root/galaxy-central/test/base/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 106.7 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

1import pkg_resources
2pkg_resources.require( "twill==0.9" )
4import StringIO, os, sys, random, filecmp, time, unittest, urllib, logging, difflib, tarfile, zipfile, tempfile, re, shutil
5from itertools import *
7import twill
8import twill.commands as tc
9from twill.other_packages._mechanize_dist import ClientForm
10pkg_resources.require( "elementtree" )
11from elementtree import ElementTree
12from galaxy.web import security
13from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import iff
15buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
17#Force twill to log to a buffer -- FIXME: Should this go to stdout and be captured by nose?
19tc.config('use_tidy', 0)
21# Dial ClientCookie logging down (very noisy)
22logging.getLogger( "ClientCookie.cookies" ).setLevel( logging.WARNING )
23log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
25class TwillTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
27    def setUp( self ):
28        # Security helper
29 = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret='changethisinproductiontoo' )
30        self.history_id = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_HISTORY_ID', None )
31 = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_HOST' )
32        self.port = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_PORT' )
33        self.url = "http://%s:%s" % (, self.port )
34        self.file_dir = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR' )
35        self.home()
36        #self.set_history()
38    # Functions associated with files
39    def files_diff( self, file1, file2, attributes=None ):
40        """Checks the contents of 2 files for differences"""
41        def get_lines_diff( diff ):
42            count = 0
43            for line in diff:
44                if ( line.startswith( '+' ) and not line.startswith( '+++' ) ) or ( line.startswith( '-' ) and not line.startswith( '---' ) ):
45                    count += 1
46            return count
47        if not filecmp.cmp( file1, file2 ):
48            files_differ = False
49            local_file = open( file1, 'U' ).readlines()
50            history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).readlines()
51            if attributes is None:
52                attributes = {}
53            if attributes.get( 'sort', False ):
54                history_data.sort()
55            ##Why even bother with the check loop below, why not just use the diff output? This seems wasteful.
56            if len( local_file ) == len( history_data ):
57                for i in range( len( history_data ) ):
58                    if local_file[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ) != history_data[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ):
59                        files_differ = True
60                        break
61            else:
62                files_differ = True
63            if files_differ:
64                allowed_diff_count = int(attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 ))
65                diff = list( difflib.unified_diff( local_file, history_data, "local_file", "history_data" ) )
66                diff_lines = get_lines_diff( diff )
67                log.debug('## files diff on %s and %s lines_diff=%d, found diff = %d' % (file1,file2,allowed_diff_count,diff_lines))
68                if diff_lines > allowed_diff_count:
69                    diff_slice = diff[0:40]
70                    #FIXME: This pdf stuff is rather special cased and has not been updated to consider lines_diff
71                    #due to unknown desired behavior when used in conjunction with a non-zero lines_diff
72                    #PDF forgiveness can probably be handled better by not special casing by __extension__ here
73                    #and instead using lines_diff or a regular expression matching
74                    #or by creating and using a specialized pdf comparison function
75                    if file1.endswith( '.pdf' ) or file2.endswith( '.pdf' ):
76                        # PDF files contain creation dates, modification dates, ids and descriptions that change with each
77                        # new file, so we need to handle these differences.  As long as the rest of the PDF file does
78                        # not differ we're ok.
79                        valid_diff_strs = [ 'description', 'createdate', 'creationdate', 'moddate', 'id', 'producer', 'creator' ]
80                        valid_diff = False
81                        for line in diff_slice:
82                            # Make sure to lower case strings before checking.
83                            line = line.lower()
84                            # Diff lines will always start with a + or - character, but handle special cases: '--- local_file \n', '+++ history_data \n'
85                            if ( line.startswith( '+' ) or line.startswith( '-' ) ) and line.find( 'local_file' ) < 0 and line.find( 'history_data' ) < 0:
86                                for vdf in valid_diff_strs:
87                                    if line.find( vdf ) < 0:
88                                        valid_diff = False
89                                    else:
90                                        valid_diff = True
91                                        # Stop checking as soon as we know we have a valid difference
92                                        break
93                                if not valid_diff:
94                                    # Print out diff_slice so we can see what failed
95                                    print "###### diff_slice ######"
96                                    raise AssertionError( "".join( diff_slice ) )
97                    else:
98                        for line in diff_slice:
99                            for char in line:
100                                if ord( char ) > 128:
101                                    raise AssertionError( "Binary data detected, not displaying diff" )
102                        raise AssertionError( "".join( diff_slice )  )
104    def files_re_match( self, file1, file2, attributes=None ):
105        """Checks the contents of 2 files for differences using re.match"""
106        local_file = open( file1, 'U' ).readlines() #regex file
107        history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).readlines()
108        assert len( local_file ) == len( history_data ), 'Data File and Regular Expression File contain a different number of lines (%s != %s)' % ( len( local_file ), len( history_data ) )
109        if attributes is None:
110            attributes = {}
111        if attributes.get( 'sort', False ):
112            history_data.sort()
113        lines_diff = int(attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 ))
114        line_diff_count = 0
115        diffs = []
116        for i in range( len( history_data ) ):
117            if not re.match( local_file[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ), history_data[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ) ):
118                line_diff_count += 1
119                diffs.append( 'Regular Expression: %s\nData file         : %s' % ( local_file[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ),  history_data[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ) ) )
120            if line_diff_count > lines_diff:
121                raise AssertionError, "Regular expression did not match data file (allowed variants=%i):\n%s" % ( lines_diff, "".join( diffs ) )
123    def files_re_match_multiline( self, file1, file2, attributes=None ):
124        """Checks the contents of 2 files for differences using re.match in multiline mode"""
125        local_file = open( file1, 'U' ).read() #regex file
126        if attributes is None:
127            attributes = {}
128        if attributes.get( 'sort', False ):
129            history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).readlines()
130            history_data.sort()
131            history_data = ''.join( history_data )
132        else:
133            history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).read()
134        #lines_diff not applicable to multiline matching
135        assert re.match( local_file, history_data, re.MULTILINE ), "Multiline Regular expression did not match data file"
137    def get_filename( self, filename ):
138        full = os.path.join( self.file_dir, filename)
139        return os.path.abspath(full)
141    def save_log( *path ):
142        """Saves the log to a file"""
143        filename = os.path.join( *path )
144        file(filename, 'wt').write(buffer.getvalue())
146    def upload_file( self, filename, ftype='auto', dbkey='unspecified (?)', space_to_tab = False, metadata = None, composite_data = None ):
147        """Uploads a file"""
148        self.visit_url( "%s/tool_runner?tool_id=upload1" % self.url )
149        try:
150            self.refresh_form( "file_type", ftype ) #Refresh, to support composite files
151            tc.fv("1","dbkey", dbkey)
152            if metadata:
153                for elem in metadata:
154                    tc.fv( "1", "files_metadata|%s" % elem.get( 'name' ), elem.get( 'value' ) )
155            if composite_data:
156                for i, composite_file in enumerate( composite_data ):
157                    filename = self.get_filename( composite_file.get( 'value' ) )
158                    tc.formfile( "1", "files_%i|file_data" % i, filename )
159                    tc.fv( "1", "files_%i|space_to_tab" % i, composite_file.get( 'space_to_tab', False ) )
160            else:
161                filename = self.get_filename( filename )
162                tc.formfile( "1", "file_data", filename )
163                tc.fv( "1", "space_to_tab", space_to_tab )
164            tc.submit("runtool_btn")
165            self.home()
166        except AssertionError, err:
167            errmsg = "Uploading file resulted in the following exception.  Make sure the file (%s) exists.  " % filename
168            errmsg += str( err )
169            raise AssertionError( errmsg )
170        # Make sure every history item has a valid hid
171        hids = self.get_hids_in_history()
172        for hid in hids:
173            try:
174                valid_hid = int( hid )
175            except:
176                raise AssertionError, "Invalid hid (%s) created when uploading file %s" % ( hid, filename )
177        # Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead)
178        self.wait()
179    def upload_url_paste( self, url_paste, ftype='auto', dbkey='unspecified (?)' ):
180        """Pasted data in the upload utility"""
181        self.visit_page( "tool_runner/index?tool_id=upload1" )
182        try:
183            tc.fv( "1", "file_type", ftype )
184            tc.fv( "1", "dbkey", dbkey )
185            tc.fv( "1", "url_paste", url_paste )
186            tc.submit( "runtool_btn" )
187            self.home()
188        except Exception, e:
189            errmsg = "Problem executing upload utility using url_paste: %s" % str( e )
190            raise AssertionError( e )
191        # Make sure every history item has a valid hid
192        hids = self.get_hids_in_history()
193        for hid in hids:
194            try:
195                valid_hid = int( hid )
196            except:
197                raise AssertionError, "Invalid hid (%s) created when pasting %s" % ( hid, url_paste )
198        # Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead)
199        self.wait()
201    # Functions associated with histories
202    def check_history_for_errors( self ):
203        """Raises an exception if there are errors in a history"""
204        self.home()
205        self.visit_page( "history" )
206        page = self.last_page()
207        if page.find( 'error' ) > -1:
208            raise AssertionError('Errors in the history for user %s' % self.user )
209    def check_history_for_string( self, patt, show_deleted=False ):
210        """Looks for 'string' in history page"""
211        self.home()
212        if show_deleted:
213            self.visit_page( "history?show_deleted=True" )
214        else:
215            self.visit_page( "history" )
216        for subpatt in patt.split():
217            tc.find(subpatt)
218        self.home()
219    def clear_history( self ):
220        """Empties a history of all datasets"""
221        self.visit_page( "clear_history" )
222        self.check_history_for_string( 'Your history is empty' )
223        self.home()
224    def delete_history( self, id ):
225        """Deletes one or more histories"""
226        history_list = self.get_histories_as_data_list()
227        self.assertTrue( history_list )
228        num_deleted = len( id.split( ',' ) )
229        self.home()
230        self.visit_page( "history/list?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( id ) )
231        check_str = 'Deleted %d %s' % ( num_deleted, iff( num_deleted != 1, "histories", "history" ) )
232        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
233        self.home()
234    def delete_current_history( self, strings_displayed=[] ):
235        """Deletes the current history"""
236        self.home()
237        self.visit_page( "history/delete_current" )
238        for check_str in strings_displayed:
239            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
240        self.home()
241    def get_histories_as_data_list( self ):
242        """Returns the data elements of all histories"""
243        tree = self.histories_as_xml_tree()
244        data_list = [ elem for elem in tree.findall("data") ]
245        return data_list
246    def get_history_as_data_list( self, show_deleted=False ):
247        """Returns the data elements of a history"""
248        tree = self.history_as_xml_tree( show_deleted=show_deleted )
249        data_list = [ elem for elem in tree.findall("data") ]
250        return data_list
251    def history_as_xml_tree( self, show_deleted=False ):
252        """Returns a parsed xml object of a history"""
253        self.home()
254        self.visit_page( 'history?as_xml=True&show_deleted=%s' % show_deleted )
255        xml = self.last_page()
256        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
257        return tree
258    def histories_as_xml_tree( self ):
259        """Returns a parsed xml object of all histories"""
260        self.home()
261        self.visit_page( 'history/list_as_xml' )
262        xml = self.last_page()
263        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
264        return tree
265    def history_options( self, user=False, active_datasets=False, activatable_datasets=False, histories_shared_by_others=False ):
266        """Mimics user clicking on history options link"""
267        self.home()
268        self.visit_page( "root/history_options" )
269        if user:
270            self.check_page_for_string( 'Previously</a> stored histories' )
271            if active_datasets:
272                self.check_page_for_string( 'Create</a> a new empty history' )
273                self.check_page_for_string( 'Construct workflow</a> from current history' )
274                self.check_page_for_string( 'Clone</a> current history' )
275            self.check_page_for_string( 'Share</a> current history' )
276            self.check_page_for_string( 'Change default permissions</a> for current history' )
277            if histories_shared_by_others:
278                self.check_page_for_string( 'Histories</a> shared with you by others' )
279        if activatable_datasets:
280            self.check_page_for_string( 'Show deleted</a> datasets in current history' )
281        self.check_page_for_string( 'Rename</a> current history' )
282        self.check_page_for_string( 'Delete</a> current history' )
283        self.home()
284    def new_history( self, name=None ):
285        """Creates a new, empty history"""
286        self.home()
287        if name:
288            self.visit_url( "%s/history_new?name=%s" % ( self.url, name ) )
289        else:
290            self.visit_url( "%s/history_new" % self.url )
291        self.check_history_for_string('Your history is empty')
292        self.home()
293    def rename_history( self, id, old_name, new_name ):
294        """Rename an existing history"""
295        self.home()
296        self.visit_page( "history/rename?id=%s&name=%s" %( id, new_name ) )
297        check_str = 'History: %s renamed to: %s' % ( old_name, urllib.unquote( new_name ) )
298        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
299        self.home()
300    def set_history( self ):
301        """Sets the history (stores the cookies for this run)"""
302        if self.history_id:
303            self.home()
304            self.visit_page( "history?id=%s" % self.history_id )
305        else:
306            self.new_history()
307        self.home()
308    def share_current_history( self, email, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[],
309                               action='', action_strings_displayed=[], action_strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
310        """Share the current history with different users"""
311        self.visit_url( "%s/history/share" % self.url )
312        for check_str in strings_displayed:
313            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
314        tc.fv( 'share', 'email', email )
315        tc.submit( 'share_button' )
316        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
317            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
318        if action:
319            # If we have an action, then we are sharing datasets with users that do not have access permissions on them
320            for check_str in action_strings_displayed:
321                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
322            tc.fv( 'share_restricted', 'action', action )
323            tc.submit( "share_restricted_button" )
324            for check_str in action_strings_displayed_after_submit:
325                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
326        self.home()
327    def share_histories_with_users( self, ids, emails, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[],
328                                    action=None, action_strings_displayed=[] ):
329        """Share one or more histories with one or more different users"""
330        self.visit_url( "%s/history/list?id=%s&operation=Share" % ( self.url, ids ) )
331        for check_str in strings_displayed:
332            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
333        tc.fv( 'share', 'email', emails )
334        tc.submit( 'share_button' )
335        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
336            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
337        if action:
338            # If we have an action, then we are sharing datasets with users that do not have access permissions on them
339            tc.fv( 'share_restricted', 'action', action )
340            tc.submit( "share_restricted_button" )
341            for check_str in action_strings_displayed:
342                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
343        self.home()
344    def unshare_history( self, history_id, user_id, strings_displayed=[] ):
345        """Unshare a history that has been shared with another user"""
346        self.visit_url( "%s/history/list?id=%s&operation=share+or+publish" % ( self.url, history_id ) )
347        for check_str in strings_displayed:
348            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
349        self.visit_url( "%s/history/sharing?unshare_user=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id, history_id ) )
350        self.home()
351    def switch_history( self, id='', name='' ):
352        """Switches to a history in the current list of histories"""
353        self.visit_url( "%s/history/list?operation=switch&id=%s" % ( self.url, id ) )
354        if name:
355            self.check_history_for_string( name )
356        self.home()
357    def view_stored_active_histories( self, strings_displayed=[] ):
358        self.home()
359        self.visit_page( "history/list" )
360        self.check_page_for_string( 'Saved Histories' )
361        self.check_page_for_string( '<input type="checkbox" name="id" value=' )
362        self.check_page_for_string( 'operation=Rename' )
363        self.check_page_for_string( 'operation=Switch' )
364        self.check_page_for_string( 'operation=Delete' )
365        for check_str in strings_displayed:
366            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
367        self.home()
368    def view_stored_deleted_histories( self, strings_displayed=[] ):
369        self.home()
370        self.visit_page( "history/list?f-deleted=True" )
371        self.check_page_for_string( 'Saved Histories' )
372        self.check_page_for_string( '<input type="checkbox" name="id" value=' )
373        self.check_page_for_string( 'operation=Undelete' )
374        for check_str in strings_displayed:
375            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
376        self.home()
377    def view_shared_histories( self, strings_displayed=[] ):
378        self.home()
379        self.visit_page( "history/list_shared" )
380        for check_str in strings_displayed:
381            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
382        self.home()
383    def clone_history( self, history_id, clone_choice, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
384        self.home()
385        self.visit_page( "history/clone?id=%s" % history_id )
386        for check_str in strings_displayed:
387            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
388        tc.fv( '1', 'clone_choice', clone_choice )
389        tc.submit( 'clone_choice_button' )
390        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
391            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
392        self.home()
393    def make_accessible_via_link( self, history_id, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
394        self.home()
395        self.visit_page( "history/list?operation=share+or+publish&id=%s" % history_id )
396        for check_str in strings_displayed:
397            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
398        # twill barfs on this form, possibly because it contains no fields, but not sure.
399        # In any case, we have to mimic the form submission
400        self.home()
401        self.visit_page( 'history/sharing?id=%s&make_accessible_via_link=True' % history_id )
402        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
403            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
404        self.home()
405    def disable_access_via_link( self, history_id, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
406        self.home()
407        self.visit_page( "history/list?operation=share+or+publish&id=%s" % history_id )
408        for check_str in strings_displayed:
409            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
410        # twill barfs on this form, possibly because it contains no fields, but not sure.
411        # In any case, we have to mimic the form submission
412        self.home()
413        self.visit_page( 'history/sharing?id=%s&disable_link_access=True' % history_id )
414        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
415            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
416        self.home()
417    def import_history_via_url( self, history_id, email, strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
418        self.home()
419        self.visit_page( "history/imp?&id=%s" % history_id )
420        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
421            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
422        self.home()
424    # Functions associated with datasets (history items) and meta data
425    def get_job_stderr( self, id ):
426        self.visit_page( "dataset/stderr?id=%s" % id )
427        return self.last_page()
429    def _assert_dataset_state( self, elem, state ):
430        if elem.get( 'state' ) != state:
431            errmsg = "Expecting dataset state '%s', but state is '%s'. Dataset blurb: %s\n\n" % ( state, elem.get('state'), elem.text.strip() )
432            errmsg += "---------------------- >> begin tool stderr << -----------------------\n"
433            errmsg += self.get_job_stderr( elem.get( 'id' ) ) + "\n"
434            errmsg += "----------------------- >> end tool stderr << ------------------------\n"
435            raise AssertionError( errmsg )
437    def check_metadata_for_string( self, patt, hid=None ):
438        """Looks for 'patt' in the edit page when editing a dataset"""
439        data_list = self.get_history_as_data_list()
440        self.assertTrue( data_list )
441        if hid is None: # take last hid
442            elem = data_list[-1]
443            hid = int( elem.get('hid') )
444        self.assertTrue( hid )
445        self.visit_page( "edit?hid=%s" % hid )
446        for subpatt in patt.split():
447            tc.find(subpatt)
448    def delete_history_item( self, hda_id, strings_displayed=[] ):
449        """Deletes an item from a history"""
450        try:
451            hda_id = int( hda_id )
452        except:
453            raise AssertionError, "Invalid hda_id '%s' - must be int" % hda_id
454        self.visit_url( "%s/root/delete?show_deleted_on_refresh=False&id=%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ) )
455        for check_str in strings_displayed:
456            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
457    def undelete_history_item( self, hda_id, strings_displayed=[] ):
458        """Un-deletes a deleted item in a history"""
459        try:
460            hda_id = int( hda_id )
461        except:
462            raise AssertionError, "Invalid hda_id '%s' - must be int" % hda_id
463        self.visit_url( "%s/dataset/undelete?id=%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ) )
464        for check_str in strings_displayed:
465            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
466    def display_history_item( self, hda_id, strings_displayed=[] ):
467        """Displays a history item - simulates eye icon click"""
468        self.visit_url( '%s/datasets/%s/display/' % ( self.url, hda_id ) ) )
469        for check_str in strings_displayed:
470            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
471        self.home()
472    def view_history( self, history_id, strings_displayed=[] ):
473        """Displays a history for viewing"""
474        self.visit_url( '%s/history/view?id=%s' % ( self.url, history_id ) ) )
475        for check_str in strings_displayed:
476            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
477        self.home()
478    def edit_hda_attribute_info( self, hda_id, new_name='', new_info='', new_dbkey='', new_startcol='',
479                                 strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ):
480        """Edit history_dataset_association attribute information"""
481        self.home()
482        self.visit_url( "%s/root/edit?id=%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ) )
483        submit_required = False
484        self.check_page_for_string( 'Edit Attributes' )
485        if new_name:
486            tc.fv( 'edit_attributes', 'name', new_name )
487            submit_required = True
488        if new_info:
489            tc.fv( 'edit_attributes', 'info', new_info )
490            submit_required = True
491        if new_dbkey:
492            tc.fv( 'edit_attributes', 'dbkey', new_dbkey )
493            submit_required = True
494        if new_startcol:
495            tc.fv( 'edit_attributes', 'startCol', new_startcol )
496            submit_required = True
497        if submit_required:
498            tc.submit( 'save' )
499            self.check_page_for_string( 'Attributes updated' )
500        for check_str in strings_displayed:
501            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
502        for check_str in strings_not_displayed:
503            try:
504                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
505                raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed on Edit Attributes page." % check_str
506            except:
507                pass
508        self.home()
509    def check_hda_attribute_info( self, hda_id, strings_displayed=[] ):
510        """Edit history_dataset_association attribute information"""
511        for check_str in strings_displayed:
512            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
513    def auto_detect_metadata( self, hda_id ):
514        """Auto-detect history_dataset_association metadata"""
515        self.home()
516        self.visit_url( "%s/root/edit?id=%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ) )
517        self.check_page_for_string( 'This will inspect the dataset and attempt' )
518        tc.fv( 'auto_detect', 'id', hda_id )
519        tc.submit( 'detect' )
520        try:
521            self.check_page_for_string( 'Attributes have been queued to be updated' )
522            self.wait()
523        except AssertionError:
524            self.check_page_for_string( 'Attributes updated' )
525        #self.check_page_for_string( 'Attributes updated' )
526        self.home()
527    def convert_format( self, hda_id, target_type ):
528        """Convert format of history_dataset_association"""
529        self.home()
530        self.visit_url( "%s/root/edit?id=%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ) )
531        self.check_page_for_string( 'This will inspect the dataset and attempt' )
532        tc.fv( 'convert_data', 'target_type', target_type )
533        tc.submit( 'convert_data' )
534        self.check_page_for_string( 'The file conversion of Convert BED to GFF on data' )
535        self.wait() #wait for the format convert tool to finish before returning
536        self.home()
537    def change_datatype( self, hda_id, datatype ):
538        """Change format of history_dataset_association"""
539        self.home()
540        self.visit_url( "%s/root/edit?id=%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ) )
541        self.check_page_for_string( 'This will change the datatype of the existing dataset but' )
542        tc.fv( 'change_datatype', 'datatype', datatype )
543        tc.submit( 'change' )
544        self.check_page_for_string( 'Changed the type of dataset' )
545        self.home()
546    def copy_history_item( self, source_dataset_ids='', target_history_ids=[], all_target_history_ids=[],
547                           deleted_history_ids=[] ):
548        """Copy 1 or more history_dataset_associations to 1 or more histories"""
549        self.home()
550        self.visit_url( "%s/dataset/copy_datasets?source_dataset_ids=%s" % ( self.url, source_dataset_ids ) )
551        self.check_page_for_string( 'Source History Items' )
552        # Make sure all of users active histories are displayed
553        for id in all_target_history_ids:
554            self.check_page_for_string( id )
555        # Make sure only active histories are displayed
556        for id in deleted_history_ids:
557            try:
558                self.check_page_for_string( id )
559                raise AssertionError, "deleted history id %d displayed in list of target histories" % id
560            except:
561                pass
562        # Check each history to which we want to copy the item
563        for id in target_history_ids:
564            tc.fv( '1', 'target_history_ids', id )
565        tc.submit( 'do_copy' )
566        no_source_ids = len( source_dataset_ids.split( ',' ) )
567        check_str = '%d datasets copied to %d histories.' % ( no_source_ids, len( target_history_ids ) )
568        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
569        self.home()
570    def get_hids_in_history( self ):
571        """Returns the list of hid values for items in a history"""
572        data_list = self.get_history_as_data_list()
573        hids = []
574        for elem in data_list:
575            hid = elem.get('hid')
576            hids.append(hid)
577        return hids
578    def get_hids_in_histories( self ):
579        """Returns the list of hids values for items in all histories"""
580        data_list = self.get_histories_as_data_list()
581        hids = []
582        for elem in data_list:
583            hid = elem.get('hid')
584            hids.append(hid)
585        return hids
587    def makeTfname(self, fname=None):
588        """
589        safe temp name - preserve the file extension for tools that interpret it
590        """
591        suffix = os.path.split(fname)[-1] # ignore full path
592        fd,temp_prefix = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='tmp',suffix=suffix)
593        return temp_prefix
596    def verify_dataset_correctness( self, filename, hid=None, wait=True, maxseconds=120, attributes=None ):
597        """Verifies that the attributes and contents of a history item meet expectations"""
598        if wait:
599            self.wait( maxseconds=maxseconds ) #wait for job to finish
600        data_list = self.get_history_as_data_list()
601        self.assertTrue( data_list )
602        if hid is None: # take last hid
603            elem = data_list[-1]
604            hid = str( elem.get('hid') )
605        else:
606            hid = str( hid )
607            elems = [ elem for elem in data_list if elem.get('hid') == hid ]
608            self.assertTrue( len(elems) == 1 )
609            elem = elems[0]
610        self.assertTrue( hid )
611        self._assert_dataset_state( elem, 'ok' )
612        if self.is_zipped( filename ):
613            errmsg = 'History item %s is a zip archive which includes invalid files:\n' % hid
614            zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile( filename, "r" )
615            name = zip_file.namelist()[0]
616            test_ext = name.split( "." )[1].strip().lower()
617            if not ( test_ext == 'scf' or test_ext == 'ab1' or test_ext == 'txt' ):
618                raise AssertionError( errmsg )
619            for name in zip_file.namelist():
620                ext = name.split( "." )[1].strip().lower()
621                if ext != test_ext:
622                    raise AssertionError( errmsg )
623        else:
624            local_name = self.get_filename( filename )
625            temp_name = self.makeTfname(fname = filename)
626            self.home()
627            self.visit_page( "display?hid=" + hid )
628            data = self.last_page()
629            file( temp_name, 'wb' ).write(data)
630            try:
631                # have to nest try-except in try-finally to handle 2.4
632                try:
633                    if attributes is None:
634                        attributes = {}
635                    compare = attributes.get( 'compare', 'diff' )
636                    extra_files = attributes.get( 'extra_files', None )
637                    if compare == 'diff':
638                        self.files_diff( local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes )
639                    elif compare == 're_match':
640                        self.files_re_match( local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes )
641                    elif compare == 're_match_multiline':
642                        self.files_re_match_multiline( local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes )
643                    elif compare == 'sim_size':
644                        delta = attributes.get('delta','100')
645                        s1 = len(data)
646                        s2 = os.path.getsize(local_name)
647                        if abs(s1-s2) > int(delta):
648                           raise Exception, 'Files %s=%db but %s=%db - compare (delta=%s) failed' % (temp_name,s1,local_name,s2,delta)
649                    else:
650                        raise Exception, 'Unimplemented Compare type: %s' % compare
651                    if extra_files:
652                        self.verify_extra_files_content( extra_files, elem.get( 'id' ) )
653                except AssertionError, err:
654                    errmsg = 'History item %s different than expected, difference (using %s):\n' % ( hid, compare )
655                    errmsg += str( err )
656                    raise AssertionError( errmsg )
657            finally:
658                os.remove( temp_name )
660    def verify_extra_files_content( self, extra_files, hda_id ):
661        files_list = []
662        for extra_type, extra_value, extra_name, extra_attributes in extra_files:
663            if extra_type == 'file':
664                files_list.append( ( extra_name, extra_value, extra_attributes ) )
665            elif extra_type == 'directory':
666                for filename in os.listdir( self.get_filename( extra_value ) ):
667                    files_list.append( ( filename, os.path.join( extra_value, filename ), extra_attributes ) )
668            else:
669                raise ValueError, 'unknown extra_files type: %s' % extra_type
670        for filename, filepath, attributes in files_list:
671            self.verify_composite_datatype_file_content( filepath, hda_id, base_name = filename, attributes = attributes )
673    def verify_composite_datatype_file_content( self, file_name, hda_id, base_name = None, attributes = None ):
674        local_name = self.get_filename( file_name )
675        if base_name is None:
676            base_name = os.path.split(file_name)[-1]
677        temp_name = self.makeTfname(fname = base_name)
678        self.visit_url( "%s/datasets/%s/display/%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ), base_name ) )
679        data = self.last_page()
680        file( temp_name, 'wb' ).write( data )
681        try:
682            # have to nest try-except in try-finally to handle 2.4
683            try:
684                if attributes is None:
685                    attributes = {}
686                compare = attributes.get( 'compare', 'diff' )
687                if compare == 'diff':
688                    self.files_diff( local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes )
689                elif compare == 're_match':
690                    self.files_re_match( local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes )
691                elif compare == 're_match_multiline':
692                    self.files_re_match_multiline( local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes )
693                elif compare == 'sim_size':
694                    delta = attributes.get('delta','100')
695                    s1 = len(data)
696                    s2 = os.path.getsize(local_name)
697                    if abs(s1-s2) > int(delta):
698                       raise Exception, 'Files %s=%db but %s=%db - compare (delta=%s) failed' % (temp_name,s1,local_name,s2,delta)
699                else:
700                    raise Exception, 'Unimplemented Compare type: %s' % compare
701            except AssertionError, err:
702                errmsg = 'Composite file (%s) of History item %s different than expected, difference (using %s):\n' % ( base_name, hda_id, compare )
703                errmsg += str( err )
704                raise AssertionError( errmsg )
705        finally:
706            os.remove( temp_name )
708    def is_zipped( self, filename ):
709        if not zipfile.is_zipfile( filename ):
710            return False
711        return True
713    def is_binary( self, filename ):
714        temp = open( filename, "U" ) # why is this not filename? Where did temp_name come from
715        lineno = 0
716        for line in temp:
717            lineno += 1
718            line = line.strip()
719            if line:
720                for char in line:
721                    if ord( char ) > 128:
722                        return True
723            if lineno > 10:
724                break
725        return False
727    def verify_genome_build( self, dbkey='hg17' ):
728        """Verifies that the last used genome_build at history id 'hid' is as expected"""
729        data_list = self.get_history_as_data_list()
730        self.assertTrue( data_list )
731        elems = [ elem for elem in data_list ]
732        elem = elems[-1]
733        genome_build = elem.get('dbkey')
734        self.assertTrue( genome_build == dbkey )
736    # Functions associated with user accounts
737    def create( self, email='', password='testuser', username='admin-user', webapp='galaxy', referer='' ):
738        # HACK: don't use panels because late_javascripts() messes up the twill browser and it
739        # can't find form fields (and hence user can't be logged in).
740        self.visit_url( "%s/user/create?use_panels=False" % self.url )
741        tc.fv( '1', 'email', email )
742        tc.fv( '1', 'webapp', webapp )
743        tc.fv( '1', 'referer', referer )
744        tc.fv( '1', 'password', password )
745        tc.fv( '1', 'confirm', password )
746        tc.fv( '1', 'username', username )
747        tc.submit( 'create_user_button' )
748        previously_created = False
749        username_taken = False
750        invalid_username = False
751        try:
752            self.check_page_for_string( "Created new user account" )
753        except:
754            try:
755                # May have created the account in a previous test run...
756                self.check_page_for_string( "User with that email already exists" )
757                previously_created = True
758            except:
759                try:
760                    self.check_page_for_string( 'This user name is not available' )
761                    username_taken = True
762                except:
763                    try:
764                        # Note that we're only checking if the usr name is >< 4 chars here...
765                        self.check_page_for_string( 'User name must be at least 4 characters in length' )
766                        invalid_username = True
767                    except:
768                        pass
769        return previously_created, username_taken, invalid_username
770    def create_user_with_info( self, email, password, username, user_info_values, user_info_select='', admin_view='False',
771                               strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
772        # This method creates a new user with associated info
773        self.visit_url( "%s/user/create?admin_view=%s&use_panels=False" % ( self.url, admin_view ) )
774        for check_str in strings_displayed:
775            self.check_page_for_string( check_str)
776        tc.fv( "1", "email", email )
777        tc.fv( "1", "password", password )
778        tc.fv( "1", "confirm", password )
779        tc.fv( "1", "username", username )
780        if user_info_select:
781            # The user_info_select SelectField requires a refresh_on_change
782            self.refresh_form( 'user_info_select', user_info_select )
783        for index, info_value in enumerate( user_info_values ):
784            tc.fv( "1", "field_%i" % index, info_value )
785        tc.submit( "create_user_button" )
786    def edit_user_info( self, new_email='', new_username='', password='', new_password='',
787                        info_values=[], strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
788        self.visit_url( "%s/user/show_info" % self.url )
789        for check_str in strings_displayed:
790            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
791        if new_email or new_username:
792            if new_email:
793                tc.fv( "login_info", "email", new_email )
794            if new_username:
795                tc.fv( "login_info", "username", new_username )
796            tc.submit( "login_info_button" )
797        if password and new_password:
798            tc.fv( "change_password", "current", password )
799            tc.fv( "change_password", "password", new_password )
800            tc.fv( "change_password", "confirm", new_password )
801            tc.submit( "change_password_button" )
802        if info_values:
803            for index, info_value in enumerate( info_values ):
804                tc.fv( "user_info", "field_%i" % index, info_value )
805            tc.submit( "edit_user_info_button" )
806        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
807            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
808        self.home()
809    def user_set_default_permissions( self, permissions_out=[], permissions_in=[], role_id='2' ):
810        # = 2 is Private Role for
811        # NOTE: Twill has a bug that requires the ~/user/permissions page to contain at least 1 option value
812        # in each select list or twill throws an exception, which is: ParseError: OPTION outside of SELECT
813        # Due to this bug, we'll bypass visiting the page, and simply pass the permissions on to the
814        # /user/set_default_permissions method.
815        url = "user/set_default_permissions?update_roles_button=Save&id=None"
816        for po in permissions_out:
817            key = '%s_out' % po
818            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) )
819        for pi in permissions_in:
820            key = '%s_in' % pi
821            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) )
822        self.home()
823        self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) )
824        self.last_page()
825        self.check_page_for_string( 'Default new history permissions have been changed.' )
826        self.home()
827    def history_set_default_permissions( self, permissions_out=[], permissions_in=[], role_id=3 ): # = 3 is Private Role for
828        # NOTE: Twill has a bug that requires the ~/user/permissions page to contain at least 1 option value
829        # in each select list or twill throws an exception, which is: ParseError: OPTION outside of SELECT
830        # Due to this bug, we'll bypass visiting the page, and simply pass the permissions on to the
831        # /user/set_default_permissions method.
832        url = "root/history_set_default_permissions?update_roles_button=Save&id=None&dataset=True"
833        for po in permissions_out:
834            key = '%s_out' % po
835            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) )
836        for pi in permissions_in:
837            key = '%s_in' % pi
838            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) )
839        self.home()
840        self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) )
841        self.check_page_for_string( 'Default history permissions have been changed.' )
842        self.home()
843    def login( self, email='', password='testuser', username='admin-user', webapp='galaxy', referer='' ):
844        # is configured as an admin user
845        previously_created, username_taken, invalid_username = \
846            self.create( email=email, password=password, username=username, webapp=webapp, referer=referer )
847        if previously_created:
848            # The acount has previously been created, so just login.
849            # HACK: don't use panels because late_javascripts() messes up the twill browser and it
850            # can't find form fields (and hence user can't be logged in).
851            self.visit_url( "%s/user/login?use_panels=False" % self.url )
852            tc.fv( '1', 'email', email )
853            tc.fv( '1', 'webapp', webapp )
854            tc.fv( '1', 'referer', referer )
855            tc.fv( '1', 'password', password )
856            tc.submit( 'login_button' )
857    def logout( self ):
858        self.home()
859        self.visit_page( "user/logout" )
860        self.check_page_for_string( "You have been logged out" )
861        self.home()
863    # Functions associated with browsers, cookies, HTML forms and page visits
865    def check_page_for_string( self, patt ):
866        """Looks for 'patt' in the current browser page"""       
867        page = self.last_page()
868        for subpatt in patt.split():
869            if page.find( patt ) == -1:
870                fname = self.write_temp_file( page )
871                errmsg = "no match to '%s'\npage content written to '%s'" % ( patt, fname )
872                raise AssertionError( errmsg )
874    def write_temp_file( self, content, suffix='.html' ):
875        fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix=suffix, prefix='twilltestcase-' )
876        f = os.fdopen( fd, "w" )
877        f.write( content )
878        f.close()
879        return fname
881    def clear_cookies( self ):
882        tc.clear_cookies()
884    def clear_form( self, form=0 ):
885        """Clears a form"""
886        tc.formclear(str(form))
888    def home( self ):
889        self.visit_url( self.url )
891    def last_page( self ):
892        return tc.browser.get_html()
894    def load_cookies( self, file ):
895        filename = self.get_filename(file)
896        tc.load_cookies(filename)
898    def reload_page( self ):
899        tc.reload()
900        tc.code(200)
902    def show_cookies( self ):
903        return tc.show_cookies()
905    def showforms( self ):
906        """Shows form, helpful for debugging new tests"""
907        return tc.showforms()
909    def submit_form( self, form_no=0, button="runtool_btn", **kwd ):
910        """Populates and submits a form from the keyword arguments."""
911        # An HTMLForm contains a sequence of Controls.  Supported control classes are:
912        # TextControl, FileControl, ListControl, RadioControl, CheckboxControl, SelectControl,
913        # SubmitControl, ImageControl
914        for i, f in enumerate( self.showforms() ):
915            if i == form_no:
916                break
917        # To help with debugging a tool, print out the form controls when the test fails
918        print "form '%s' contains the following controls ( note the values )" %
919        controls = {}
920        hc_prefix = '<HiddenControl('
921        for i, control in enumerate( f.controls ):
922           print "control %d: %s" % ( i, str( control ) )
923           if not hc_prefix in str( control ):
924              try:
925                #check if a repeat element needs to be added
926                if not in kwd and '_add' ):
927                    #control name doesn't exist, could be repeat
928                    repeat_startswith =[0:-4]
929                    if repeat_startswith and not [ c_name for c_name in controls.keys() if c_name.startswith( repeat_startswith ) ] and [ c_name for c_name in kwd.keys() if c_name.startswith( repeat_startswith ) ]:
930                        tc.submit( )
931                        return self.submit_form( form_no=form_no, button=button, **kwd )
932                # Check for refresh_on_change attribute, submit a change if required
933                if hasattr( control, 'attrs' ) and 'refresh_on_change' in control.attrs.keys():
934                    changed = False
935                    item_labels = [ item.attrs[ 'label' ] for item in control.get_items() if item.selected ] #For DataToolParameter, control.value is the HDA id, but kwd contains the filename.  This loop gets the filename/label for the selected values.
936                    for value in kwd[ ]:
937                        if value not in control.value and True not in [ value in item_label for item_label in item_labels ]:
938                            changed = True
939                            break
940                    if changed:
941                        # Clear Control and set to proper value
942                        control.clear()
943                        # kwd[] should be a singlelist
944                        for elem in kwd[ ]:
945                            tc.fv(,, str( elem ) )
946                        # Create a new submit control, allows form to refresh, instead of going to next page
947                        control = ClientForm.SubmitControl( 'SubmitControl', '___refresh_grouping___', {'name':'refresh_grouping'} )
948                        control.add_to_form( f )
949                        control.fixup()
950                        # Submit for refresh
951                        tc.submit( '___refresh_grouping___' )
952                        return self.submit_form( form_no=form_no, button=button, **kwd )
953              except Exception, e:
954                log.debug( "In submit_form, continuing, but caught exception: %s" % str( e ) )
955                continue
956              controls[ ] = control
957        # No refresh_on_change attribute found in current form, so process as usual
958        for control_name, control_value in kwd.items():
959            if control_name not in controls:
960                continue # these cannot be handled safely - cause the test to barf out
961            if not isinstance( control_value, list ):
962                control_value = [ control_value ]
963            control = controls[ control_name ]
964            control.clear()
965            if control.is_of_kind( "text" ):
966                tc.fv(,, ",".join( control_value ) )
967            elif control.is_of_kind( "list" ):
968                try:
969                    if control.is_of_kind( "multilist" ):
970                        if control.type == "checkbox":
971                            def is_checked( value ):
972                                # Copied from form_builder.CheckboxField
973                                if value == True:
974                                    return True
975                                if isinstance( value, list ):
976                                    value = value[0]
977                                return isinstance( value, basestring ) and value.lower() in ( "yes", "true", "on" )
978                            try:
979                                checkbox = control.get()
980                                checkbox.selected = is_checked( control_value )
981                            except Exception, e1:
982                                print "Attempting to set checkbox selected value threw exception: ", e1
983                                # if there's more than one checkbox, probably should use the behaviour for
984                                # ClientForm.ListControl ( see twill code ), but this works for now...
985                                for elem in control_value:
986                                    control.get( name=elem ).selected = True
987                        else:
988                            for elem in control_value:
989                                control.get( name=elem ).selected = True
990                    else: # control.is_of_kind( "singlelist" )
991                        for elem in control_value:
992                            try:
993                                tc.fv(,, str( elem ) )
994                            except Exception, e2:
995                                print "Attempting to set control '",, "' to value '", elem, "' threw exception: ", e2
996                                # Galaxy truncates long file names in the dataset_collector in ~/parameters/
997                                if len( elem ) > 30:
998                                    elem_name = '%s..%s' % ( elem[:17], elem[-11:] )
999                                else:
1000                                    elem_name = elem
1001                                tc.fv(,, str( elem_name ) )
1002                except Exception, exc:
1003                    errmsg = "Attempting to set field '%s' to value '%s' in form '%s' threw exception: %s\n" % ( control_name, str( control_value ),, str( exc ) )
1004                    errmsg += "control: %s\n" % str( control )
1005                    errmsg += "If the above control is a DataToolparameter whose data type class does not include a sniff() method,\n"
1006                    errmsg += "make sure to include a proper 'ftype' attribute to the tag for the control within the <test> tag set.\n"
1007                    raise AssertionError( errmsg )
1008            else:
1009                # Add conditions for other control types here when necessary.
1010                pass
1011        tc.submit( button )
1012    def refresh_form( self, control_name, value, form_no=0, **kwd ):
1013        """Handles Galaxy's refresh_on_change for forms without ultimately submitting the form"""
1014        # control_name is the name of the form field that requires refresh_on_change, and value is
1015        # the value to which that field is being set.
1016        for i, f in enumerate( self.showforms() ):
1017            if i == form_no:
1018                break
1019        try:
1020            control = f.find_control( name=control_name )
1021        except:
1022            # This assumes we always want the first control of the given name, which may not be ideal...
1023            control = f.find_control( name=control_name, nr=0 )
1024        # Check for refresh_on_change attribute, submit a change if required
1025        if 'refresh_on_change' in control.attrs.keys():
1026            # Clear Control and set to proper value
1027            control.clear()
1028            tc.fv(,, value )
1029            # Create a new submit control, allows form to refresh, instead of going to next page
1030            control = ClientForm.SubmitControl( 'SubmitControl', '___refresh_grouping___', {'name':'refresh_grouping'} )
1031            control.add_to_form( f )
1032            control.fixup()
1033            # Submit for refresh
1034            tc.submit( '___refresh_grouping___' )
1035    def visit_page( self, page ):
1036        # tc.go("./%s" % page)
1037        if not page.startswith( "/" ):
1038            page = "/" + page
1039        tc.go( self.url + page )
1040        tc.code( 200 )
1042    def visit_url( self, url ):
1043        tc.go("%s" % url)
1044        tc.code( 200 )
1046    """Functions associated with Galaxy tools"""
1047    def run_tool( self, tool_id, repeat_name=None, **kwd ):
1048        tool_id = tool_id.replace(" ", "+")
1049        """Runs the tool 'tool_id' and passes it the key/values from the *kwd"""
1050        self.visit_url( "%s/tool_runner/index?tool_id=%s" % (self.url, tool_id) )
1051        if repeat_name is not None:
1052            repeat_button = '%s_add' % repeat_name
1053            # Submit the "repeat" form button to add an input)
1054            tc.submit( repeat_button )
1055            print "button '%s' clicked" % repeat_button
1056        tc.find( 'runtool_btn' )
1057        self.submit_form( **kwd )
1059    def run_ucsc_main( self, track_params, output_params ):
1060        """Gets Data From UCSC"""
1061        tool_id = "ucsc_table_direct1"
1062        track_string = urllib.urlencode( track_params )
1063        galaxy_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%s/tool_runner/index?" % self.url )
1064        self.visit_url( "" % ( galaxy_url, tool_id, track_string ) )
1065        tc.fv( "mainForm", "hgta_doTopSubmit", "get output" )
1066        self.submit_form( button="get output" )#, **track_params )
1067        tc.fv( 2, "hgta_doGalaxyQuery", "Send query to Galaxy" )
1068        self.submit_form( button="Send query to Galaxy" )#, **output_params ) #AssertionError: Attempting to set field 'fbQual' to value '['whole']' in form 'None' threw exception: no matching forms! control: <RadioControl(fbQual=[whole, upstreamAll, endAll])>
1070    def wait( self, maxseconds=120 ):
1071        """Waits for the tools to finish"""
1072        sleep_amount = 0.1
1073        slept = 0
1074        self.home()
1075        while slept <= maxseconds:
1076            self.visit_page( "history" )
1077            page = tc.browser.get_html()
1078            if page.find( '<!-- running: do not change this comment, used by TwillTestCase.wait -->' ) > -1:
1079                time.sleep( sleep_amount )
1080                slept += sleep_amount
1081                sleep_amount *= 2
1082                if slept + sleep_amount > maxseconds:
1083                    sleep_amount = maxseconds - slept # don't overshoot maxseconds
1084            else:
1085                break
1086        assert slept < maxseconds
1088    # Dataset Security stuff
1089    # Tests associated with users
1090    def create_new_account_as_admin( self, email='', password='testuser',
1091                                     username='regular-user4', webapp='galaxy', referer='' ):
1092        """Create a new account for another user"""
1093        # HACK: don't use panels because late_javascripts() messes up the twill browser and it
1094        # can't find form fields (and hence user can't be logged in).
1095        self.visit_url( "%s/user/create?admin_view=True" % self.url )
1096        tc.fv( '1', 'email', email )
1097        tc.fv( '1', 'webapp', webapp )
1098        tc.fv( '1', 'referer', referer )
1099        tc.fv( '1', 'password', password )
1100        tc.fv( '1', 'confirm', password )
1101        tc.fv( '1', 'username', username )
1102        tc.submit( 'create_user_button' )
1103        previously_created = False
1104        username_taken = False
1105        invalid_username = False
1106        try:
1107            self.check_page_for_string( "Created new user account" )
1108        except:
1109            try:
1110                # May have created the account in a previous test run...
1111                self.check_page_for_string( "User with that email already exists" )
1112                previously_created = True
1113            except:
1114                try:
1115                    self.check_page_for_string( 'This user name is not available' )
1116                    username_taken = True
1117                except:
1118                    try:
1119                        # Note that we're only checking if the usr name is >< 4 chars here...
1120                        self.check_page_for_string( 'User name must be at least 4 characters in length' )
1121                        invalid_username = True
1122                    except:
1123                        pass
1124        return previously_created, username_taken, invalid_username
1125    def reset_password_as_admin( self, user_id, password='testreset' ):
1126        """Reset a user password"""
1127        self.home()
1128        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/reset_user_password?id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) )
1129        tc.fv( "1", "password", password )
1130        tc.fv( "1", "confirm", password )
1131        tc.submit( "reset_user_password_button" )
1132        self.check_page_for_string( "Passwords reset for 1 users" )
1133        self.home()
1134    def mark_user_deleted( self, user_id, email='' ):
1135        """Mark a user as deleted"""
1136        self.home()
1137        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/users?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) )
1138        check_str = "Deleted 1 users"
1139        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1140        self.home()
1141    def undelete_user( self, user_id, email='' ):
1142        """Undelete a user"""
1143        self.home()
1144        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/users?operation=undelete&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) )
1145        check_str = "Undeleted 1 users"
1146        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1147        self.home()
1148    def purge_user( self, user_id, email ):
1149        """Purge a user account"""
1150        self.home()
1151        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/users?operation=purge&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) )
1152        check_str = "Purged 1 users"
1153        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1154        self.home()
1155    def manage_roles_and_groups_for_user( self, user_id, in_role_ids=[], out_role_ids=[],
1156                                          in_group_ids=[], out_group_ids=[], strings_displayed=[] ):
1157        self.home()
1158        url = "%s/admin/manage_roles_and_groups_for_user?id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id )
1159        if in_role_ids:
1160            url += "&in_roles=%s" % ','.join( in_role_ids )
1161        if out_role_ids:
1162            url += "&out_roles=%s" % ','.join( out_role_ids )
1163        if in_group_ids:
1164            url += "&in_groups=%s" % ','.join( in_group_ids )
1165        if out_group_ids:
1166            url += "&out_groups=%s" % ','.join( out_group_ids )
1167        if in_role_ids or out_role_ids or in_group_ids or out_group_ids:
1168            url += "&user_roles_groups_edit_button=Save"
1169        self.visit_url( url )
1170        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1171            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1172        self.home()
1174    # Tests associated with roles
1175    def browse_roles( self, strings_displayed=[] ):
1176        self.visit_url( '%s/admin/roles' % self.url )
1177        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1178            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1179    def create_role( self,
1180                     name='Role One',
1181                     description="This is Role One",
1182                     in_user_ids=[],
1183                     in_group_ids=[],
1184                     create_group_for_role='no',
1185                     private_role='' ):
1186        """Create a new role"""
1187        url = "%s/admin/roles?operation=create&create_role_button=Save&name=%s&description=%s" % ( self.url, name.replace( ' ', '+' ), description.replace( ' ', '+' ) )
1188        if in_user_ids:
1189            url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( in_user_ids )
1190        if in_group_ids:
1191            url += "&in_groups=%s" % ','.join( in_group_ids )
1192        if create_group_for_role == 'yes':
1193            url += '&create_group_for_role=yes'
1194        self.home()
1195        self.visit_url( url )
1196        if create_group_for_role == 'yes':
1197            check_str = "Group '%s' has been created, and role '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated groups" % \
1198                ( name, name, len( in_user_ids ), len( in_group_ids ) )
1199        else:
1200            check_str = "Role '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated groups" % \
1201                ( name, len( in_user_ids ), len( in_group_ids ) )
1202        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1203        if private_role:
1204            # Make sure no private roles are displayed
1205            try:
1206                self.check_page_for_string( private_role )
1207                errmsg = 'Private role %s displayed on Roles page' % private_role
1208                raise AssertionError( errmsg )
1209            except AssertionError:
1210                # Reaching here is the behavior we want since no private roles should be displayed
1211                pass
1212        self.home()
1213        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles" % self.url )
1214        self.check_page_for_string( name )
1215        self.home()
1216    def rename_role( self, role_id, name='Role One Renamed', description='This is Role One Re-described' ):
1217        """Rename a role"""
1218        self.home()
1219        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=rename&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) )
1220        self.check_page_for_string( 'Change role name and description' )
1221        tc.fv( "1", "name", name )
1222        tc.fv( "1", "description", description )
1223        tc.submit( "rename_role_button" )
1224        self.home()
1225    def mark_role_deleted( self, role_id, role_name ):
1226        """Mark a role as deleted"""
1227        self.home()
1228        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) )
1229        check_str = "Deleted 1 roles:  %s" % role_name
1230        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1231        self.home()
1232    def undelete_role( self, role_id, role_name ):
1233        """Undelete an existing role"""
1234        self.home()
1235        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=undelete&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) )
1236        check_str = "Undeleted 1 roles:  %s" % role_name
1237        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1238        self.home()
1239    def purge_role( self, role_id, role_name ):
1240        """Purge an existing role"""
1241        self.home()
1242        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=purge&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) )
1243        check_str = "Purged 1 roles:  %s" % role_name
1244        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1245        self.home()
1246    def associate_users_and_groups_with_role( self, role_id, role_name, user_ids=[], group_ids=[] ):
1247        self.home()
1248        url = "%s/admin/role?id=%s&role_members_edit_button=Save" % ( self.url, role_id )
1249        if user_ids:
1250            url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( user_ids )
1251        if group_ids:
1252            url += "&in_groups=%s" % ','.join( group_ids )
1253        self.visit_url( url )
1254        check_str = "Role '%s' has been updated with %d associated users and %d associated groups" % ( role_name, len( user_ids ), len( group_ids ) )
1255        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1256        self.home()
1258    # Tests associated with groups
1259    def create_group( self, name='Group One', in_user_ids=[], in_role_ids=[] ):
1260        """Create a new group"""
1261        url = "%s/admin/groups?operation=create&create_group_button=Save&name=%s" % ( self.url, name.replace( ' ', '+' ) )
1262        if in_user_ids:
1263            url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( in_user_ids )
1264        if in_role_ids:
1265            url += "&in_roles=%s" % ','.join( in_role_ids )
1266        self.home()
1267        self.visit_url( url )
1268        check_str = "Group '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated roles" % ( name, len( in_user_ids ), len( in_role_ids ) )
1269        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1270        self.home()
1271        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups" % self.url )
1272        self.check_page_for_string( name )
1273        self.home()
1274    def browse_groups( self, strings_displayed=[] ):
1275        self.visit_url( '%s/admin/groups' % self.url )
1276        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1277            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1278    def rename_group( self, group_id, name='Group One Renamed' ):
1279        """Rename a group"""
1280        self.home()
1281        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=rename&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) )
1282        self.check_page_for_string( 'Change group name' )
1283        tc.fv( "1", "name", name )
1284        tc.submit( "rename_group_button" )
1285        self.home()
1286    def associate_users_and_roles_with_group( self, group_id, group_name, user_ids=[], role_ids=[] ):
1287        self.home()
1288        url = "%s/admin/manage_users_and_roles_for_group?id=%s&group_roles_users_edit_button=Save" % ( self.url, group_id )
1289        if user_ids:
1290            url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( user_ids )
1291        if role_ids:
1292            url += "&in_roles=%s" % ','.join( role_ids )
1293        self.visit_url( url )
1294        check_str = "Group '%s' has been updated with %d associated roles and %d associated users" % ( group_name, len( role_ids ), len( user_ids ) )
1295        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1296        self.home()
1297    def mark_group_deleted( self, group_id, group_name ):
1298        """Mark a group as deleted"""
1299        self.home()
1300        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) )
1301        check_str = "Deleted 1 groups:  %s" % group_name
1302        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1303        self.home()
1304    def undelete_group( self, group_id, group_name ):
1305        """Undelete an existing group"""
1306        self.home()
1307        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=undelete&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) )
1308        check_str = "Undeleted 1 groups:  %s" % group_name
1309        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1310        self.home()
1311    def purge_group( self, group_id, group_name ):
1312        """Purge an existing group"""
1313        self.home()
1314        self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=purge&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) )
1315        check_str = "Purged 1 groups:  %s" % group_name
1316        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1317        self.home()
1319    # Form stuff
1320    def create_form( self, name, desc, form_type, field_type='TextField', form_layout_name='',
1321                     num_fields=1, num_options=0, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1322        """Create a new form definition."""
1323        self.visit_url( "%s/forms/create_form" % self.url )
1324        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1325            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1326        tc.fv( "1", "name", name )
1327        tc.fv( "1", "description", desc )
1328        tc.fv( "1", "form_type_selectbox", form_type )
1329        tc.submit( "create_form_button" )
1330        if form_type == "Sequencing Sample Form":
1331            tc.submit( "add_layout_grid" )
1332            tc.fv( "1", "grid_layout0", form_layout_name )
1333        # Add fields to the new form definition
1334        for index1 in range( num_fields ):
1335            field_name = 'field_name_%i' % index1
1336            field_contents = field_type
1337            field_help_name = 'field_helptext_%i' % index1
1338            field_help_contents = 'Field %i help' % index1
1339            field_default = 'field_default_0'
1340            field_default_contents = '%s default contents' % form_type
1341            tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_contents )
1342            tc.fv( "1", field_help_name, field_help_contents )
1343            if field_type == 'SelectField':
1344                # SelectField field_type requires a refresh_on_change
1345                self.refresh_form( 'field_type_0', field_type )
1346                # Add options so our select list is functional
1347                if num_options == 0:
1348                    # Default to 2 options
1349                    num_options = 2
1350                for index2 in range( 1, num_options+1 ):
1351                    tc.submit( "addoption_0" )
1352                # Add contents to the new options fields
1353                for index2 in range( num_options ):
1354                    option_field_name = 'field_0_option_%i' % index2
1355                    option_field_value = 'Option%i' % index2
1356                    tc.fv( "1", option_field_name, option_field_value )
1357            else:
1358                tc.fv( "1", "field_type_0", field_type )
1359            tc.fv( "1", field_default, field_default_contents )
1360        tc.submit( "save_changes_button" )
1361        if num_fields == 0:
1362            self.visit_url( "%s/forms/manage" % self.url )
1363        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1364            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1365        self.home()
1366    def edit_form( self, id, form_type='', new_form_name='', new_form_desc='', field_dicts=[], field_index=0,
1367                   strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1368        """Edit form details; name and description"""
1369        self.home()
1370        self.visit_url( "%s/forms/manage?operation=Edit&id=%s" % ( self.url, id ) )
1371        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1372            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1373        if new_form_name:
1374            tc.fv( "1", "name", new_form_name )
1375        if new_form_desc:
1376            tc.fv( "1", "description", new_form_desc )
1377        for i, field_dict in enumerate( field_dicts ):
1378            index = i + field_index
1379            tc.submit( "add_field_button" )
1380            field_name = "field_name_%i" % index
1381            field_value = field_dict[ 'name' ]
1382            field_help = "field_helptext_%i" % index
1383            field_help_value = field_dict[ 'desc' ]
1384            field_type = "field_type_%i" % index
1385            field_type_value = field_dict[ 'type' ]
1386            field_required = "field_required_%i" % index
1387            field_required_value = field_dict[ 'required' ]
1388            tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_value )
1389            tc.fv( "1", field_help, field_help_value )
1390            tc.fv( "1", field_required, field_required_value )
1391            if field_type_value.lower() == 'selectfield':
1392                # SelectFields require a refresh_on_change
1393                self.refresh_form( field_type, field_type_value )
1394                for option_index, option in enumerate( field_dict[ 'selectlist' ] ):
1395                    tc.submit( "addoption_0" )
1396                    tc.fv( "1", "field_%i_option_%i" % ( index, option_index ), option )
1397            else:
1398                tc.fv( "1", field_type, field_type_value )
1399        tc.submit( "save_changes_button" )
1400        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1401            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1402        self.home()
1403    def mark_form_deleted( self, form_id ):
1404        """Mark a form_definition as deleted"""
1405        self.home()
1406        url = "%s/forms/manage?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, form_id )
1407        self.visit_url( url )
1408        check_str = "1 forms have been deleted."
1409        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1410        self.home()
1412    # Requests stuff
1413    def check_request_grid( self, cntrller, state, deleted=False, strings_displayed=[] ):
1414        self.visit_url( '%s/%s/browse_requests?sort=create_time&f-state=%s&f-deleted=%s' % \
1415                        ( self.url, cntrller, state.replace( ' ', '+' ), str( deleted ) ) )
1416        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1417            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1418    def create_request_type( self, name, desc, request_form_id, sample_form_id, states, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1419        self.home()
1420        self.visit_url( "%s/requests_admin/create_request_type" % self.url )
1421        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1422            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1423        tc.fv( "1", "name", name )
1424        tc.fv( "1", "desc", desc )
1425        tc.fv( "1", "request_form_id", request_form_id )
1426        tc.fv( "1", "sample_form_id", sample_form_id )
1427        for index, state in enumerate(states):
1428            tc.submit( "add_state_button" )
1429            tc.fv("1", "state_name_%i" % index, state[0])
1430            tc.fv("1", "state_desc_%i" % index, state[1])
1431        tc.submit( "save_request_type" )
1432        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1433            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1434    def request_type_permissions( self, request_type_id, request_type_name, role_ids_str, permissions_in, permissions_out ):
1435        # role_ids_str must be a comma-separated string of role ids
1436        url = "requests_admin/request_type_permissions?id=%s&update_roles_button=Save" % ( request_type_id )
1437        for po in permissions_out:
1438            key = '%s_out' % po
1439            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str )
1440        for pi in permissions_in:
1441            key = '%s_in' % pi
1442            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str )
1443        self.home()
1444        self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) )
1445        check_str = "Permissions updated for sequencer configuration '%s'" % request_type_name
1446        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1447        self.home()
1448    def create_request( self, cntrller, request_type_id, name, desc, field_value_tuples, other_users_id='',
1449                        strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1450        self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/create_request?cntrller=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller ) )
1451        # The request_type SelectList requires a refresh_on_change
1452        self.refresh_form( 'request_type_id', request_type_id )
1453        if cntrller == 'requests_admin' and other_users_id:
1454            # The admin is creating a request on behalf of another user
1455            # The user_id SelectField requires a refresh_on_change so that the selected
1456            # user's addresses will be populated in the AddressField widget
1457            self.refresh_form( "user_id", other_users_id )
1458        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1459            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1460        tc.fv( "1", "name", name )
1461        tc.fv( "1", "desc", desc )
1462        for index, field_value_tuple in enumerate( field_value_tuples ):
1463            field_name = "field_%i" % index
1464            field_value, refresh_on_change = field_value_tuple
1465            if refresh_on_change:
1466                # TODO: If the field is an AddressField, we should test for adding a new address
1467                # which would need to be handled here.  This currently only allows an existing
1468                # user_address to be selected.
1469                self.refresh_form( field_name, field_value )
1470            else:
1471                tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_value )
1472        tc.submit( "create_request_button" )
1473        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1474            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1475        self.home()
1476    def edit_basic_request_info( self, cntrller, request_id, name, new_name='', new_desc='', new_fields=[],
1477                                 strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1478        self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/edit_basic_request_info?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id ) )
1479        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1480            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1481        self.check_page_for_string( 'Edit sequencing request "%s"' % name )
1482        if new_name:
1483            tc.fv( "1", "name", new_name )
1484        if new_desc:
1485            tc.fv( "1", "desc", new_desc )
1486        for index, field_value in enumerate( new_fields ):
1487            tc.fv( "1", "field_%i" % index, field_value )
1488        tc.submit( "edit_basic_request_info_button" )
1489        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1490            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1491    def add_samples( self, cntrller, request_id, request_name, sample_value_tuples, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1492        self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id ) )
1493        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1494            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1495        # Simulate clicking the add-sample_button on the form.  (gvk: 9/21/10 - TODO : There must be a bug in the mako template
1496        # because twill cannot find any forms on the page, but I cannot find it although I've spent time cleaning up the
1497        # template code and looking for any problems.
1498        url = "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id )
1499        # This should work, but although twill does not thorw any exceptions, the button click never occurs
1500        # There are multiple forms on this page, and we'll only be using the form named manage_request.
1501        # for sample_index, sample_value_tuple in enumerate( sample_value_tuples ):
1502        #     # Add the following form value to the already populated hidden field so that the manage_request
1503        #     # form is the current form
1504        #     tc.fv( "1", "id", request_id )
1505        #     tc.submit( 'add_sample_button' )
1506        for sample_index, sample_value_tuple in enumerate( sample_value_tuples ):
1507            sample_name, field_values = sample_value_tuple
1508            sample_name = sample_name.replace( ' ', '+' )
1509            field_name = "sample_%i_name" % sample_index
1510            # The following form_value setting should work but since twill barfed on submitting the add_sample_button
1511            # above, we have to simulate it by appending to the url.
1512            # tc.fv( "1", field_name, sample_name )
1513            url += "&%s=%s" % ( field_name, sample_name )
1514            for field_index, field_value in enumerate( field_values ):
1515                field_name = "sample_%i_field_%i" % ( sample_index, field_index )
1516                field_value = field_value.replace( ' ', '+' )
1517                # The following form_value setting should work but since twill barfed on submitting the add_sample_button
1518                # above, we have to simulate it by appending to the url.
1519                # tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_value )
1520                url += "&%s=%s" % ( field_name , field_value )
1521        # The following button submit should work but since twill barfed on submitting the add_sample_button
1522        # above, we have to simulate it by appending to the url.
1523        # tc.submit( "save_samples_button" )
1524        url += "&save_samples_button=Save"
1525        self.visit_url( url )
1526        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1527            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1528    def submit_request( self, cntrller, request_id, request_name, strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1529        self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/submit_request?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id ) )
1530        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1531            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1532    def reject_request( self, request_id, request_name, comment, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1533        self.visit_url( "%s/requests_admin/reject?id=%s" % ( self.url, request_id ) )
1534        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1535            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1536        tc.fv( "1", "comment", comment )
1537        tc.submit( "reject_button" )
1538        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1539            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1540    def add_bar_codes( self, request_id, request_name, bar_codes, samples, strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1541        # We have to simulate the form submission here since twill barfs on the page
1542        # gvk - 9/22/10 - TODO: make sure the mako template produces valid html
1543        url = "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=requests_admin&id=%s&managing_samples=True" % ( self.url, request_id )
1544        for index, field_value in enumerate( bar_codes ):
1545            sample_field_name = "sample_%i_name" % index
1546            sample_field_value = samples[ index ].name.replace( ' ', '+' )
1547            field_name = "sample_%i_barcode" % index
1548            url += "&%s=%s" % ( field_name, field_value )
1549            url += "&%s=%s" % ( sample_field_name, sample_field_value )
1550        url += "&save_samples_button=Save"
1551        self.visit_url( url )
1552        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1553            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1554    def change_sample_state( self, request_id, request_name, sample_names, sample_ids, new_sample_state_id, new_state_name, comment='',
1555                             strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1556        # We have to simulate the form submission here since twill barfs on the page
1557        # gvk - 9/22/10 - TODO: make sure the mako template produces valid html
1558        url = "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=requests_admin&id=%s" % ( self.url, request_id )
1559        url += "&comment=%s&sample_state_id=%s" % ( comment, new_sample_state_id ) )
1560        # select_sample_%i=true must be included twice for each sample to simulate a CheckboxField checked setting.
1561        for sample_id in sample_ids:
1562            url += "&select_sample_%i=true&select_sample_%i=true" % ( sample_id, sample_id )
1563        url += "&sample_operation=Change%20state&refresh=true"
1564        url += "&change_state_button=Save"
1565        self.visit_url( url )       
1566        self.check_page_for_string( 'Sequencing Request "%s"' % request_name )
1567        for sample_id, sample_name in zip( sample_ids, sample_names ):
1568            self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/sample_events?cntrller=requests_admin&sample_id=%s" % ( self.url, sample_id ) ) )
1569            self.check_page_for_string( 'Events for Sample "%s"' % sample_name )
1570            self.check_page_for_string( new_state_name )
1571    def add_user_address( self, user_id, address_dict ):
1572        self.home()
1573        self.visit_url( "%s/user/new_address?admin_view=False&user_id=%i" % ( self.url, user_id ) )
1574        self.check_page_for_string( 'Add new address' )
1575        for field_name, value in address_dict.items():
1576            tc.fv( "1", field_name, value )
1577        tc.submit( "new_address_button" )
1578        self.check_page_for_string( 'Address (%s) has been added' % address_dict[ 'short_desc' ] )
1580    # Library stuff
1581    def add_library_template( self, cntrller, item_type, library_id, form_id, form_name, folder_id=None, ldda_id=None ):
1582        """
1583        Add a new info template to a library item - the template will ALWAYS BE SET TO INHERITABLE here.  If you want to
1584        dis-inherit your template, call the manage_library_template_inheritance() below immediately after you call this
1585        method in your test code.
1586        """
1587        self.home()
1588        if item_type == 'library':
1589            url = "%s/library_common/add_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s" % \
1590            ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id )
1591        elif item_type == 'folder':
1592            url = "%s/library_common/add_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s" % \
1593            ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id )
1594        elif item_type == 'ldda':
1595            url = "%s/library_common/add_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&ldda_id=%s" % \
1596            ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id )
1597        self.visit_url( url )
1598        self.check_page_for_string ( "Select a template for the" )
1599        self.refresh_form( "form_id", form_id )
1600        # For some unknown reason, twill barfs if the form number ( 1 ) is used in the following
1601        # rather than the form anme ( select_template ), so we have to use the form name.
1602        tc.fv( "select_template", "inheritable", '1' )
1603        tc.submit( "add_template_button" )
1604        self.check_page_for_string = 'A template based on the form "%s" has been added to this' % form_name
1605        self.home()
1606    def manage_library_template_inheritance( self, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id=None, ldda_id=None, inheritable=True ):
1607        # If inheritable is True, the item is currently inheritable.
1608        self.home()
1609        if item_type == 'library':
1610            url = "%s/library_common/manage_template_inheritance?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s" % \
1611            ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id )
1612        elif item_type == 'folder':
1613            url = "%s/library_common/manage_template_inheritance?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s" % \
1614            ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id )
1615        elif item_type == 'ldda':
1616            url = "%s/library_common/manage_template_inheritance?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&ldda_id=%s" % \
1617            ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id )
1618        self.visit_url( url )
1619        if inheritable:
1620            self.check_page_for_string = 'will no longer be inherited to contained folders and datasets'
1621        else:
1622            self.check_page_for_string = 'will now be inherited to contained folders and datasets'
1623        self.home()
1624    def browse_libraries_admin( self, deleted=False, strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ):
1625        self.visit_url( '%s/library_admin/browse_libraries?sort=name&f-description=All&f-name=All&f-deleted=%s' % ( self.url, str( deleted ) ) )
1626        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1627            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1628        for check_str in strings_not_displayed:
1629            try:
1630                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1631                raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed when browing library." % check_str
1632            except:
1633                pass
1634    def browse_libraries_regular_user( self, strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ):
1635        self.visit_url( '%s/library/browse_libraries' % self.url )
1636        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1637            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1638        for check_str in strings_not_displayed:
1639            try:
1640                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1641                raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed when browing library." % check_str
1642            except:
1643                pass
1644    def browse_library( self, cntrller, id, show_deleted=False, strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ):
1645        self.visit_url( '%s/library_common/browse_library?cntrller=%s&id=%s&show_deleted=%s' % ( self.url, cntrller, id, str( show_deleted ) ) )
1646        data=self.last_page()
1647        file( 'greg.html', 'wb' ).write( data )
1648        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1649            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1650        for check_str in strings_not_displayed:
1651            try:
1652                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1653                raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed when browing library." % check_str
1654            except:
1655                pass
1656    def create_library( self, name='Library One', description='This is Library One', synopsis='Synopsis for Library One' ):
1657        """Create a new library"""
1658        self.visit_url( "%s/library_admin/create_library" % self.url )
1659        self.check_page_for_string( 'Create a new data library' )
1660        tc.fv( "1", "name", name )
1661        tc.fv( "1", "description", description )
1662        tc.fv( "1", "synopsis", synopsis )
1663        tc.submit( "create_library_button" )
1664        check_str = "The new library named '%s' has been created" % name
1665        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1666        self.home()
1667    def edit_template( self, cntrller, item_type, library_id, field_type, field_name_1, field_helptext_1, field_default_1,
1668                       folder_id='', ldda_id='', action='add_field'  ):
1669        """Edit the form fields defining a library template"""
1670        self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/edit_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s" % \
1671                        ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id ) )
1672        self.check_page_for_string( "Edit form definition" )
1673        if action == 'add_field':
1674            tc.submit( "add_field_button" )
1675            tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_name_1", field_name_1 )
1676            tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_helptext_1", field_helptext_1 )
1677            if field_type == 'SelectField':
1678                # Performs a refresh_on_change in this case
1679                self.refresh_form( "field_type_1", field_type )
1680            else:
1681                tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_type_1", field_type )
1682            tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_default_1", field_default_1 )
1683        tc.submit( 'save_changes_button' )
1684        self.check_page_for_string( "The template for this data library has been updated with your changes." )
1685    def library_info( self, cntrller, library_id, library_name='', new_name='', new_description='', new_synopsis='',
1686                      template_fields=[], strings_displayed=[] ):
1687        """Edit information about a library, optionally using an existing template with up to 2 elements"""
1688        self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/library_info?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id ) )
1689        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1690            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1691        if new_name and new_description and new_synopsis:
1692            tc.fv( '1', 'name', new_name )
1693            tc.fv( '1', 'description', new_description )
1694            tc.fv( '1', 'synopsis', new_synopsis )
1695            tc.submit( 'library_info_button' )
1696            self.check_page_for_string( "Information updated for library" )
1697        if template_fields:
1698            for field_name, field_value in template_fields:
1699                # The 2nd form on the page contains the template, and the form is named edit_info.
1700                # Set the template field value
1701                tc.fv( "edit_info", field_name, field_value )
1702            tc.submit( 'edit_info_button' )
1703        self.home()
1704    def library_permissions( self, library_id, library_name, role_ids_str, permissions_in, permissions_out, cntrller='library_admin' ):
1705        # role_ids_str must be a comma-separated string of role ids
1706        url = "library_common/library_permissions?id=%s&cntrller=%s&update_roles_button=Save" % ( library_id, cntrller )
1707        for po in permissions_out:
1708            key = '%s_out' % po
1709            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str )
1710        for pi in permissions_in:
1711            key = '%s_in' % pi
1712            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str )
1713        self.home()
1714        self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) )
1715        check_str = "Permissions updated for library '%s'." % library_name
1716        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1717        self.home()
1718    def make_library_item_public( self, library_id, id, cntrller='library_admin', item_type='library',
1719                                  contents=False, library_name='', folder_name='', ldda_name='' ):
1720        url = "%s/library_common/make_library_item_public?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&item_type=%s&id=%s&contents=%s" % \
1721            ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, item_type, id, str( contents ) )
1722        self.visit_url( url )
1723        if item_type == 'library':
1724            if contents:
1725                check_str = "The data library (%s) and all it's contents have been made publicly accessible." % library_name
1726            else:
1727                check_str = "The data library (%s) has been made publicly accessible, but access to it's contents has been left unchanged." % library_name
1728        elif item_type == 'folder':
1729            check_str = "All of the contents of folder (%s) have been made publicly accessible." % folder_name
1730        elif item_type == 'ldda':
1731            check_str = "The libary dataset (%s) has been made publicly accessible." % ldda_name
1732        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1734    # Library folder stuff
1735    def add_folder( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, name='Folder One', description='This is Folder One' ):
1736        """Create a new folder"""
1737        url = "%s/library_common/create_folder?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&parent_id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id )
1738        self.visit_url( url )
1739        self.check_page_for_string( 'Create a new folder' )
1740        tc.fv( "1", "name", name )
1741        tc.fv( "1", "description", description )
1742        tc.submit( "new_folder_button" )
1743        check_str = "The new folder named '%s' has been added to the data library." % name
1744        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1745        self.home()
1746    def folder_info( self, cntrller, folder_id, library_id, name='', new_name='', description='',
1747                     template_refresh_field_contents='', template_fields=[], strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[],
1748                     strings_displayed_after_submit=[], strings_not_displayed_after_submit=[] ):
1749        """Add information to a library using an existing template with 2 elements"""
1750        self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/folder_info?cntrller=%s&id=%s&library_id=%s" % \
1751                        ( self.url, cntrller, folder_id, library_id ) )
1752        if name and new_name and description:
1753            tc.fv( '1', "name", new_name )
1754            tc.fv( '1', "description", description )
1755            tc.submit( 'rename_folder_button' )
1756        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1757            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1758        for check_str in strings_not_displayed:
1759            try:
1760                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1761                raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed." % check_str
1762            except:
1763                pass
1764        if template_refresh_field_contents:
1765            # A template containing an AddressField is displayed on the form, so we need to refresh the form
1766            # with the received template_refresh_field_contents.  There are 2 forms on the folder_info page
1767            # when in edit mode, and the 2nd one is the one we want.
1768            self.refresh_form( "field_0", template_refresh_field_contents, form_no=2 )
1769        if template_fields:
1770            # We have an information template associated with the folder, so
1771            # there are 2 forms on this page and the template is the 2nd form
1772            for field_name, field_value in template_fields:
1773                tc.fv( "edit_info", field_name, field_value )
1774            tc.submit( 'edit_info_button' )
1775        for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit:
1776            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1777        for check_str in strings_not_displayed_after_submit:
1778            try:
1779                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1780                raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed." % check_str
1781            except:
1782                pass
1783        self.home()
1785    # Library dataset stuff
1786    def upload_library_dataset( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, filename='', server_dir='', replace_id='',
1787                                upload_option='upload_file', file_type='auto', dbkey='hg18', space_to_tab='',
1788                                link_data_only='', dont_preserve_dirs='', roles=[], ldda_message='', hda_ids='',
1789                                template_refresh_field_contents='', template_fields=[], show_deleted='False', strings_displayed=[] ):
1790        """Add datasets to library using any upload_option"""
1791        # NOTE: due to the library_wait() method call at the end of this method, no tests should be done
1792        # for strings_displayed_after_submit.
1793        url = "%s/library_common/upload_library_dataset?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s" % \
1794            ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id )
1795        if replace_id:
1796            # If we're uploading a new version of a library dataset, we have to include the replace_id param in the
1797            # request because the form field named replace_id will not be displayed on the upload form if we dont.
1798            url += "&replace_id=%s" % replace_id
1799        self.visit_url( url )
1800        if template_refresh_field_contents:
1801            # A template containing an AddressField is displayed on the upload form, so we need to refresh the form
1802            # with the received template_refresh_field_contents.
1803            self.refresh_form( "field_0", template_refresh_field_contents )
1804        for tup in template_fields:
1805            tc.fv( "1", tup[0], tup[1] )
1806        tc.fv( "1", "library_id", library_id )
1807        tc.fv( "1", "folder_id", folder_id )
1808        tc.fv( "1", "show_deleted", show_deleted )
1809        tc.fv( "1", "ldda_message", ldda_message )
1810        tc.fv( "1", "file_type", file_type )
1811        tc.fv( "1", "dbkey", dbkey )
1812        if space_to_tab:
1813            tc.fv( "1", "space_to_tab", space_to_tab )
1814        if link_data_only:
1815            tc.fv( "1", "link_data_only", link_data_only )
1816        if dont_preserve_dirs:
1817            tc.fv( "1", "dont_preserve_dirs", dont_preserve_dirs )
1818        for role_id in roles:
1819            tc.fv( "1", "roles", role_id )
1820        # Refresh the form by selecting the upload_option - we do this here to ensure
1821        # all previously entered form contents are retained.
1822        self.refresh_form( 'upload_option', upload_option )
1823        if upload_option == 'import_from_history':
1824            for check_str in strings_displayed:
1825                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1826            if hda_ids:
1827                # Twill cannot handle multi-checkboxes, so the form can only have 1 hda_ids checkbox
1828                try:
1829                    tc.fv( "add_history_datasets_to_library", "hda_ids", hda_ids )
1830                except:
1831                    tc.fv( "add_history_datasets_to_library", "hda_ids", '1' )
1832            tc.submit( 'add_history_datasets_to_library_button' )
1833        else:
1834            if filename:
1835                filename = self.get_filename( filename )
1836                tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", filename )
1837            elif server_dir:
1838                tc.fv( "1", "server_dir", server_dir )
1839            for check_str in strings_displayed:
1840                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1841            tc.submit( "runtool_btn" )
1842        # Give the files some time to finish uploading
1843        self.library_wait( library_id )
1844        data = self.last_page()
1845        file( 'greg1.html', 'wb' ).write( data )
1846        self.home()
1847    def ldda_permissions( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, id, role_ids_str,
1848                          permissions_in=[], permissions_out=[], strings_displayed=[], ldda_name='' ):
1849        # role_ids_str must be a comma-separated string of role ids
1850        url = "%s/library_common/ldda_permissions?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&id=%s" % \
1851            ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, id )
1852        for po in permissions_out:
1853            key = '%s_out' % po
1854            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str )
1855        for pi in permissions_in:
1856            key = '%s_in' % pi
1857            url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str )
1858        if permissions_in or permissions_out:
1859            url += "&update_roles_button=Save"
1860            self.visit_url( url )
1861        if not strings_displayed:
1862            strings_displayed = [ "Permissions updated for dataset '%s'." % ldda_name ]
1863        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1864            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1865        self.home()
1866    def ldda_edit_info( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id, ldda_name, new_ldda_name='',
1867                        template_refresh_field_contents='', template_fields=[], strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ):
1868        """Edit library_dataset_dataset_association information, optionally template element information"""
1869        self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/ldda_edit_info?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&id=%s" % \
1870                        ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id ) )       
1871        check_str = 'Edit attributes of %s' % ldda_name
1872        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1873        if new_ldda_name:
1874            tc.fv( '1', 'name', new_ldda_name )
1875            tc.submit( 'save' )
1876            check_str = "Attributes updated for library dataset '%s'." % new_ldda_name
1877            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1878        if template_refresh_field_contents:
1879            # A template containing an AddressField is displayed on the upload form, so we need to refresh the form
1880            # with the received template_refresh_field_contents.  There are 4 forms on this page, and the template is
1881            # contained in the 4th form named "edit_info".
1882            self.refresh_form( "field_0", template_refresh_field_contents, form_no=4 )
1883        if template_fields:
1884            # We have an information template associated with the folder, so
1885            # there are 2 forms on this page and the template is the 2nd form
1886            for field_name, field_value in template_fields:
1887                tc.fv( "edit_info", field_name, field_value )
1888            tc.submit( 'edit_info_button' )
1889        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1890            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1891        for check_str in strings_not_displayed:
1892            try:
1893                self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1894                raise AssertionError, "String (%s) should not have been displayed on ldda Edit Attributes page." % check_str
1895            except:
1896                pass
1897        self.home()
1898    def act_on_multiple_datasets( self, cntrller, library_id, do_action, ldda_ids='', strings_displayed=[] ):
1899        # Can't use the ~/library_admin/libraries form as twill barfs on it so we'll simulate the form submission
1900        # by going directly to the form action
1901        self.visit_url( '%s/library_common/act_on_multiple_datasets?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&ldda_ids=%s&do_action=%s' \
1902                        % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, ldda_ids, do_action ) )
1903        for check_str in strings_displayed:
1904            self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1905    def download_archive_of_library_files( self, cntrller, library_id, ldda_ids, format ):
1906        self.home()
1907        # Here it would be ideal to have twill set form values and submit the form, but
1908        # twill barfs on that due to the recently introduced page wrappers around the contents
1909        # of the browse_library.mako template which enable panel layout when visiting the
1910        # page from an external URL.  By "barfs", I mean that twill somehow loses hod on the
1911        # cntrller param.  We'll just simulate the form submission by building the URL manually.
1912        # Here's the old, better approach...
1913        #self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/browse_library?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id ) )
1914        #for ldda_id in ldda_ids:
1915        #    tc.fv( "1", "ldda_ids", ldda_id )
1916        #tc.fv( "1", "do_action", format )
1917        #tc.submit( "action_on_datasets_button" )
1918        # Here's the new approach...
1919        url = "%s/library_common/act_on_multiple_datasets?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&do_action=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, format )
1920        for ldda_id in ldda_ids:
1921            url += "&ldda_ids=%s" % ldda_id
1922        self.visit_url( url )
1923        tc.code( 200 )
1924        archive = self.write_temp_file( self.last_page(), suffix='.' + format )
1925        self.home()
1926        return archive
1927    def check_archive_contents( self, archive, lddas ):
1928        def get_ldda_path( ldda ):
1929            path = ""
1930            parent_folder = ldda.library_dataset.folder
1931            while parent_folder is not None:
1932                if parent_folder.parent is None:
1933                    path = os.path.join( parent_folder.library_root[0].name, path )
1934                    break
1935                path = os.path.join(, path )
1936                parent_folder = parent_folder.parent
1937            path +=
1938            return path
1939        def mkdir( file ):
1940            dir = os.path.join( tmpd, os.path.dirname( file ) )
1941            if not os.path.exists( dir ):
1942                os.makedirs( dir )
1943        tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
1944        if tarfile.is_tarfile( archive ):
1945            t = archive )
1946            for n in t.getnames():
1947                mkdir( n )
1948                t.extract( n, tmpd )
1949            t.close()
1950        elif zipfile.is_zipfile( archive ):
1951            z = zipfile.ZipFile( archive, 'r' )
1952            for n in z.namelist():
1953                mkdir( n )
1954                open( os.path.join( tmpd, n ), 'wb' ).write( n ) )
1955            z.close()
1956        else:
1957            raise Exception( 'Unable to read archive: %s' % archive )
1958        for ldda in lddas:
1959            orig_file = self.get_filename( )
1960            downloaded_file = os.path.join( tmpd, get_ldda_path( ldda ) )
1961            assert os.path.exists( downloaded_file )
1962            try:
1963                self.files_diff( orig_file, downloaded_file )
1964            except AssertionError, err:
1965                errmsg = 'Library item %s different than expected, difference:\n' %
1966                errmsg += str( err )
1967                errmsg += 'Unpacked archive remains in: %s\n' % tmpd
1968                raise AssertionError( errmsg )
1969        shutil.rmtree( tmpd )
1970    def delete_library_item( self, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_name, item_type='library_dataset' ):
1971        """Mark a library item as deleted"""
1972        self.home()
1973        self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/delete_library_item?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&item_id=%s&item_type=%s" \
1974                        % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_type ) )
1975        if item_type == 'library_dataset':
1976            item_desc = 'Dataset'
1977        else:
1978            item_desc = item_type.capitalize()
1979        check_str = "%s '%s' has been marked deleted" % ( item_desc, item_name )
1980        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1981        self.home()
1982    def undelete_library_item( self, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_name, item_type='library_dataset' ):
1983        """Mark a library item as deleted"""
1984        self.home()
1985        self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/undelete_library_item?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&item_id=%s&item_type=%s" \
1986                        % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_type ) )
1987        if item_type == 'library_dataset':
1988            item_desc = 'Dataset'
1989        else:
1990            item_desc = item_type.capitalize()
1991        check_str = "%s '%s' has been marked undeleted" % ( item_desc, item_name )
1992        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
1993        self.home()
1994    def purge_library( self, library_id, library_name ):
1995        """Purge a library"""
1996        self.home()
1997        self.visit_url( "%s/library_admin/purge_library?id=%s" % ( self.url, library_id ) )
1998        check_str = "Library '%s' and all of its contents have been purged" % library_name
1999        self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
2000        self.home()
2001    def library_wait( self, library_id, cntrller='library_admin', maxiter=90 ):
2002        """Waits for the tools to finish"""
2003        count = 0
2004        sleep_amount = 1
2005        while count < maxiter:
2006            count += 1
2007            self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/browse_library?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id ) )
2008            page = tc.browser.get_html()
2009            if page.find( '<!-- running: do not change this comment, used by TwillTestCase.library_wait -->' ) > -1:
2010                time.sleep( sleep_amount )
2011                sleep_amount += 1
2012            else:
2013                break
2014        self.assertNotEqual(count, maxiter)
2016    # Tests associated with tags
2017    def add_tag( self, item_id, item_class, context, new_tag ):
2018        self.visit_url( "%s/tag/add_tag_async?item_id=%s&item_class=%s&context=%s&new_tag=%s" % \
2019                        ( self.url, item_id, item_class, context, new_tag ) )
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。