ): """Import another user's history via a shared URL""" msg = "" user = trans.get_user() user_history = trans.get_history() # Set referer message if 'referer' in kwd: referer = kwd['referer'] else: referer = trans.request.referer if referer is not "": referer_message = "return to the previous page" % referer else: referer_message = "go to Galaxy's start page" % url_for( '/' ) # Do import. if not id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a history you want to import.
You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) import_history = self.get_history( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=False ) if not import_history: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified history does not exist.
You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) # History is importable if user is admin or it's accessible. TODO: probably want to have app setting to enable admin access to histories. if not trans.user_is_admin() and not self.security_check( user, import_history, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ): return trans.show_error_message( "You cannot access this history.
You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) if user: if import_history.user_id == return trans.show_error_message( "You cannot import your own history.
You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) new_history = import_history.copy( target_user=user ) = "imported: " + new_history.user_id = galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Set imported history to be user's current history. trans.set_history( new_history ) return trans.show_ok_message( message="""History "%s" has been imported.
You can start using this history or %s.""" % (, web.url_for( '/' ), referer_message ), use_panels=True ) elif not user_history or not user_history.datasets or confirm: new_history = import_history.copy() = "imported: " + new_history.user_id = None galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.set_history( new_history ) return trans.show_ok_message( message="""History "%s" has been imported.
You can start using this history or %s.""" % (, web.url_for( '/' ), referer_message ), use_panels=True ) return trans.show_warn_message( """ Warning! If you import this history, you will lose your current history.
You can continue and import this history or %s. """ % ( web.url_for( id=id, confirm=True, referer=trans.request.referer ), referer_message ), use_panels=True ) @web.expose def view( self, trans, id=None ): """View a history. If a history is importable, then it is viewable by any user.""" # Get history to view. if not id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a history you want to view." ) history_to_view = self.get_history( trans, id, False) # Integrity checks. if not history_to_view: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified history does not exist." ) # Admin users can view any history if not trans.user_is_admin() and not history_to_view.importable: error( "Either you are not allowed to view this history or the owner of this history has not made it accessible." ) # View history. datasets = self.get_history_datasets( trans, history_to_view ) return trans.stream_template_mako( "history/view.mako", history = history_to_view, datasets = datasets, show_deleted = False ) @web.expose def display_by_username_and_slug( self, trans, username, slug ): """ Display history based on a username and slug. """ # Get history. session = trans.sa_session user = session.query( model.User ).filter_by( username=username ).first() history = trans.sa_session.query( model.History ).filter_by( user=user, slug=slug, deleted=False ).first() if history is None: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() # Security check raises error if user cannot access history. self.security_check( trans.get_user(), history, False, True) # Get datasets. datasets = self.get_history_datasets( trans, history ) # Get annotations. history.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, history.user, history ) for dataset in datasets: dataset.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, history.user, dataset ) # Get rating data. user_item_rating = 0 if trans.get_user(): user_item_rating = self.get_user_item_rating( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), history ) if user_item_rating: user_item_rating = user_item_rating.rating else: user_item_rating = 0 ave_item_rating, num_ratings = self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, history ) return trans.stream_template_mako( "history/display.mako", item = history, item_data = datasets, user_item_rating = user_item_rating, ave_item_rating=ave_item_rating, num_ratings=num_ratings ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "share Galaxy histories" ) def sharing( self, trans, id=None, histories=[], **kwargs ): """ Handle history sharing. """ # Get session and histories. session = trans.sa_session # Id values take precedence over histories passed in; last resort is current history. if id: ids = util.listify( id ) if ids: histories = [ self.get_history( trans, history_id ) for history_id in ids ] elif not histories: histories = [ trans.history ] # Do operation on histories. for history in histories: if 'make_accessible_via_link' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) elif 'make_accessible_and_publish' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) history.published = True elif 'publish' in kwargs: if history.importable: history.published = True else: # TODO: report error here. pass elif 'disable_link_access' in kwargs: history.importable = False elif 'unpublish' in kwargs: history.published = False elif 'disable_link_access_and_unpublish' in kwargs: history.importable = history.published = False elif 'unshare_user' in kwargs: user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( kwargs[ 'unshare_user' ] ) ) # Look for and delete sharing relation for history-user. deleted_sharing_relation = False husas = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter_by( user=user, history=history ).all() if husas: deleted_sharing_relation = True for husa in husas: trans.sa_session.delete( husa ) if not deleted_sharing_relation: message = "History '%s' does not seem to be shared with user '%s'" % (, ) return trans.fill_template( '/sharing_base.mako', item=history, message=message, status='error' ) # Legacy issue: histories made accessible before recent updates may not have a slug. Create slug for any histories that need them. for history in histories: if history.importable and not history.slug: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) session.flush() return trans.fill_template( "/sharing_base.mako", item=history ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "share histories with other users" ) def share( self, trans, id=None, email="", **kwd ): # If a history contains both datasets that can be shared and others that cannot be shared with the desired user, # then the entire history is shared, and the protected datasets will be visible, but inaccessible ( greyed out ) # in the cloned history params = util.Params( kwd ) user = trans.get_user() # TODO: we have too many error messages floating around in here - we need # to incorporate the messaging system used by the libraries that will display # a message on any page. err_msg = util.restore_text( params.get( 'err_msg', '' ) ) if not email: if not id: # Default to the current history id = ) id = util.listify( id ) send_to_err = err_msg histories = [] for history_id in id: histories.append( self.get_history( trans, history_id ) ) return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err ) histories, send_to_users, send_to_err = self._get_histories_and_users( trans, user, id, email ) if not send_to_users: if not send_to_err: send_to_err += "%s is not a valid Galaxy user. %s" % ( email, err_msg ) return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err ) if params.get( 'share_button', False ): # The user has not yet made a choice about how to share, so dictionaries will be built for display can_change, cannot_change, no_change_needed, unique_no_change_needed, send_to_err = \ self._populate_restricted( trans, user, histories, send_to_users, None, send_to_err, unique=True ) send_to_err += err_msg if cannot_change and not no_change_needed and not can_change: send_to_err = "The histories you are sharing do not contain any datasets that can be accessed by the users with which you are sharing." return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err ) if can_change or cannot_change: return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err, can_change=can_change, cannot_change=cannot_change, no_change_needed=unique_no_change_needed ) if no_change_needed: return self._share_histories( trans, user, send_to_err, histories=no_change_needed ) elif not send_to_err: # User seems to be sharing an empty history send_to_err = "You cannot share an empty history. " return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "share restricted histories with other users" ) def share_restricted( self, trans, id=None, email="", **kwd ): if 'action' in kwd: action = kwd[ 'action' ] else: err_msg = "Select an action. " return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='history', action='share', id=id, email=email, err_msg=err_msg, share_button=True ) ) user = trans.get_user() user_roles = user.all_roles() histories, send_to_users, send_to_err = self._get_histories_and_users( trans, user, id, email ) send_to_err = '' # The user has made a choice, so dictionaries will be built for sharing can_change, cannot_change, no_change_needed, unique_no_change_needed, send_to_err = \ self._populate_restricted( trans, user, histories, send_to_users, action, send_to_err ) # Now that we've populated the can_change, cannot_change, and no_change_needed dictionaries, # we'll populate the histories_for_sharing dictionary from each of them. histories_for_sharing = {} if no_change_needed: # Don't need to change anything in cannot_change, so populate as is histories_for_sharing, send_to_err = \ self._populate( trans, histories_for_sharing, no_change_needed, send_to_err ) if cannot_change: # Can't change anything in cannot_change, so populate as is histories_for_sharing, send_to_err = \ self._populate( trans, histories_for_sharing, cannot_change, send_to_err ) # The action here is either 'public' or 'private', so we'll continue to populate the # histories_for_sharing dictionary from the can_change dictionary. for send_to_user, history_dict in can_change.items(): for history in history_dict: # Make sure the current history has not already been shared with the current send_to_user if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( ==, == ) ) \ .count() > 0: send_to_err += "History (%s) already shared with user (%s)" % (, ) else: # Only deal with datasets that have not been purged for hda in history.activatable_datasets: # If the current dataset is not public, we may need to perform an action on it to # make it accessible by the other user. if not send_to_user.all_roles(), hda.dataset ): # The user with which we are sharing the history does not have access permission on the current dataset if user_roles, hda.dataset ) and not hda.dataset.library_associations: # The current user has authority to change permissions on the current dataset because # they have permission to manage permissions on the dataset and the dataset is not associated # with a library. if action == "private": hda.dataset, users=[ user, send_to_user ] ) elif action == "public": hda.dataset ) # Populate histories_for_sharing with the history after performing any requested actions on # it's datasets to make them accessible by the other user. if send_to_user not in histories_for_sharing: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ] = [ history ] elif history not in histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ]: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ].append( history ) return self._share_histories( trans, user, send_to_err, histories=histories_for_sharing ) def _get_histories_and_users( self, trans, user, id, email ): if not id: # Default to the current history id = ) id = util.listify( id ) send_to_err = "" histories = [] for history_id in id: histories.append( self.get_history( trans, history_id ) ) send_to_users = [] for email_address in util.listify( email ): email_address = email_address.strip() if email_address: if email_address == send_to_err += "You cannot send histories to yourself. " else: send_to_user = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_(, ) ) \ .first() if send_to_user: send_to_users.append( send_to_user ) else: send_to_err += "%s is not a valid Galaxy user. " % email_address return histories, send_to_users, send_to_err def _populate( self, trans, histories_for_sharing, other, send_to_err ): # This method will populate the histories_for_sharing dictionary with the users and # histories in other, eliminating histories that have already been shared with the # associated user. No security checking on datasets is performed. # If not empty, the histories_for_sharing dictionary looks like: # { userA: [ historyX, historyY ], userB: [ historyY ] } # other looks like: # { userA: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda]}, userB: {historyY : [hda]} } for send_to_user, history_dict in other.items(): for history in history_dict: # Make sure the current history has not already been shared with the current send_to_user if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( ==, == ) ) \ .count() > 0: send_to_err += "History (%s) already shared with user (%s)" % (, ) else: # Build the dict that will be used for sharing if send_to_user not in histories_for_sharing: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ] = [ history ] elif history not in histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ]: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ].append( history ) return histories_for_sharing, send_to_err def _populate_restricted( self, trans, user, histories, send_to_users, action, send_to_err, unique=False ): # The user may be attempting to share histories whose datasets cannot all be accessed by other users. # If this is the case, the user sharing the histories can: # 1) action=='public': choose to make the datasets public if he is permitted to do so # 2) action=='private': automatically create a new "sharing role" allowing protected # datasets to be accessed only by the desired users # This method will populate the can_change, cannot_change and no_change_needed dictionaries, which # are used for either displaying to the user, letting them make 1 of the choices above, or sharing # after the user has made a choice. They will be used for display if 'unique' is True, and will look # like: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda] } # For sharing, they will look like: # { userA: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda]}, userB: {historyY : [hda]} } can_change = {} cannot_change = {} no_change_needed = {} unique_no_change_needed = {} user_roles = user.all_roles() for history in histories: for send_to_user in send_to_users: # Make sure the current history has not already been shared with the current send_to_user if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( ==, == ) ) \ .count() > 0: send_to_err += "History (%s) already shared with user (%s)" % (, ) else: # Only deal with datasets that have not been purged for hda in history.activatable_datasets: if send_to_user.all_roles(), hda.dataset ): # The no_change_needed dictionary is a special case. If both of can_change # and cannot_change are empty, no_change_needed will used for sharing. Otherwise # unique_no_change_needed will be used for displaying, so we need to populate both. # Build the dictionaries for display, containing unique histories only if history not in unique_no_change_needed: unique_no_change_needed[ history ] = [ hda ] else: unique_no_change_needed[ history ].append( hda ) # Build the dictionaries for sharing if send_to_user not in no_change_needed: no_change_needed[ send_to_user ] = {} if history not in no_change_needed[ send_to_user ]: no_change_needed[ send_to_user ][ history ] = [ hda ] else: no_change_needed[ send_to_user ][ history ].append( hda ) else: # The user with which we are sharing the history does not have access permission on the current dataset if user_roles, hda.dataset ): # The current user has authority to change permissions on the current dataset because # they have permission to manage permissions on the dataset. # NOTE: ( gvk )There may be problems if the dataset also has an ldda, but I don't think so # because the user with which we are sharing will not have the "manage permission" permission # on the dataset in their history. Keep an eye on this though... if unique: # Build the dictionaries for display, containing unique histories only if history not in can_change: can_change[ history ] = [ hda ] else: can_change[ history ].append( hda ) else: # Build the dictionaries for sharing if send_to_user not in can_change: can_change[ send_to_user ] = {} if history not in can_change[ send_to_user ]: can_change[ send_to_user ][ history ] = [ hda ] else: can_change[ send_to_user ][ history ].append( hda ) else: if action in [ "private", "public" ]: # The user has made a choice, so 'unique' doesn't apply. Don't change stuff # that the user doesn't have permission to change continue if unique: # Build the dictionaries for display, containing unique histories only if history not in cannot_change: cannot_change[ history ] = [ hda ] else: cannot_change[ history ].append( hda ) else: # Build the dictionaries for sharing if send_to_user not in cannot_change: cannot_change[ send_to_user ] = {} if history not in cannot_change[ send_to_user ]: cannot_change[ send_to_user ][ history ] = [ hda ] else: cannot_change[ send_to_user ][ history ].append( hda ) return can_change, cannot_change, no_change_needed, unique_no_change_needed, send_to_err def _share_histories( self, trans, user, send_to_err, histories={} ): # histories looks like: { userA: [ historyX, historyY ], userB: [ historyY ] } msg = "" sent_to_emails = [] for send_to_user in histories.keys(): sent_to_emails.append( ) emails = ",".join( e for e in sent_to_emails ) if not histories: send_to_err += "No users have been specified or no histories can be sent without changing permissions or associating a sharing role. " else: for send_to_user, send_to_user_histories in histories.items(): shared_histories = [] for history in send_to_user_histories: share = share.history = history share.user = send_to_user trans.sa_session.add( share ) self.create_item_slug( trans.sa_session, history ) trans.sa_session.flush() if history not in shared_histories: shared_histories.append( history ) if send_to_err: msg += send_to_err return self.sharing( trans, histories=shared_histories, msg=msg ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "rename histories" ) def rename( self, trans, id=None, name=None, **kwd ): user = trans.get_user() if not id: # Default to the current history history = trans.get_history() if not history.user: return trans.show_error_message( "You must save your history before renaming it." ) id = ) id = util.listify( id ) name = util.listify( name ) histories = [] cur_names = [] for history_id in id: history = self.get_history( trans, history_id ) if history and history.user_id == histories.append( history ) cur_names.append( history.get_display_name() ) if not name or len( histories ) != len( name ): return trans.fill_template( "/history/rename.mako", histories=histories ) change_msg = "" for i in range(len(histories)): if histories[i].user_id == if name[i] == histories[i].get_display_name(): change_msg = change_msg + "

History: "+cur_names[i]+" is already named: "+name[i]+"

" elif name[i] not in [None,'',' ']: name[i] = escape(name[i]) histories[i].name = name[i] trans.sa_session.add( histories[i] ) trans.sa_session.flush() change_msg = change_msg + "

History: "+cur_names[i]+" renamed to: "+name[i]+"

" trans.log_event( "History renamed: id: %s, renamed to: '%s'" % (str(histories[i].id), name[i] ) ) else: change_msg = change_msg + "

You must specify a valid name for History: "+cur_names[i]+"

" else: change_msg = change_msg + "

History: "+cur_names[i]+" does not appear to belong to you.

" return trans.show_message( "

%s" % change_msg, refresh_frames=['history'] ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "clone shared Galaxy history" ) def clone( self, trans, id=None, **kwd ): """Clone a list of histories""" params = util.Params( kwd ) # If clone_choice was not specified, display form passing along id # argument clone_choice = params.get( 'clone_choice', None ) if not clone_choice: return trans.fill_template( "/history/clone.mako", id_argument=id ) # Extract histories for id argument, defaulting to current if id is None: histories = [ trans.history ] else: ids = util.listify( id ) histories = [] for history_id in ids: history = self.get_history( trans, history_id, check_ownership=False ) histories.append( history ) user = trans.get_user() for history in histories: if history.user == user: owner = True else: if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by( user=user, history=history ) \ .count() == 0: return trans.show_error_message( "The history you are attempting to clone is not owned by you or shared with you. " ) owner = False name = "Clone of '%s'" % if not owner: name += " shared by '%s'" % if clone_choice == 'activatable': new_history = history.copy( name=name, target_user=user, activatable=True ) elif clone_choice == 'active': name += " (active items only)" new_history = history.copy( name=name, target_user=user ) if len( histories ) == 1: msg = 'Clone with name "%s" is now included in your previously stored histories.' % else: msg = '%d cloned histories are now included in your previously stored histories.' % len( histories ) return trans.show_ok_message( msg )