#!/usr/bin/env python """ Fetch gops_join wherein the use specified minimum coverage is not 1. """ from galaxy import eggs import sys, os, ConfigParser, tempfile import galaxy.app import galaxy.model.mapping import pkg_resources pkg_resources.require( "SQLAlchemy >= 0.4" ) import sqlalchemy as sa assert sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 4 ) class TestApplication( object ): """Encapsulates the state of a Universe application""" def __init__( self, database_connection=None, file_path=None ): print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join( sys.path ) if database_connection is None: raise Exception( "CleanupDatasetsApplication requires a database_connection value" ) if file_path is None: raise Exception( "CleanupDatasetsApplication requires a file_path value" ) self.database_connection = database_connection self.file_path = file_path # Setup the database engine and ORM self.model = galaxy.model.mapping.init( self.file_path, self.database_connection, engine_options={}, create_tables=False ) def main(): ini_file = sys.argv[1] conf_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser( {'here':os.getcwd()} ) conf_parser.read( ini_file ) configuration = {} for key, value in conf_parser.items( "app:main" ): configuration[key] = value database_connection = configuration['database_connection'] file_path = configuration['file_path'] app = TestApplication( database_connection=database_connection, file_path=file_path ) jobs = {} try: for job in app.model.Job.filter( sa.and_( app.model.Job.table.c.create_time < '2008-12-16', app.model.Job.table.c.state == 'ok', app.model.Job.table.c.tool_id == 'gops_join_1', sa.not_( app.model.Job.table.c.command_line.like( '%-m 1 %' ) ) ) ).all(): print "# processing job id %s" % str( job.id ) for jtoda in job.output_datasets: print "# --> processing JobToOutputDatasetAssociation id %s" % str( jtoda.id ) hda = app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.get( jtoda.dataset_id ) print "# ----> processing HistoryDatasetAssociation id %s" % str( hda.id ) if not hda.deleted: # Probably don't need this check, since the job state should suffice, but... if hda.dataset.state == 'ok': history = app.model.History.get( hda.history_id ) print "# ------> processing history id %s" % str( history.id ) if history.user_id: cmd_line = str( job.command_line ) new_output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') new_cmd_line = " ".join(map(str,cmd_line.split()[:4])) + " " + new_output.name + " " + " ".join(map(str,cmd_line.split()[5:])) job_output = cmd_line.split()[4] try: os.system(new_cmd_line) except: pass diff_status = os.system('diff %s %s >> /dev/null' %(new_output.name, job_output)) if diff_status == 0: continue print "# --------> Outputs differ" user = app.model.User.get( history.user_id ) jobs[ job.id ] = {} jobs[ job.id ][ 'hda_id' ] = hda.id jobs[ job.id ][ 'hda_name' ] = hda.name jobs[ job.id ][ 'hda_info' ] = hda.info jobs[ job.id ][ 'history_id' ] = history.id jobs[ job.id ][ 'history_name' ] = history.name jobs[ job.id ][ 'history_update_time' ] = history.update_time jobs[ job.id ][ 'user_email' ] = user.email except Exception, e: print "# caught exception: %s" % str( e ) print "\n\n# Number of incorrect Jobs: %d\n\n" % ( len( jobs ) ) print "#job_id\thda_id\thda_name\thda_info\thistory_id\thistory_name\thistory_update_time\tuser_email" for jid in jobs: print '%s\t%s\t"%s"\t"%s"\t%s\t"%s"\t"%s"\t%s' % \ ( str( jid ), str( jobs[ jid ][ 'hda_id' ] ), jobs[ jid ][ 'hda_name' ], jobs[ jid ][ 'hda_info' ], str( jobs[ jid ][ 'history_id' ] ), jobs[ jid ][ 'history_name' ], jobs[ jid ][ 'history_update_time' ], jobs[ jid ][ 'user_email' ] ) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()