import pkg_resources pkg_resources.require( "twill==0.9" ) import StringIO, os, sys, random, filecmp, time, unittest, urllib, logging, difflib, tarfile, zipfile, tempfile, re, shutil from itertools import * import twill import twill.commands as tc from twill.other_packages._mechanize_dist import ClientForm pkg_resources.require( "elementtree" ) from elementtree import ElementTree from galaxy.web import security from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import iff buffer = StringIO.StringIO() #Force twill to log to a buffer -- FIXME: Should this go to stdout and be captured by nose? twill.set_output(buffer) tc.config('use_tidy', 0) # Dial ClientCookie logging down (very noisy) logging.getLogger( "ClientCookie.cookies" ).setLevel( logging.WARNING ) log = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) class TwillTestCase( unittest.TestCase ): def setUp( self ): # Security helper = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret='changethisinproductiontoo' ) self.history_id = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_HISTORY_ID', None ) = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_HOST' ) self.port = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_PORT' ) self.url = "http://%s:%s" % (, self.port ) self.file_dir = os.environ.get( 'GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR' ) self.home() #self.set_history() # Functions associated with files def files_diff( self, file1, file2, attributes=None ): """Checks the contents of 2 files for differences""" def get_lines_diff( diff ): count = 0 for line in diff: if ( line.startswith( '+' ) and not line.startswith( '+++' ) ) or ( line.startswith( '-' ) and not line.startswith( '---' ) ): count += 1 return count if not filecmp.cmp( file1, file2 ): files_differ = False local_file = open( file1, 'U' ).readlines() history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).readlines() if attributes is None: attributes = {} if attributes.get( 'sort', False ): history_data.sort() ##Why even bother with the check loop below, why not just use the diff output? This seems wasteful. if len( local_file ) == len( history_data ): for i in range( len( history_data ) ): if local_file[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ) != history_data[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ): files_differ = True break else: files_differ = True if files_differ: allowed_diff_count = int(attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 )) diff = list( difflib.unified_diff( local_file, history_data, "local_file", "history_data" ) ) diff_lines = get_lines_diff( diff ) log.debug('## files diff on %s and %s lines_diff=%d, found diff = %d' % (file1,file2,allowed_diff_count,diff_lines)) if diff_lines > allowed_diff_count: diff_slice = diff[0:40] #FIXME: This pdf stuff is rather special cased and has not been updated to consider lines_diff #due to unknown desired behavior when used in conjunction with a non-zero lines_diff #PDF forgiveness can probably be handled better by not special casing by __extension__ here #and instead using lines_diff or a regular expression matching #or by creating and using a specialized pdf comparison function if file1.endswith( '.pdf' ) or file2.endswith( '.pdf' ): # PDF files contain creation dates, modification dates, ids and descriptions that change with each # new file, so we need to handle these differences. As long as the rest of the PDF file does # not differ we're ok. valid_diff_strs = [ 'description', 'createdate', 'creationdate', 'moddate', 'id', 'producer', 'creator' ] valid_diff = False for line in diff_slice: # Make sure to lower case strings before checking. line = line.lower() # Diff lines will always start with a + or - character, but handle special cases: '--- local_file \n', '+++ history_data \n' if ( line.startswith( '+' ) or line.startswith( '-' ) ) and line.find( 'local_file' ) < 0 and line.find( 'history_data' ) < 0: for vdf in valid_diff_strs: if line.find( vdf ) < 0: valid_diff = False else: valid_diff = True # Stop checking as soon as we know we have a valid difference break if not valid_diff: # Print out diff_slice so we can see what failed print "###### diff_slice ######" raise AssertionError( "".join( diff_slice ) ) else: for line in diff_slice: for char in line: if ord( char ) > 128: raise AssertionError( "Binary data detected, not displaying diff" ) raise AssertionError( "".join( diff_slice ) ) def files_re_match( self, file1, file2, attributes=None ): """Checks the contents of 2 files for differences using re.match""" local_file = open( file1, 'U' ).readlines() #regex file history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).readlines() assert len( local_file ) == len( history_data ), 'Data File and Regular Expression File contain a different number of lines (%s != %s)' % ( len( local_file ), len( history_data ) ) if attributes is None: attributes = {} if attributes.get( 'sort', False ): history_data.sort() lines_diff = int(attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 )) line_diff_count = 0 diffs = [] for i in range( len( history_data ) ): if not re.match( local_file[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ), history_data[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ) ): line_diff_count += 1 diffs.append( 'Regular Expression: %s\nData file : %s' % ( local_file[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ), history_data[i].rstrip( '\r\n' ) ) ) if line_diff_count > lines_diff: raise AssertionError, "Regular expression did not match data file (allowed variants=%i):\n%s" % ( lines_diff, "".join( diffs ) ) def files_re_match_multiline( self, file1, file2, attributes=None ): """Checks the contents of 2 files for differences using re.match in multiline mode""" local_file = open( file1, 'U' ).read() #regex file if attributes is None: attributes = {} if attributes.get( 'sort', False ): history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).readlines() history_data.sort() history_data = ''.join( history_data ) else: history_data = open( file2, 'U' ).read() #lines_diff not applicable to multiline matching assert re.match( local_file, history_data, re.MULTILINE ), "Multiline Regular expression did not match data file" def get_filename( self, filename ): full = os.path.join( self.file_dir, filename) return os.path.abspath(full) def save_log( *path ): """Saves the log to a file""" filename = os.path.join( *path ) file(filename, 'wt').write(buffer.getvalue()) def upload_file( self, filename, ftype='auto', dbkey='unspecified (?)', space_to_tab = False, metadata = None, composite_data = None ): """Uploads a file""" self.visit_url( "%s/tool_runner?tool_id=upload1" % self.url ) try: self.refresh_form( "file_type", ftype ) #Refresh, to support composite files tc.fv("1","dbkey", dbkey) if metadata: for elem in metadata: tc.fv( "1", "files_metadata|%s" % elem.get( 'name' ), elem.get( 'value' ) ) if composite_data: for i, composite_file in enumerate( composite_data ): filename = self.get_filename( composite_file.get( 'value' ) ) tc.formfile( "1", "files_%i|file_data" % i, filename ) tc.fv( "1", "files_%i|space_to_tab" % i, composite_file.get( 'space_to_tab', False ) ) else: filename = self.get_filename( filename ) tc.formfile( "1", "file_data", filename ) tc.fv( "1", "space_to_tab", space_to_tab ) tc.submit("runtool_btn") self.home() except AssertionError, err: errmsg = "Uploading file resulted in the following exception. Make sure the file (%s) exists. " % filename errmsg += str( err ) raise AssertionError( errmsg ) # Make sure every history item has a valid hid hids = self.get_hids_in_history() for hid in hids: try: valid_hid = int( hid ) except: raise AssertionError, "Invalid hid (%s) created when uploading file %s" % ( hid, filename ) # Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead) self.wait() def upload_url_paste( self, url_paste, ftype='auto', dbkey='unspecified (?)' ): """Pasted data in the upload utility""" self.visit_page( "tool_runner/index?tool_id=upload1" ) try: tc.fv( "1", "file_type", ftype ) tc.fv( "1", "dbkey", dbkey ) tc.fv( "1", "url_paste", url_paste ) tc.submit( "runtool_btn" ) self.home() except Exception, e: errmsg = "Problem executing upload utility using url_paste: %s" % str( e ) raise AssertionError( e ) # Make sure every history item has a valid hid hids = self.get_hids_in_history() for hid in hids: try: valid_hid = int( hid ) except: raise AssertionError, "Invalid hid (%s) created when pasting %s" % ( hid, url_paste ) # Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead) self.wait() # Functions associated with histories def check_history_for_errors( self ): """Raises an exception if there are errors in a history""" self.home() self.visit_page( "history" ) page = self.last_page() if page.find( 'error' ) > -1: raise AssertionError('Errors in the history for user %s' % self.user ) def check_history_for_string( self, patt, show_deleted=False ): """Looks for 'string' in history page""" self.home() if show_deleted: self.visit_page( "history?show_deleted=True" ) else: self.visit_page( "history" ) for subpatt in patt.split(): tc.find(subpatt) self.home() def clear_history( self ): """Empties a history of all datasets""" self.visit_page( "clear_history" ) self.check_history_for_string( 'Your history is empty' ) self.home() def delete_history( self, id ): """Deletes one or more histories""" history_list = self.get_histories_as_data_list() self.assertTrue( history_list ) num_deleted = len( id.split( ',' ) ) self.home() self.visit_page( "history/list?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( id ) ) check_str = 'Deleted %d %s' % ( num_deleted, iff( num_deleted != 1, "histories", "history" ) ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def delete_current_history( self, strings_displayed=[] ): """Deletes the current history""" self.home() self.visit_page( "history/delete_current" ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def get_histories_as_data_list( self ): """Returns the data elements of all histories""" tree = self.histories_as_xml_tree() data_list = [ elem for elem in tree.findall("data") ] return data_list def get_history_as_data_list( self, show_deleted=False ): """Returns the data elements of a history""" tree = self.history_as_xml_tree( show_deleted=show_deleted ) data_list = [ elem for elem in tree.findall("data") ] return data_list def history_as_xml_tree( self, show_deleted=False ): """Returns a parsed xml object of a history""" self.home() self.visit_page( 'history?as_xml=True&show_deleted=%s' % show_deleted ) xml = self.last_page() tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) return tree def histories_as_xml_tree( self ): """Returns a parsed xml object of all histories""" self.home() self.visit_page( 'history/list_as_xml' ) xml = self.last_page() tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) return tree def history_options( self, user=False, active_datasets=False, activatable_datasets=False, histories_shared_by_others=False ): """Mimics user clicking on history options link""" self.home() self.visit_page( "root/history_options" ) if user: self.check_page_for_string( 'Previously stored histories' ) if active_datasets: self.check_page_for_string( 'Create a new empty history' ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Construct workflow from current history' ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Clone current history' ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Share current history' ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Change default permissions for current history' ) if histories_shared_by_others: self.check_page_for_string( 'Histories shared with you by others' ) if activatable_datasets: self.check_page_for_string( 'Show deleted datasets in current history' ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Rename current history' ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Delete current history' ) self.home() def new_history( self, name=None ): """Creates a new, empty history""" self.home() if name: self.visit_url( "%s/history_new?name=%s" % ( self.url, name ) ) else: self.visit_url( "%s/history_new" % self.url ) self.check_history_for_string('Your history is empty') self.home() def rename_history( self, id, old_name, new_name ): """Rename an existing history""" self.home() self.visit_page( "history/rename?id=%s&name=%s" %( id, new_name ) ) check_str = 'History: %s renamed to: %s' % ( old_name, urllib.unquote( new_name ) ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def set_history( self ): """Sets the history (stores the cookies for this run)""" if self.history_id: self.home() self.visit_page( "history?id=%s" % self.history_id ) else: self.new_history() self.home() def share_current_history( self, email, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[], action='', action_strings_displayed=[], action_strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): """Share the current history with different users""" self.visit_url( "%s/history/share" % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.fv( 'share', 'email', email ) tc.submit( 'share_button' ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if action: # If we have an action, then we are sharing datasets with users that do not have access permissions on them for check_str in action_strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.fv( 'share_restricted', 'action', action ) tc.submit( "share_restricted_button" ) for check_str in action_strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def share_histories_with_users( self, ids, emails, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[], action=None, action_strings_displayed=[] ): """Share one or more histories with one or more different users""" self.visit_url( "%s/history/list?id=%s&operation=Share" % ( self.url, ids ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.fv( 'share', 'email', emails ) tc.submit( 'share_button' ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if action: # If we have an action, then we are sharing datasets with users that do not have access permissions on them tc.fv( 'share_restricted', 'action', action ) tc.submit( "share_restricted_button" ) for check_str in action_strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def unshare_history( self, history_id, user_id, strings_displayed=[] ): """Unshare a history that has been shared with another user""" self.visit_url( "%s/history/list?id=%s&operation=share+or+publish" % ( self.url, history_id ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.visit_url( "%s/history/sharing?unshare_user=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id, history_id ) ) self.home() def switch_history( self, id='', name='' ): """Switches to a history in the current list of histories""" self.visit_url( "%s/history/list?operation=switch&id=%s" % ( self.url, id ) ) if name: self.check_history_for_string( name ) self.home() def view_stored_active_histories( self, strings_displayed=[] ): self.home() self.visit_page( "history/list" ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Saved Histories' ) self.check_page_for_string( ' int(delta): raise Exception, 'Files %s=%db but %s=%db - compare (delta=%s) failed' % (temp_name,s1,local_name,s2,delta) else: raise Exception, 'Unimplemented Compare type: %s' % compare except AssertionError, err: errmsg = 'Composite file (%s) of History item %s different than expected, difference (using %s):\n' % ( base_name, hda_id, compare ) errmsg += str( err ) raise AssertionError( errmsg ) finally: os.remove( temp_name ) def is_zipped( self, filename ): if not zipfile.is_zipfile( filename ): return False return True def is_binary( self, filename ): temp = open( filename, "U" ) # why is this not filename? Where did temp_name come from lineno = 0 for line in temp: lineno += 1 line = line.strip() if line: for char in line: if ord( char ) > 128: return True if lineno > 10: break return False def verify_genome_build( self, dbkey='hg17' ): """Verifies that the last used genome_build at history id 'hid' is as expected""" data_list = self.get_history_as_data_list() self.assertTrue( data_list ) elems = [ elem for elem in data_list ] elem = elems[-1] genome_build = elem.get('dbkey') self.assertTrue( genome_build == dbkey ) # Functions associated with user accounts def create( self, email='', password='testuser', username='admin-user', webapp='galaxy', referer='' ): # HACK: don't use panels because late_javascripts() messes up the twill browser and it # can't find form fields (and hence user can't be logged in). self.visit_url( "%s/user/create?use_panels=False" % self.url ) tc.fv( '1', 'email', email ) tc.fv( '1', 'webapp', webapp ) tc.fv( '1', 'referer', referer ) tc.fv( '1', 'password', password ) tc.fv( '1', 'confirm', password ) tc.fv( '1', 'username', username ) tc.submit( 'create_user_button' ) previously_created = False username_taken = False invalid_username = False try: self.check_page_for_string( "Created new user account" ) except: try: # May have created the account in a previous test run... self.check_page_for_string( "User with that email already exists" ) previously_created = True except: try: self.check_page_for_string( 'This user name is not available' ) username_taken = True except: try: # Note that we're only checking if the usr name is >< 4 chars here... self.check_page_for_string( 'User name must be at least 4 characters in length' ) invalid_username = True except: pass return previously_created, username_taken, invalid_username def create_user_with_info( self, email, password, username, user_info_values, user_info_select='', admin_view='False', strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): # This method creates a new user with associated info self.visit_url( "%s/user/create?admin_view=%s&use_panels=False" % ( self.url, admin_view ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str) tc.fv( "1", "email", email ) tc.fv( "1", "password", password ) tc.fv( "1", "confirm", password ) tc.fv( "1", "username", username ) if user_info_select: # The user_info_select SelectField requires a refresh_on_change self.refresh_form( 'user_info_select', user_info_select ) for index, info_value in enumerate( user_info_values ): tc.fv( "1", "field_%i" % index, info_value ) tc.submit( "create_user_button" ) def edit_user_info( self, new_email='', new_username='', password='', new_password='', info_values=[], strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): self.visit_url( "%s/user/show_info" % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if new_email or new_username: if new_email: tc.fv( "login_info", "email", new_email ) if new_username: tc.fv( "login_info", "username", new_username ) tc.submit( "login_info_button" ) if password and new_password: tc.fv( "change_password", "current", password ) tc.fv( "change_password", "password", new_password ) tc.fv( "change_password", "confirm", new_password ) tc.submit( "change_password_button" ) if info_values: for index, info_value in enumerate( info_values ): tc.fv( "user_info", "field_%i" % index, info_value ) tc.submit( "edit_user_info_button" ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def user_set_default_permissions( self, permissions_out=[], permissions_in=[], role_id='2' ): # = 2 is Private Role for # NOTE: Twill has a bug that requires the ~/user/permissions page to contain at least 1 option value # in each select list or twill throws an exception, which is: ParseError: OPTION outside of SELECT # Due to this bug, we'll bypass visiting the page, and simply pass the permissions on to the # /user/set_default_permissions method. url = "user/set_default_permissions?update_roles_button=Save&id=None" for po in permissions_out: key = '%s_out' % po url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) ) for pi in permissions_in: key = '%s_in' % pi url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) ) self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) ) self.last_page() self.check_page_for_string( 'Default new history permissions have been changed.' ) self.home() def history_set_default_permissions( self, permissions_out=[], permissions_in=[], role_id=3 ): # = 3 is Private Role for # NOTE: Twill has a bug that requires the ~/user/permissions page to contain at least 1 option value # in each select list or twill throws an exception, which is: ParseError: OPTION outside of SELECT # Due to this bug, we'll bypass visiting the page, and simply pass the permissions on to the # /user/set_default_permissions method. url = "root/history_set_default_permissions?update_roles_button=Save&id=None&dataset=True" for po in permissions_out: key = '%s_out' % po url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) ) for pi in permissions_in: key = '%s_in' % pi url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, str( role_id ) ) self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Default history permissions have been changed.' ) self.home() def login( self, email='', password='testuser', username='admin-user', webapp='galaxy', referer='' ): # is configured as an admin user previously_created, username_taken, invalid_username = \ self.create( email=email, password=password, username=username, webapp=webapp, referer=referer ) if previously_created: # The acount has previously been created, so just login. # HACK: don't use panels because late_javascripts() messes up the twill browser and it # can't find form fields (and hence user can't be logged in). self.visit_url( "%s/user/login?use_panels=False" % self.url ) tc.fv( '1', 'email', email ) tc.fv( '1', 'webapp', webapp ) tc.fv( '1', 'referer', referer ) tc.fv( '1', 'password', password ) tc.submit( 'login_button' ) def logout( self ): self.home() self.visit_page( "user/logout" ) self.check_page_for_string( "You have been logged out" ) self.home() # Functions associated with browsers, cookies, HTML forms and page visits def check_page_for_string( self, patt ): """Looks for 'patt' in the current browser page""" page = self.last_page() for subpatt in patt.split(): if page.find( patt ) == -1: fname = self.write_temp_file( page ) errmsg = "no match to '%s'\npage content written to '%s'" % ( patt, fname ) raise AssertionError( errmsg ) def write_temp_file( self, content, suffix='.html' ): fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix=suffix, prefix='twilltestcase-' ) f = os.fdopen( fd, "w" ) f.write( content ) f.close() return fname def clear_cookies( self ): tc.clear_cookies() def clear_form( self, form=0 ): """Clears a form""" tc.formclear(str(form)) def home( self ): self.visit_url( self.url ) def last_page( self ): return tc.browser.get_html() def load_cookies( self, file ): filename = self.get_filename(file) tc.load_cookies(filename) def reload_page( self ): tc.reload() tc.code(200) def show_cookies( self ): return tc.show_cookies() def showforms( self ): """Shows form, helpful for debugging new tests""" return tc.showforms() def submit_form( self, form_no=0, button="runtool_btn", **kwd ): """Populates and submits a form from the keyword arguments.""" # An HTMLForm contains a sequence of Controls. Supported control classes are: # TextControl, FileControl, ListControl, RadioControl, CheckboxControl, SelectControl, # SubmitControl, ImageControl for i, f in enumerate( self.showforms() ): if i == form_no: break # To help with debugging a tool, print out the form controls when the test fails print "form '%s' contains the following controls ( note the values )" % controls = {} hc_prefix = ' 30: elem_name = '%s..%s' % ( elem[:17], elem[-11:] ) else: elem_name = elem tc.fv(,, str( elem_name ) ) except Exception, exc: errmsg = "Attempting to set field '%s' to value '%s' in form '%s' threw exception: %s\n" % ( control_name, str( control_value ),, str( exc ) ) errmsg += "control: %s\n" % str( control ) errmsg += "If the above control is a DataToolparameter whose data type class does not include a sniff() method,\n" errmsg += "make sure to include a proper 'ftype' attribute to the tag for the control within the tag set.\n" raise AssertionError( errmsg ) else: # Add conditions for other control types here when necessary. pass tc.submit( button ) def refresh_form( self, control_name, value, form_no=0, **kwd ): """Handles Galaxy's refresh_on_change for forms without ultimately submitting the form""" # control_name is the name of the form field that requires refresh_on_change, and value is # the value to which that field is being set. for i, f in enumerate( self.showforms() ): if i == form_no: break try: control = f.find_control( name=control_name ) except: # This assumes we always want the first control of the given name, which may not be ideal... control = f.find_control( name=control_name, nr=0 ) # Check for refresh_on_change attribute, submit a change if required if 'refresh_on_change' in control.attrs.keys(): # Clear Control and set to proper value control.clear() tc.fv(,, value ) # Create a new submit control, allows form to refresh, instead of going to next page control = ClientForm.SubmitControl( 'SubmitControl', '___refresh_grouping___', {'name':'refresh_grouping'} ) control.add_to_form( f ) control.fixup() # Submit for refresh tc.submit( '___refresh_grouping___' ) def visit_page( self, page ): # tc.go("./%s" % page) if not page.startswith( "/" ): page = "/" + page tc.go( self.url + page ) tc.code( 200 ) def visit_url( self, url ): tc.go("%s" % url) tc.code( 200 ) """Functions associated with Galaxy tools""" def run_tool( self, tool_id, repeat_name=None, **kwd ): tool_id = tool_id.replace(" ", "+") """Runs the tool 'tool_id' and passes it the key/values from the *kwd""" self.visit_url( "%s/tool_runner/index?tool_id=%s" % (self.url, tool_id) ) if repeat_name is not None: repeat_button = '%s_add' % repeat_name # Submit the "repeat" form button to add an input) tc.submit( repeat_button ) print "button '%s' clicked" % repeat_button tc.find( 'runtool_btn' ) self.submit_form( **kwd ) def run_ucsc_main( self, track_params, output_params ): """Gets Data From UCSC""" tool_id = "ucsc_table_direct1" track_string = urllib.urlencode( track_params ) galaxy_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%s/tool_runner/index?" % self.url ) self.visit_url( "" % ( galaxy_url, tool_id, track_string ) ) tc.fv( "mainForm", "hgta_doTopSubmit", "get output" ) self.submit_form( button="get output" )#, **track_params ) tc.fv( 2, "hgta_doGalaxyQuery", "Send query to Galaxy" ) self.submit_form( button="Send query to Galaxy" )#, **output_params ) #AssertionError: Attempting to set field 'fbQual' to value '['whole']' in form 'None' threw exception: no matching forms! control: def wait( self, maxseconds=120 ): """Waits for the tools to finish""" sleep_amount = 0.1 slept = 0 self.home() while slept <= maxseconds: self.visit_page( "history" ) page = tc.browser.get_html() if page.find( '' ) > -1: time.sleep( sleep_amount ) slept += sleep_amount sleep_amount *= 2 if slept + sleep_amount > maxseconds: sleep_amount = maxseconds - slept # don't overshoot maxseconds else: break assert slept < maxseconds # Dataset Security stuff # Tests associated with users def create_new_account_as_admin( self, email='', password='testuser', username='regular-user4', webapp='galaxy', referer='' ): """Create a new account for another user""" # HACK: don't use panels because late_javascripts() messes up the twill browser and it # can't find form fields (and hence user can't be logged in). self.visit_url( "%s/user/create?admin_view=True" % self.url ) tc.fv( '1', 'email', email ) tc.fv( '1', 'webapp', webapp ) tc.fv( '1', 'referer', referer ) tc.fv( '1', 'password', password ) tc.fv( '1', 'confirm', password ) tc.fv( '1', 'username', username ) tc.submit( 'create_user_button' ) previously_created = False username_taken = False invalid_username = False try: self.check_page_for_string( "Created new user account" ) except: try: # May have created the account in a previous test run... self.check_page_for_string( "User with that email already exists" ) previously_created = True except: try: self.check_page_for_string( 'This user name is not available' ) username_taken = True except: try: # Note that we're only checking if the usr name is >< 4 chars here... self.check_page_for_string( 'User name must be at least 4 characters in length' ) invalid_username = True except: pass return previously_created, username_taken, invalid_username def reset_password_as_admin( self, user_id, password='testreset' ): """Reset a user password""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/reset_user_password?id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) ) tc.fv( "1", "password", password ) tc.fv( "1", "confirm", password ) tc.submit( "reset_user_password_button" ) self.check_page_for_string( "Passwords reset for 1 users" ) self.home() def mark_user_deleted( self, user_id, email='' ): """Mark a user as deleted""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/users?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) ) check_str = "Deleted 1 users" self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def undelete_user( self, user_id, email='' ): """Undelete a user""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/users?operation=undelete&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) ) check_str = "Undeleted 1 users" self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def purge_user( self, user_id, email ): """Purge a user account""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/users?operation=purge&id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) ) check_str = "Purged 1 users" self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def manage_roles_and_groups_for_user( self, user_id, in_role_ids=[], out_role_ids=[], in_group_ids=[], out_group_ids=[], strings_displayed=[] ): self.home() url = "%s/admin/manage_roles_and_groups_for_user?id=%s" % ( self.url, user_id ) if in_role_ids: url += "&in_roles=%s" % ','.join( in_role_ids ) if out_role_ids: url += "&out_roles=%s" % ','.join( out_role_ids ) if in_group_ids: url += "&in_groups=%s" % ','.join( in_group_ids ) if out_group_ids: url += "&out_groups=%s" % ','.join( out_group_ids ) if in_role_ids or out_role_ids or in_group_ids or out_group_ids: url += "&user_roles_groups_edit_button=Save" self.visit_url( url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() # Tests associated with roles def browse_roles( self, strings_displayed=[] ): self.visit_url( '%s/admin/roles' % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def create_role( self, name='Role One', description="This is Role One", in_user_ids=[], in_group_ids=[], create_group_for_role='no', private_role='' ): """Create a new role""" url = "%s/admin/roles?operation=create&create_role_button=Save&name=%s&description=%s" % ( self.url, name.replace( ' ', '+' ), description.replace( ' ', '+' ) ) if in_user_ids: url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( in_user_ids ) if in_group_ids: url += "&in_groups=%s" % ','.join( in_group_ids ) if create_group_for_role == 'yes': url += '&create_group_for_role=yes' self.home() self.visit_url( url ) if create_group_for_role == 'yes': check_str = "Group '%s' has been created, and role '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated groups" % \ ( name, name, len( in_user_ids ), len( in_group_ids ) ) else: check_str = "Role '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated groups" % \ ( name, len( in_user_ids ), len( in_group_ids ) ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if private_role: # Make sure no private roles are displayed try: self.check_page_for_string( private_role ) errmsg = 'Private role %s displayed on Roles page' % private_role raise AssertionError( errmsg ) except AssertionError: # Reaching here is the behavior we want since no private roles should be displayed pass self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles" % self.url ) self.check_page_for_string( name ) self.home() def rename_role( self, role_id, name='Role One Renamed', description='This is Role One Re-described' ): """Rename a role""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=rename&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Change role name and description' ) tc.fv( "1", "name", name ) tc.fv( "1", "description", description ) tc.submit( "rename_role_button" ) self.home() def mark_role_deleted( self, role_id, role_name ): """Mark a role as deleted""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) ) check_str = "Deleted 1 roles: %s" % role_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def undelete_role( self, role_id, role_name ): """Undelete an existing role""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=undelete&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) ) check_str = "Undeleted 1 roles: %s" % role_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def purge_role( self, role_id, role_name ): """Purge an existing role""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/roles?operation=purge&id=%s" % ( self.url, role_id ) ) check_str = "Purged 1 roles: %s" % role_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def associate_users_and_groups_with_role( self, role_id, role_name, user_ids=[], group_ids=[] ): self.home() url = "%s/admin/role?id=%s&role_members_edit_button=Save" % ( self.url, role_id ) if user_ids: url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( user_ids ) if group_ids: url += "&in_groups=%s" % ','.join( group_ids ) self.visit_url( url ) check_str = "Role '%s' has been updated with %d associated users and %d associated groups" % ( role_name, len( user_ids ), len( group_ids ) ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() # Tests associated with groups def create_group( self, name='Group One', in_user_ids=[], in_role_ids=[] ): """Create a new group""" url = "%s/admin/groups?operation=create&create_group_button=Save&name=%s" % ( self.url, name.replace( ' ', '+' ) ) if in_user_ids: url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( in_user_ids ) if in_role_ids: url += "&in_roles=%s" % ','.join( in_role_ids ) self.home() self.visit_url( url ) check_str = "Group '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated roles" % ( name, len( in_user_ids ), len( in_role_ids ) ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups" % self.url ) self.check_page_for_string( name ) self.home() def browse_groups( self, strings_displayed=[] ): self.visit_url( '%s/admin/groups' % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def rename_group( self, group_id, name='Group One Renamed' ): """Rename a group""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=rename&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Change group name' ) tc.fv( "1", "name", name ) tc.submit( "rename_group_button" ) self.home() def associate_users_and_roles_with_group( self, group_id, group_name, user_ids=[], role_ids=[] ): self.home() url = "%s/admin/manage_users_and_roles_for_group?id=%s&group_roles_users_edit_button=Save" % ( self.url, group_id ) if user_ids: url += "&in_users=%s" % ','.join( user_ids ) if role_ids: url += "&in_roles=%s" % ','.join( role_ids ) self.visit_url( url ) check_str = "Group '%s' has been updated with %d associated roles and %d associated users" % ( group_name, len( role_ids ), len( user_ids ) ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def mark_group_deleted( self, group_id, group_name ): """Mark a group as deleted""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) ) check_str = "Deleted 1 groups: %s" % group_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def undelete_group( self, group_id, group_name ): """Undelete an existing group""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=undelete&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) ) check_str = "Undeleted 1 groups: %s" % group_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def purge_group( self, group_id, group_name ): """Purge an existing group""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/admin/groups?operation=purge&id=%s" % ( self.url, group_id ) ) check_str = "Purged 1 groups: %s" % group_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() # Form stuff def create_form( self, name, desc, form_type, field_type='TextField', form_layout_name='', num_fields=1, num_options=0, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): """Create a new form definition.""" self.visit_url( "%s/forms/create_form" % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.fv( "1", "name", name ) tc.fv( "1", "description", desc ) tc.fv( "1", "form_type_selectbox", form_type ) tc.submit( "create_form_button" ) if form_type == "Sequencing Sample Form": tc.submit( "add_layout_grid" ) tc.fv( "1", "grid_layout0", form_layout_name ) # Add fields to the new form definition for index1 in range( num_fields ): field_name = 'field_name_%i' % index1 field_contents = field_type field_help_name = 'field_helptext_%i' % index1 field_help_contents = 'Field %i help' % index1 field_default = 'field_default_0' field_default_contents = '%s default contents' % form_type tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_contents ) tc.fv( "1", field_help_name, field_help_contents ) if field_type == 'SelectField': # SelectField field_type requires a refresh_on_change self.refresh_form( 'field_type_0', field_type ) # Add options so our select list is functional if num_options == 0: # Default to 2 options num_options = 2 for index2 in range( 1, num_options+1 ): tc.submit( "addoption_0" ) # Add contents to the new options fields for index2 in range( num_options ): option_field_name = 'field_0_option_%i' % index2 option_field_value = 'Option%i' % index2 tc.fv( "1", option_field_name, option_field_value ) else: tc.fv( "1", "field_type_0", field_type ) tc.fv( "1", field_default, field_default_contents ) tc.submit( "save_changes_button" ) if num_fields == 0: self.visit_url( "%s/forms/manage" % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def edit_form( self, id, form_type='', new_form_name='', new_form_desc='', field_dicts=[], field_index=0, strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): """Edit form details; name and description""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/forms/manage?operation=Edit&id=%s" % ( self.url, id ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if new_form_name: tc.fv( "1", "name", new_form_name ) if new_form_desc: tc.fv( "1", "description", new_form_desc ) for i, field_dict in enumerate( field_dicts ): index = i + field_index tc.submit( "add_field_button" ) field_name = "field_name_%i" % index field_value = field_dict[ 'name' ] field_help = "field_helptext_%i" % index field_help_value = field_dict[ 'desc' ] field_type = "field_type_%i" % index field_type_value = field_dict[ 'type' ] field_required = "field_required_%i" % index field_required_value = field_dict[ 'required' ] tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_value ) tc.fv( "1", field_help, field_help_value ) tc.fv( "1", field_required, field_required_value ) if field_type_value.lower() == 'selectfield': # SelectFields require a refresh_on_change self.refresh_form( field_type, field_type_value ) for option_index, option in enumerate( field_dict[ 'selectlist' ] ): tc.submit( "addoption_0" ) tc.fv( "1", "field_%i_option_%i" % ( index, option_index ), option ) else: tc.fv( "1", field_type, field_type_value ) tc.submit( "save_changes_button" ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def mark_form_deleted( self, form_id ): """Mark a form_definition as deleted""" self.home() url = "%s/forms/manage?operation=delete&id=%s" % ( self.url, form_id ) self.visit_url( url ) check_str = "1 forms have been deleted." self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() # Requests stuff def check_request_grid( self, cntrller, state, deleted=False, strings_displayed=[] ): self.visit_url( '%s/%s/browse_requests?sort=create_time&f-state=%s&f-deleted=%s' % \ ( self.url, cntrller, state.replace( ' ', '+' ), str( deleted ) ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def create_request_type( self, name, desc, request_form_id, sample_form_id, states, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/requests_admin/create_request_type" % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.fv( "1", "name", name ) tc.fv( "1", "desc", desc ) tc.fv( "1", "request_form_id", request_form_id ) tc.fv( "1", "sample_form_id", sample_form_id ) for index, state in enumerate(states): tc.submit( "add_state_button" ) tc.fv("1", "state_name_%i" % index, state[0]) tc.fv("1", "state_desc_%i" % index, state[1]) tc.submit( "save_request_type" ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def request_type_permissions( self, request_type_id, request_type_name, role_ids_str, permissions_in, permissions_out ): # role_ids_str must be a comma-separated string of role ids url = "requests_admin/request_type_permissions?id=%s&update_roles_button=Save" % ( request_type_id ) for po in permissions_out: key = '%s_out' % po url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str ) for pi in permissions_in: key = '%s_in' % pi url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str ) self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) ) check_str = "Permissions updated for sequencer configuration '%s'" % request_type_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def create_request( self, cntrller, request_type_id, name, desc, field_value_tuples, other_users_id='', strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/create_request?cntrller=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller ) ) # The request_type SelectList requires a refresh_on_change self.refresh_form( 'request_type_id', request_type_id ) if cntrller == 'requests_admin' and other_users_id: # The admin is creating a request on behalf of another user # The user_id SelectField requires a refresh_on_change so that the selected # user's addresses will be populated in the AddressField widget self.refresh_form( "user_id", other_users_id ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.fv( "1", "name", name ) tc.fv( "1", "desc", desc ) for index, field_value_tuple in enumerate( field_value_tuples ): field_name = "field_%i" % index field_value, refresh_on_change = field_value_tuple if refresh_on_change: # TODO: If the field is an AddressField, we should test for adding a new address # which would need to be handled here. This currently only allows an existing # user_address to be selected. self.refresh_form( field_name, field_value ) else: tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_value ) tc.submit( "create_request_button" ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def edit_basic_request_info( self, cntrller, request_id, name, new_name='', new_desc='', new_fields=[], strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/edit_basic_request_info?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Edit sequencing request "%s"' % name ) if new_name: tc.fv( "1", "name", new_name ) if new_desc: tc.fv( "1", "desc", new_desc ) for index, field_value in enumerate( new_fields ): tc.fv( "1", "field_%i" % index, field_value ) tc.submit( "edit_basic_request_info_button" ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def add_samples( self, cntrller, request_id, request_name, sample_value_tuples, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) # Simulate clicking the add-sample_button on the form. (gvk: 9/21/10 - TODO : There must be a bug in the mako template # because twill cannot find any forms on the page, but I cannot find it although I've spent time cleaning up the # template code and looking for any problems. url = "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id ) # This should work, but although twill does not thorw any exceptions, the button click never occurs # There are multiple forms on this page, and we'll only be using the form named manage_request. # for sample_index, sample_value_tuple in enumerate( sample_value_tuples ): # # Add the following form value to the already populated hidden field so that the manage_request # # form is the current form # tc.fv( "1", "id", request_id ) # tc.submit( 'add_sample_button' ) for sample_index, sample_value_tuple in enumerate( sample_value_tuples ): sample_name, field_values = sample_value_tuple sample_name = sample_name.replace( ' ', '+' ) field_name = "sample_%i_name" % sample_index # The following form_value setting should work but since twill barfed on submitting the add_sample_button # above, we have to simulate it by appending to the url. # tc.fv( "1", field_name, sample_name ) url += "&%s=%s" % ( field_name, sample_name ) for field_index, field_value in enumerate( field_values ): field_name = "sample_%i_field_%i" % ( sample_index, field_index ) field_value = field_value.replace( ' ', '+' ) # The following form_value setting should work but since twill barfed on submitting the add_sample_button # above, we have to simulate it by appending to the url. # tc.fv( "1", field_name, field_value ) url += "&%s=%s" % ( field_name , field_value ) # The following button submit should work but since twill barfed on submitting the add_sample_button # above, we have to simulate it by appending to the url. # tc.submit( "save_samples_button" ) url += "&save_samples_button=Save" self.visit_url( url ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def submit_request( self, cntrller, request_id, request_name, strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/submit_request?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, request_id ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def reject_request( self, request_id, request_name, comment, strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): self.visit_url( "%s/requests_admin/reject?id=%s" % ( self.url, request_id ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.fv( "1", "comment", comment ) tc.submit( "reject_button" ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def add_bar_codes( self, request_id, request_name, bar_codes, samples, strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): # We have to simulate the form submission here since twill barfs on the page # gvk - 9/22/10 - TODO: make sure the mako template produces valid html url = "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=requests_admin&id=%s&managing_samples=True" % ( self.url, request_id ) for index, field_value in enumerate( bar_codes ): sample_field_name = "sample_%i_name" % index sample_field_value = samples[ index ].name.replace( ' ', '+' ) field_name = "sample_%i_barcode" % index url += "&%s=%s" % ( field_name, field_value ) url += "&%s=%s" % ( sample_field_name, sample_field_value ) url += "&save_samples_button=Save" self.visit_url( url ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def change_sample_state( self, request_id, request_name, sample_names, sample_ids, new_sample_state_id, new_state_name, comment='', strings_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[] ): # We have to simulate the form submission here since twill barfs on the page # gvk - 9/22/10 - TODO: make sure the mako template produces valid html url = "%s/requests_common/manage_request?cntrller=requests_admin&id=%s" % ( self.url, request_id ) url += "&comment=%s&sample_state_id=%s" % ( comment, new_sample_state_id ) ) # select_sample_%i=true must be included twice for each sample to simulate a CheckboxField checked setting. for sample_id in sample_ids: url += "&select_sample_%i=true&select_sample_%i=true" % ( sample_id, sample_id ) url += "&sample_operation=Change%20state&refresh=true" url += "&change_state_button=Save" self.visit_url( url ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Sequencing Request "%s"' % request_name ) for sample_id, sample_name in zip( sample_ids, sample_names ): self.visit_url( "%s/requests_common/sample_events?cntrller=requests_admin&sample_id=%s" % ( self.url, sample_id ) ) ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Events for Sample "%s"' % sample_name ) self.check_page_for_string( new_state_name ) def add_user_address( self, user_id, address_dict ): self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/user/new_address?admin_view=False&user_id=%i" % ( self.url, user_id ) ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Add new address' ) for field_name, value in address_dict.items(): tc.fv( "1", field_name, value ) tc.submit( "new_address_button" ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Address (%s) has been added' % address_dict[ 'short_desc' ] ) # Library stuff def add_library_template( self, cntrller, item_type, library_id, form_id, form_name, folder_id=None, ldda_id=None ): """ Add a new info template to a library item - the template will ALWAYS BE SET TO INHERITABLE here. If you want to dis-inherit your template, call the manage_library_template_inheritance() below immediately after you call this method in your test code. """ self.home() if item_type == 'library': url = "%s/library_common/add_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id ) elif item_type == 'folder': url = "%s/library_common/add_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id ) elif item_type == 'ldda': url = "%s/library_common/add_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&ldda_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id ) self.visit_url( url ) self.check_page_for_string ( "Select a template for the" ) self.refresh_form( "form_id", form_id ) # For some unknown reason, twill barfs if the form number ( 1 ) is used in the following # rather than the form anme ( select_template ), so we have to use the form name. tc.fv( "select_template", "inheritable", '1' ) tc.submit( "add_template_button" ) self.check_page_for_string = 'A template based on the form "%s" has been added to this' % form_name self.home() def manage_library_template_inheritance( self, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id=None, ldda_id=None, inheritable=True ): # If inheritable is True, the item is currently inheritable. self.home() if item_type == 'library': url = "%s/library_common/manage_template_inheritance?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id ) elif item_type == 'folder': url = "%s/library_common/manage_template_inheritance?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id ) elif item_type == 'ldda': url = "%s/library_common/manage_template_inheritance?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&ldda_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id ) self.visit_url( url ) if inheritable: self.check_page_for_string = 'will no longer be inherited to contained folders and datasets' else: self.check_page_for_string = 'will now be inherited to contained folders and datasets' self.home() def browse_libraries_admin( self, deleted=False, strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ): self.visit_url( '%s/library_admin/browse_libraries?sort=name&f-description=All&f-name=All&f-deleted=%s' % ( self.url, str( deleted ) ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) for check_str in strings_not_displayed: try: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed when browing library." % check_str except: pass def browse_libraries_regular_user( self, strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ): self.visit_url( '%s/library/browse_libraries' % self.url ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) for check_str in strings_not_displayed: try: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed when browing library." % check_str except: pass def browse_library( self, cntrller, id, show_deleted=False, strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ): self.visit_url( '%s/library_common/browse_library?cntrller=%s&id=%s&show_deleted=%s' % ( self.url, cntrller, id, str( show_deleted ) ) ) data=self.last_page() file( 'greg.html', 'wb' ).write( data ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) for check_str in strings_not_displayed: try: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed when browing library." % check_str except: pass def create_library( self, name='Library One', description='This is Library One', synopsis='Synopsis for Library One' ): """Create a new library""" self.visit_url( "%s/library_admin/create_library" % self.url ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Create a new data library' ) tc.fv( "1", "name", name ) tc.fv( "1", "description", description ) tc.fv( "1", "synopsis", synopsis ) tc.submit( "create_library_button" ) check_str = "The new library named '%s' has been created" % name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def edit_template( self, cntrller, item_type, library_id, field_type, field_name_1, field_helptext_1, field_default_1, folder_id='', ldda_id='', action='add_field' ): """Edit the form fields defining a library template""" self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/edit_template?cntrller=%s&item_type=%s&library_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, item_type, library_id ) ) self.check_page_for_string( "Edit form definition" ) if action == 'add_field': tc.submit( "add_field_button" ) tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_name_1", field_name_1 ) tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_helptext_1", field_helptext_1 ) if field_type == 'SelectField': # Performs a refresh_on_change in this case self.refresh_form( "field_type_1", field_type ) else: tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_type_1", field_type ) tc.fv( "edit_form", "field_default_1", field_default_1 ) tc.submit( 'save_changes_button' ) self.check_page_for_string( "The template for this data library has been updated with your changes." ) def library_info( self, cntrller, library_id, library_name='', new_name='', new_description='', new_synopsis='', template_fields=[], strings_displayed=[] ): """Edit information about a library, optionally using an existing template with up to 2 elements""" self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/library_info?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if new_name and new_description and new_synopsis: tc.fv( '1', 'name', new_name ) tc.fv( '1', 'description', new_description ) tc.fv( '1', 'synopsis', new_synopsis ) tc.submit( 'library_info_button' ) self.check_page_for_string( "Information updated for library" ) if template_fields: for field_name, field_value in template_fields: # The 2nd form on the page contains the template, and the form is named edit_info. # Set the template field value tc.fv( "edit_info", field_name, field_value ) tc.submit( 'edit_info_button' ) self.home() def library_permissions( self, library_id, library_name, role_ids_str, permissions_in, permissions_out, cntrller='library_admin' ): # role_ids_str must be a comma-separated string of role ids url = "library_common/library_permissions?id=%s&cntrller=%s&update_roles_button=Save" % ( library_id, cntrller ) for po in permissions_out: key = '%s_out' % po url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str ) for pi in permissions_in: key = '%s_in' % pi url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str ) self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/%s" % ( self.url, url ) ) check_str = "Permissions updated for library '%s'." % library_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def make_library_item_public( self, library_id, id, cntrller='library_admin', item_type='library', contents=False, library_name='', folder_name='', ldda_name='' ): url = "%s/library_common/make_library_item_public?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&item_type=%s&id=%s&contents=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, item_type, id, str( contents ) ) self.visit_url( url ) if item_type == 'library': if contents: check_str = "The data library (%s) and all it's contents have been made publicly accessible." % library_name else: check_str = "The data library (%s) has been made publicly accessible, but access to it's contents has been left unchanged." % library_name elif item_type == 'folder': check_str = "All of the contents of folder (%s) have been made publicly accessible." % folder_name elif item_type == 'ldda': check_str = "The libary dataset (%s) has been made publicly accessible." % ldda_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) # Library folder stuff def add_folder( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, name='Folder One', description='This is Folder One' ): """Create a new folder""" url = "%s/library_common/create_folder?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&parent_id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id ) self.visit_url( url ) self.check_page_for_string( 'Create a new folder' ) tc.fv( "1", "name", name ) tc.fv( "1", "description", description ) tc.submit( "new_folder_button" ) check_str = "The new folder named '%s' has been added to the data library." % name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def folder_info( self, cntrller, folder_id, library_id, name='', new_name='', description='', template_refresh_field_contents='', template_fields=[], strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[], strings_displayed_after_submit=[], strings_not_displayed_after_submit=[] ): """Add information to a library using an existing template with 2 elements""" self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/folder_info?cntrller=%s&id=%s&library_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, folder_id, library_id ) ) if name and new_name and description: tc.fv( '1', "name", new_name ) tc.fv( '1', "description", description ) tc.submit( 'rename_folder_button' ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) for check_str in strings_not_displayed: try: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed." % check_str except: pass if template_refresh_field_contents: # A template containing an AddressField is displayed on the form, so we need to refresh the form # with the received template_refresh_field_contents. There are 2 forms on the folder_info page # when in edit mode, and the 2nd one is the one we want. self.refresh_form( "field_0", template_refresh_field_contents, form_no=2 ) if template_fields: # We have an information template associated with the folder, so # there are 2 forms on this page and the template is the 2nd form for field_name, field_value in template_fields: tc.fv( "edit_info", field_name, field_value ) tc.submit( 'edit_info_button' ) for check_str in strings_displayed_after_submit: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) for check_str in strings_not_displayed_after_submit: try: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) raise AssertionError, "String (%s) incorrectly displayed." % check_str except: pass self.home() # Library dataset stuff def upload_library_dataset( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, filename='', server_dir='', replace_id='', upload_option='upload_file', file_type='auto', dbkey='hg18', space_to_tab='', link_data_only='', dont_preserve_dirs='', roles=[], ldda_message='', hda_ids='', template_refresh_field_contents='', template_fields=[], show_deleted='False', strings_displayed=[] ): """Add datasets to library using any upload_option""" # NOTE: due to the library_wait() method call at the end of this method, no tests should be done # for strings_displayed_after_submit. url = "%s/library_common/upload_library_dataset?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id ) if replace_id: # If we're uploading a new version of a library dataset, we have to include the replace_id param in the # request because the form field named replace_id will not be displayed on the upload form if we dont. url += "&replace_id=%s" % replace_id self.visit_url( url ) if template_refresh_field_contents: # A template containing an AddressField is displayed on the upload form, so we need to refresh the form # with the received template_refresh_field_contents. self.refresh_form( "field_0", template_refresh_field_contents ) for tup in template_fields: tc.fv( "1", tup[0], tup[1] ) tc.fv( "1", "library_id", library_id ) tc.fv( "1", "folder_id", folder_id ) tc.fv( "1", "show_deleted", show_deleted ) tc.fv( "1", "ldda_message", ldda_message ) tc.fv( "1", "file_type", file_type ) tc.fv( "1", "dbkey", dbkey ) if space_to_tab: tc.fv( "1", "space_to_tab", space_to_tab ) if link_data_only: tc.fv( "1", "link_data_only", link_data_only ) if dont_preserve_dirs: tc.fv( "1", "dont_preserve_dirs", dont_preserve_dirs ) for role_id in roles: tc.fv( "1", "roles", role_id ) # Refresh the form by selecting the upload_option - we do this here to ensure # all previously entered form contents are retained. self.refresh_form( 'upload_option', upload_option ) if upload_option == 'import_from_history': for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if hda_ids: # Twill cannot handle multi-checkboxes, so the form can only have 1 hda_ids checkbox try: tc.fv( "add_history_datasets_to_library", "hda_ids", hda_ids ) except: tc.fv( "add_history_datasets_to_library", "hda_ids", '1' ) tc.submit( 'add_history_datasets_to_library_button' ) else: if filename: filename = self.get_filename( filename ) tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", filename ) elif server_dir: tc.fv( "1", "server_dir", server_dir ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) tc.submit( "runtool_btn" ) # Give the files some time to finish uploading self.library_wait( library_id ) data = self.last_page() file( 'greg1.html', 'wb' ).write( data ) self.home() def ldda_permissions( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, id, role_ids_str, permissions_in=[], permissions_out=[], strings_displayed=[], ldda_name='' ): # role_ids_str must be a comma-separated string of role ids url = "%s/library_common/ldda_permissions?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, id ) for po in permissions_out: key = '%s_out' % po url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str ) for pi in permissions_in: key = '%s_in' % pi url ="%s&%s=%s" % ( url, key, role_ids_str ) if permissions_in or permissions_out: url += "&update_roles_button=Save" self.visit_url( url ) if not strings_displayed: strings_displayed = [ "Permissions updated for dataset '%s'." % ldda_name ] for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def ldda_edit_info( self, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id, ldda_name, new_ldda_name='', template_refresh_field_contents='', template_fields=[], strings_displayed=[], strings_not_displayed=[] ): """Edit library_dataset_dataset_association information, optionally template element information""" self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/ldda_edit_info?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&folder_id=%s&id=%s" % \ ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, folder_id, ldda_id ) ) check_str = 'Edit attributes of %s' % ldda_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if new_ldda_name: tc.fv( '1', 'name', new_ldda_name ) tc.submit( 'save' ) check_str = "Attributes updated for library dataset '%s'." % new_ldda_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) if template_refresh_field_contents: # A template containing an AddressField is displayed on the upload form, so we need to refresh the form # with the received template_refresh_field_contents. There are 4 forms on this page, and the template is # contained in the 4th form named "edit_info". self.refresh_form( "field_0", template_refresh_field_contents, form_no=4 ) if template_fields: # We have an information template associated with the folder, so # there are 2 forms on this page and the template is the 2nd form for field_name, field_value in template_fields: tc.fv( "edit_info", field_name, field_value ) tc.submit( 'edit_info_button' ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) for check_str in strings_not_displayed: try: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) raise AssertionError, "String (%s) should not have been displayed on ldda Edit Attributes page." % check_str except: pass self.home() def act_on_multiple_datasets( self, cntrller, library_id, do_action, ldda_ids='', strings_displayed=[] ): # Can't use the ~/library_admin/libraries form as twill barfs on it so we'll simulate the form submission # by going directly to the form action self.visit_url( '%s/library_common/act_on_multiple_datasets?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&ldda_ids=%s&do_action=%s' \ % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, ldda_ids, do_action ) ) for check_str in strings_displayed: self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) def download_archive_of_library_files( self, cntrller, library_id, ldda_ids, format ): self.home() # Here it would be ideal to have twill set form values and submit the form, but # twill barfs on that due to the recently introduced page wrappers around the contents # of the browse_library.mako template which enable panel layout when visiting the # page from an external URL. By "barfs", I mean that twill somehow loses hod on the # cntrller param. We'll just simulate the form submission by building the URL manually. # Here's the old, better approach... #self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/browse_library?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id ) ) #for ldda_id in ldda_ids: # tc.fv( "1", "ldda_ids", ldda_id ) #tc.fv( "1", "do_action", format ) #tc.submit( "action_on_datasets_button" ) # Here's the new approach... url = "%s/library_common/act_on_multiple_datasets?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&do_action=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, format ) for ldda_id in ldda_ids: url += "&ldda_ids=%s" % ldda_id self.visit_url( url ) tc.code( 200 ) archive = self.write_temp_file( self.last_page(), suffix='.' + format ) self.home() return archive def check_archive_contents( self, archive, lddas ): def get_ldda_path( ldda ): path = "" parent_folder = ldda.library_dataset.folder while parent_folder is not None: if parent_folder.parent is None: path = os.path.join( parent_folder.library_root[0].name, path ) break path = os.path.join(, path ) parent_folder = parent_folder.parent path += return path def mkdir( file ): dir = os.path.join( tmpd, os.path.dirname( file ) ) if not os.path.exists( dir ): os.makedirs( dir ) tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp() if tarfile.is_tarfile( archive ): t = archive ) for n in t.getnames(): mkdir( n ) t.extract( n, tmpd ) t.close() elif zipfile.is_zipfile( archive ): z = zipfile.ZipFile( archive, 'r' ) for n in z.namelist(): mkdir( n ) open( os.path.join( tmpd, n ), 'wb' ).write( n ) ) z.close() else: raise Exception( 'Unable to read archive: %s' % archive ) for ldda in lddas: orig_file = self.get_filename( ) downloaded_file = os.path.join( tmpd, get_ldda_path( ldda ) ) assert os.path.exists( downloaded_file ) try: self.files_diff( orig_file, downloaded_file ) except AssertionError, err: errmsg = 'Library item %s different than expected, difference:\n' % errmsg += str( err ) errmsg += 'Unpacked archive remains in: %s\n' % tmpd raise AssertionError( errmsg ) shutil.rmtree( tmpd ) def delete_library_item( self, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_name, item_type='library_dataset' ): """Mark a library item as deleted""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/delete_library_item?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&item_id=%s&item_type=%s" \ % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_type ) ) if item_type == 'library_dataset': item_desc = 'Dataset' else: item_desc = item_type.capitalize() check_str = "%s '%s' has been marked deleted" % ( item_desc, item_name ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def undelete_library_item( self, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_name, item_type='library_dataset' ): """Mark a library item as deleted""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/undelete_library_item?cntrller=%s&library_id=%s&item_id=%s&item_type=%s" \ % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id, item_id, item_type ) ) if item_type == 'library_dataset': item_desc = 'Dataset' else: item_desc = item_type.capitalize() check_str = "%s '%s' has been marked undeleted" % ( item_desc, item_name ) self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def purge_library( self, library_id, library_name ): """Purge a library""" self.home() self.visit_url( "%s/library_admin/purge_library?id=%s" % ( self.url, library_id ) ) check_str = "Library '%s' and all of its contents have been purged" % library_name self.check_page_for_string( check_str ) self.home() def library_wait( self, library_id, cntrller='library_admin', maxiter=90 ): """Waits for the tools to finish""" count = 0 sleep_amount = 1 while count < maxiter: count += 1 self.visit_url( "%s/library_common/browse_library?cntrller=%s&id=%s" % ( self.url, cntrller, library_id ) ) page = tc.browser.get_html() if page.find( '' ) > -1: time.sleep( sleep_amount ) sleep_amount += 1 else: break self.assertNotEqual(count, maxiter) # Tests associated with tags def add_tag( self, item_id, item_class, context, new_tag ): self.visit_url( "%s/tag/add_tag_async?item_id=%s&item_class=%s&context=%s&new_tag=%s" % \ ( self.url, item_id, item_class, context, new_tag ) )