from elementtree.ElementTree import Element from galaxy import web from import DataToolParameter, DummyDataset, RuntimeValue, check_param, visit_input_values from import DefaultToolState from import Repeat, Conditional from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch from galaxy.util.json import from_json_string, to_json_string from import ActionBox from galaxy.model import PostJobAction class WorkflowModule( object ): def __init__( self, trans ): self.trans = trans ## ---- Creating modules from various representations --------------------- @classmethod def new( Class, trans, tool_id=None ): """ Create a new instance of the module with default state """ return Class( trans ) @classmethod def from_dict( Class, trans, d ): """ Create a new instance of the module initialized from values in the dictionary `d`. """ return Class( trans ) @classmethod def from_workflow_step( Class, trans, step ): return Class( trans ) ## ---- Saving in various forms ------------------------------------------ def save_to_step( self, step ): step.type = self.type ## ---- General attributes ----------------------------------------------- def get_type( self ): return self.type def get_name( self ): return def get_tool_id( self ): return None def get_tooltip( self ): return None ## ---- Configuration time ----------------------------------------------- def get_state( self ): return None def get_errors( self ): return None def get_data_inputs( self ): return [] def get_data_outputs( self ): return [] def update_state( self ): pass def get_config_form( self ): raise TypeError( "Abstract method" ) def check_and_update_state( self ): """ If the state is not in sync with the current implementation of the module, try to update. Returns a list of messages to be displayed """ pass ## ---- Run time --------------------------------------------------------- def get_runtime_inputs( self ): raise TypeError( "Abstract method" ) def get_runtime_state( self ): raise TypeError( "Abstract method" ) def encode_runtime_state( self, trans, state ): raise TypeError( "Abstract method" ) def decode_runtime_state( self, trans, string ): raise TypeError( "Abstract method" ) def update_runtime_state( self, trans, state, values ): raise TypeError( "Abstract method" ) def execute( self, trans, state ): raise TypeError( "Abstract method" ) class InputDataModule( WorkflowModule ): type = "data_input" name = "Input dataset" @classmethod def new( Class, trans, tool_id=None ): module = Class( trans ) module.state = dict( name="Input Dataset" ) return module @classmethod def from_dict( Class, trans, d, secure=True ): module = Class( trans ) state = from_json_string( d["tool_state"] ) module.state = dict( name=state.get( "name", "Input Dataset" ) ) return module @classmethod def from_workflow_step( Class, trans, step ): module = Class( trans ) module.state = dict( name="Input Dataset" ) if step.tool_inputs and "name" in step.tool_inputs: module.state['name'] = step.tool_inputs[ 'name' ] return module def save_to_step( self, step ): step.type = self.type step.tool_id = None step.tool_inputs = self.state def get_data_inputs( self ): return [] def get_data_outputs( self ): return [ dict( name='output', extensions=['input'] ) ] def get_config_form( self ): form = web.FormBuilder( ) \ .add_text( "name", "Name", value=self.state['name'] ) return self.trans.fill_template( "workflow/editor_generic_form.mako", module=self, form=form ) def get_state( self, secure=True ): return to_json_string( self.state ) def update_state( self, incoming ): self.state['name'] = incoming.get( 'name', 'Input Dataset' ) def get_runtime_inputs( self ): label = self.state.get( "name", "Input Dataset" ) return dict( input=DataToolParameter( None, Element( "param", name="input", label=label, type="data", format="data" ) ) ) def get_runtime_state( self ): state = DefaultToolState() state.inputs = dict( input=None ) return state def encode_runtime_state( self, trans, state ): fake_tool = Bunch( inputs = self.get_runtime_inputs() ) return state.encode( fake_tool, ) def decode_runtime_state( self, trans, string ): fake_tool = Bunch( inputs = self.get_runtime_inputs() ) state = DefaultToolState() state.decode( string, fake_tool, ) return state def update_runtime_state( self, trans, state, values ): errors = {} for name, param in self.get_runtime_inputs().iteritems(): value, error = check_param( trans, param, values.get( name, None ), values ) state.inputs[ name ] = value if error: errors[ name ] = error return errors def execute( self, trans, state ): return None, dict( output=state.inputs['input']) class ToolModule( WorkflowModule ): type = "tool" def __init__( self, trans, tool_id ): self.trans = trans self.tool_id = tool_id self.tool =[ tool_id ] self.post_job_actions = {} self.workflow_outputs = [] self.state = None self.errors = None @classmethod def new( Class, trans, tool_id=None ): module = Class( trans, tool_id ) module.state = module.tool.new_state( trans, all_pages=True ) return module @classmethod def from_dict( Class, trans, d, secure=True ): tool_id = d['tool_id'] module = Class( trans, tool_id ) module.state = DefaultToolState() module.state.decode( d["tool_state"], module.tool,, secure=secure ) module.errors = d.get( "tool_errors", None ) module.post_job_actions = d.get("post_job_actions", {}) module.workflow_outputs = d.get("workflow_outputs", []) return module @classmethod def from_workflow_step( Class, trans, step ): tool_id = step.tool_id module = Class( trans, tool_id ) module.state = DefaultToolState() module.state.inputs = module.tool.params_from_strings( step.tool_inputs,, ignore_errors=True ) module.errors = step.tool_errors # module.post_job_actions = step.post_job_actions module.workflow_outputs = step.workflow_outputs pjadict = {} for pja in step.post_job_actions: pjadict[pja.action_type] = pja module.post_job_actions = pjadict return module def save_to_step( self, step ): step.type = self.type step.tool_id = self.tool_id step.tool_version = self.get_tool_version() step.tool_inputs = self.tool.params_to_strings( self.state.inputs, ) step.tool_errors = self.errors for k, v in self.post_job_actions.iteritems(): # Must have action_type, step. output and a_args are optional. if 'output_name' in v: output_name = v['output_name'] else: output_name = None if 'action_arguments' in v: action_arguments = v['action_arguments'] else: action_arguments = None n_p = PostJobAction(v['action_type'], step, output_name, action_arguments) def get_name( self ): return def get_tool_id( self ): return self.tool_id def get_tool_version( self ): return self.tool.version def get_state( self, secure=True ): return self.state.encode( self.tool,, secure=secure ) def get_errors( self ): return self.errors def get_tooltip( self ): return def get_data_inputs( self ): data_inputs = [] def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ): if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): data_inputs.append( dict( name=prefixed_name, label=prefixed_label, extensions=input.extensions ) ) visit_input_values( self.tool.inputs, self.state.inputs, callback ) return data_inputs def get_data_outputs( self ): data_outputs = [] for name, tool_output in self.tool.outputs.iteritems(): formats = [ tool_output.format ] for change_elem in tool_output.change_format: for when_elem in change_elem.findall( 'when' ): format = when_elem.get( 'format', None ) if format and format not in formats: formats.append( format ) data_outputs.append( dict( name=name, extensions=formats ) ) return data_outputs def get_post_job_actions( self ): return self.post_job_actions def get_config_form( self ): self.add_dummy_datasets() return self.trans.fill_template( "workflow/editor_tool_form.mako", tool=self.tool, values=self.state.inputs, errors=( self.errors or {} ) ) def update_state( self, incoming ): # Build a callback that handles setting an input to be required at # runtime. We still process all other parameters the user might have # set. We also need to make sure all datasets have a dummy value # for dependencies to see self.post_job_actions = ActionBox.handle_incoming(incoming) make_runtime_key = incoming.get( 'make_runtime', None ) make_buildtime_key = incoming.get( 'make_buildtime', None ) def item_callback( trans, key, input, value, error, old_value, context ): # Dummy value for Data parameters if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): return DummyDataset(), None # Deal with build/runtime (does not apply to Data parameters) if key == make_buildtime_key: return input.get_initial_value( trans, context ), None elif isinstance( old_value, RuntimeValue ): return old_value, None elif key == make_runtime_key: return RuntimeValue(), None else: return value, error # Update state using incoming values errors = self.tool.update_state( self.trans, self.tool.inputs, self.state.inputs, incoming, item_callback=item_callback ) self.errors = errors or None def check_and_update_state( self ): return self.tool.check_and_update_param_values( self.state.inputs, self.trans ) def add_dummy_datasets( self, connections=None): if connections: # Store onnections by input name input_connections_by_name = \ dict( ( conn.input_name, conn ) for conn in connections ) else: input_connections_by_name = {} # Any connected input needs to have value DummyDataset (these # are not persisted so we need to do it every time) def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ): if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): if connections is None or prefixed_name in input_connections_by_name: return DummyDataset() visit_input_values( self.tool.inputs, self.state.inputs, callback ) class WorkflowModuleFactory( object ): def __init__( self, module_types ): self.module_types = module_types def new( self, trans, type, tool_id=None ): """ Return module for type and (optional) tool_id intialized with new / default state. """ assert type in self.module_types return self.module_types[type].new( trans, tool_id ) def from_dict( self, trans, d, **kwargs ): """ Return module initialized from the data in dictionary `d`. """ type = d['type'] assert type in self.module_types return self.module_types[type].from_dict( trans, d, **kwargs ) def from_workflow_step( self, trans, step ): """ Return module initializd from the WorkflowStep object `step`. """ type = step.type return self.module_types[type].from_workflow_step( trans, step ) module_factory = WorkflowModuleFactory( dict( data_input=InputDataModule, tool=ToolModule ) )