**Welcome to Galaxy!** Galaxy is a web-based data analysis framework that allows you to collect and work with biological data from many different sources. To Start ======== click on **Get Data** link to the left and import some data. Tools ===== The **Tools** menu allow you to load data into your Galaxy workspace and run a variety of analysis tools. History ======= The **History** list contains data you import into Galaxy and the results of analysis tools you run. There you can delete data or edit their attributes, download the complete data using the "display" link, or use the "peek" feature to display the first few lines. Need Help? ========== * `Galaxy documentation`__ * `Galaxy wiki page`__ * `People and Technology behind Galaxy`__ * Report bugs and problems to Galaxy mailing list: `galaxy@bx.psu.edu`__ .. __: /static/help.html .. __: http://www.bx.psu.edu/cgi-bin/trac.cgi .. __: http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/GalaxyTeam .. __: mailto:galaxy@bx.psu.edu Version: 2.1 Revision: $Rev$ ----- The Galaxy team is a part of the `Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics`__ at `Penn State`__. .. __: http://www.bx.psu.edu .. __: http://www.psu.edu ----- Galaxy build 502