import sys, logging, tarfile from galaxy.util import parse_xml from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) if sys.version_info[:2] == ( 2, 4 ): from galaxy import eggs eggs.require( 'ElementTree' ) from elementtree import ElementTree else: from xml.etree import ElementTree class DatatypeVerificationError( Exception ): pass class Registry( object ): def __init__( self, root_dir=None, config=None ): self.datatypes_by_extension = {} if root_dir and config: # Parse datatypes_conf.xml tree = parse_xml( config ) root = tree.getroot() # Load datatypes and converters from config log.debug( 'Loading datatypes from %s' % config ) registration = root.find( 'registration' ) for elem in registration.findall( 'datatype' ): try: extension = elem.get( 'extension', None ) dtype = elem.get( 'type', None ) model_object = elem.get( 'model', None ) if extension and dtype: fields = dtype.split( ':' ) datatype_module = fields[0] datatype_class = fields[1] fields = datatype_module.split( '.' ) module = __import__( fields.pop(0) ) for mod in fields: module = getattr( module, mod ) self.datatypes_by_extension[extension] = getattr( module, datatype_class )() log.debug( 'Loaded datatype: %s' % dtype ) if model_object: model_module, model_class = model_object.split( ':' ) fields = model_module.split( '.' ) module = __import__( fields.pop(0) ) for mod in fields: module = getattr( module, mod ) self.datatypes_by_extension[extension].model_object = getattr( module, model_class ) log.debug( 'Added model class: %s to datatype: %s' % ( model_class, dtype ) ) except Exception, e: log.warning( 'Error loading datatype "%s", problem: %s' % ( extension, str( e ) ) ) def get_datatype_by_extension( self, ext ): return self.datatypes_by_extension.get( ext, None ) def get_datatype_labels( self ): rval = [] for ext, datatype in self.datatypes_by_extension.items(): rval.append( ( ext, datatype.label ) ) return rval class Tool( object ): def __init__( self, model_object=None ): self.model_object = model_object self.label = 'Tool' def verify( self, f, xml_files=[], tool_tags={} ): # xml_files and tool_tags will only be received if we're called from the ToolSuite.verify() method. try: tar = ) except tarfile.ReadError: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'The archive is not a readable tar file.' ) if not xml_files: # Make sure we're not uploading a tool suite if filter( lambda x: x.lower().find( 'suite_config.xml' ) >= 0, tar.getnames() ): raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'The archive includes a suite_config.xml file, so set the upload type to "Tool Suite".' ) xml_files = filter( lambda x: x.lower().endswith( '.xml' ), tar.getnames() ) if not xml_files: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'The archive does not contain any xml config files.' ) for xml_file in xml_files: try: tree = ElementTree.parse( tar.extractfile( xml_file ) ) root = tree.getroot() except: log.exception( 'fail:' ) continue if root.tag == 'tool': if 'id' not in root.keys(): raise DatatypeVerificationError( "Tool xml file (%s) does not include the required 'id' attribute in the <tool> tag" % str( xml_file ) ) if 'name' not in root.keys(): raise DatatypeVerificationError( "Tool xml file (%s) does not include the required 'name' attribute in the <tool> tag" % str( xml_file ) ) if 'version' not in root.keys(): raise DatatypeVerificationError( "Tool xml file (%s) does not include the required 'version' attribute in the <tool> tag" % str( xml_file ) ) if tool_tags: # We are verifying the tools inside a tool suite, so the current tag should have been found in the suite_config.xml # file parsed in the ToolSuite verify() method. The tool_tags dictionary should include a key matching the current # tool Id, and a tuple value matching the tool name and version. if root.attrib[ 'id' ] not in tool_tags: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'Tool Id (%s) is not included in the suite_config.xml file.' % \ ( str( root.attrib[ 'id' ] ) ) ) tup = tool_tags[ root.attrib[ 'id' ] ] if root.attrib[ 'name' ] != tup[ 0 ]: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'Tool name (%s) differs between suite_config.xml and the tool config file for tool Id (%s).' % \ ( str( root.attrib[ 'name' ] ), str( root.attrib[ 'id' ] ) ) ) if root.attrib[ 'version' ] != tup[ 1 ]: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'Tool version (%s) differs between suite_config.xml and the tool config file for tool Id (%s).' % \ ( str( root.attrib[ 'version' ] ), str( root.attrib[ 'id' ] ) ) ) else: # We are not verifying a tool suite, so we'll create a bunch for returning to the caller. tool_bunch = Bunch() try: = root.attrib['id'] = root.attrib['name'] tool_bunch.version = root.attrib['version'] except KeyError, e: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'Tool XML file does not conform to the specification. Missing required <tool> tag attribute: %s' % str( e ) ) tool_bunch.description = '' desc_tag = root.find( 'description' ) if desc_tag is not None: description = desc_tag.text if description: tool_bunch.description = description.strip() tool_bunch.message = 'Tool: %s %s, Version: %s, Id: %s' % \ ( str( ), str( tool_bunch.description ), str( tool_bunch.version ), str( ) ) return tool_bunch else: # TODO: should we verify files that are not tool configs? log.debug( "The file named (%s) is not a tool config, so skipping verification." % str( xml_file ) ) def create_model_object( self, datatype_bunch ): if self.model_object is None: raise Exception( 'No model object configured for %s, check the datatype configuration file' % self.__class__.__name__ ) if datatype_bunch is None: # TODO: do it automatically raise Exception( 'Unable to create %s model object without passing in data' % self.__class__.__name__ ) o = self.model_object() o.create_from_datatype( datatype_bunch ) return o class ToolSuite( Tool ): def __init__( self, model_object=None ): self.model_object = model_object self.label = 'Tool Suite' def verify( self, f ): """ A sample tool suite config: ONTO-Toolkit is a collection of Galaxy tools which support the manipulation of bio-ontologies. Collects the ancestor terms from a given term in the given OBO ontology Collects the child terms from a given term in the given OBO ontology """ try: tar = ) except tarfile.ReadError: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'The archive is not a readable tar file.' ) suite_config = filter( lambda x: x.lower().find( 'suite_config.xml' ) >=0, tar.getnames() ) if not suite_config: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'The archive does not contain the required suite_config.xml config file. If you are uploading a single tool archive, set the upload type to "Tool".' ) suite_config = suite_config[ 0 ] # Parse and verify suite_config archive_ok = False try: tree = ElementTree.parse( tar.extractfile( suite_config ) ) root = tree.getroot() archive_ok = True except: log.exception( 'fail:' ) if archive_ok and root.tag == 'suite': suite_bunch = Bunch() try: = root.attrib['id'] = root.attrib['name'] suite_bunch.version = root.attrib['version'] except KeyError, e: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'The file named tool-suite.xml does not conform to the specification. Missing required <suite> tag attribute: %s' % str( e ) ) suite_bunch.description = '' desc_tag = root.find( 'description' ) if desc_tag is not None: description = desc_tag.text if description: suite_bunch.description = description.strip() suite_bunch.message = 'Tool suite: %s %s, Version: %s, Id: %s' % \ ( str( ), str( suite_bunch.description ), str( suite_bunch.version ), str( ) ) # Create a dictionary of the tools in the suite where the keys are tool_ids and the # values are tuples of tool name and version tool_tags = {} for elem in root.findall( 'tool' ): tool_tags[ elem.attrib['id'] ] = ( elem.attrib['name'], elem.attrib['version'] ) else: raise DatatypeVerificationError( "The file named %s is not a valid tool suite config." % str( suite_config ) ) # Verify all included tool config files xml_files = filter( lambda x: x.lower().endswith( '.xml' ) and x.lower() != 'suite_config.xml', tar.getnames() ) if not xml_files: raise DatatypeVerificationError( 'The archive does not contain any tool config (xml) files.' ) Tool.verify( self, f, xml_files=xml_files, tool_tags=tool_tags ) return suite_bunch