root/galaxy-central/scripts/ @ 2

リビジョン 2, 12.1 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

  • 属性 svn:executable の設定値 *
[2]1#!/usr/bin/env python
3check_galaxy can be run by hand, although it is meant to run from cron
4via the script in Galaxy's cron/ directory.
7import socket, sys, os, time, tempfile, filecmp, htmllib, formatter, getopt
8from user import home
10# options
11if os.environ.has_key( "DEBUG" ):
12    debug = os.environ["DEBUG"]
14    debug = False
15scripts_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ) )
16test_data_dir = os.path.join( scripts_dir, "..", "test-data" )
17# what tools to run - not so pretty
18tools = {
19    "gops_intersect_1" :
20    [
21        {
22            "inputs" :
23            (
24                os.path.join( test_data_dir, "1.bed" ),
25                os.path.join( test_data_dir, "2.bed" )
26            )
27        },
28        { "check_file" : os.path.join( test_data_dir, "gops_intersect_out.bed" ) },
29        {
30            "tool_run_options" :
31            {
32                "input1" : "1.bed",
33                "input2" : "2.bed",
34                "min" : "1",
35                "returntype" : ""
36            }
37        }
38    ]
41# handle arg(s)
42def usage():
43    print "usage: <server>"
44    sys.exit(1)
47    opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'n' )
48except getopt.GetoptError, e:
49    print str(e)
50    usage()
51if len( args ) < 1:
52    usage()
53server = args[0]
54if server.endswith(""):
55    if debug:
56        print "Checking a PSU Galaxy server, using maint file"
57    maint = "/errordocument/502/%s/maint" % args[0].split('.', 1)[0]
59    maint = None
60new_history = False
61for o, a in opts:
62    if o == "-n":
63        if debug:
64            print "Specified -n, will create a new history"
65        new_history = True
66    else:
67        usage()
69# state information
70var_dir = os.path.join( home, ".check_galaxy", server )
71if not os.access( var_dir, os.F_OK ):
72    os.makedirs( var_dir, 0700 )
74# get user/pass
75login_file = os.path.join( var_dir, "login" )
77    f = open( login_file, 'r' )
79    print "Please create the file:"
80    print " ", login_file
81    print "This should contain a username and password to log in to"
82    print "Galaxy with, on one line, separated by whitespace, e.g.:"
83    print ""
84    print " password"
85    print ""
86    print "If the user does not exist, check_galaxy will create it"
87    print "for you."
88    sys.exit(1)
89( username, password ) = f.readline().split()
91# find/import twill
92lib_dir = os.path.join( scripts_dir, "..", "lib" )
93sys.path.append( lib_dir )
94from galaxy import eggs
95import pkg_resources
96pkg_resources.require( "twill" )
97import twill
98import twill.commands as tc
100# default timeout for twill browser is never
103# user-agent
104tc.agent("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; check_galaxy/0.1)")
105tc.config('use_tidy', 0)
107class Browser:
109    def __init__(self):
110        self.server = server
111        self.maint = maint
112        self.tool = None
113        self.tool_opts = None
114 = None
115        self.status = None
116        self.check_file = None
117        self.hid = None
118        self.cookie_jar = os.path.join( var_dir, "cookie_jar" )
119        dprint("cookie jar path: %s" % self.cookie_jar)
120        if not os.access(self.cookie_jar, os.R_OK):
121            dprint("no cookie jar at above path, creating")
122            tc.save_cookies(self.cookie_jar)
123        tc.load_cookies(self.cookie_jar)
125    def get(self, path):
126        tc.go("http://%s%s" % (self.server, path))
127        tc.code(200)
129    def reset(self):
130        self.tool = None
131        self.tool_opts = None
132 = None
133        self.status = None
134        self.check_file = None
135        self.delete_datasets()
136        self.get("/root/history")
137        p = didParser()
138        p.feed(tc.browser.get_html())
139        if len(p.dids) > 0:
140            print "Remaining datasets ids:", " ".join( p.dids )
141            raise Exception, "History still contains datasets after attempting to delete them"
142        if new_history:
143            self.get("/history/delete_current")
144            tc.save_cookies(self.cookie_jar)
146    def check_redir(self, url):
147        try:
148            tc.get_browser()._browser.set_handle_redirect(False)
149            tc.go(url)
150            tc.code(302)
151            tc.get_browser()._browser.set_handle_redirect(True)
152            dprint( "%s is returning redirect (302)" % url )
153            return(True)
154        except twill.errors.TwillAssertionError, e:
155            tc.get_browser()._browser.set_handle_redirect(True)
156            dprint( "%s is not returning redirect (302): %s" % (url, e) )
157            code = tc.browser.get_code()
158            if code == 502:
159                is_maint = self.check_maint()
160                if is_maint:
161                    dprint( "Galaxy is down, but a maint file was found, so not sending alert" )
162                    sys.exit(0)
163                else:
164                    print "Galaxy is down (code 502)"
165                    sys.exit(1)
166            return(False)
168    # checks for a maint file
169    def check_maint(self):
170        if self.maint is None:
171            #dprint( "Warning: unable to check maint file for %s" % self.server )
172            return(False)
173        try:
174            self.get(self.maint)
175            return(True)
176        except twill.errors.TwillAssertionError, e:
177            return(False)
179    def login(self, user, pw):
180        self.get("/user/login")
181        tc.fv("1", "email", user)
182        tc.fv("1", "password", pw)
183        tc.submit("Login")
184        tc.code(200)
185        if len(tc.get_browser().get_all_forms()) > 0:
186            # uh ohs, fail
187            p = userParser()
188            p.feed(tc.browser.get_html())
189            if p.no_user:
190                dprint("user does not exist, will try creating")
191                self.create_user(user, pw)
192            elif p.bad_pw:
193                raise Exception, "Password is incorrect"
194            else:
195                raise Exception, "Unknown error logging in"
196        tc.save_cookies(self.cookie_jar)
198    def create_user(self, user, pw):
199        self.get("/user/create")
200        tc.fv("1", "email", user)
201        tc.fv("1", "password", pw)
202        tc.fv("1", "confirm", pw)
203        tc.submit("Create")
204        tc.code(200)
205        if len(tc.get_browser().get_all_forms()) > 0:
206            p = userParser()
207            p.feed(tc.browser.get_html())
208            if p.already_exists:
209                raise Exception, 'The user you were trying to create already exists'
211    def upload(self, file):
212        self.get("/tool_runner/index?tool_id=upload1")
213        tc.fv("1","file_type", "bed")
214        tc.formfile("1","file_data", file)
215        tc.submit("runtool_btn")
216        tc.code(200)
218    def runtool(self):
219        self.get("/tool_runner/index?tool_id=%s" % self.tool)
220        for k, v in self.tool_opts.items():
221            tc.fv("1", k, v)
222        tc.submit("runtool_btn")
223        tc.code(200)
225    def wait(self):
226        sleep_amount = 1
227        count = 0
228        maxiter = 16
229        while count < maxiter:
230            count += 1
231            self.get("/root/history")
232            page = tc.browser.get_html()
233            if page.find( '<!-- running: do not change this comment, used by TwillTestCase.wait -->' ) > -1:
234                time.sleep( sleep_amount )
235                sleep_amount += 1
236            else:
237                break
238        if count == maxiter:
239            raise Exception, "Tool never finished"
241    def check_status(self):
242        self.get("/root/history")
243        p = historyParser()
244        p.feed(tc.browser.get_html())
245        if p.status != "ok":
246            raise Exception, "JOB %s NOT OK: %s" % (, p.status)
247 =
248        self.status = p.status
249        #return((, p.status))
251    def diff(self):
252        self.get("/datasets/%s/display/index" %
253        data = tc.browser.get_html()
254        tmp = tempfile.mkstemp()
255        dprint("tmp file: %s" % tmp[1])
256        tmpfh = os.fdopen(tmp[0], 'w')
257        tmpfh.write(data)
258        tmpfh.close()
259        if filecmp.cmp(tmp[1], self.check_file):
260            dprint("Tool output is as expected")
261        else:
262            if not debug:
263                os.remove(tmp[1])
264            raise Exception, "Tool output differs from expected"
265        if not debug:
266            os.remove(tmp[1])
268    def delete_datasets(self):
269        self.get("/root/history")
270        p = didParser()
271        p.feed(tc.browser.get_html())
272        dids = p.dids
273        for did in dids:
274            self.get("/root/delete?id=%s" % did)
276    def check_if_logged_in(self):
277        self.get("/user")
278        p = loggedinParser()
279        p.feed(tc.browser.get_html())
280        return p.logged_in
282class userParser(htmllib.HTMLParser):
283    def __init__(self):
284        htmllib.HTMLParser.__init__(self, formatter.NullFormatter())
285        self.in_span = False
286        self.no_user = False
287        self.bad_pw = False
288        self.already_exists = False
289    def start_span(self, attrs):
290        self.in_span = True
291    def end_span(self):
292        self.in_span = False
293    def handle_data(self, data):
294        if self.in_span:
295            if data == "No such user":
296                self.no_user = True
297            elif data == "Invalid password":
298                self.bad_pw = True
299            elif data == "User with that email already exists":
300                self.already_exists = True
302class historyParser(htmllib.HTMLParser):
303    def __init__(self):
304        htmllib.HTMLParser.__init__(self, formatter.NullFormatter())
305        self.status = None
306 = None
307    def start_div(self, attrs):
308        # find the top history item
309        for i in attrs:
310            if i[0] == "class" and i[1].startswith("historyItemWrapper historyItem historyItem-"):
311                self.status = i[1].rsplit("historyItemWrapper historyItem historyItem-", 1)[1]
312                dprint("status: %s" % self.status)
313            if i[0] == "id" and i[1].startswith("historyItem-"):
314       = i[1].rsplit("historyItem-", 1)[1]
315                dprint("id: %s" %
316        if self.status is not None:
317            self.reset()
319class didParser(htmllib.HTMLParser):
320    def __init__(self):
321        htmllib.HTMLParser.__init__(self, formatter.NullFormatter())
322        self.dids = []
323    def start_div(self, attrs):
324        for i in attrs:
325            if i[0] == "id" and i[1].startswith("historyItemContainer-"):
326                self.dids.append( i[1].rsplit("historyItemContainer-", 1)[1] )
327                dprint("got a dataset id: %s" % self.dids[-1])
329class loggedinParser(htmllib.HTMLParser):
330    def __init__(self):
331        htmllib.HTMLParser.__init__(self, formatter.NullFormatter())
332        self.in_p = False
333        self.logged_in = False
334    def start_p(self, attrs):
335        self.in_p = True
336    def end_p(self):
337        self.in_p = False
338    def handle_data(self, data):
339        if self.in_p:
340            if data == "You are currently not logged in.":
341                self.logged_in = False
342            elif data.startswith( "You are currently logged in as " ):
343                self.logged_in = True
345def dprint(str):
346    if debug:
347        print str
349# do stuff here
350if __name__ == "__main__":
352    dprint("checking %s" % server)
354    b = Browser()
356    # login (or not)
357    if b.check_if_logged_in():
358        dprint("we are already logged in (via cookies), hooray!")
359    else:
360        dprint("not logged in... logging in")
361        b.login(username, password)
363    for tool, params in tools.iteritems():
365        check_file = ""
367        # make sure history and state is clean
368        b.reset()
369        b.tool = tool
371        # get all the tool run conditions
372        for dict in params:
373            for k, v in dict.items():
374                if k == 'inputs':
375                    for file in v:
376                        b.upload(file)
377                elif k == 'check_file':
378                    b.check_file = v
379                elif k == 'tool_run_options':
380                    b.tool_opts = v
381                else:
382                    raise Exception, "Unknown key in tools dict: %s" % k
384        b.runtool()
385        b.wait()
386        b.check_status()
387        b.diff()
388        b.delete_datasets()
390        # by this point, everything else has succeeded.  there should be no maint.
391        is_maint = b.check_maint()
392        if is_maint:
393            print "Galaxy is up and fully functional, but a maint file is in place."
394            sys.exit(1)
396    sys.exit(0)
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。