/** * @fileoverview * * ECMAScript helper functions, main purpose is to serve in SVG mapping or other SVG based web applications * * This ECMA script library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library (http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/resources/lesser_gpl.txt); if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Please report bugs and send improvements to neumann@karto.baug.ethz.ch * If you use these scripts, please link to the original (http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/resources/helper_functions.html) * somewhere in the source-code-comment or the "about" of your project and give credits, thanks! * * See documentation. * * @author Andreas Neumann a.neumann@carto.net * @copyright LGPL 2.1 Gnu LGPL 2.1 * @credits Bruce Rindahl, numerous people on svgdevelopers@yahoogroups.com */ //global variables necessary to create elements in these namespaces, do not delete them!!!! /** * This variable is a shortcut to the full URL of the SVG namespace * @final * @type String */ var svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; /** * This variable is a shortcut to the full URL of the XLink namespace * @final * @type String */ var xlinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; /** * This variable is a shortcut to the full URL of the attrib namespace * @final * @type String */ var cartoNS = "http://www.carto.net/attrib"; /** * This variable is a alias to the full URL of the attrib namespace * @final * @type String */ var attribNS = "http://www.carto.net/attrib"; /** * This variable is a alias to the full URL of the Batik extension namespace * @final * @type String */ var batikNS = "http://xml.apache.org/batik/ext"; /** * Returns the polar direction from a given vector * @param {Number} xdiff the x-part of the vector * @param {Number} ydiff the y-part of the vector * @return direction the direction in radians * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #toPolarDist * @see #toRectX * @see #toRectY */ function toPolarDir(xdiff,ydiff) { var direction = (Math.atan2(ydiff,xdiff)); return(direction); } /** * Returns the polar distance from a given vector * @param {Number} xdiff the x-part of the vector * @param {Number} ydiff the y-part of the vector * @return distance the distance * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #toPolarDir * @see #toRectX * @see #toRectY */ function toPolarDist(xdiff,ydiff) { var distance = Math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff); return(distance); } /** * Returns the x-part of a vector from a given direction and distance * @param {Number} direction the direction (in radians) * @param {Number} distance the distance * @return x the x-part of the vector * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #toPolarDist * @see #toPolarDir * @see #toRectY */ function toRectX(direction,distance) { var x = distance * Math.cos(direction); return(x); } /** * Returns the y-part of the vector from a given direction and distance * @param {Number} direction the direction (in radians) * @param {Number} distance the distance * @return y the y-part of the vector * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #toPolarDist * @see #toPolarDir * @see #toRectX */ function toRectY(direction,distance) { y = distance * Math.sin(direction); return(y); } /** * Converts degrees to radians * @param {Number} deg the degree value * @return rad the radians value * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #RadToDeg */ function DegToRad(deg) { return (deg / 180.0 * Math.PI); } /** * Converts radians to degrees * @param {Number} rad the radians value * @return deg the degree value * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #DegToRad */ function RadToDeg(rad) { return (rad / Math.PI * 180.0); } /** * Converts decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds * @param {Number} dd the decimal degree value * @return degrees the degree values in the following notation: {deg:degrees,min:minutes,sec:seconds} * @type literal * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #dms2dd */ function dd2dms(dd) { var minutes = (Math.abs(dd) - Math.floor(Math.abs(dd))) * 60; var seconds = (minutes - Math.floor(minutes)) * 60; var minutes = Math.floor(minutes); if (dd >= 0) { var degrees = Math.floor(dd); } else { var degrees = Math.ceil(dd); } return {deg:degrees,min:minutes,sec:seconds}; } /** * Converts degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal degrees * @param {Number} deg the degree value * @param {Number} min the minute value * @param {Number} sec the second value * @return deg the decimal degree values * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @see #dd2dms */ function dms2dd(deg,min,sec) { if (deg < 0) { return deg - (min / 60) - (sec / 3600); } else { return deg + (min / 60) + (sec / 3600); } } /** * log function, missing in the standard Math object * @param {Number} x the value where the log function should be applied to * @param {Number} b the base value for the log function * @return logResult the result of the log function * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) */ function log(x,b) { if(b==null) b=Math.E; return Math.log(x)/Math.log(b); } /** * interpolates a value (e.g. elevation) bilinearly based on the position within a cell with 4 corner values * @param {Number} za the value at the upper left corner of the cell * @param {Number} zb the value at the upper right corner of the cell * @param {Number} zc the value at the lower right corner of the cell * @param {Number} zd the value at the lower left corner of the cell * @param {Number} xpos the x position of the point where a new value should be interpolated * @param {Number} ypos the y position of the point where a new value should be interpolated * @param {Number} ax the x position of the lower left corner of the cell * @param {Number} ay the y position of the lower left corner of the cell * @param {Number} cellsize the size of the cell * @return interpol_value the result of the bilinear interpolation function * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) */ function intBilinear(za,zb,zc,zd,xpos,ypos,ax,ay,cellsize) { //bilinear interpolation function var e = (xpos - ax) / cellsize; var f = (ypos - ay) / cellsize; //calculation of weights var wa = (1 - e) * (1 - f); var wb = e * (1 - f); var wc = e * f; var wd = f * (1 - e); var interpol_value = wa * zc + wb * zd + wc * za + wd * zb; return interpol_value; } /** * tests if a given point is left or right of a given line * @param {Number} pointx the x position of the given point * @param {Number} pointy the y position of the given point * @param {Number} linex1 the x position of line's start point * @param {Number} liney1 the y position of line's start point * @param {Number} linex2 the x position of line's end point * @param {Number} liney2 the y position of line's end point * @return leftof the result of the leftOfTest, 1 means leftOf, 0 means rightOf * @type Number (integer, 0|1) * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) */ function leftOfTest(pointx,pointy,linex1,liney1,linex2,liney2) { var result = (liney1 - pointy) * (linex2 - linex1) - (linex1 - pointx) * (liney2 - liney1); if (result < 0) { var leftof = 1; //case left of } else { var leftof = 0; //case left of } return leftof; } /** * calculates the distance between a given point and a given line * @param {Number} pointx the x position of the given point * @param {Number} pointy the y position of the given point * @param {Number} linex1 the x position of line's start point * @param {Number} liney1 the y position of line's start point * @param {Number} linex2 the x position of line's end point * @param {Number} liney2 the y position of line's end point * @return distance the result of the leftOfTest, 1 means leftOf, 0 means rightOf * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) */ function distFromLine(xpoint,ypoint,linex1,liney1,linex2,liney2) { var dx = linex2 - linex1; var dy = liney2 - liney1; var distance = (dy * (xpoint - linex1) - dx * (ypoint - liney1)) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx,2) + Math.pow(dy,2)); return distance; } /** * calculates the angle between two vectors (lines) * @param {Number} ax the x part of vector a * @param {Number} ay the y part of vector a * @param {Number} bx the x part of vector b * @param {Number} by the y part of vector b * @return angle the angle in radians * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @credits Mathe Online (Winkel) */ function angleBetwTwoLines(ax,ay,bx,by) { var angle = Math.acos((ax * bx + ay * by) / (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ax,2) + Math.pow(ay,2)) * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bx,2) + Math.pow(by,2)))); return angle; } /** * calculates the bisector vector for two given vectors * @param {Number} ax the x part of vector a * @param {Number} ay the y part of vector a * @param {Number} bx the x part of vector b * @param {Number} by the y part of vector b * @return c the resulting vector as an Array, c[0] is the x part of the vector, c[1] is the y part * @type Array * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @credits Mathe Online (Winkelsymmetrale) * see #calcBisectorAngle * */ function calcBisectorVector(ax,ay,bx,by) { var betraga = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ax,2) + Math.pow(ay,2)); var betragb = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bx,2) + Math.pow(by,2)); var c = new Array(); c[0] = ax / betraga + bx / betragb; c[1] = ay / betraga + by / betragb; return c; } /** * calculates the bisector angle for two given vectors * @param {Number} ax the x part of vector a * @param {Number} ay the y part of vector a * @param {Number} bx the x part of vector b * @param {Number} by the y part of vector b * @return angle the bisector angle in radians * @type Number * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @credits Mathe Online (Winkelsymmetrale) * see #calcBisectorVector * */ function calcBisectorAngle(ax,ay,bx,by) { var betraga = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ax,2) + Math.pow(ay,2)); var betragb = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bx,2) + Math.pow(by,2)); var c1 = ax / betraga + bx / betragb; var c2 = ay / betraga + by / betragb; var angle = toPolarDir(c1,c2); return angle; } /** * calculates the intersection point of two given lines * @param {Number} line1x1 the x the start point of line 1 * @param {Number} line1y1 the y the start point of line 1 * @param {Number} line1x2 the x the end point of line 1 * @param {Number} line1y2 the y the end point of line 1 * @return interSectPoint the intersection point, interSectPoint.x contains x-part, interSectPoint.y the y-part of the resulting coordinate * @type Object * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) * @credits P. Bourke */ function intersect2lines(line1x1,line1y1,line1x2,line1y2,line2x1,line2y1,line2x2,line2y2) { var interSectPoint = new Object(); var denominator = (line2y2 - line2y1)*(line1x2 - line1x1) - (line2x2 - line2x1)*(line1y2 - line1y1); if (denominator == 0) { alert("lines are parallel"); } else { var ua = ((line2x2 - line2x1)*(line1y1 - line2y1) - (line2y2 - line2y1)*(line1x1 - line2x1)) / denominator; var ub = ((line1x2 - line1x1)*(line1y1 - line2y1) - (line1y2 - line1y1)*(line1x1 - line2x1)) / denominator; } interSectPoint["x"] = line1x1 + ua * (line1x2 - line1x1); interSectPoint["y"] = line1y1 + ua * (line1y2 - line1y1); return interSectPoint; } /** * reformats a given number to a string by adding separators at every third digit * @param {String|Number} inputNumber the input number, can be of type number or string * @param {String} separator the separator, e.g. ' or , * @return newString the intersection point, interSectPoint.x contains x-part, interSectPoint.y the y-part of the resulting coordinate * @type String * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) */ function formatNumberString(inputNumber,separator) { //check if of type string, if number, convert it to string if (typeof(inputNumber) == "Number") { var myTempString = inputNumber.toString(); } else { var myTempString = inputNumber; } var newString=""; //if it contains a comma, it will be split var splitResults = myTempString.split("."); var myCounter = splitResults[0].length; if (myCounter > 3) { while(myCounter > 0) { if (myCounter > 3) { newString = separator + splitResults[0].substr(myCounter - 3,3) + newString; } else { newString = splitResults[0].substr(0,myCounter) + newString; } myCounter -= 3; } } else { newString = splitResults[0]; } //concatenate if it contains a comma if (splitResults[1]) { newString = newString + "." + splitResults[1]; } return newString; } /** * writes a status text message out to a SVG text element's first child * @param {String} statusText the text message to be displayed * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) */ function statusChange(statusText) { document.getElementById("statusText").firstChild.nodeValue = "Statusbar: " + statusText; } /** * scales an SVG element, requires that the element has an x and y attribute (e.g. circle, ellipse, use element, etc.) * @param {dom::Event} evt the evt object that triggered the scaling * @param {Number} factor the scaling factor * @version 1.0 (2007-04-30) */ function scaleObject(evt,factor) { //reference to the currently selected object var element = evt.currentTarget; var myX = element.getAttributeNS(null,"x"); var myY = element.getAttributeNS(null,"y"); var newtransform = "scale(" + factor + ") translate(" + (myX * 1 / factor - myX) + " " + (myY * 1 / factor - myY) +")"; element.setAttributeNS(null,'transform', newtransform); } /** * returns the transformation matrix (ctm) for the given node up to the root element * the basic use case is to provide a wrapper function for the missing SVGLocatable.getTransformToElement method (missing in ASV3) * @param {svg::SVGTransformable} node the node reference for the SVGElement the ctm is queried * @return CTM the current transformation matrix from the given node to the root element * @type svg::SVGMatrix * @version 1.0 (2007-05-01) * @credits Kevin Lindsey (toUserSpace) * @see #getTransformToElement */ function getTransformToRootElement(node) { try { //this part is for fully conformant players (like Opera, Batik, Firefox, Safari ...) var CTM = node.getTransformToElement(document.documentElement); } catch (ex) { //this part is for ASV3 or other non-conformant players // Initialize our CTM the node's Current Transformation Matrix var CTM = node.getCTM(); // Work our way through the ancestor nodes stopping at the SVG Document while ( ( node = node.parentNode ) != document ) { // Multiply the new CTM to the one with what we have accumulated so far CTM = node.getCTM().multiply(CTM); } } return CTM; } /** * returns the transformation matrix (ctm) for the given dom::Node up to a different dom::Node * the basic use case is to provide a wrapper function for the missing SVGLocatable.getTransformToElement method (missing in ASV3) * @param {svg::SVGTransformable} node the node reference for the element the where the ctm should be calculated from * @param {svg::SVGTransformable} targetNode the target node reference for the element the ctm should be calculated to * @return CTM the current transformation matrix from the given node to the target element * @type svg::SVGMatrix * @version 1.0 (2007-05-01) * @credits Kevin Lindsey (toUserSpace) * @see #getTransformToRootElement */ function getTransformToElement(node,targetNode) { try { //this part is for fully conformant players var CTM = node.getTransformToElement(targetNode); } catch (ex) { //this part is for ASV3 or other non-conformant players // Initialize our CTM the node's Current Transformation Matrix var CTM = node.getCTM(); // Work our way through the ancestor nodes stopping at the SVG Document while ( ( node = node.parentNode ) != targetNode ) { // Multiply the new CTM to the one with what we have accumulated so far CTM = node.getCTM().multiply(CTM); } } return CTM; } /** * converts HSV to RGB values * @param {Number} hue the hue value (between 0 and 360) * @param {Number} sat the saturation value (between 0 and 1) * @param {Number} val the value value (between 0 and 1) * @return rgbArr the rgb values (associative array or object, the keys are: red,green,blue), all values are scaled between 0 and 255 * @type Object * @version 1.0 (2007-05-01) * @see #rgb2hsv */ function hsv2rgb(hue,sat,val) { var rgbArr = new Object(); if ( sat == 0) { rgbArr["red"] = Math.round(val * 255); rgbArr["green"] = Math.round(val * 255); rgbArr["blue"] = Math.round(val * 255); } else { var h = hue / 60; var i = Math.floor(h); var f = h - i; if (i % 2 == 0) { f = 1 - f; } var m = val * (1 - sat); var n = val * (1 - sat * f); switch(i) { case 0: rgbArr["red"] = val; rgbArr["green"] = n; rgbArr["blue"] = m; break; case 1: rgbArr["red"] = n; rgbArr["green"] = val; rgbArr["blue"] = m; break; case 2: rgbArr["red"] = m; rgbArr["green"] = val; rgbArr["blue"] = n; break; case 3: rgbArr["red"] = m; rgbArr["green"] = n; rgbArr["blue"] = val; break; case 4: rgbArr["red"] = n; rgbArr["green"] = m; rgbArr["blue"] = val; break; case 5: rgbArr["red"] = val; rgbArr["green"] = m; rgbArr["blue"] = n; break; case 6: rgbArr["red"] = val; rgbArr["green"] = n; rgbArr["blue"] = m; break; } rgbArr["red"] = Math.round(rgbArr["red"] * 255); rgbArr["green"] = Math.round(rgbArr["green"] * 255); rgbArr["blue"] = Math.round(rgbArr["blue"] * 255); } return rgbArr; } /** * converts RGB to HSV values * @param {Number} red the hue value (between 0 and 255) * @param {Number} green the saturation value (between 0 and 255) * @param {Number} blue the value value (between 0 and 255) * @return hsvArr the hsv values (associative array or object, the keys are: hue (0-360),sat (0-1),val (0-1)) * @type Object * @version 1.0 (2007-05-01) * @see #hsv2rgb */ function rgb2hsv(red,green,blue) { var hsvArr = new Object(); red = red / 255; green = green / 255; blue = blue / 255; myMax = Math.max(red, Math.max(green,blue)); myMin = Math.min(red, Math.min(green,blue)); v = myMax; if (myMax > 0) { s = (myMax - myMin) / myMax; } else { s = 0; } if (s > 0) { myDiff = myMax - myMin; rc = (myMax - red) / myDiff; gc = (myMax - green) / myDiff; bc = (myMax - blue) / myDiff; if (red == myMax) { h = (bc - gc) / 6; } if (green == myMax) { h = (2 + rc - bc) / 6; } if (blue == myMax) { h = (4 + gc - rc) / 6; } } else { h = 0; } if (h < 0) { h += 1; } hsvArr["hue"] = Math.round(h * 360); hsvArr["sat"] = s; hsvArr["val"] = v; return hsvArr; } /** * populates an array such that it can be addressed by both a key or an index nr, * note that both Arrays need to be of the same length * @param {Array} arrayKeys the array containing the keys * @param {Array} arrayValues the array containing the values * @return returnArray the resulting array containing both associative values and also a regular indexed array * @type Array * @version 1.0 (2007-05-01) */ function arrayPopulate(arrayKeys,arrayValues) { var returnArray = new Array(); if (arrayKeys.length != arrayValues.length) { alert("error: arrays do not have the same length!"); } else { for (i=0;idocumentation. * @class this is a wrapper object to provide network request functionality (get|post) * @param {String} url the URL/IRI of the network resource to be called * @param {Function|Object} callBackFunction the callBack function or object that is called after the data was received, in case of an object, the method 'receiveData' is called; both the function and the object's 'receiveData' method get 2 return parameters: 'node.firstChild'|text (the root element of the XML or text resource), this.additionalParams (if defined) * @param {String} returnFormat the return format, either 'xml' or 'json' (or text) * @param {String} method the method of the network request, either 'get' or 'post' * @param {String|Undefined} postText the String containing the post text (optional) or Undefined (if not a 'post' request) * @param {Object|Array|String|Number|Undefined} additionalParams additional parameters that will be passed to the callBackFunction or object (optional) or Undefined * @return a new getData instance * @type getData * @constructor * @version 1.0 (2007-02-23) */ function getData(url,callBackFunction,returnFormat,method,postText,additionalParams) { this.url = url; this.callBackFunction = callBackFunction; this.returnFormat = returnFormat; this.method = method; this.additionalParams = additionalParams; if (method != "get" && method != "post") { alert("Error in network request: parameter 'method' must be 'get' or 'post'"); } this.postText = postText; this.xmlRequest = null; //@private reference to the XMLHttpRequest object } /** * triggers the network request defined in the constructor */ getData.prototype.getData = function() { //call getURL() if available if (window.getURL) { if (this.method == "get") { getURL(this.url,this); } if (this.method == "post") { postURL(this.url,this.postText,this); } } //or call XMLHttpRequest() if available else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { var _this = this; this.xmlRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (this.method == "get") { if (this.returnFormat == "xml") { this.xmlRequest.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); } this.xmlRequest.open("GET",this.url,true); } if (this.method == "post") { this.xmlRequest.open("POST",this.url,true); } this.xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {_this.handleEvent()}; if (this.method == "get") { this.xmlRequest.send(null); } if (this.method == "post") { //test if postText exists and is of type string var reallyPost = true; if (!this.postText) { reallyPost = false; alert("Error in network post request: missing parameter 'postText'!"); } if (typeof(this.postText) != "string") { reallyPost = false; alert("Error in network post request: parameter 'postText' has to be of type 'string')"); } if (reallyPost) { this.xmlRequest.send(this.postText); } } } //write an error message if neither method is available else { alert("your browser/svg viewer neither supports window.getURL nor window.XMLHttpRequest!"); } } /** * this is the callback method for the getURL() or postURL() case * @private */ getData.prototype.operationComplete = function(data) { //check if data has a success property if (data.success) { //parse content of the XML format to the variable "node" if (this.returnFormat == "xml") { //convert the text information to an XML node and get the first child var node = parseXML(data.content,document); //distinguish between a callback function and an object if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "function") { this.callBackFunction(node.firstChild,this.additionalParams); } if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "object") { this.callBackFunction.receiveData(node.firstChild,this.additionalParams); } } if (this.returnFormat == "json") { if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "function") { this.callBackFunction(data.content,this.additionalParams); } if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "object") { this.callBackFunction.receiveData(data.content,this.additionalParams); } } } else { alert("something went wrong with dynamic loading of geometry!"); } } /** * this is the callback method for the XMLHttpRequest case * @private */ getData.prototype.handleEvent = function() { if (this.xmlRequest.readyState == 4) { if (this.returnFormat == "xml") { //we need to import the XML node first var importedNode = document.importNode(this.xmlRequest.responseXML.documentElement,true); if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "function") { this.callBackFunction(importedNode,this.additionalParams); } if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "object") { this.callBackFunction.receiveData(importedNode,this.additionalParams); } } if (this.returnFormat == "json") { if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "function") { this.callBackFunction(this.xmlRequest.responseText,this.additionalParams); } if (typeof(this.callBackFunction) == "object") { this.callBackFunction.receiveData(this.xmlRequest.responseText,this.additionalParams); } } } } /** * Serializes an XML node and returns a string representation. Wrapper function to hide implementation differences. * This can be used for debugging purposes or to post data to a server or network resource. * @param {dom::Node} node the DOM node reference * @return textRepresentation the String representation of the XML node * @type String * @version 1.0 (2007-05-01) * @see getData */ function serializeNode(node) { if (typeof XMLSerializer != 'undefined') { return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node); } else if (typeof node.xml != 'undefined') { return node.xml; } else if (typeof printNode != 'undefined') { return printNode(node); } else if (typeof Packages != 'undefined') { try { var stringWriter = new java.io.StringWriter(); Packages.org.apache.batik.dom.util.DOMUtilities.writeNode(node,stringWriter); return stringWriter.toString(); } catch (e) { alert("Sorry, your SVG viewer does not support the printNode/serialize function."); return ''; } } else { alert("Sorry, your SVG viewer does not support the printNode/serialize function."); return ''; } } /** * Starts a SMIL animation element with the given id by triggering the '.beginElement()' method. * This is a convenience (shortcut) function. * @param {String} id a valid id of a valid SMIL animation element * @version 1.0 (2007-05-01) */ //starts an animtion with the given id //this function is useful in combination with window.setTimeout() function startAnimation(id) { document.getElementById(id).beginElement(); }