import galaxy.model from galaxy.model.orm import * from galaxy.model.mapping import context as sa_session from base.twilltestcase import TwillTestCase class TestMetadataEdit( TwillTestCase ): def test_00_metadata_edit( self ): """test_metadata_edit: Testing metadata editing""" self.logout() self.login( email='', username='admin-user' ) admin_user = sa_session.query( galaxy.model.User ) \ .filter('' ) \ .one() self.new_history( name='Test Metadata Edit' ) history1 = sa_session.query( galaxy.model.History ) \ .filter( and_( galaxy.model.History.table.c.deleted==False, ) ) \ .order_by( desc( galaxy.model.History.table.c.create_time ) ) \ .first() self.upload_file( '1.bed' ) latest_hda = sa_session.query( galaxy.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \ .order_by( desc( galaxy.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.create_time ) ) \ .first() self.home() # Due to twill not being able to handle the permissions forms, we'll eliminate # DefaultHistoryPermissions prior to uploading a dataset so that the permission # form will not be displayed on ted edit attributes page. for dp in latest_hda.dataset.actions: sa_session.delete( dp ) sa_session.flush() sa_session.refresh( latest_hda.dataset ) self.check_history_for_string( '1.bed' ) self.check_metadata_for_string( '1.bed uploaded file unspecified (\?) chromCol value="1" selected endCol value="3" is_strandCol value="true" checked', hid=str( latest_hda.hid ) ) """test editing attributes""" self.edit_hda_attribute_info( hda_id=str( ), new_name='Testdata', new_info="Uploaded my file", new_dbkey='hg16', new_startcol='6' ) self.check_metadata_for_string( 'Testdata bed Uploaded my file hg16 "bed" selected="yes" "startCol" value="6" selected', hid=str( latest_hda.hid ) ) """test Auto-detecting attributes""" self.auto_detect_metadata( hda_id=str( ) ) self.check_metadata_for_string('Testdata bed Uploaded my file hg16 "bed" selected="yes" "startCol" value="2" selected', hid=str( latest_hda.hid ) ) """test converting formats""" self.convert_format( hda_id=str( ), target_type='gff' ) self.check_metadata_for_string( '"gff" selected="yes"', hid=str( latest_hda.hid ) ) """test changing data type""" self.change_datatype( hda_id=str( ), datatype='gff3' ) self.check_metadata_for_string( 'gff3', hid=str( latest_hda.hid ) ) self.delete_history( ) ) self.logout()