import sys, os.path, logging from galaxy import eggs import pkg_resources pkg_resources.require( "sqlalchemy-migrate" ) from migrate.versioning import repository, schema from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) # path relative to galaxy migrate_repository_directory = os.path.dirname( __file__ ).replace( os.getcwd() + os.path.sep, '', 1 ) migrate_repository = repository.Repository( migrate_repository_directory ) dialect_to_egg = { "sqlite" : "pysqlite>=2", "postgres" : "psycopg2", "mysql" : "MySQL_python" } def create_or_verify_database( url, engine_options={} ): """ Check that the database is use-able, possibly creating it if empty (this is the only time we automatically create tables, otherwise we force the user to do it using the management script so they can create backups). 1) Empty database --> initialize with latest version and return 2) Database older than migration support --> fail and require manual update 3) Database at state where migrate support introduced --> add version control information but make no changes (might still require manual update) 4) Database versioned but out of date --> fail with informative message, user must run "sh upgrade" """ dialect = ( url.split( ':', 1 ) )[0] try: egg = dialect_to_egg[dialect] try: pkg_resources.require( egg ) log.debug( "%s egg successfully loaded for %s dialect" % ( egg, dialect ) ) except: # If the module is in the path elsewhere (i.e. non-egg), it'll still load. log.warning( "%s egg not found, but an attempt will be made to use %s anyway" % ( egg, dialect ) ) except KeyError: # Let this go, it could possibly work with db's we don't support log.error( "database_connection contains an unknown SQLAlchemy database dialect: %s" % dialect ) # Create engine and metadata engine = create_engine( url, **engine_options ) meta = MetaData( bind=engine ) # Try to load dataset table try: galaxy_user_table = Table( "galaxy_user", meta, autoload=True ) except NoSuchTableError: # No 'galaxy_user' table means a completely uninitialized database, which # is fine, init the database in a versioned state "No database, initializing" ) # Database might or might not be versioned try: # Declare the database to be under a repository's version control db_schema = schema.ControlledSchema.create( engine, migrate_repository ) except: # The database is already under version control db_schema = schema.ControlledSchema( engine, migrate_repository ) # Apply all scripts to get to current version migrate_to_current_version( engine, db_schema ) return try: version_table = Table( "migrate_version", meta, autoload=True ) except NoSuchTableError: # The database exists but is not yet under migrate version control, so init with version 1 "Adding version control to existing database" ) try: metadata_file_table = Table( "metadata_file", meta, autoload=True ) schema.ControlledSchema.create( engine, migrate_repository, version=2 ) except NoSuchTableError: schema.ControlledSchema.create( engine, migrate_repository, version=1 ) # Verify that the code and the DB are in sync db_schema = schema.ControlledSchema( engine, migrate_repository ) if migrate_repository.versions.latest != db_schema.version: raise Exception( "Your database has version '%d' but this code expects version '%d'. Please backup your database and then migrate the schema by running 'sh upgrade'." % ( db_schema.version, migrate_repository.versions.latest ) ) else: "At database version %d" % db_schema.version ) def migrate_to_current_version( engine, schema ): # Changes to get to current version changeset = schema.changeset( None ) for ver, change in changeset: nextver = ver + changeset.step 'Migrating %s -> %s... ' % ( ver, nextver ) ) old_stdout = sys.stdout class FakeStdout( object ): def __init__( self ): self.buffer = [] def write( self, s ): self.buffer.append( s ) def flush( self ): pass sys.stdout = FakeStdout() try: schema.runchange( ver, change, changeset.step ) finally: for message in "".join( sys.stdout.buffer ).split( "\n" ): message ) sys.stdout = old_stdout