import os, logging, urllib, tarfile from galaxy.web.base.controller import * from import model from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago, iff, grids from galaxy.model.orm import * from common import * log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) class StateColumn( grids.StateColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, tool ): state = tool.state if state == trans.model.Tool.states.APPROVED: state_color = 'ok' elif state == trans.model.Tool.states.REJECTED: state_color = 'error' elif state == trans.model.Tool.states.ARCHIVED: state_color = 'upload' else: state_color = state return '
' % ( state_color, state ) class ToolStateColumn( grids.StateColumn ): def filter( self, trans, user, query, column_filter ): """Modify query to filter self.model_class by state.""" if column_filter == "All": pass elif column_filter in [ v for k, v in self.model_class.states.items() ]: # Get all of the latest Events associated with the current version of each tool latest_event_id_for_current_versions_of_tools = [ for tool in get_latest_versions_of_tools( trans ) ] # Filter query by the latest state for the current version of each tool return query.filter( and_( model.Event.table.c.state == column_filter, latest_event_id_for_current_versions_of_tools ) ) ) return query class ApprovedToolListGrid( ToolListGrid ): columns = [ col for col in ToolListGrid.columns ] columns.append( StateColumn( "Status", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="tools_by_state",, webapp="community" ) ), visible=False, attach_popup=False ) ) columns.append( ToolStateColumn( "State", key="state", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ) class MyToolsListGrid( ApprovedToolListGrid ): columns = [ col for col in ToolListGrid.columns ] columns.append( StateColumn( "Status", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="tools_by_state",, webapp="community" ) ), visible=True, attach_popup=False ) ) columns.append( ToolStateColumn( "State", key="state", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ) class ToolCategoryListGrid( CategoryListGrid ): """ Replaces the tools column in the Category grid with a similar column, but displaying the number of APPROVED tools in the category. """ class ToolsColumn( grids.TextColumn ): def get_value( self, trans, grid, category ): if viewable_tools = 0 for tca in tool = tca.tool if tool.is_approved: viewable_tools += 1 return viewable_tools return 0 columns = [] for col in CategoryListGrid.columns: if not isinstance( col, CategoryListGrid.ToolsColumn ): columns.append( col ) columns.append( ToolsColumn( "Tools", model_class=model.Tool, attach_popup=False ) ) class ToolController( BaseController ): tool_list_grid = ApprovedToolListGrid() my_tools_list_grid = MyToolsListGrid() category_list_grid = ToolCategoryListGrid() @web.expose def index( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/community/index.mako', message=message, status=status ) @web.expose def browse_categories( self, trans, **kwd ): if 'operation' in kwd: operation = kwd['operation'].lower() if operation in [ "tools_by_category", "tools_by_state", "tools_by_user" ]: # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='tool', action='browse_tools', **kwd ) ) # Render the list view return self.category_list_grid( trans, **kwd ) @web.expose def browse_tools( self, trans, **kwd ): # We add params to the keyword dict in this method in order to rename the param # with an "f-" prefix, simulating filtering by clicking a search link. We have # to take this approach because the "-" character is illegal in HTTP requests. if 'operation' in kwd: operation = kwd['operation'].lower() if operation == "view_tool": return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='common', action='view_tool', cntrller='tool', **kwd ) ) elif operation == "edit_tool": return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='common', action='edit_tool', cntrller='tool', **kwd ) ) elif operation == "download tool": return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='common', action='download_tool', cntrller='tool', **kwd ) ) elif operation == "tools_by_user": # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] if 'user_id' in kwd: user = get_user( trans, kwd[ 'user_id' ] ) kwd[ 'f-email' ] = del kwd[ 'user_id' ] else: # The received id is the tool id, so we need to get the id of the user # that uploaded the tool. tool_id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) tool = get_tool( trans, tool_id ) kwd[ 'f-email' ] = elif operation == "my_tools": # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] kwd[ 'f-email' ] = return self.my_tools_list_grid( trans, **kwd ) elif operation == "approved_tools": # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] # Make sure only the latest version of a tool whose state is APPROVED are displayed. kwd[ 'f-state' ] = trans.model.Tool.states.APPROVED return self.tool_list_grid( trans, **kwd ) elif operation == "tools_by_category": # Eliminate the current filters if any exist. for k, v in kwd.items(): if k.startswith( 'f-' ): del kwd[ k ] category_id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) category = get_category( trans, category_id ) kwd[ '' ] = # Make sure only the latest version of a tool whose state is APPROVED are displayed. kwd[ 'f-state' ] = trans.model.Tool.states.APPROVED # Render the list view return self.tool_list_grid( trans, **kwd ) @web.expose def view_tool_file( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) id = params.get( 'id', None ) if not id: return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='tool', action='browse_tools', message='Select a tool to download', status='error' ) ) tool = get_tool( trans, id ) tool_file_name = urllib.unquote_plus( kwd['file_name'] ) tool_file = tool.file_name ).extractfile( tool_file_name ) trans.response.set_content_type( 'text/plain' ) return tool_file @web.expose def help( self, trans, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/community/tool/help.mako', message=message, status=status, **kwd )