from galaxy.web.base.controller import * from import model from galaxy.model.orm import * from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago, iff, grids from common import ToolListGrid, CategoryListGrid, get_category, get_event, get_tool, get_versions import logging log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) class UserListGrid( grids.Grid ): # TODO: move this to an admin_common controller since it is virtually the same # in the galaxy webapp. NOTE the additional ToolsColumn in this grid though... class UserLoginColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): return class UserNameColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.username: return user.username return 'not set' class GroupsColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.groups: return len( user.groups ) return 0 class RolesColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.roles: return len( user.roles ) return 0 class ExternalColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.external: return 'yes' return 'no' class LastLoginColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.galaxy_sessions: return self.format( user.galaxy_sessions[ 0 ].update_time ) return 'never' class StatusColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.purged: return "purged" elif user.deleted: return "deleted" return "" class ToolsColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): return len( ) class EmailColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def filter( self, trans, user, query, column_filter ): if column_filter == 'All': return query return query.filter( and_( model.Tool.table.c.user_id ==, == column_filter ) ) # Grid definition webapp = "community" title = "Users" model_class = model.User template='/admin/user/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "email" columns = [ UserLoginColumn( "Email", key="email", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="information",, webapp="community" ) ), attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), UserNameColumn( "User Name", key="username", attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), GroupsColumn( "Groups", attach_popup=False ), RolesColumn( "Roles", attach_popup=False ), ExternalColumn( "External", attach_popup=False ), LastLoginColumn( "Last Login", format=time_ago ), StatusColumn( "Status", attach_popup=False ), ToolsColumn( "Uploaded Tools", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="tools_by_user",, webapp="community" ) ), attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. EmailColumn( "Email", key="email", visible=False ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Create new user", dict( controller='admin', action='users', operation='create', webapp="community" ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Manage Roles and Groups", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="manage_roles_and_groups_for_user" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Reset Password", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, allow_popup=False, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="reset_user_password" ) ) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True, purged=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Purged", args=dict( purged=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True def get_current_item( self, trans, **kwargs ): return trans.user class RoleListGrid( grids.Grid ): # TODO: move this to an admin_common controller since it is virtually the same # in the galaxy webapp. class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): return class DescriptionColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.description: return role.description return '' class TypeColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): return role.type class StatusColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.deleted: return "deleted" return "" class GroupsColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.groups: return len( role.groups ) return 0 class UsersColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.users: return len( role.users ) return 0 # Grid definition webapp = "community" title = "Roles" model_class = model.Role template='/admin/dataset_security/role/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn( "Name", key="name", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="Manage users and groups",, webapp="community" ) ), attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), DescriptionColumn( "Description", key='description', attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), TypeColumn( "Type", key='type', attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), GroupsColumn( "Groups", attach_popup=False ), UsersColumn( "Users", attach_popup=False ), StatusColumn( "Status", attach_popup=False ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Add new role", dict( controller='admin', action='roles', operation='create', webapp="community" ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Rename", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="rename_role" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="mark_role_deleted" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="undelete_role" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Purge", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="purge_role" ) ) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwd ): return query.filter( model.Role.type != model.Role.types.PRIVATE ) class GroupListGrid( grids.Grid ): # TODO: move this to an admin_common controller since it is virtually the same # in the galaxy webapp. class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): return class StatusColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): if group.deleted: return "deleted" return "" class RolesColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): if group.roles: return len( group.roles ) return 0 class UsersColumn( grids.GridColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): if group.members: return len( group.members ) return 0 # Grid definition webapp = "community" title = "Groups" model_class = model.Group template='/admin/dataset_security/group/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn( "Name", #key="name", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="Manage users and roles",, webapp="community" ) ), attach_popup=True #filterable="advanced" ), UsersColumn( "Users", attach_popup=False ), RolesColumn( "Roles", attach_popup=False ), StatusColumn( "Status", attach_popup=False ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Add new group", dict( controller='admin', action='groups', operation='create', webapp="community" ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Rename", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="rename_group" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="mark_group_deleted" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="undelete_group" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Purge", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="purge_group" ) ) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True class AdminToolListGrid( ToolListGrid ): class StateColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, tool ): state = tool.state if state == 'approved': state_color = 'ok' elif state == 'rejected': state_color = 'error' elif state == 'archived': state_color = 'upload' else: state_color = state return '
' % ( state_color, state ) class ToolStateColumn( grids.StateColumn ): def filter( self, trans, user, query, column_filter ): """Modify query to filter by state.""" if column_filter == "All": pass elif column_filter in [ v for k, v in self.model_class.states.items() ]: # Get all of the latest ToolEventAssociation ids tea_ids = [ tea_id_tup[0] for tea_id_tup in trans.sa_session.query( func.max( ) ) \ .group_by( model.ToolEventAssociation.table.c.tool_id ) ] # Get all of the Event ids associated with the latest ToolEventAssociation ids event_ids = [ event_id_tup[0] for event_id_tup in trans.sa_session.query( model.ToolEventAssociation.table.c.event_id ) \ .filter( tea_ids ) ) ] # Filter our query by state and event ids return query.filter( and_( model.Event.table.c.state == column_filter, event_ids ) ) ) return query columns = [ col for col in ToolListGrid.columns ] columns.append( StateColumn( "Status", model_class=model.Tool, link=( lambda item: dict( operation="tools_by_state",, webapp="community" ) ), attach_popup=False ), ) columns.append( # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. ToolStateColumn( "State", key="state", model_class=model.Tool, visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ) operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Edit information", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( controller="common", action="edit_tool", cntrller="admin", webapp="community" ) ) ] class AdminCategoryListGrid( CategoryListGrid ): # Override standard filters standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] class ManageCategoryListGrid( CategoryListGrid ): columns = [ col for col in CategoryListGrid.columns ] # Override the NameColumn to include an Edit link columns[ 0 ] = CategoryListGrid.NameColumn( "Name", key="name", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="Edit",, webapp="community" ) ), model_class=model.Category, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Add new category", dict( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', operation='create', webapp="community" ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="mark_category_deleted" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="undelete_category" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Purge", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="community", action="purge_category" ) ) ] class AdminController( BaseController, Admin ): user_list_grid = UserListGrid() role_list_grid = RoleListGrid() group_list_grid = GroupListGrid() manage_category_list_grid = ManageCategoryListGrid() category_list_grid = AdminCategoryListGrid() tool_list_grid = AdminToolListGrid() @web.expose @web.require_admin def browse_tools( self, trans, **kwd ): # We add params to the keyword dict in this method in order to rename the param # with an "f-" prefix, simulating filtering by clicking a search link. We have # to take this approach because the "-" character is illegal in HTTP requests. if 'operation' in kwd: operation = kwd['operation'].lower() if operation == "edit_tool": return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='common', action='edit_tool', cntrller='admin', **kwd ) ) elif operation == "view_tool": return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='common', action='view_tool', cntrller='admin', **kwd ) ) elif operation == 'tool_history': return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='common', cntrller='admin', action='events', **kwd ) ) elif operation == "tools_by_user": # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] if 'user_id' in kwd: user = get_user( trans, kwd[ 'user_id' ] ) kwd[ 'f-email' ] = del kwd[ 'user_id' ] else: # The received id is the tool id, so we need to get the id of the user # that uploaded the tool. tool_id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) tool = get_tool( trans, tool_id ) kwd[ 'f-email' ] = elif operation == "tools_by_state": # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] if 'state' in kwd: # Called from the Admin menu kwd[ 'f-state' ] = kwd[ 'state' ] else: # Called from the ToolStateColumn link tool_id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) tool = get_tool( trans, tool_id ) kwd[ 'f-state' ] = tool.state elif operation == "tools_by_category": # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] category_id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) category = get_category( trans, category_id ) kwd[ '' ] = # Render the list view return self.tool_list_grid( trans, **kwd ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def browse_categories( self, trans, **kwd ): if 'operation' in kwd: operation = kwd['operation'].lower() if operation in [ "tools_by_category", "tools_by_state", "tools_by_user" ]: # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', **kwd ) ) # Render the list view return self.category_list_grid( trans, **kwd ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def manage_categories( self, trans, **kwd ): if 'operation' in kwd: operation = kwd['operation'].lower() if operation == "create": return self.create_category( trans, **kwd ) elif operation == "delete": return self.mark_category_deleted( trans, **kwd ) elif operation == "undelete": return self.undelete_category( trans, **kwd ) elif operation == "purge": return self.purge_category( trans, **kwd ) elif operation == "edit": return self.edit_category( trans, **kwd ) # Render the list view return self.manage_category_list_grid( trans, **kwd ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def create_category( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) if params.get( 'create_category_button', False ): name = util.restore_text( ) description = util.restore_text( params.description ) error = False if not name or not description: message = 'Enter a valid name and a description' error = True elif trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( ) \ .first(): message = 'A category with that name already exists' error = True if error: return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/community/category/create_category.mako', name=name, description=description, message=message, status='error' ) else: # Create the category category = name=name, description=description ) trans.sa_session.add( category ) message = "Category '%s' has been created" % trans.sa_session.flush() trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) ) trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='create_category', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='error' ) ) else: name = '' description = '' return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/community/category/create_category.mako', name=name, description=description, message=message, status=status ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def set_tool_state( self, trans, state, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) comments = util.restore_text( params.get( 'comments', '' ) ) id = params.get( 'id', None ) if not id: message = "No tool id received for setting status" status = 'error' else: tool = get_tool( trans, id ) if state == # If we're approving a tool, all previously approved versions must be set to archived for version in get_versions( tool ): # TODO: get latest approved version instead of all versions if version != tool and version.is_approved: # Create an event with state ARCHIVED for the previously approved version of this tool self.__create_tool_event( trans, version, ) # Create an event with state APPROVED for this tool self.__create_tool_event( trans, tool, state, comments ) elif state == # If we're rejecting a tool, comments about why are necessary. return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/community/admin/reject_tool.mako', tool=tool, cntrller='admin' ) message = "State of tool '%s' is now %s" % (, state ) trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', message=message, status=status ) ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def reject_tool( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) if params.get( 'cancel_reject_button', False ): # Fix up the keyword dict to include params to view the current tool # since that is the page from which we originated. del kwd[ 'cancel_reject_button' ] del kwd[ 'comments' ] kwd[ 'webapp' ] = 'community' kwd[ 'operation' ] = 'view_tool' message = 'Tool rejection cancelled' status = 'done' return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', message=message, status=status, **kwd ) ) id = params.get( 'id', None ) if not id: return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller=cntrller, action='browse_tools', message='No tool id received for rejecting', status='error' ) ) tool = get_tool( trans, id ) if not trans.user, trans.user_is_admin(), 'admin', tool ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', message='You are not allowed to reject this tool', status='error' ) ) # Comments are required when rejecting a tool. comments = util.restore_text( params.get( 'comments', '' ) ) if not comments: message = 'The reason for rejection is required when rejecting a tool.' return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/community/admin/reject_tool.mako', tool=tool, cntrller='admin', message=message, status='error' ) # Create an event with state REJECTED for this tool self.__create_tool_event( trans, tool,, comments ) message = 'The tool "%s" has been rejected.' % return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', operation='tools_by_state', state='rejected', message=message, status='done' ) ) def __create_tool_event( self, trans, tool, state, comments='' ): event = trans.model.Event( state, comments ) # Flush so we can get an id trans.sa_session.add( event ) trans.sa_session.flush() tea = trans.model.ToolEventAssociation( tool, event ) trans.sa_session.add( tea ) trans.sa_session.flush() @web.expose @web.require_admin def purge_tool( self, trans, **kwd ): # This method completely removes a tool record and all associated foreign key rows # from the database, so it must be used carefully. # This method should only be called for a tool that has previously been deleted. # Purging a deleted tool deletes all of the following from the database: # - ToolCategoryAssociations # - ToolEventAssociations and associated Events # TODO: when we add tagging for tools, we'll have to purge them as well params = util.Params( kwd ) id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) if not id: message = "No tool ids received for purging" trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='error' ) ) ids = util.listify( id ) message = "Purged %d tools: " % len( ids ) for tool_id in ids: tool = get_tool( trans, tool_id ) message += " %s " % if not tool.deleted: message = "Tool '%s' has not been deleted, so it cannot be purged." % trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='error' ) ) # Delete ToolCategoryAssociations for tca in tool.categories: trans.sa_session.delete( tca ) # Delete ToolEventAssociations and associated events for tea in event = tea.event trans.sa_session.delete( event ) trans.sa_session.delete( tea ) # Delete the tool trans.sa_session.delete( tool ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='browse_tools', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def edit_category( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) id = params.get( 'id', None ) if not id: message = "No category ids received for editing" trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=message, status='error' ) ) category = get_category( trans, id ) if params.get( 'edit_category_button', False ): new_name = util.restore_text( params.get( 'name', '' ) ).strip() new_description = util.restore_text( params.get( 'description', '' ) ).strip() if != new_name or category.description != new_description: if not new_name: message = 'Enter a valid name' status = 'error' elif != new_name and \ trans.sa_session.query( ).filter( ).first(): message = 'A category with that name already exists' status = 'error' else: = new_name category.description = new_description trans.sa_session.add( category ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = "The information has been saved for category '%s'" % ( ) return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) ) return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/community/category/edit_category.mako', category=category, message=message, status=status ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def mark_category_deleted( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) if not id: message = "No category ids received for deleting" trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=message, status='error' ) ) ids = util.listify( id ) message = "Deleted %d categories: " % len( ids ) for category_id in ids: category = get_category( trans, category_id ) category.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add( category ) trans.sa_session.flush() message += " %s " % trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def undelete_category( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) if not id: message = "No category ids received for undeleting" trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=message, status='error' ) ) ids = util.listify( id ) count = 0 undeleted_categories = "" for category_id in ids: category = get_category( trans, category_id ) if not category.deleted: message = "Category '%s' has not been deleted, so it cannot be undeleted." % trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='error' ) ) category.deleted = False trans.sa_session.add( category ) trans.sa_session.flush() count += 1 undeleted_categories += " %s" % message = "Undeleted %d categories: %s" % ( count, undeleted_categories ) trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) ) @web.expose @web.require_admin def purge_category( self, trans, **kwd ): # This method should only be called for a Category that has previously been deleted. # Purging a deleted Category deletes all of the following from the database: # - ToolCategoryAssociations where category_id == params = util.Params( kwd ) id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) if not id: message = "No category ids received for purging" trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='error' ) ) ids = util.listify( id ) message = "Purged %d categories: " % len( ids ) for category_id in ids: category = get_category( trans, category_id ) if not category.deleted: message = "Category '%s' has not been deleted, so it cannot be purged." % trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='error' ) ) # Delete ToolCategoryAssociations for tca in trans.sa_session.delete( tca ) trans.sa_session.flush() message += " %s " % trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='manage_categories', message=util.sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) )