from galaxy.web.base.controller import * import pkg_resources pkg_resources.require( "simplejson" ) pkg_resources.require( "SVGFig" ) import simplejson import base64, httplib, urllib2, sgmllib, svgfig from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago, grids from import * from import DefaultToolState from import Repeat, Conditional from import Data from galaxy.util.odict import odict from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html from galaxy.util.topsort import topsort, topsort_levels, CycleError from galaxy.workflow.modules import * from galaxy import model from galaxy.model.mapping import desc from galaxy.model.orm import * from galaxy.model.item_attrs import * from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import to_unicode from import ActionBox class StoredWorkflowListGrid( grids.Grid ): class StepsColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value(self, trans, grid, workflow): return len( workflow.latest_workflow.steps ) # Grid definition use_panels = True title = "Saved Workflows" model_class = model.StoredWorkflow default_filter = { "name" : "All", "tags": "All" } default_sort_key = "-update_time" columns = [ grids.TextColumn( "Name", key="name", attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", "tags", model_tag_association_class=model.StoredWorkflowTagAssociation, filterable="advanced", grid_name="StoredWorkflowListGrid" ), StepsColumn( "Steps" ), grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Edit", allow_multiple=False, condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Run", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Clone", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Rename", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Sharing", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), async_compatible=True ), ] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter_by( user=trans.user, deleted=False ) class StoredWorkflowAllPublishedGrid( grids.Grid ): title = "Published Workflows" model_class = model.StoredWorkflow default_sort_key = "update_time" default_filter = dict( public_url="All", username="All", tags="All" ) use_async = True columns = [ grids.PublicURLColumn( "Name", key="name", filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerAnnotationColumn( "Annotation", key="annotation", model_annotation_association_class=model.StoredWorkflowAnnotationAssociation, filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerColumn( "Owner", key="owner", model_class=model.User, filterable="advanced" ), grids.CommunityRatingColumn( "Community Rating", key="rating" ), grids.CommunityTagsColumn( "Community Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.StoredWorkflowTagAssociation, filterable="advanced", grid_name="PublicWorkflowListGrid" ), grids.ReverseSortColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) operations = [] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwargs ): # Join so that searching stored_workflow.user makes sense. return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).join( model.User.table ) def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): # A public workflow is published, has a slug, and is not deleted. return query.filter( self.model_class.published==True ).filter( self.model_class.slug != None ).filter( self.model_class.deleted == False ) # Simple SGML parser to get all content in a single tag. class SingleTagContentsParser( sgmllib.SGMLParser ): def __init__( self, target_tag ): sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__( self ) self.target_tag = target_tag self.cur_tag = None self.tag_content = "" def unknown_starttag( self, tag, attrs ): """ Called for each start tag. """ self.cur_tag = tag def handle_data( self, text ): """ Called for each block of plain text. """ if self.cur_tag == self.target_tag: self.tag_content += text class WorkflowController( BaseController, Sharable, UsesStoredWorkflow, UsesAnnotations, UsesItemRatings ): stored_list_grid = StoredWorkflowListGrid() published_list_grid = StoredWorkflowAllPublishedGrid() __myexp_url = "" @web.expose def index( self, trans ): return self.list( trans ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def list_grid( self, trans, **kwargs ): """ List user's stored workflows. """ status = message = None if 'operation' in kwargs: operation = kwargs['operation'].lower() if operation == "rename": return self.rename( trans, **kwargs ) history_ids = util.listify( kwargs.get( 'id', [] ) ) if operation == "sharing": return self.sharing( trans, id=history_ids ) return self.stored_list_grid( trans, **kwargs ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows", use_panels=True ) def list( self, trans ): """ Render workflow main page (management of existing workflows) """ user = trans.get_user() workflows = trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflow ) \ .filter_by( user=user, deleted=False ) \ .order_by( desc( model.StoredWorkflow.table.c.update_time ) ) \ .all() shared_by_others = trans.sa_session \ .query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user ) \ .join( 'stored_workflow' ) \ .filter( model.StoredWorkflow.deleted == False ) \ .order_by( desc( model.StoredWorkflow.update_time ) ) \ .all() # Legacy issue: all shared workflows must have slugs. slug_set = False for workflow_assoc in shared_by_others: slug_set = self.create_item_slug( trans.sa_session, workflow_assoc.stored_workflow ) if slug_set: trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.fill_template( "workflow/list.mako", workflows = workflows, shared_by_others = shared_by_others ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def list_for_run( self, trans ): """ Render workflow list for analysis view (just allows running workflow or switching to management view) """ user = trans.get_user() workflows = trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflow ) \ .filter_by( user=user, deleted=False ) \ .order_by( desc( model.StoredWorkflow.table.c.update_time ) ) \ .all() shared_by_others = trans.sa_session \ .query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user ) \ .filter( model.StoredWorkflow.deleted == False ) \ .order_by( desc( model.StoredWorkflow.table.c.update_time ) ) \ .all() return trans.fill_template( "workflow/list_for_run.mako", workflows = workflows, shared_by_others = shared_by_others ) @web.expose def list_published( self, trans, **kwargs ): grid = self.published_list_grid( trans, **kwargs ) if 'async' in kwargs: return grid else: # Render grid wrapped in panels return trans.fill_template( "workflow/list_published.mako", grid=grid ) @web.expose def display_by_username_and_slug( self, trans, username, slug ): """ Display workflow based on a username and slug. """ # Get workflow. session = trans.sa_session user = session.query( model.User ).filter_by( username=username ).first() stored_workflow = trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflow ).filter_by( user=user, slug=slug, deleted=False ).first() if stored_workflow is None: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() # Security check raises error if user cannot access workflow. self.security_check( trans.get_user(), stored_workflow, False, True) # Get data for workflow's steps. self.get_stored_workflow_steps( trans, stored_workflow ) # Get annotations. stored_workflow.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, stored_workflow.user, stored_workflow ) for step in stored_workflow.latest_workflow.steps: step.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, stored_workflow.user, step ) # Get rating data. user_item_rating = 0 if trans.get_user(): user_item_rating = self.get_user_item_rating( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), stored_workflow ) if user_item_rating: user_item_rating = user_item_rating.rating else: user_item_rating = 0 ave_item_rating, num_ratings = self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, stored_workflow ) return trans.fill_template_mako( "workflow/display.mako", item=stored_workflow, item_data=stored_workflow.latest_workflow.steps, user_item_rating = user_item_rating, ave_item_rating=ave_item_rating, num_ratings=num_ratings ) @web.expose def get_item_content_async( self, trans, id ): """ Returns item content in HTML format. """ stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, False, True ) if stored is None: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() # Get data for workflow's steps. self.get_stored_workflow_steps( trans, stored ) # Get annotations. stored.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, stored.user, stored ) for step in stored.latest_workflow.steps: step.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, stored.user, step ) return trans.stream_template_mako( "/workflow/item_content.mako", item = stored, item_data = stored.latest_workflow.steps ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def share( self, trans, id, email="", use_panels=False ): msg = mtype = None # Load workflow from database stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if email: other = trans.sa_session.query( model.User ) \ .filter( and_(, model.User.table.c.deleted==False ) ) \ .first() if not other: mtype = "error" msg = ( "User '%s' does not exist" % email ) elif other == trans.get_user(): mtype = "error" msg = ( "You cannot share a workflow with yourself" ) elif trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=other, stored_workflow=stored ).count() > 0: mtype = "error" msg = ( "Workflow already shared with '%s'" % email ) else: share = model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation() share.stored_workflow = stored share.user = other session = trans.sa_session session.add( share ) self.create_item_slug( session, stored ) session.flush() trans.set_message( "Workflow '%s' shared with user '%s'" % (, ) ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='workflow', action='sharing', id=id ) ) return trans.fill_template( "/ind_share_base.mako", message = msg, messagetype = mtype, item=stored, email=email, use_panels=use_panels ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def sharing( self, trans, id, **kwargs ): """ Handle workflow sharing. """ # Get session and workflow. session = trans.sa_session stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) session.add( stored ) # Do operation on workflow. if 'make_accessible_via_link' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, stored ) elif 'make_accessible_and_publish' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, stored ) stored.published = True elif 'publish' in kwargs: stored.published = True elif 'disable_link_access' in kwargs: stored.importable = False elif 'unpublish' in kwargs: stored.published = False elif 'disable_link_access_and_unpublish' in kwargs: stored.importable = stored.published = False elif 'unshare_user' in kwargs: user = session.query( model.User ).get( kwargs['unshare_user' ] ) ) if not user: error( "User not found for provided id" ) association = session.query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user, stored_workflow=stored ).one() session.delete( association ) # Legacy issue: workflows made accessible before recent updates may not have a slug. Create slug for any workflows that need them. if stored.importable and not stored.slug: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, stored ) session.flush() return trans.fill_template( "/workflow/sharing.mako", use_panels=True, item=stored ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "to import a workflow", use_panels=True ) def imp( self, trans, id, **kwargs ): # Set referer message. referer = trans.request.referer if referer is not "": referer_message = "return to the previous page" % referer else: referer_message = "go to Galaxy's start page" % url_for( '/' ) # Do import. session = trans.sa_session stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=False ) if stored.importable == False: return trans.show_error_message( "The owner of this workflow has disabled imports via this link.
You can %s" % referer_message, use_panels=True ) elif stored.user == trans.user: return trans.show_error_message( "You can't import this workflow because you own it.
You can %s" % referer_message, use_panels=True ) elif stored.deleted: return trans.show_error_message( "You can't import this workflow because it has been deleted.
You can %s" % referer_message, use_panels=True ) else: # Copy workflow. imported_stored = model.StoredWorkflow() = "imported: " + imported_stored.latest_workflow = stored.latest_workflow imported_stored.user = trans.user # Save new workflow. session = trans.sa_session session.add( imported_stored ) session.flush() # Copy annotations. self.copy_item_annotation( session, stored.user, stored, imported_stored.user, imported_stored ) for order_index, step in enumerate( stored.latest_workflow.steps ): self.copy_item_annotation( session, stored.user, step, \ imported_stored.user, imported_stored.latest_workflow.steps[order_index] ) session.flush() # Redirect to load galaxy frames. return trans.show_ok_message( message="""Workflow "%s" has been imported.
You can start using this workflow or %s.""" % (, web.url_for( controller='workflow' ), referer_message ), use_panels=True ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def edit_attributes( self, trans, id, **kwargs ): # Get workflow and do error checking. stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if not stored: error( "You do not own this workflow or workflow ID is invalid." ) # Update workflow attributes if new values submitted. if 'name' in kwargs: # Rename workflow. = kwargs[ 'name' ] if 'annotation' in kwargs: # Set workflow annotation; sanitize annotation before adding it. annotation = sanitize_html( kwargs[ 'annotation' ], 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), stored, annotation ) trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.fill_template( 'workflow/edit_attributes.mako', stored=stored, annotation=self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, trans.user, stored ) ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def rename( self, trans, id, new_name=None, **kwargs ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if new_name is not None: = new_name trans.sa_session.flush() # For current workflows grid: trans.set_message ( "Workflow renamed to '%s'." % new_name ) return self.list( trans ) # For new workflows grid: #message = "Workflow renamed to '%s'." % new_name #return self.list_grid( trans, message=message, status='done' ) else: return form( url_for( action='rename', ), "Rename workflow", submit_text="Rename" ) \ .add_text( "new_name", "Workflow Name", value=to_unicode( ) ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def rename_async( self, trans, id, new_name=None, **kwargs ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if new_name: = new_name trans.sa_session.flush() return @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def annotate_async( self, trans, id, new_annotation=None, **kwargs ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if new_annotation: # Sanitize annotation before adding it. new_annotation = sanitize_html( new_annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), stored, new_annotation ) trans.sa_session.flush() return new_annotation @web.expose @web.require_login( "rate items" ) @web.json def rate_async( self, trans, id, rating ): """ Rate a workflow asynchronously and return updated community data. """ stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) if not stored: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified workflow does not exist." ) # Rate workflow. stored_rating = self.rate_item( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), stored, rating ) return self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, stored ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def set_accessible_async( self, trans, id=None, accessible=False ): """ Set workflow's importable attribute and slug. """ stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) # Only set if importable value would change; this prevents a change in the update_time unless attribute really changed. importable = accessible in ['True', 'true', 't', 'T']; if stored and stored.importable != importable: if importable: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, stored ) else: stored.importable = importable trans.sa_session.flush() return @web.expose @web.require_login( "modify Galaxy items" ) def set_slug_async( self, trans, id, new_slug ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if stored: stored.slug = new_slug trans.sa_session.flush() return stored.slug @web.expose def get_embed_html_async( self, trans, id ): """ Returns HTML for embedding a workflow in a page. """ # TODO: user should be able to embed any item he has access to. see display_by_username_and_slug for security code. stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if stored: return "Embedded Workflow '%s'" % @web.expose @web.json @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def get_name_and_link_async( self, trans, id=None ): """ Returns workflow's name and link. """ stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) if self.create_item_slug( trans.sa_session, stored ): trans.sa_session.flush() return_dict = { "name" :, "link" : url_for( action="display_by_username_and_slug", username=stored.user.username, slug=stored.slug ) } return return_dict @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def gen_image( self, trans, id ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=True ) session = trans.sa_session workflow = stored.latest_workflow data = [] canvas = svgfig.canvas(style="stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:1px; stroke-linejoin:round; text-anchor:left") text = svgfig.SVG("g") connectors = svgfig.SVG("g") boxes = svgfig.SVG("g") svgfig.Text.defaults["font-size"] = "10px" in_pos = {} out_pos = {} margin = 5 line_px = 16 # how much spacing between input/outputs widths = {} # store px width for boxes of each step max_width, max_x, max_y = 0, 0, 0 for step in workflow.steps: # Load from database representation module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) # Pack attributes into plain dictionary step_dict = { 'id': step.order_index, 'data_inputs': module.get_data_inputs(), 'data_outputs': module.get_data_outputs(), 'position': step.position } input_conn_dict = {} for conn in step.input_connections: input_conn_dict[ conn.input_name ] = \ dict( id=conn.output_step.order_index, output_name=conn.output_name ) step_dict['input_connections'] = input_conn_dict data.append(step_dict) x, y = step.position['left'], step.position['top'] count = 0 max_len = len(module.get_name()) * 1.5 text.append( svgfig.Text(x, y + 20, module.get_name(), **{"font-size": "14px"} ).SVG() ) y += 45 for di in module.get_data_inputs(): cur_y = y+count*line_px if step.order_index not in in_pos: in_pos[step.order_index] = {} in_pos[step.order_index][di['name']] = (x, cur_y) text.append( svgfig.Text(x, cur_y, di['label']).SVG() ) count += 1 max_len = max(max_len, len(di['label'])) if len(module.get_data_inputs()) > 0: y += 15 for do in module.get_data_outputs(): cur_y = y+count*line_px if step.order_index not in out_pos: out_pos[step.order_index] = {} out_pos[step.order_index][do['name']] = (x, cur_y) text.append( svgfig.Text(x, cur_y, do['name']).SVG() ) count += 1 max_len = max(max_len, len(do['name'])) widths[step.order_index] = max_len*5.5 max_x = max(max_x, step.position['left']) max_y = max(max_y, step.position['top']) max_width = max(max_width, widths[step.order_index]) for step_dict in data: width = widths[step_dict['id']] x, y = step_dict['position']['left'], step_dict['position']['top'] boxes.append( svgfig.Rect(x-margin, y, x+width-margin, y+30, fill="#EBD9B2").SVG() ) box_height = (len(step_dict['data_inputs']) + len(step_dict['data_outputs'])) * line_px + margin # Draw separator line if len(step_dict['data_inputs']) > 0: box_height += 15 sep_y = y + len(step_dict['data_inputs']) * line_px + 40 text.append( svgfig.Line(x-margin, sep_y, x+width-margin, sep_y).SVG() ) # # input/output box boxes.append( svgfig.Rect(x-margin, y+30, x+width-margin, y+30+box_height, fill="#ffffff").SVG() ) for conn, output_dict in step_dict['input_connections'].iteritems(): in_coords = in_pos[step_dict['id']][conn] out_conn_pos = out_pos[output_dict['id']][output_dict['output_name']] adjusted = (out_conn_pos[0] + widths[output_dict['id']], out_conn_pos[1]) text.append( svgfig.SVG("circle", cx=out_conn_pos[0]+widths[output_dict['id']]-margin, cy=out_conn_pos[1]-margin, r=5, fill="#ffffff" ) ) connectors.append( svgfig.Line(adjusted[0], adjusted[1]-margin, in_coords[0]-10, in_coords[1], arrow_end="true" ).SVG() ) canvas.append(connectors) canvas.append(boxes) canvas.append(text) width, height = (max_x + max_width + 50), max_y + 300 canvas['width'] = "%s px" % width canvas['height'] = "%s px" % height canvas['viewBox'] = "0 0 %s %s" % (width, height) trans.response.set_content_type("image/svg+xml") return canvas.standalone_xml() @web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy workflows" ) def clone( self, trans, id ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=False ) user = trans.get_user() if stored.user == user: owner = True else: if trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user, stored_workflow=stored ).count() == 0: error( "Workflow is not owned by or shared with current user" ) owner = False new_stored = model.StoredWorkflow() = "Clone of '%s'" % new_stored.latest_workflow = stored.latest_workflow if not owner: += " shared by '%s'" % new_stored.user = user # Persist session = trans.sa_session session.add( new_stored ) session.flush() # Display the management page trans.set_message( 'Clone created with name "%s"' % ) return self.list( trans ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "create workflows" ) def create( self, trans, workflow_name=None, workflow_annotation="" ): """ Create a new stored workflow with name `workflow_name`. """ user = trans.get_user() if workflow_name is not None: # Create the new stored workflow stored_workflow = model.StoredWorkflow() = workflow_name stored_workflow.user = user # And the first (empty) workflow revision workflow = model.Workflow() = workflow_name workflow.stored_workflow = stored_workflow stored_workflow.latest_workflow = workflow # Add annotation. workflow_annotation = sanitize_html( workflow_annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), stored_workflow, workflow_annotation ) # Persist session = trans.sa_session session.add( stored_workflow ) session.flush() # Display the management page trans.set_message( "Workflow '%s' created" % ) return self.list( trans ) else: return form( url_for(), "Create New Workflow", submit_text="Create" ) \ .add_text( "workflow_name", "Workflow Name", value="Unnamed workflow" ) \ .add_text( "workflow_annotation", "Workflow Annotation", value="", help="A description of the workflow; annotation is shown alongside shared or published workflows." ) @web.expose def delete( self, trans, id=None ): """ Mark a workflow as deleted """ # Load workflow from database stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) # Marke as deleted and save stored.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add( stored ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Display the management page trans.set_message( "Workflow '%s' deleted" % ) return self.list( trans ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "edit workflows" ) def editor( self, trans, id=None ): """ Render the main workflow editor interface. The canvas is embedded as an iframe (necessary for scrolling to work properly), which is rendered by `editor_canvas`. """ if not id: error( "Invalid workflow id" ) stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) return trans.fill_template( "workflow/editor.mako", stored=stored, annotation=self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, trans.user, stored ) ) @web.json def editor_form_post( self, trans, type='tool', tool_id=None, annotation=None, **incoming ): """ Accepts a tool state and incoming values, and generates a new tool form and some additional information, packed into a json dictionary. This is used for the form shown in the right pane when a node is selected. """ trans.workflow_building_mode = True module = module_factory.from_dict( trans, { 'type': type, 'tool_id': tool_id, 'tool_state': incoming.pop("tool_state") } ) module.update_state( incoming ) if type=='tool': return { 'tool_state': module.get_state(), 'data_inputs': module.get_data_inputs(), 'data_outputs': module.get_data_outputs(), 'tool_errors': module.get_errors(), 'form_html': module.get_config_form(), 'annotation': annotation, 'post_job_actions': module.get_post_job_actions() } else: return { 'tool_state': module.get_state(), 'data_inputs': module.get_data_inputs(), 'data_outputs': module.get_data_outputs(), 'tool_errors': module.get_errors(), 'form_html': module.get_config_form(), 'annotation': annotation } @web.json def get_new_module_info( self, trans, type, **kwargs ): """ Get the info for a new instance of a module initialized with default parameters (any keyword arguments will be passed along to the module). Result includes data inputs and outputs, html representation of the initial form, and the initial tool state (with default values). This is called asynchronously whenever a new node is added. """ trans.workflow_building_mode = True module = trans, type, **kwargs ) return { 'type': module.type, 'name': module.get_name(), 'tool_id': module.get_tool_id(), 'tool_state': module.get_state(), 'tooltip': module.get_tooltip(), 'data_inputs': module.get_data_inputs(), 'data_outputs': module.get_data_outputs(), 'form_html': module.get_config_form(), 'annotation': "" } @web.json def load_workflow( self, trans, id ): """ Get the latest Workflow for the StoredWorkflow identified by `id` and encode it as a json string that can be read by the workflow editor web interface. """ user = trans.get_user() id = id ) trans.workflow_building_mode = True # Load encoded workflow from database stored = trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflow ).get( id ) assert stored.user == user workflow = stored.latest_workflow # Pack workflow data into a dictionary and return data = {} data['name'] = data['steps'] = {} data['upgrade_messages'] = {} # For each step, rebuild the form and encode the state for step in workflow.steps: # Load from database representation module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) # Fix any missing parameters upgrade_message = module.check_and_update_state() if upgrade_message: # FIXME: Frontend should be able to handle workflow messages # as a dictionary not just the values data['upgrade_messages'][step.order_index] = upgrade_message.values() # Get user annotation. step_annotation = self.get_item_annotation_obj( trans.sa_session, trans.user, step ) annotation_str = "" if step_annotation: annotation_str = step_annotation.annotation # Pack attributes into plain dictionary step_dict = { 'id': step.order_index, 'type': module.type, 'tool_id': module.get_tool_id(), 'name': module.get_name(), 'tool_state': module.get_state(), 'tooltip': module.get_tooltip(), 'tool_errors': module.get_errors(), 'data_inputs': module.get_data_inputs(), 'data_outputs': module.get_data_outputs(), 'form_html': module.get_config_form(), 'annotation' : annotation_str, 'post_job_actions' : {}, 'workflow_outputs' : [] } # Connections input_connections = step.input_connections if step.type is None or step.type == 'tool': # Determine full (prefixed) names of valid input datasets data_input_names = {} def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ): if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): data_input_names[ prefixed_name ] = True visit_input_values( module.tool.inputs, module.state.inputs, callback ) # Filter # FIXME: this removes connection without displaying a message currently! input_connections = [ conn for conn in input_connections if conn.input_name in data_input_names ] # post_job_actions pja_dict = {} for pja in step.post_job_actions: pja_dict[pja.action_type+pja.output_name] = dict(action_type = pja.action_type, output_name = pja.output_name, action_arguments = pja.action_arguments) step_dict['post_job_actions'] = pja_dict #workflow outputs outputs = [] for output in step.workflow_outputs: outputs.append(output.output_name) step_dict['workflow_outputs'] = outputs # Encode input connections as dictionary input_conn_dict = {} for conn in input_connections: input_conn_dict[ conn.input_name ] = \ dict( id=conn.output_step.order_index, output_name=conn.output_name ) step_dict['input_connections'] = input_conn_dict # Position step_dict['position'] = step.position # Add to return value data['steps'][step.order_index] = step_dict return data @web.json def save_workflow( self, trans, id, workflow_data ): """ Save the workflow described by `workflow_data` with id `id`. """ # Get the stored workflow stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id ) # Put parameters in workflow mode trans.workflow_building_mode = True # Convert incoming workflow data from json data = simplejson.loads( workflow_data ) # Create new workflow from incoming data workflow = model.Workflow() # Just keep the last name (user can rename later) = # Assume no errors until we find a step that has some workflow.has_errors = False # Create each step steps = [] # The editor will provide ids for each step that we don't need to save, # but do need to use to make connections steps_by_external_id = {} # First pass to build step objects and populate basic values for key, step_dict in data['steps'].iteritems(): # Create the model class for the step step = model.WorkflowStep() steps.append( step ) steps_by_external_id[ step_dict['id' ] ] = step # FIXME: Position should be handled inside module step.position = step_dict['position'] module = module_factory.from_dict( trans, step_dict ) module.save_to_step( step ) if step_dict.has_key('workflow_outputs'): for output_name in step_dict['workflow_outputs']: m = model.WorkflowOutput(workflow_step = step, output_name = output_name) trans.sa_session.add(m) if step.tool_errors: workflow.has_errors = True # Stick this in the step temporarily step.temp_input_connections = step_dict['input_connections'] # Save step annotation. annotation = step_dict[ 'annotation' ] if annotation: annotation = sanitize_html( annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), step, annotation ) # Second pass to deal with connections between steps for step in steps: # Input connections for input_name, conn_dict in step.temp_input_connections.iteritems(): if conn_dict: conn = model.WorkflowStepConnection() conn.input_step = step conn.input_name = input_name conn.output_name = conn_dict['output_name'] conn.output_step = steps_by_external_id[ conn_dict['id'] ] del step.temp_input_connections # Order the steps if possible attach_ordered_steps( workflow, steps ) # Connect up workflow.stored_workflow = stored stored.latest_workflow = workflow # Persist trans.sa_session.flush() # Return something informative errors = [] if workflow.has_errors: errors.append( "Some steps in this workflow have validation errors" ) if workflow.has_cycles: errors.append( "This workflow contains cycles" ) if errors: rval = dict( message="Workflow saved, but will not be runnable due to the following errors", errors=errors ) else: rval = dict( message="Workflow saved" ) rval['name'] = return rval @web.expose @web.require_login( "use workflows" ) def export( self, trans, id=None, **kwd ): """ Handles download/export workflow command. """ stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) return trans.fill_template( "/workflow/export.mako", item=stored, use_panels=True ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use workflows" ) def import_from_myexp( self, trans, myexp_id, myexp_username=None, myexp_password=None ): """ Imports a workflow from the myExperiment website. """ # # Get workflow XML. # # Get workflow content. conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( self.__myexp_url ) # NOTE: blocks web thread. headers = {} if myexp_username and myexp_password: auth_header = base64.b64encode( '%s:%s' % ( myexp_username, myexp_password ))[:-1] headers = { "Authorization" : "Basic %s" % auth_header } conn.request( "GET", "/workflow.xml?id=%s&elements=content" % myexp_id, headers=headers ) response = conn.getresponse() workflow_xml = conn.close() parser = SingleTagContentsParser( "content" ) parser.feed( workflow_xml ) workflow_content = base64.b64decode( parser.tag_content ) # # Process workflow XML and create workflow. # parser = SingleTagContentsParser( "galaxy_json" ) parser.feed( workflow_content ) workflow_dict = from_json_string( parser.tag_content ) # Create workflow. workflow = self._workflow_from_dict( trans, workflow_dict, source="myExperiment" ).latest_workflow # Provide user feedback. if workflow.has_errors: return trans.show_warn_message( "Imported, but some steps in this workflow have validation errors" ) if workflow.has_cycles: return trans.show_warn_message( "Imported, but this workflow contains cycles" ) else: return trans.show_message( "Workflow '%s' imported" % ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "use workflows" ) def export_to_myexp( self, trans, id, myexp_username, myexp_password ): """ Exports a workflow to myExperiment website. """ # Load encoded workflow from database user = trans.get_user() id = id ) trans.workflow_building_mode = True stored = trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflow ).get( id ) self.security_check( trans.get_user(), stored, False, True ) # Convert workflow to dict. workflow_dict = self._workflow_to_dict( trans, stored ) # # Create and submit workflow myExperiment request. # # Create workflow content XML. workflow_dict_packed = simplejson.dumps( workflow_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True ) workflow_content = trans.fill_template( "workflow/myexp_export_content.mako", \ workflow_dict_packed=workflow_dict_packed, \ workflow_steps=workflow_dict['steps'] ) # Create myExperiment request. request_raw = trans.fill_template( "workflow/myexp_export.mako", \ workflow_name=workflow_dict['name'], \ workflow_description=workflow_dict['annotation'], \ workflow_content=workflow_content ) # strip() b/c myExperiment XML parser doesn't allow white space before XML; utf-8 handles unicode characters. request = unicode( request_raw.strip(), 'utf-8' ) # Do request and get result. auth_header = base64.b64encode( '%s:%s' % ( myexp_username, myexp_password ))[:-1] headers = { "Content-type": "text/xml", "Accept": "text/plain", "Authorization" : "Basic %s" % auth_header } conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( self.__myexp_url ) # NOTE: blocks web thread. conn.request("POST", "/workflow.xml", request, headers) response = conn.getresponse() response_data = conn.close() # Do simple parse of response to see if export successful and provide user feedback. parser = SingleTagContentsParser( 'id' ) parser.feed( response_data ) myexp_workflow_id = parser.tag_content workflow_list_str = "
Return to workflow list." % url_for( action='list' ) if myexp_workflow_id: return trans.show_message( \ "Workflow '%s' successfully exported to myExperiment. %s" % \ (, workflow_list_str ), use_panels=True ) else: return trans.show_error_message( \ "Workflow '%s' could not be exported to myExperiment. Error: %s. %s" % \ (, response_data, workflow_list_str ), use_panels=True ) @web.json_pretty def export_workflow( self, trans, id ): """ Get the latest Workflow for the StoredWorkflow identified by `id` and encode it as a json string that can be imported back into Galaxy This has slightly different information than the above. In particular, it does not attempt to decode forms and build UIs, it just stores the raw state. TODO: this is a legacy method; it should be removed once we have UI support for exporting/importing a workflow. """ user = trans.get_user() id = id ) trans.workflow_building_mode = True # Load encoded workflow from database stored = trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflow ).get( id ) self.security_check( trans.get_user(), stored, False, True ) return self._workflow_to_dict( trans, stored ) @web.json_pretty @web.require_login( "use workflows" ) def export_to_file( self, trans, id ): """ Get the latest Workflow for the StoredWorkflow identified by `id` and encode it as a json string that can be imported back into Galaxy This has slightly different information than the above. In particular, it does not attempt to decode forms and build UIs, it just stores the raw state. """ # Get workflow. stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) # Stream workflow to file. stored_dict = self._workflow_to_dict( trans, stored ) valid_chars = '.,^_-()[]0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' sname = sname = ''.join(c in valid_chars and c or '_' for c in sname)[0:150] trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment;" % ( sname ) trans.response.set_content_type( 'application/galaxy-archive' ) return stored_dict @web.expose def import_workflow( self, trans, workflow_text=None, url=None ): if workflow_text is None and url is None: return form( url_for(), "Import Workflow", submit_text="Import" ) \ .add_text( "url", "URL to load workflow from", "" ) \ .add_input( "textarea", "Encoded workflow (as generated by export workflow)", "workflow_text", "" ) if url: # Load workflow from external URL # NOTE: blocks the web thread. try: workflow_data = urllib2.urlopen( url ).read() except Exception, e: return trans.show_error_message( "Failed to open URL %s

Message: %s" % ( url, str( e ) ) ) else: workflow_data = workflow_text # Convert incoming workflow data from json try: data = simplejson.loads( workflow_data ) except Exception, e: return trans.show_error_message( "Data at '%s' does not appear to be a Galaxy workflow

Message: %s" % ( url, str( e ) ) ) # Create workflow. workflow = self._workflow_from_dict( trans, data, source="uploaded file" ).latest_workflow # Provide user feedback and show workflow list. if workflow.has_errors: trans.set_message( "Imported, but some steps in this workflow have validation errors", type="warning" ) if workflow.has_cycles: trans.set_message( "Imported, but this workflow contains cycles", type="warning" ) else: trans.set_message( "Workflow '%s' imported" % ) return self.list( trans ) @web.json def get_datatypes( self, trans ): ext_to_class_name = dict() classes = [] for k, v in c = v.__class__ ext_to_class_name[k] = c.__module__ + "." + c.__name__ classes.append( c ) class_to_classes = dict() def visit_bases( types, cls ): for base in cls.__bases__: if issubclass( base, Data ): types.add( base.__module__ + "." + base.__name__ ) visit_bases( types, base ) for c in classes: n = c.__module__ + "." + c.__name__ types = set( [ n ] ) visit_bases( types, c ) class_to_classes[ n ] = dict( ( t, True ) for t in types ) return dict( ext_to_class_name=ext_to_class_name, class_to_classes=class_to_classes ) @web.expose def build_from_current_history( self, trans, job_ids=None, dataset_ids=None, workflow_name=None ): user = trans.get_user() history = trans.get_history() if not user: return trans.show_error_message( "Must be logged in to create workflows" ) if ( job_ids is None and dataset_ids is None ) or workflow_name is None: jobs, warnings = get_job_dict( trans ) # Render return trans.fill_template( "workflow/build_from_current_history.mako", jobs=jobs, warnings=warnings, history=history ) else: # Ensure job_ids and dataset_ids are lists (possibly empty) if job_ids is None: job_ids = [] elif type( job_ids ) is not list: job_ids = [ job_ids ] if dataset_ids is None: dataset_ids = [] elif type( dataset_ids ) is not list: dataset_ids = [ dataset_ids ] # Convert both sets of ids to integers job_ids = [ int( id ) for id in job_ids ] dataset_ids = [ int( id ) for id in dataset_ids ] # Find each job, for security we (implicately) check that they are # associated witha job in the current history. jobs, warnings = get_job_dict( trans ) jobs_by_id = dict( (, job ) for job in jobs.keys() ) steps = [] steps_by_job_id = {} hid_to_output_pair = {} # Input dataset steps for hid in dataset_ids: step = model.WorkflowStep() step.type = 'data_input' hid_to_output_pair[ hid ] = ( step, 'output' ) steps.append( step ) # Tool steps for job_id in job_ids: assert job_id in jobs_by_id, "Attempt to create workflow with job not connected to current history" job = jobs_by_id[ job_id ] tool =[ job.tool_id ] param_values = job.get_param_values( ) associations = cleanup_param_values( tool.inputs, param_values ) step = model.WorkflowStep() step.type = 'tool' step.tool_id = job.tool_id step.tool_inputs = tool.params_to_strings( param_values, ) # NOTE: We shouldn't need to do two passes here since only # an earlier job can be used as an input to a later # job. for other_hid, input_name in associations: if other_hid in hid_to_output_pair: other_step, other_name = hid_to_output_pair[ other_hid ] conn = model.WorkflowStepConnection() conn.input_step = step conn.input_name = input_name # Should always be connected to an earlier step conn.output_step = other_step conn.output_name = other_name steps.append( step ) steps_by_job_id[ job_id ] = step # Store created dataset hids for assoc in job.output_datasets: hid_to_output_pair[ assoc.dataset.hid ] = ( step, ) # Workflow to populate workflow = model.Workflow() = workflow_name # Order the steps if possible attach_ordered_steps( workflow, steps ) # And let's try to set up some reasonable locations on the canvas # (these are pretty arbitrary values) levorder = order_workflow_steps_with_levels( steps ) base_pos = 10 for i, steps_at_level in enumerate( levorder ): for j, index in enumerate( steps_at_level ): step = steps[ index ] step.position = dict( top = ( base_pos + 120 * j ), left = ( base_pos + 220 * i ) ) # Store it stored = model.StoredWorkflow() stored.user = user = workflow_name workflow.stored_workflow = stored stored.latest_workflow = workflow trans.sa_session.add( stored ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Index page with message return trans.show_message( "Workflow '%s' created from current history." % workflow_name ) ## return trans.show_ok_message( "

Workflow '%s' created.

Click to load in workflow editor

" ## % ( workflow_name, web.url_for( action='editor', ) ) ) @web.expose def run( self, trans, id, check_user=True, **kwargs ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=False ) if check_user: user = trans.get_user() if stored.user != user: if trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user, stored_workflow=stored ).count() == 0: error( "Workflow is not owned by or shared with current user" ) # Get the latest revision workflow = stored.latest_workflow # It is possible for a workflow to have 0 steps if len( workflow.steps ) == 0: error( "Workflow cannot be run because it does not have any steps" ) #workflow = Workflow.from_simple( simplejson.loads( stored.encoded_value ), ) if workflow.has_cycles: error( "Workflow cannot be run because it contains cycles" ) if workflow.has_errors: error( "Workflow cannot be run because of validation errors in some steps" ) # Build the state for each step errors = {} has_upgrade_messages = False has_errors = False if kwargs: # If kwargs were provided, the states for each step should have # been POSTed for step in workflow.steps: step.upgrade_messages = {} # Connections by input name step.input_connections_by_name = \ dict( ( conn.input_name, conn ) for conn in step.input_connections ) # Extract just the arguments for this step by prefix p = "%s|" % l = len(p) step_args = dict( ( k[l:], v ) for ( k, v ) in kwargs.iteritems() if k.startswith( p ) ) step_errors = None if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) # Fix any missing parameters step.upgrade_messages = module.check_and_update_state() if step.upgrade_messages: has_upgrade_messages = True # Any connected input needs to have value DummyDataset (these # are not persisted so we need to do it every time) module.add_dummy_datasets( connections=step.input_connections ) # Get the tool tool = module.tool # Get the state step.state = state = module.state # Get old errors old_errors = state.inputs.pop( "__errors__", {} ) # Update the state step_errors = tool.update_state( trans, tool.inputs, step.state.inputs, step_args, update_only=True, old_errors=old_errors ) else: module = step.module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) state = step.state = module.decode_runtime_state( trans, step_args.pop( "tool_state" ) ) step_errors = module.update_runtime_state( trans, state, step_args ) if step_errors: errors[] = state.inputs["__errors__"] = step_errors if 'run_workflow' in kwargs and not errors: # Run each step, connecting outputs to inputs workflow_invocation = model.WorkflowInvocation() workflow_invocation.workflow = workflow outputs = odict() # Find out if there are any workflow outputs defined, as that influences our actions. use_workflow_outputs = False for step in workflow.steps: if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: if step.workflow_outputs: use_workflow_outputs = True break for i, step in enumerate( workflow.steps ): # Execute module job = None if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: tool =[ step.tool_id ] input_values = step.state.inputs # Connect up def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ): if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): if prefixed_name in step.input_connections_by_name: conn = step.input_connections_by_name[ prefixed_name ] return outputs[ ][ conn.output_name ] visit_input_values( tool.inputs, step.state.inputs, callback ) # Execute it job, out_data = tool.execute( trans, step.state.inputs ) outputs[ ] = out_data # Create new PJA associations with the created job, to be run on completion. if use_workflow_outputs: # We're using outputs. Check the step for outputs to be displayed. Create PJAs to hide the rest upon completion. step_outputs = [s.output_name for s in step.workflow_outputs] for output in tool.outputs.keys(): if output not in step_outputs: # Create a PJA for hiding this output. n_pja = PostJobAction('HideDatasetAction', step, output, {}) else: # Remove any HideDatasetActions, step is flagged for output. for pja in step.post_job_actions: if pja.action_type == "HideDatasetAction" and pja.output_name == output: step.post_job_actions.remove(pja) trans.sa_session.delete(pja) for pja in step.post_job_actions: if pja.action_type in ActionBox.immediate_actions: ActionBox.execute(, trans.sa_session, pja, job) else: job.add_post_job_action(pja) else: job, out_data = step.module.execute( trans, step.state ) outputs[ ] = out_data # Record invocation workflow_invocation_step = model.WorkflowInvocationStep() workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation = workflow_invocation workflow_invocation_step.workflow_step = step workflow_invocation_step.job = job # All jobs ran sucessfully, so we can save now trans.sa_session.add( workflow_invocation ) trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.fill_template( "workflow/run_complete.mako", workflow=stored, outputs=outputs ) else: # Prepare each step for step in workflow.steps: step.upgrade_messages = {} # Contruct modules if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: # Restore the tool state for the step step.module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) # Fix any missing parameters step.upgrade_messages = step.module.check_and_update_state() if step.upgrade_messages: has_upgrade_messages = True # Any connected input needs to have value DummyDataset (these # are not persisted so we need to do it every time) step.module.add_dummy_datasets( connections=step.input_connections ) # Store state with the step step.state = step.module.state # Error dict if step.tool_errors: has_errors = True errors[] = step.tool_errors else: ## Non-tool specific stuff? step.module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) step.state = step.module.get_runtime_state() # Connections by input name step.input_connections_by_name = dict( ( conn.input_name, conn ) for conn in step.input_connections ) # Render the form return trans.fill_template( "workflow/run.mako", steps=workflow.steps, workflow=stored, has_upgrade_messages=has_upgrade_messages, errors=errors, incoming=kwargs ) @web.expose def tag_outputs( self, trans, id, check_user=True, **kwargs ): stored = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, id, check_ownership=False ) if check_user: user = trans.get_user() if stored.user != user: if trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user, stored_workflow=stored ).count() == 0: error( "Workflow is not owned by or shared with current user" ) # Get the latest revision workflow = stored.latest_workflow # It is possible for a workflow to have 0 steps if len( workflow.steps ) == 0: error( "Workflow cannot be tagged for outputs because it does not have any steps" ) if workflow.has_cycles: error( "Workflow cannot be tagged for outputs because it contains cycles" ) if workflow.has_errors: error( "Workflow cannot be tagged for outputs because of validation errors in some steps" ) # Build the state for each step errors = {} has_upgrade_messages = False has_errors = False if kwargs: # If kwargs were provided, the states for each step should have # been POSTed for step in workflow.steps: if step.type == 'tool': # Extract just the output flags for this step. p = "%s|otag|" % l = len(p) outputs = [k[l:] for ( k, v ) in kwargs.iteritems() if k.startswith( p )] if step.workflow_outputs: for existing_output in step.workflow_outputs: if existing_output.output_name not in outputs: trans.sa_session.delete(existing_output) else: outputs.remove(existing_output.output_name) for outputname in outputs: m = model.WorkflowOutput(workflow_step_id = int(, output_name = outputname) trans.sa_session.add(m) # Prepare each step trans.sa_session.flush() for step in workflow.steps: step.upgrade_messages = {} # Contruct modules if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: # Restore the tool state for the step step.module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) # Fix any missing parameters step.upgrade_messages = step.module.check_and_update_state() if step.upgrade_messages: has_upgrade_messages = True # Any connected input needs to have value DummyDataset (these # are not persisted so we need to do it every time) step.module.add_dummy_datasets( connections=step.input_connections ) # Store state with the step step.state = step.module.state # Error dict if step.tool_errors: has_errors = True errors[] = step.tool_errors else: ## Non-tool specific stuff? step.module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) step.state = step.module.get_runtime_state() # Connections by input name step.input_connections_by_name = dict( ( conn.input_name, conn ) for conn in step.input_connections ) # Render the form return trans.fill_template( "workflow/tag_outputs.mako", steps=workflow.steps, workflow=stored, has_upgrade_messages=has_upgrade_messages, errors=errors, incoming=kwargs ) @web.expose def configure_menu( self, trans, workflow_ids=None ): user = trans.get_user() if trans.request.method == "POST": if workflow_ids is None: workflow_ids = [] elif type( workflow_ids ) != list: workflow_ids = [ workflow_ids ] sess = trans.sa_session # This explicit remove seems like a hack, need to figure out # how to make the association do it automatically. for m in user.stored_workflow_menu_entries: sess.delete( m ) user.stored_workflow_menu_entries = [] q = sess.query( model.StoredWorkflow ) # To ensure id list is unique seen_workflow_ids = set() for id in workflow_ids: if id in seen_workflow_ids: continue else: seen_workflow_ids.add( id ) m = model.StoredWorkflowMenuEntry() m.stored_workflow = q.get( id ) user.stored_workflow_menu_entries.append( m ) sess.flush() return trans.show_message( "Menu updated", refresh_frames=['tools'] ) else: user = trans.get_user() ids_in_menu = set( [ x.stored_workflow_id for x in user.stored_workflow_menu_entries ] ) workflows = trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflow ) \ .filter_by( user=user, deleted=False ) \ .order_by( desc( model.StoredWorkflow.table.c.update_time ) ) \ .all() shared_by_others = trans.sa_session \ .query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user ) \ .filter( model.StoredWorkflow.deleted == False ) \ .all() return trans.fill_template( "workflow/configure_menu.mako", workflows=workflows, shared_by_others=shared_by_others, ids_in_menu=ids_in_menu ) def _workflow_to_dict( self, trans, stored ): """ Converts a workflow to a dict of attributes suitable for exporting. """ workflow = stored.latest_workflow workflow_annotation = self.get_item_annotation_obj( trans.sa_session, trans.user, stored ) annotation_str = "" if workflow_annotation: annotation_str = workflow_annotation.annotation # Pack workflow data into a dictionary and return data = {} data['a_galaxy_workflow'] = 'true' # Placeholder for identifying galaxy workflow data['format-version'] = "0.1" data['name'] = data['annotation'] = annotation_str data['steps'] = {} # For each step, rebuild the form and encode the state for step in workflow.steps: # Load from database representation module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) # Get user annotation. step_annotation = self.get_item_annotation_obj(trans.sa_session, trans.user, step ) annotation_str = "" if step_annotation: annotation_str = step_annotation.annotation # Step info step_dict = { 'id': step.order_index, 'type': module.type, 'tool_id': module.get_tool_id(), 'tool_version' : step.tool_version, 'name': module.get_name(), 'tool_state': module.get_state( secure=False ), 'tool_errors': module.get_errors(), ## 'data_inputs': module.get_data_inputs(), ## 'data_outputs': module.get_data_outputs(), 'annotation' : annotation_str } # Data inputs step_dict['inputs'] = [] if module.type == "data_input": # Get input dataset name; default to 'Input Dataset' name = module.state.get( 'name', 'Input Dataset') step_dict['inputs'].append( { "name" : name, "description" : annotation_str } ) else: # Step is a tool and may have runtime inputs. for name, val in module.state.inputs.items(): input_type = type( val ) if input_type == RuntimeValue: step['inputs'].append( { "name" : name, "description" : "runtime parameter for tool %s" % module.get_name() } ) elif input_type == dict: # Input type is described by a dict, e.g. indexed parameters. for partname, partval in val.items(): if type( partval ) == RuntimeValue: step_dict['inputs'].append( { "name" : name, "description" : "runtime parameter for tool %s" % module.get_name() } ) # User outputs step_dict['user_outputs'] = [] """ module_outputs = module.get_data_outputs() step_outputs = trans.sa_session.query( WorkflowOutput ).filter( step=step ) for output in step_outputs: name = output.output_name annotation = "" for module_output in module_outputs: if module_output.get( 'name', None ) == name: output_type = module_output.get( 'extension', '' ) break data['outputs'][name] = { 'name' : name, 'annotation' : annotation, 'type' : output_type } """ # All step outputs step_dict['outputs'] = [] if type( module ) is ToolModule: for output in module.get_data_outputs(): step_dict['outputs'].append( { 'name' : output['name'], 'type' : output['extensions'][0] } ) # Connections input_connections = step.input_connections if step.type is None or step.type == 'tool': # Determine full (prefixed) names of valid input datasets data_input_names = {} def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ): if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): data_input_names[ prefixed_name ] = True visit_input_values( module.tool.inputs, module.state.inputs, callback ) # Filter # FIXME: this removes connection without displaying a message currently! input_connections = [ conn for conn in input_connections if conn.input_name in data_input_names ] # Encode input connections as dictionary input_conn_dict = {} for conn in input_connections: input_conn_dict[ conn.input_name ] = \ dict( id=conn.output_step.order_index, output_name=conn.output_name ) step_dict['input_connections'] = input_conn_dict # Position step_dict['position'] = step.position # Add to return value data['steps'][step.order_index] = step_dict return data def _workflow_from_dict( self, trans, data, source=None ): """ Creates a workflow from a dict. Created workflow is stored in the database and returned. """ # Put parameters in workflow mode trans.workflow_building_mode = True # Create new workflow from incoming dict workflow = model.Workflow() # If there's a source, put it in the workflow name. if source: name = "%s (imported from %s)" % ( data['name'], source ) else: name = data['name'] = name # Assume no errors until we find a step that has some workflow.has_errors = False # Create each step steps = [] # The editor will provide ids for each step that we don't need to save, # but do need to use to make connections steps_by_external_id = {} # First pass to build step objects and populate basic values for key, step_dict in data['steps'].iteritems(): # Create the model class for the step step = model.WorkflowStep() steps.append( step ) steps_by_external_id[ step_dict['id' ] ] = step # FIXME: Position should be handled inside module step.position = step_dict['position'] module = module_factory.from_dict( trans, step_dict, secure=False ) module.save_to_step( step ) if step.tool_errors: workflow.has_errors = True # Stick this in the step temporarily step.temp_input_connections = step_dict['input_connections'] # Save step annotation. annotation = step_dict[ 'annotation' ] if annotation: annotation = sanitize_html( annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), step, annotation ) # Second pass to deal with connections between steps for step in steps: # Input connections for input_name, conn_dict in step.temp_input_connections.iteritems(): if conn_dict: conn = model.WorkflowStepConnection() conn.input_step = step conn.input_name = input_name conn.output_name = conn_dict['output_name'] conn.output_step = steps_by_external_id[ conn_dict['id'] ] del step.temp_input_connections # Order the steps if possible attach_ordered_steps( workflow, steps ) # Connect up stored = model.StoredWorkflow() = workflow.stored_workflow = stored stored.latest_workflow = workflow stored.user = trans.user # Persist trans.sa_session.add( stored ) trans.sa_session.flush() return stored ## ---- Utility methods ------------------------------------------------------- def attach_ordered_steps( workflow, steps ): ordered_steps = order_workflow_steps( steps ) if ordered_steps: workflow.has_cycles = False for i, step in enumerate( ordered_steps ): step.order_index = i workflow.steps.append( step ) else: workflow.has_cycles = True workflow.steps = steps def edgelist_for_workflow_steps( steps ): """ Create a list of tuples representing edges between `WorkflowSteps` based on associated `WorkflowStepConnection`s """ edges = [] steps_to_index = dict( ( step, i ) for i, step in enumerate( steps ) ) for step in steps: edges.append( ( steps_to_index[step], steps_to_index[step] ) ) for conn in step.input_connections: edges.append( ( steps_to_index[conn.output_step], steps_to_index[conn.input_step] ) ) return edges def order_workflow_steps( steps ): """ Perform topological sort of the steps, return ordered or None """ try: edges = edgelist_for_workflow_steps( steps ) node_order = topsort( edges ) return [ steps[i] for i in node_order ] except CycleError: return None def order_workflow_steps_with_levels( steps ): try: return topsort_levels( edgelist_for_workflow_steps( steps ) ) except CycleError: return None class FakeJob( object ): """ Fake job object for datasets that have no creating_job_associations, they will be treated as "input" datasets. """ def __init__( self, dataset ): self.is_fake = True = "fake_%s" % def get_job_dict( trans ): """ Return a dictionary of Job -> [ Dataset ] mappings, for all finished active Datasets in the current history and the jobs that created them. """ history = trans.get_history() # Get the jobs that created the datasets warnings = set() jobs = odict() for dataset in history.active_datasets: # FIXME: Create "Dataset.is_finished" if dataset.state in ( 'new', 'running', 'queued' ): warnings.add( "Some datasets still queued or running were ignored" ) continue #if this hda was copied from another, we need to find the job that created the origial hda job_hda = dataset while job_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association: job_hda = job_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association if not job_hda.creating_job_associations: jobs[ FakeJob( dataset ) ] = [ ( None, dataset ) ] for assoc in job_hda.creating_job_associations: job = assoc.job if job in jobs: jobs[ job ].append( (, dataset ) ) else: jobs[ job ] = [ (, dataset ) ] return jobs, warnings def cleanup_param_values( inputs, values ): """ Remove 'Data' values from `param_values`, along with metadata cruft, but track the associations. """ associations = [] names_to_clean = [] # dbkey is pushed in by the framework if 'dbkey' in values: del values['dbkey'] root_values = values # Recursively clean data inputs and dynamic selects def cleanup( prefix, inputs, values ): for key, input in inputs.items(): if isinstance( input, ( SelectToolParameter, DrillDownSelectToolParameter ) ): if input.is_dynamic and not isinstance( values[key], UnvalidatedValue ): values[key] = UnvalidatedValue( values[key] ) if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): tmp = values[key] values[key] = None # HACK: Nested associations are not yet working, but we # still need to clean them up so we can serialize # if not( prefix ): if tmp: #this is false for a non-set optional dataset associations.append( ( tmp.hid, prefix + key ) ) # Cleanup the other deprecated crap associated with datasets # as well. Worse, for nested datasets all the metadata is # being pushed into the root. FIXME: MUST REMOVE SOON key = prefix + key + "_" for k in root_values.keys(): if k.startswith( key ): del root_values[k] elif isinstance( input, Repeat ): group_values = values[key] for i, rep_values in enumerate( group_values ): rep_index = rep_values['__index__'] prefix = "%s_%d|" % ( key, rep_index ) cleanup( prefix, input.inputs, group_values[i] ) elif isinstance( input, Conditional ): group_values = values[] current_case = group_values['__current_case__'] prefix = "%s|" % ( key ) cleanup( prefix, input.cases[current_case].inputs, group_values ) cleanup( "", inputs, values ) return associations